BOOK REVIEW: All Signs Point to Malibu by Jennifer SnowAll Signs Point to Malibu by Jennifer Snow
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Hailey Harris can’t stop messing with fate. A successful life coach, Hailey uses her ability to glimpse the future to guide her clients down the right path. But her gift has made her own life lonely. After all, having a real friend would mean asking someone to believe the unbelievable.

The one person she might have confided in—her ex, Liam Jensen—is newly engaged to a beautiful, sweet, thoughtful heiress. But when Hailey has a vision predicting a not-so-happy ending for the couple, her mission is clear: help Liam and his fiancée avoid the biggest mistake of their lives.

Stopping the wedding while planning Liam’s engagement party is no easy feat. And Warren Mitchell—Liam’s sexy, irritating best man and Hailey’s nemesis—is suspicious of Hailey’s motivations. Between sleeping with her frenemy and watching her careful plans spiral out of control, Hailey discovers the real cause of Liam’s future heartbreak. But now that she knows the truth, will Hailey keep on fighting fate or trust in the love she never saw coming?


All Signs Point to Malibu was an enemies to lovers adult romance that was so easy to visualize.  With some magic realism laced into this story, everything played out like a movie in my head.  Whether it was Hailey walking in her heels and spilling her coffee, or the scene in the restaurant with her lipstick…it was just so easy to visualize and read this story.  There were some steamy moments too and it ended with a wonderful happily ever after.  My hiccup was that I wasn’t able to connect to a single character, and that greatly influences my enjoyment of a book.  So, I’ll definitely give another one of her books a try, and hope that I’m able to connect with it better!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

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