by Karina Halle
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“This is me trying, Perry,” he said softly, the anger being drained of his face. “This is me taking my heart out of my chest and putting the bloody mess in your hands. I can’t give you much more than that.”
Swooning. Lots of swooning. Soooo much swooning. Into the Hollow was by far the sweetest, most adorable book yet. If there was one sweet moment there were fifty. There was a neverending onslaught of Dex’s charm and I was left with permanent butterflies throughout the whole story.
“I was trying to be a better man, Perry. For you.”
“And I’ll keep trying,” he quickly said, voice low and somber. “Until I get it right.”
We begin where On Demon Wings leaves off. Perry is still stuck at home with her overly watchful parents and has Maximus sniffing around thanks to her parents’ meddling. But when things take a turn for the worst and Perry realizes that living at home is a danger to her free and sane future, she has to make a safe, albeit rash, decision. She moves out…packs up and moves in with the most unlikely of candidates.
“Fuck the show!” He said, throwing his arms out. “I don’t care about the damn show. I care about you and only you. You’re everything to me. Nothing else even comes close.”
I think this is where Dex’s protectiveness really effected me the most. He helps her to get away from the people who are two seconds away from sending her to the loony bin, and then he is her defender when Jimmy tries to get them to rejoin the show. It’s the complete opposite of what we know of Dex and it was refreshing to start seeing how he really feels about her. And let me tell you, he has really stepped up his game this time.
“No, you’re not really shooting me down, kiddo,” Dex went on. “Because I’m not really trying. When I do try, you’ll know it. And then you’ll throw the whole damn rulebook out the window.”
They ultimately decide to do the show-but under certain conditions. If it isn’t safe, they leave. End of story. No more ‘for the sake of the show’ moments. They are different people now and they realize what’s important.
“You’ll always come first, as long as you let me put you first,” he said softly”…
While this wasn’t the scariest installment, I still thoroughly enjoyed it. Who am I kidding? I loved being able to read in the dark again lol. I haven’t been able to with this whole series, and it was so nice to burrow under the covers and get super comfy with my latest EIT novel. If you haven’t read this series, you are seriously missing out…and I can only encourage you to give it a try. It’s more than worth it.
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