BOOK REVIEW: Filthy Rich Fae (Filthy Rich Fae #1) by Geneva LeeFilthy Rich Fae (Filthy Rich Fae #1)
by Geneva Lee
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Cate Holloway knows the unspoken rule of New Orleans: avoid the powerful Gage crime family at all costs. Of course, that was before her brother got caught in their chaos. Now

Cate has no choice but to confront the dark and forbidding prince of New Orleans himself and beg for her brother’s life.

But Lachlan Gage is as lethal as he is beautiful…and the only currency he’s interested in is her soul.

Because Lachlan isn’t just some ruthless criminal. He’s fae. And he has his own secret reasons for binding her to him.

Tricked and desperate, Cate is torn between humanity and the breathtaking Otherworld. A place filled with shadows and secrets, with members of each fae court plotting against her just as her captor’s motives for trapping her become more mysterious.

And if she can’t break this sinister bargain in the next thirty days, she’ll be bound to the inscrutable yet infuriatingly tempting fae prince and his deadly world…forever.


Filthy Rich Fae was a quick read that was a lot of fun!  With a little bit of an enemies to lovers vibe and the heroine being a captive, I flew through this book.  The banter and tension was done so well.  And I loved that I was already smiling and laughing after a couple of chapters in.  Plus, while I thought I knew where the storyline was going, those last few pages had me so excited for what’s to come next!

Unhinged.  Vicious.  Merciless.  That’s what they called him.  I’d followed him blindly, and now he had me trapped.

Cate Holloway bargained her life away to save her brother.  And she found herself trapped with the fae.  Lachlan Gage was a fae, drug lord, criminal, and not someone you would ever want to cross.  Yet Cate had a death wish at times.  She planned to kill the fae prince, so she could escape.  Yet that’s not how her story played out at all!

“Like cute little garden pixies with wings?  Is That what you are?”
His upper lip curled to reveal his sharp teeth, a guttural snarl rumbling from him.

Cate was selfless and someone who always wanted to take care of others.  Yet she definitely made mistakes.  The safety, oh girl, I was laughing at you for that one.  But despite her being challenging at times, I liked her.  I found myself easily rooting for her!  And I wanted to know every single thought she had about Lachlan!

Wrong.  It was so wrong.  Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that, but I didn’t care.  Not as his hands swept up to cradle my neck and his fingers tangled in my hair.  Not as I lost myself to him.  Not as the line between my anger and my attraction to him blurred.

Lachlan messed with Cate so beautifully!  I loved the sexual tension between them, and it was so much fun.  But most of all I loved when Lach showed us that yes, he did have a heart.  Yet there were so many secrets swirling around him, and at times he seemed to speak in riddles.  I couldn’t help but be intrigued, just like Cate.  

My soul was on the line, and I didn’t care.  Not when the touch of his skin seared me to the bone.  Not when I only felt alive kissing him.

I was fascinated with their world and felt like we only got little peaks here and there.  For not only their magic but what is beyond the veil too.  I’m excited to learn more in future book(s)!  And my favorite side character was Lach’s sister, Ciara.  I could easily read a book just from her point of view!  I’ll definitely be reading the next book! 

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

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