Tag: New Adult (Page 24 of 48)

BOOK REVIEW + GIVEAWAY – Run Away With Me (Come Back to Me #3) by Mila Gray

BOOK REVIEW + GIVEAWAY - Run Away With Me (Come Back to Me #3) by Mila Gray

Run Away With Me was a beautiful story that I fell madly in love with. So check out my 4.5 Star Review below and enter a fabulous giveaway to win all three of Mila Gray’s books (I’ve loved every single one of her books btw!). Enjoy!

BOOK REVIEW + GIVEAWAY – Run Away With Me (Come Back to Me #3) by Mila GrayRun Away With Me (Come Back to Me #3)
by Mila Gray
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Emerson Lowe and popular ice-hockey player Jake McCallister have been best friends since third grade but as their friendship starts to morph into something more a terrible event occurs that heralds the end of innocence for both of them.

Within a week, Jake’s living on the other side of the country and Emerson is left alone to pick up the pieces of her life in a small town determined to paint her as a liar.

Seven years later, Emerson is still living on the beautiful Pacific West island of Bainbridge, helping run her family’s business. The last thing she needs is Jake turning up, bringing with him old memories and opening up old wounds. But Jake—even better looking than Emerson remembers—seems determined to revive their friendship no matter how much Emerson tries to push him away.

Forced to work alongside him for the summer Emerson can’t help but fall for Jake, and soon they’re in the midst of a passionate romance that neither of them wants to end.

But both Emerson and Jake know that if they’re to have any kind of future they must first confront the past—a past that most people want to stay buried.


Mila Gray has become one of my favorite authors because her books contain emotional stories and the characters always find a way into my heart.  I know without a shadow of a doubt that each time I pick up one of her books that I’ll laugh, cry, sigh and fall in love.  And that’s exactly what happened when I read this friends to lovers romance.  Run Away With Me was a beautiful story that was filled with hope, friendship, family and love.  

I look up and meet Jake’s eyes. A hot sun rises in my chest. I quickly smother it to ash. – Em

Emerson Lowe and Jake McCallister had been best of friends since third grade.  But just when their friendship started to turn into more, something horrific happened – trigger warning for View Spoiler ».  It left Em’s life in shambles and Jake moved away with his family.  He left right when she needed him the most.  Yet seven years later, he came back.  And that’s where the story begins.  I loved that all of Em’s hurt, betrayal and pain was laid out on the table for us to see.  And I understood why she was cold and distant to Jake.  But Jake was beyond persistent and he wasn’t going to leave her ever again.

I’ve prayed for other things too. Lots of things. The universe never listened. My prayers were never answered.
Until now.
Jake came back. – Em

As the story unfolded, we slowly got glimpses into their past.  We got to see how they were the bestest of friends.  And we watched as their friendship started to turn into something more.  Those moments were so sweet and adorable.  But then we also got to witness the horror unfold, along with the aftermath.  And that gutted me to the core.  But having those moments from their past, interlaced throughout the story, added so much depth to who Em and Jake were.  It was beautifully and seamlessly done, and it helped me feel as though I knew the both of them inside out.

As stupid as it sounds, even when she was six years old and I was seven and we were playing Star Wars in my backyard I never wanted to play Luke. I always wanted to be Han to her Leia. – Jake

Run Away With Me was told in alternating views between Em and Jake.  And while it felt a little jarring it first, I ended up loving how it was told.  It was if I was right there with them, feeling everything that they were feeling.  And while Em felt like a bff, I loved listening and watching everything Jake did.  I fell incredibly hard for him.  He was such a kind hearted, good man who was also at times fierce and protective.  So of course I found myself rooting for everything I had for Em to accept the friendship Jake was offering to her.

“I wanted to, you know,”he says quietly.
“Wanted to what?”I ask, my voice hoarse.
“Come back.”

While there were so many moments that had me laughing and sighing out loud, this book does have a strong emotional side to it too.  I found my heart shattered again and again.  There were quite a few times that I found myself sobbing, and I just couldn’t stop.  And once I got to that point, it felt as though my emotions were always on the edge, waiting to tumble-down into an abyss.  But then something would happen that would pull me back into the light and my heart would beat with joy again.  This is definitely an emotional book, that was also filled with drama and angst, and I loved every minute of it!

