the kindest

We’re continuing our celebration of our 3rd blogiversary!  So in keeping with our Book Boyfriend theme, today we’re going to talk about some of Our Kindest BBFs.  Enjoy meeting some of our favorite men and and don’t forget to enter our fabulous giveaway below.  We’re giving away 6 books that we love!  And there’s extra entries with each post, in case you already entered in our last post. 🙂
PS – If you missed it, check out our Fiercest BBFs list here.

Billy from One Dark Throne (Three Dark Crowns #2) by Kendare Blake
  * Amazon * Goodreads *

Omg.  Billy from Three Dark Crowns.  I just finished One Dark Throne and he’s easily my favorite character! 



Becks from Adorkable by Cookie O’Gorman
* Review * Amazon * Goodreads *

“But why? I don’t get it.”
“You don’t have to.” 
“But Becks,” she whined, “I don’t understand. Why her?” 
“Nothing to understand really,” he said, smiling down at me. “Sal’s my girl. Always has been.”


Alex from Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett
* Review * Amazon * Goodreads *

He kisses my forehead. “Know what I’m scared of?” 
“That I like you way too much, and I’m afraid once you get to know me, you’re going to realize that you can do lots better, and you’re going to break my heart and leave me for someone classier.”



Becks from Adorkable by Cookie O’Gorman
* Review * Amazon * Goodreads *

Ducking, he placed a lingering kiss on the spot right below my ear. The move made my hand shoot out to grip his jersey. Becks laughed silently, little puffs of air hitting my neck, as I shivered.

Becks was one of my many favorite things about this book. The way Becks looked at Sally, the way he claimed her as his, the way he protected her, his jealousy, oh my gosh even the way he touched her, it all made my heart beat so fast.  



Tommy from Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
  * Amazon * Goodreads *

 “I keep thinking about this river somewhere, with the water moving really fast. And these two people in the water, trying to hold onto each other, holding on as hard as they can, but in the end it’s just too much. The current’s too strong. They’ve got to let go, drift apart. That’s how I think it is with us.”


Sophos from A Conspiracy of Kings (The Queen’s Thief #4) by Megan Whalen Turner
* Review * Amazon * Goodreads *

 “Sophos stood at the window, looking across the city toward the port, and as he watched shadows of clouds move across the water in the distance, he felt a chill on the back of his neck. It was self-doubt, the black beetle that had pursued him all his life, pinching at him, poisoning his every success, whispering in his ear about his flaws and his failures and his unworthiness.”



*There will be 6 winners, and prizes will be sent via Amazon Kindle. The first winner drawn will get to chose which book they want first, and so on.  Prizes are ebooks of Adorkable, Illuminae, Six of Crows, The Fill-In Boyfriend, Adorkable, Good Girl & Broken Skies.*

a Rafflecopter giveaway







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  1. danielle hammelef

    I don’t share any of your boyfriends mentioned here. Mine for kindest is Zenn from Zenn Diagram.

    • Jen

      I haven’t ever heard of that book! So I just went on Amazon and it sounds super cute! Added it to one of my ever growing wishlists yay. 🙂

  2. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)

    For kindest, I would say Nash Donovan, one of the Marked Men in Jay Crownover’s series. His book is called Nash. Happy blogoversary, you should come enter my blogoversary giveaway before it ends tomorrow at Lisa Loves Literature.
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…Blog Tour – Author Interview with Giveaway: The Big F by Maggie Ann MartinMy Profile

    • Jen

      Ohhhhh I ♥ Nash! I read all of the Marked Men books and Rule and Asa are permanently embedded in my mind. How could I forget Nash?! Thanks for the reminder!
      Oh bummer, sorry I missed your giveaway! I’ve been traveling and I’m just now trying to play catch up around the blogosphere. Happy Blogiversary too!! 🙂

  3. Kim

    Happy Blogaversary guys! Hmm. I’m going with the lovely Roarke from J.D. Robb’s In Death series.

    • Jen

      Thank you! Oh my gosh, I had NO clue that Nora Roberts wrote under a pseudonym. My Aunt is obsessed with her lol, and she didn’t know either. Thanks for the heads up! 🙂

      • Kim

        Oh Gosh! Her In Death series is one of my favorites! If you heard a far distant scream earlier, that was me getting the newest one, Secrets In Death, in the mail!

        • Jen

          LOL! YAY for book mail!! 🙂

  4. Raven

    I love Becks and Alex! They’re both fun and adorable BFF’s! 🙂
    Raven recently posted…The Library of Fates By Aditi Khorana [Review]My Profile

    • Jen

      Ohhhh I still need to be Alex! And YES for Becks, he was soooo adorable! ♥

  5. Theresa Hernandez

    Theresa Hernandez recently posted…Excerpt Reveal – COLD MALICE (Cold Justice) by Toni AndersonMy Profile

    • Jen

      ♥Becks♥! Loved, loved, loved him!

  6. Tammy V.

    I did like Porter a lot in Alex, Approximately. Their love/hate relationship and banter was a plus for me.

    • Jen

      I’m hoping I get to meet him this fall! The books just sounds soooo adorable! 🙂

  7. Cookie O'Gorman

    I just saw this and love it so much! <3 Happy blogiversary, ladies!!! And thank you guys so much for including Becks on your list! 🙂
    Cookie O'Gorman

    • Jen

      Thank you! And of course, Chels and I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED Becks! I can’t think of him without a smile forming on my face. 🙂 Just bought Ninja Girl and I can’t wait to meet Snow and see Ash again, yay! I just know it’s going to be so much fun!

  8. Keeana S

    Happy Blogiversary!!! and I totally agree with Becks from Adorable <3

    • Jen

      Thank you! And isn’t he the best?! I’m reading her next book, Ninja Girl, and I love Ash just as much *sigh*.

  9. John Smith

    “Do you share any of the same book boyfriends as us? If not, who is yours for today’s theme?” Uh, I’m not sure I completely understand, but I know Darcy in “Pride and Prejudice” turns out to be OK by the end!

    • Jen

      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 They’re boys we’re so obsessed about we call them our book boyfriends. 😉

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