by Krista and Becca Ritchie
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Protect your family. At all costs.
It’d take the impossible to hurt Connor Cobalt, even for a moment.
Protect your family. At all costs.
At twenty-six, his narcissistic tendencies have made room for the people he loves.
Protect your family. At all costs.
And he loves Rose. But when his love is threatened, when his greatest dreams with her are compromised — what is the cost then?
Protect your family. At all costs.
Love will guide his choices.
For the first time in his life.***Authors' Note***
It's possible to only read the Calloway Sisters spin-off series without reading the Addicted series, but you MUST read Hothouse Flower (Calloway Sisters #2) before reading Fuel the Fire (Calloway Sisters #3).It's highly recommended to read the books in the recommended reading order, which is in tangent with the Addicted series. If you choose not to read Addicted After All before Fuel the Fire, there will be a time jump.
I re-reading this after finishing Tangled Like Us and seeing baby Moffy and Jane after having read the Like Us books is too cute. They were best friends from the very beginning *sobs*
“Dreams are true while they last,” he recites in a whisper, “and do we not live in dreams?”
I hear his heart beneath those words.
When I started this series, I was ill prepared for how it would end up affecting me. Sure, I read some pretty great reviews first and thought I knew what I was getting myself into. That only ever gets you so far though. No one is ever going to add everything they thought or felt during the book because then it would just ruin other people’s experiences. This series is one that you really just have to experience yourself. My attention has been solely captivated by the Calloway sisters and crew and even though I keep telling myself that I need to throw a fantasy into the mix after I finish one, I have ended up reading all three in about two weeks (not to mention the fact that I just bought #4 and the little epilogue book #noragrats).
“You didn’t just fascinate him, Rose. You made him feel for more than just himself. He cared about you, and you had no larger purpose in his life other than existing.” He shakes his head with a disbelieving smile. “I never would have thought that twelve-year-old by would become this man. It’s quite extraordinary.”
I said this in my review of Kiss the Sky and I’ll say it again, even though I personally cannot relate to these people and their notoriously rich-beyond-compare lifestyles, I am drawn to their relationships with one another and who they are as individuals. Connor Cobalt may have been my shining star in that first book, but Rose exceeded my previous expectations in this book—they all did for that matter. Gahh I can’t say enough about how thoroughly I enjoy crew of people. I have two sisters myself (me being the oldest) and the bond that Rose, Lily, and Daisy had together was really important to me. Family and friends have always played such a huge role in my life that the bonds that Rose, Connor, Lily, Lo, Ryke, and Daisy have will not be forgotten easily by me.
I never realized how bored I had been with life. How mundane my surroundings looked. How unchallenged I’d become. I never realized all of these things. Until I met her.
When it comes to the nitty gritty of the story—that crap really got crazy. Even though I love all of the characters, there was at least once where I had to put this book down for a few days because it was all a little too much for me. Rose and Connor having to go through the measures that they did to try and take the spotlight off of Jane and Moffy was unreal. It made me sick to think that they probably will never get one day’s peace (unless they run away to their huge mansion in the woods). Blehh I would hate having a life like that, I don’t care how much money or power is involved. I was SO glad Scott got what was coming for him, though. He is probably my top hated book character of the year. Or at least in the top five (I know there was one other one from a few months ago but I can’t for the life me of remember who it was). That slimy sonofabitch *said in a Lily Aldrin voice* better stay away from them FOREVER.
I hold Jane on my lap, wiping her tears quickly. “Mommy’s going to dropkick anyone that touches you.”
“And Daddy’s going to bail Mommy out of jail,” Connor says, placing tiny blue earplugs in my palm.
My favorite part of this book other than the characters was the romance. I can’t even begin to express what a relief it was to have such solid romantic relationships amidst the shit storm of all of their lives. In almost every NA book that I have ever read, there is always at least one point in the book where one relationship is threatened by something—whether it be by an ex, cheating, one person just being stubborn or insecure, etc. That has never happened in ANY of these books and ESPECIALLY not with Rose and Connor. THEY ARE SO IN LOVE. Rose and Connor both know exactly who the other is and what they have been through in their lives and love each other BECAUSE of it. Not in spite of it. Rose knows that Connor has had relations with other men and doesn’t care. Why? Because she knows that he loves her. They belong to each other now, and to no one else (besides maybe Jane). They are goals, seriously.
Broken souls are mended every day by mended souls that were once broken.
And can I also say that I loved having the babies in this book!??! Every single scene with Jane and Moffy (but especially those with Jane) had my ovaries melting. Connor is the sweetest dad on the face of the earth and Rose is the fiercest and most loving mother that a girl could ask for. I hope to see them all having tons and tons of babies running around in that epilogue book because THEY DESERVE IT. When Rose offered to do you know what for Daisy…man. That was heavy stuff. What an amazing sister and overall person. Have I talked about her yet??!?! Rose that is. No? Well I must now to finish off this review strongly. Connor may still be the love of my fictional life, but Rose ended up being my favorite character in this book. You really have to read all three to really see her growth but damn. Motherhood suits her. Being an older sister suits her. She is the fiercest protector I have ever and probably will ever read about and I love her for that. She might be hard to take sometimes because she still is mostly harsh and abrasive—but don’t let that fool you. She loves deeper than most.
I don’t need their understanding, but my daughter will—and I hope the minds of her peers are wide open with vibrant hues of passion. I hope they pain the world with color.
So, pretty much, if no part of this glowing review has convinced you to give this series a chance, nothing will. Just know that you will be missing out. From the fantastic writing to the hilarious banter to the steamy nights in bed with Connor Cobalt—these books will have you…addicted.
Great review! I’ve never read this series or the authors other works but it really sounds like a great read. I’m glad you loved it so much! 🙂
Raven recently posted…Two Can Keep a Secret By Karen M. McManus [Review]
Thanks, Raven! I’m basicallyyyyyy obsessed lol