“You remember you said you didn’t want to be friends?” he says.
I nod, unable to find my voice.
He licks his lips and swallows. “Well, I don’t want to be friends with you either . I want more.” He’s looking directly in my eyes as he speaks.
Slowly, I let out the breath I’m holding. Everything inside me is vibrating as if my body is a note on a piano that’s just been struck.
“And I think you do too,” he says next.
My breath becomes jagged and uneven.
“Tell me if I’m wrong.”

Run Away With Me was a touching story that I absolutely loved.  It was rounded out with fabulous friends and a home life and parents that also pulled at my heart.  So if you love a sexy friends to lovers romance, or a story that will pull at your heartstrings, then definitely give Run Away With Me or Mila Gray’s other books a try.  I hope you love them just as much as I do!

PS Each of these books can be read as a standalone.

*ARC kindly provided by Simon and Schuster Children’s Publishing via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

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[scroll-box]I hear a voice behind me.

‘Need some help with that?’

I spin around.

It takes a couple of seconds for my brain to confirm that it’s actually him. That it’s actually Jake McCallister standing in front of me and not a hallucination. My heart does this fierce smash and rebound against my ribs as though it’s been violently woken from hibernation. I draw in a breath so big it feels like my lungs might explode, as if all that air is filling a vacuum and I’ll never be able to let it out again.

I hate this feeling. Hate the way the adrenaline floods my blood stream and tears sting my eyes. Hate the way my body reacts in a thousand contradictory ways at the sight of him, as though someone has plugged me into a wrong socket and fried all my synapses.

I have an impulse to throw myself at him but I’m not sure if it’s because I want to hug him or beat the living crap out of him. I drop the kayak, my hands fisting automatically at my sides.

I watch the smile on his lips fade when he notices the set of my jaw. His expression had started off wary but now I see him swallow and press his lips together, something he always does when he’s nervous.

I take note of that and at the same time notice a dozen other tiny, insignificant, monumental details about this new old Jake. I see the faded white scar on his chin—the one I gave him and the new scar cutting across his eyebrow. Then there’s his height – we were always the same height but now he’s tall. . . much taller than me. His dark brown hair is the same, though – unruly, untamed, falling in his eyes. He’s looking at me with the same mix of uncertainty that he looked at me the very last time I saw him.

I glance away, down at the sand. My whole body is shaking and I can’t seem to get it under control.

‘Em?’ I hear him say.

My head flies up before I can stop it. No one calls me that any more. His voice is deeper, mellower. The inflection though when he says my name is still just the same… and instantly something inside me starts coming undone. Jake always used to say my name like it belonged to him, and only him.[/scroll-box]

About Mila Gray:

Mila Gray is the pen name for Sarah Alderson, author of Hunting Lila, Losing Lila, The Sound, Fated and Out of Control.

Originally from London she has lived in Bali for the last four years with her husband and daughter.

As well as writing young adult fiction under the name Sarah Alderson and adult fiction under the name Mila Gray, she also writes screenplays.

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BOOK REVIEW + GIVEAWAY – The Invasion (The Union #4) by T.H. Hernandez

BOOK REVIEW + GIVEAWAY - The Invasion (The Union #4) by T.H. Hernandez

If you haven’t discovered this series yet, I can’t recommend it highly enough! It’s a young adult romantic adventure set one hundred years after the second civil war. And it's soooo addicting! Check out my 5 Star Review below and enter a giveaway for the series along with a gift card! Enjoy!

BOOK REVIEW + GIVEAWAY – The Invasion (The Union #4) by T.H. HernandezThe Invasion (The Union #4)
by T.H. Hernandez
Purchase on: AmazoniBooks
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They failed. Evan and Cyrus risked everything to keep the Uprising from attacking the unarmed Union, but something went terribly wrong. Evan’s home has been invaded by soldiers who are killing government officials and occupying the homes of her fellow citizens.

