Today we’re talking about our Darkest BBFs. These men take our breath away, even with all of the darkness within them! If you haven’t met all of them yet, we hope you will! And don’t forget about our wonderful giveaway below!
PS If you missed out on our previous blogiversary posts, they were Fiercest BBFs, Kindest BBFs, and Favorite Heroines.
Misha from Punk 57 by Penelope Douglas
* Review * Amazon * Goodreads *
I part my lips, running them over the lip ring and savoring the feel as he groans and digs his fingers into my thighs. I tighten my legs around him, needing to feel him.
“Bitch,” he whispers.
Misha is brutal to Ryen. He’s hurtful, mean and viscous to her with his words. The scenes and situations between the two of them would leave my mouth open. But Ryen has this sexuality that is subtle and insanely addicting. He came off not only confident but intoxicating too. Whether it was the looks he would give, or the words he would choose to use, he always left me wanting more. And Ryen couldn’t help but be pulled in again and again, no matter how bad Misha hurt her. The scenes between the two of them were beyond sexy, and so, so, so good!

Talis from The Scorpion Rules (Prisoners of Peace #1) by Erin Bow
* Review * Amazon * Goodreads *
Yes, he’s a villain, so what.
Darkling from Shadow and Bone (The Grisha Trilogy #1) by Leigh Bardugo
* Amazon * Goodeads *
Um. Darkling. I don’t even need to explain it.. but incase anyone needs a reminder, go read the table scene in Ruin and Rising…
Misha/Masen from Punk 57 by Penelope Douglas
* Review * Amazon * Goodreads *
Ryen. The beautiful, perfect girl who’s so different from all the others. I run my hand over my forehead and through my hair, my throat tightening into a knot and my eyes burning. Fuck. I put the pen to the paper and scrawl what my goddamn heart can only whisper. I miss you every day, I write. You’re my favorite place.
Oh Masen Masen Masen…or Misha? Lol. Doesn’t matter. This. Boy. Is a TOTAL. Prick. Oh Gahd I love him so.
Declan from Letters to the Lost by Brigid Kemmerer
* Amazon * Goodreads *
I need her. More than anything right now. I need her. And because of everything between us, I can’t have her.
Declan was just…wonderful. Scarred, emotional, and-Err. This sounds a bit messed up of me to be excited about his problems. But if loving Declan is wrong, I don’t WANT to be right! 😛asdf
*There will be 6 winners, and prizes will be sent via Amazon Kindle. The first winner drawn will get to chose which book they want first, and so on. Prizes are ebooks of Adorkable, Illuminae, Six of Crows, The Fill-In Boyfriend, Adorkable, Good Girl & Broken Skies.*
I don’t share any of your boyfriends today as I haven’t read these books yet. My darkest BBFs would have to be Riden from Daughter of a Pirate King (pirate!!) and Julian from Caraval.
Oh yay, Daughter of a Pirate King is on my TBR! And I know Chelsea LOVED Caraval! I need more hours in the day to read lol! 🙂
I haven’t read any of those but I do like Resh from Thompson’s SoulShifter series. He is the second born son and doesn’t always do the right thing.
Ohhhh I haven’t heard of that series. And I love when the characters don’t always do the right thing (as long as I’m on board ha). Off to check this out on Goodreads….thank Tammy!
Okay, two of you picked Mischa. To say I’m intrigued now is an understatement!
Punk 57 is amazing! It takes bad book boyfriends to a whole other level, and at times it was gutting and harsh BUT I got it and Misha. It easily became a favorite.
Letters to the Lost is also on both Chelsea and my lists. Chelsea had Declan on today’s post and I put him on our most tortured list, which came out today. He’s sooo dark and tortured. I’d love to see what you think about those two books!
I ran out and bought Punk 57 right after reading your blog post. Need to finish up a couple of ARCs, but then it’s next on my list.
T.H. Hernandez recently posted…Blog Tour – Excerpt – WILD FOR YOU (Love With Altitude) by Daisy Prescott
I’m so nervous yet really excited to hear your thoughts on that book!
Declan and Misha are my favorites too but the Darkling from the Grisha Trilogy tops my list.
Raven recently posted…Godsgrave (The Nevernight Chronicle #2) By Jay Kristoff [Review]
So I messed up *hides face*. Brittney had the Darkling on this list and somehow I put her most tortured instead ack. I just added him, so he’s up there! 🙂
I can definitely agree with you on Declan from Letters to the Lost. Happy blogoversary once again!
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Bite-Sized Reviews of The Blood Will Dry, Hunted, Hostage, and Monstress
Right?! He was SO amazing! I actually put him on our today’s list “Most Tortured Book Boyfriends”, he fits perfectly on both. ♥ Thank you!
The darkling is definitely my pick too.