BOOK REVIEW: Catching Fire (The Hunger Games #2) by Suzanne Collins

BOOK REVIEW: Catching Fire (The Hunger Games #2) by Suzanne CollinsCatching Fire (The Hunger Games #2)
by Suzanne Collins
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Sparks are igniting.
Flames are spreading.
And the Capitol wants revenge.

Against all odds, Katniss has won the Hunger Games. She and fellow District 12 tribute Peeta Mellark are miraculously still alive. Katniss should be relieved, happy even. After all, she has returned to her family and her longtime friend, Gale. Yet nothing is the way Katniss wishes it to be. Gale holds her at an icy distance. Peeta has turned his back on her completely. And there are whispers of a rebellion against the Capitol - a rebellion that Katniss and Peeta may have helped create.

Much to her shock, Katniss has fueled an unrest she's afraid she cannot stop. And what scares her even more is that she's not entirely convinced she should try. As time draws near for Katniss and Peeta to visit the districts on the Capitol's cruel Victory Tour, the stakes are higher than ever. If they can't prove, without a shadow of a doubt, that they are lost in their love for each other, the consequences will be horrifying.

In Catching Fire, the second novel in the Hunger Games trilogy, Suzanne Collins continues the story of Katniss Everdeen, testing her more than ever before...and surprising readers at every turn.



Re-Reeeeeaddd with my group of lovable Hunger Games cannibals…..cuz as if we wouldn’t eat this shit up.



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Again I will push my wonderful love of this series onto you…but I think I will do it with a few GIFs I have found (because….movie) and some of my favorite quotes. But like with my first review, I am letting the book itself do the talking-the simplistic and alluring nature of these stories shouldn’t be tarnished….but my obsession love for the series won’t let me do nothing. So, again, simple quotes so as to not ruin the story, but a little ‘telling’ of what you will find in this one. (And I added to the theme my lovely Anna setup…)



“I wish I could freeze this moment, right here, right now and live in it forever.”


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“You know, you could live a thousand lifetimes and not deserve him.”



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“My nightmares are usually about losing you. I’m okay once I realize you’re here.”



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“I don’t want you forgetting how different our circumstaces are. If you die, and I live, there’s no life for me at all back in District Twelve. You’re my whole life.” Peeta says. “I would never be happy again. It’s different for you. I’m not saying it wouldn’t be hard. But there are other people who’d make your life worth living.”

“No one really needs me,” he says, and there’s no selfpity in his voice. It’s true his family doesn’t need him. They will mourn him, as will a handful of friends. But they will get on…. I realize only one person will be damaged beyond repair if Peeta dies. Me.

“I do,” I say. “I need you.”



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“So what should we do with our last few days?”

“I just want to spend every possible minute of the rest of my life with you,” Peeta replies.”



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“Not like this. He wanted it to be real.”


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Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock.


If you’ve seen the movie-GREAT. You’ll get it. If you’ve read the book….EVEN BETTER. You actually get it. So. You know. Make of this what you will. I’m going to finish my all time favorite series again…for the fourth time lol.

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)
the hunger games suzanne collins
The Hunger Games #1


catching fire suzanne collins
Catching Fire #2
mockingjay suzanne collins
Mockingjay #3

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1 Comment

  1. Debra Branigan

    I love this series. I thought that Catching Fire was the best of the three novels. The characters were perfected and the plotline was finely tuned. I was on edge awaiting the final book.
    As an 8th grade teacher at the time, it was truly amazing to watch my young YA readers not letting this book rest on the shelf for even a day.

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