Captured by the Uprising, Evan fights for her life and her sanity, desperate to escape so she can find Cyrus and her family.

Reeling from an unexpected discovery, Cyrus is adrift until he uses his Uprising training to find a way to fight back against the invading force the only way he knows how.

With the help of old friends and new, they will do whatever it takes to protect each other and those they love, even if it means sacrificing being together, their way of life, and even their very lives.


If you haven’t read this series yet, you can check out my review for the first book, The Union, by clicking here.

The Union Series continues to be one of my top favorites!  Especially since romance, action, torture, twists, friendship and political intrigue filled the pages!  So it was impossible for me to put this book down.  I had to know what happened next, since so many of these characters have become embedded in my heart.  I treasure the time I get to spend with them, and they make my emotions run from gut wrenching to over the moon happy.  So of course The Invasion continued to cement my love for this series.  I mean each time a new book comes out I think now this one is my favorite.  There’s no way she can top it.  And then she does.  I’m always floored!  The Invasion is definitely one of my favorite books!

The chill becomes ice, turning my blood to slush. Two words repeat in my head: we failed. – Evan

So I thought I would talk about certain aspects or moments in The Invasion that made this a solid 5 Stars for me.  And they are –

* Evan’s Struggle With Torture

Death will be welcomed when we’re done.
They have finally broken me. – Evan

The level of pain and the events that happened to Evan made this book so much more than I ever thought it could be.  It was intense, emotional and I sobbed for Evan.  I tried to be strong for her, but the extent of what happened to her, I just couldn’t.  I felt gutted to the core, it was all so real and I was beyond terrified for her.  I’m not one who can usually handle torture, but I survived through it and it made me feel that much closer to Evan.  Plus the ramifications of what happened to Evan, and how it affected others, was brilliant.

* Evan & Mateo’s Bond

Mateo cradles my face, forcing me to meet his dark gaze. “No one’s ever gonna hurt you again. I promise.” – Evan

I loved that Mateo became such a great friend to Evan.  He quickly became a favorite in the last book, The Invasion, so I was ecstatic to see he had such a prominent role in The Uprising!  We got to witness Mateo be fierce, protective and caring towards Evan.  And that made me fall so hard for him. So I’m keeping my fingers crossed that when this series wraps up, he’ll get his HEA.  Possibly with someone I will not say, but if you read this series then we may be on the same page? *wink wink*

* Character’s Growth – Lisa and Colin have grown up so much in my eyes.  And in The Invasion, they became true adults and stepped up to the game when they were needed.  They were brave, took charge of situations and have become so much stronger than who they were in The Union.  I have become so proud of the both of them!

* Evan & Cyrus Figuring Out Their Relationship

God, I don’t deserve her. That’s the only thing I can focus on as I struggle with my thoughts, wrapped around her, doing my best to protect her, even though I failed her over and over. – Cyrus

Evan and Cyrus have come a long way too, since The Union.  They’ve learned that they continually have to work on their relationship and communicating to one another.  Especially since so many outside factors try and tear them apart.  And while they still fight at times, I love that their relationship is built on trust, respect, friendship and love!  Their struggles individually and together have made their relationship that much stronger.  I truly believe they’re almost to the point where together they will be a force to be reckoned with!

I’m learning that not facing the horror doesn’t make it disappear, instead it eats away at my subconscious, waking me at night with hoarse screams that rip from my soul. – Evan

Now how this book ended?!  It left me SO excited for what’s to come!  While I’m dying to know what happens next, I love where it left off.  And I love how we got more answers to some questions and more pieces to the puzzle.  It’s continually coming together, and I can’t wait to read the next book in this series!

Fuck fate, I’m done here. – Cyrus

PS My hatred of Bryce was cemented again in this book *smiles hugely*.  Is it wrong that I’m happy that others could possibly seethe with anger or hatred towards him because of what he did in The Invasion?!  Gah, I just love to hate that guy, and I’m not sorry at all lol!

*ARC kindly provided by Author in exchange for an honest review*

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Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), & Book Depository (click on book #)
The Union by T.H. Hernandez
The Union #1
the ruins th hernandez
The Ruins #2
The Uprising (The Union Series #3) by T.H. Hernandez
The Uprising #3

The Invasion #4

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The Union #1: Goodreads
The Ruins #2: Goodreads
The Uprising #3: Goodreads

About TH Hernandez:

When not visiting the imaginary worlds inside my head, I live in San Diego, California, with one husband, three children, two cats, and one dog. In addition to my day job as a technical writer and editor, I write young adult fiction. I love the intensity of teen emotions and the way they’re still figuring out life. When I’m not writing, you can find me with my nose in a book, hanging out with family and friends, hiking, or knitting. I’m obsessed with Facebook, young adult novels, bad lip reading videos, pumpkin spice lattes, microbrewed beers, and the San Diego Chargers.

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BOOK REVIEW – Shag Lake by Susan McEachern

BOOK REVIEW –  Shag Lake by Susan McEachernShag Lake by Susan McEachern
Purchase on: AmazoniBooks
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Free short story, “Shag Lake Prequel: The Kiss” now available at all ebook retailers!

Geri McKenna hasn’t seen her brother’s best friend, Sean Eastman, since he graduated high school. Sean left their little town of Pembroke just hours after she nailed him with a kiss behind the shed, never to be seen or heard from again. No calls, no texts, no social media to stalk online.

Eight years after the awkward incident behind the shed, Geri and Sean meet again. She’s now an ambitious journalist working in a dead end job, and he’s a successful structural engineer working on a classified government project. For different reasons, they’re both interested in a woman who has gone missing amidst allegations of a Sasquatch encounter in the vicinity of Shag Lake. Geri is determined to get the scoop on the hottest story to hit the Internet, while Sean is determined to stop her.

Dodging other-worldly creatures and a corrupt shadow government, Geri and Sean struggle to find neutral ground in this debut new adult adventure by author Susan McEachern (who also writes young adult as award-winning author S.M. McEachern).


Shag Lake was absolutely riveting and spellbinding!  This book was so much more than I expected.  I mean, I had a feeling that I would like it, since I enjoyed the prequel.  And while it started out a little slow, I found myself connecting to the characters and enjoying where the story-line was going.  But before I knew it, I was around 35/40% into the story, and I was beyond obsessed.    I didn’t want to put the book down because Shag Lake built into an intricate story that was gripping, swoon worthy and so much fun!  This book was such a huge win!

I stand up and back away from the laptop, dragging both my hands through my hair. “There’s no way,” I whisper. “It’s just too crazy.”
I know Sean. He wouldn’t hurt anybody.
But how well do I know him?

The story started up with everyone back together, since Geri McKenna’s older brother is getting married.  Even Sean Eastman was there, and her brother’s friend had been completely MIA for the last eight years.  I was so nervous for the moment Geri would see Sean again.  Not only has she had a crush on him forever, but their last moment together involved a kiss that didn’t end in the greatest of ways.  I was so thankful that there was dual narrative between Geri and Sean, so we knew exactly what they were thinking and feeling.  And when they did see each other, I was happy that there was a strong chemistry between them.

But when she walked into the backyard this evening, I actually went weak in the knees. I had that moment when the world suddenly stopped turning and everyone at the party faded away into a blurry background, leaving just the two of us. I could barely breathe.
Get her out of your head , Eastman. She’s still off-limits.
I can’t offer her a future, and she deserves nothing less. – Sean

Fast forward to Shag Lake.  A women claimed Bigfoot attacked her, and her hiking partner is still missing.  Geri and Sean head there separately, but for entirely different reasons.  Geri thinks this news story about Bigfoot will catapult her career, and be the big break she’s been waiting for.   Whereas Sean has every reason under the sun to want to stop Geri in her tracks.  And this is where the action starts and their sexual chemistry gets ratcheted up!

A throaty burbling sound brings me to a dead halt. – Geri

As I got closer to the end of the book, I was obsessed with how it all came together.  Completely genius!  And while I’m being vague about what happens when they’re both at Shag Lake, it’s because it’ll be so much more fun to discover on your own.  But I can say that I loved the characters!  Geri was smart, determined, brave, yet she could still be so unsure of herself around Sean.  I loved how relatable she was!  And Sean was *starts wiping tears from eyes because he was so beautifully perfect* someone I fell completely in love with.  He was loyal, seductive, protective, playful and ever so sexy.  I have to mention the word balcony, because when you get to that part and see what he does, how could I not fall for such a caring, protective, fierce man?!  I love, love, love him!

And no matter how fast I push myself, the thing is keeping pace somewhere to my left. Not that I have eyes on the damn thing, but I can see bushes rustle, tree branches twitch, and the occasional tall patch of grass ripple.
Where the hell is it? Why can’t I see it?
– Geri

And here’s two thoughts on the creatures and villains in this book…..although I’m not going to give anything away –

*The “creatures” in this book was the most unique combination I’ve ever read about!  Together they were original, and I was fascinated with how they interacted.  There were some surprises in regards to what they were capable of and how they were all connected.

*The “bad guy” wasn’t that cut and dry.  While one of the creatures comes across as bad, you see that as the story starts to unfold there are so many shades of grey that appear.  Even within our own government.  And the way the creatures, their leadership and our government meshed together came across as shockingly real.  Which makes me laugh when I think about it because those creatures in our world?!  But still!  I could easily picture it.  Ugh, I wanna say SO much more.  But darn those spoilers!

We have to get out of here. This is utter madness. This is Alice in Wonderland kind of shit, and I don’t want to be a part of it anymore. – Geri

So I found myself with tears in my eyes quite a few times towards the end of this book.  And that ending was absolutely perfect.  Oh this book made me ever so happy!  I can’t recommend it enough!  If you adore science fiction that’s more closely related to The Lux Series by JLA or Broken Skies by Theresa Kay, then you may adore this book too.  Or even paranormal lovers, that are open to different creatures in a story, could find themselves loving it just as much as me.  It was such a wonderful surprise.  Enjoy!

P.S. I am definitely going to beg – can there please be more stories set in this world?  Whether it follows the characters into the future or focuses on others like Sean?  Please, please, please?  I absolutely loved this book and would die of happiness if I could read more set in this world! *fingers crossed*

*ARC kindly provided by Pronoun/McMillan via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

BOOK REVIEW – Shag Lake Prequel: The Kiss by Susan McEachern

BOOK REVIEW – Shag Lake Prequel: The Kiss by Susan McEachernShag Lake Prequel: The Kiss by Susan McEachern
Purchase on: AmazoniBooks
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Geri McKenna has a not-so-secret crush on Sean Eastman, her older brother’s best friend. And it’s ripping her heart out that Sean has graduated high school and is about to move away from their little town forever.

Sean Eastman was given a gift: three years of high school living a normal life in the small town of Pembroke. Problem is he doesn’t want to leave, especially since he finally noticed that his best friend’s little sister, Geri, is really hot.

Shag Lake Prequel: The Kiss, is a short story about the coming of age of two teenagers who finally discover each other, only to be torn apart by the different paths their future takes them. Will they ever meet again?


The Kiss was a quick, fun read.  And I was so happy to learn that it was free.  You see, I wanted to read this prequel to find out if I wanted to pick up the next book, Shag Lake.  And when I finished that last page, I knew I needed to continue the story!  I really liked Geri, even though she comes across as young and inexperienced.  I also liked Sean, who is Geri’s older brother’s best friend.  But I needed to know not only what he was, but what would happen to them next.  I definitely recommend picking up this novella, although you should keep in mind that Shag Lake is not only a full length book, but it’s set eight years in the future.  So of course it has a different feel with action, suspense, steamy moments and creatures mixed into the pages.  FYI – It’s a NA Science Fiction book.   And by then, Geri has matured and I absolutely loved her.  And Sean was even more irresistible and someone I swooned over.  Hard.  And I just have to tell you…….I LOVED Shag Lake….spoiler alert….I gave it 4.5 Stars!

My review of Shag Lake will be posted tomorrow on release day. 🙂

BOOK REVIEW: Beauty of the Beast (Fairy Tale Retellings #1) by Rachel L. Dementer

BOOK REVIEW: Beauty of the Beast (Fairy Tale Retellings #1) by Rachel L. DementerBeauty of the Beast (Fairy Tale Retellings #1)
by Rachel L. Dementer
Purchase on: AmazoniBooks
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Experience the world’s most enchanting and timeless love story—retold with a dark and realistic twist.


Reclusive and severely scarred Prince Adam Delacroix has remained hidden inside a secluded, decrepit castle ever since he witnessed his family’s brutal massacre. Cloaked in shadow, with only the lamentations of past ghosts for company, he has abandoned all hope, allowing the world to believe he died on that tragic eve twenty-five years ago.


Caught in a fierce snowstorm, beautiful and strong-willed Isabelle Rose seeks shelter at a castle—unaware that its beastly and disfigured master is much more than he appears to be. When he imprisons her gravely ill and blind father, she bravely offers herself in his place.


Stripped of his emotional defenses, Adam’s humanity reawakens as he encounters a kindred soul in Isabelle. Together they will wade through darkness and discover beauty and passion in the most unlikely of places. But when a monster from Isabelle’s former life threatens their new love, Demrov’s forgotten prince must emerge from his shadows and face the world once more…

Perfect for fans of Beauty and the Beast and The Phantom of the Opera, Beauty of the Beast brings a familiar and well-loved fairy tale to life with a rich setting in the kingdom of Demrov and a captivating, Gothic voice.

* * *

Beauty of the Beast is the first standalone installment in a series of classic fairy tales reimagined with a dark and realistic twist.

* * *

Disclaimer: This is an edgy, historical romance retelling of the classic fairy tale Beauty and the Beast. Due to strong sexual content, profanity, and dark subject matter, including an instance of sexual assault committed by the villain, Beauty of the Beast is not intended for readers under the age of 18.

Beauty of the Beast is a slow-burn romance that features a descriptive, richly detailed, and atmospheric writing style. (l

I need to scream the word *TRIGGER* because there is extremely graphic rape. It is not glorified but it is extremely disturbing.

The writing hooked me from page one. I mean seriously guys, this might be the best prologue I’ve ever read. I was floored and TOTALLY into it. I had no doubt it was going to be a five star book.

And then things started to change. First of all, I need to commend the writing. I can’t even tell you how many lines I highlighted because of how beautifully written this book is. The rest? Perhaps its personal preference, but the story just didn’t work for me.

While the story is reminiscent of the Disney version (probably the closest I’ve read yet), it still holds up on its own as unique. No magic here folks, and it is MUCH darker. Not to mention the issues the book deals with (everything from abuse, rape, PTSD, etc.) Does it handle them well? Most of the time, yes, but I definitely had some issues with it. Especially with the rape. No, it is not glorified in the least OR made romantic in any way, but my question is… why? Why describe it in great detail? (No, it isn’t the beast who does it. It’s the ‘Gaston’ character – FYI.) I don’t know, I was just disturbed.

The other issues I had were the pacing. While I wanted to soak up the language, I was also trying to keep my eyes open for large chunks at a time.

The overall story (I.e. the romance) was okay at first, but then got cheesy, lustful, and just not my cup of tea. I think I’m just done reading Beauty and the Beast retellings. It’s more than likely personal taste, but I’m just not into the disturbed man going after the damsel in destress trope. I’m probably in the rare on that one. This book also reminded me of ‘Romancing the Duke’ – so that’s probably a good tell on whether or not you’ll like this. I see some comparing it to Phantom of the Opera and that kinda fits too (but I LOVE Phantom of the Opera soooo I don’t know.)

Additionally, I didn’t connect to the romance. The author was certainly going for the ‘healing’ aspect of romance – where both characters involved are recovering from PTSD – but I just didn’t buy it. Lust overtook the healing aspect and it just felt awkward at times.

I don’t want to say too much more, aside from that I DID appreciate little bits, for instance – Isabelle DOES stand up to Adam when he crosses a line / personal boundaries.

Anyway, I think I’m a rare one here, as I’ve seen only positive reviews for the most part. But it just wasn’t my cup of tea, unfortunately.

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