by T.H. Hernandez
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Recovering from a near-fatal gunshot wound, eighteen-year-old Evan Taylor must find a way to stop the Uprising, an underground movement committed to destroying the Union, before her homeland is attacked.
After spending the last four months in the Ruins trying to get back to the only girl he's ever loved, nineteen-year-old Cyrus needs to get past his jealousy over Evan's involvement with Bryce or risk losing her again.
Together, Evan and Cyrus join with their friends to devise a plan to save both the Ruins and the Union, but when the pressure’s on, bickering and infighting threaten to undermine their goals. New information revealing a weakness in the Uprising is uncovered, forcing them to act quickly or risk losing everything.
With the help of old friends and new allies they set out to make history, but it might just take a miracle for everyone to make it out alive.
THE UPRISING is the third book in THE UNION series, a young adult romantic adventure set in the near future.
The Uprising was an epic journey that had me devouring the pages as fast as possible! I easily found myself lost in all of the adventure, love, laughter, loss and plenty of risks all over again. But this time around, many of the pieces of the puzzle were starting to move into place. We got to see how certain events and even characters were fitting together, and it has me so ecstatic for what’s to come! Especially since I found myself laughing, screaming, smiling, and crying while reading The Uprising. You see, I’m completely addicted to the characters and storyline in this series. So of course I loved every minute of it! And here’s a few other reasons why I adore this series –
✮ Romance that rings true.
I should go home, head back out to the Ruins, so I don’t have to watch another person I love die.
But I can’t, not until I know she’s safe.
Even if it kills me. – Cyrus
Evan and Cyrus’ love for one another burned bright, and it was truly intoxicating! But it was also a passionate, broken mess at times. They both had so much expectation weighing on them, and sometimes that weight helped to easily lead them down that broken path. Whether it was an ex coming back into the picture, or a poorly made decision, there was bound to be a few fights. Even though I kept rooting for them to find the path that fit, their makeup scenes were scorching hot!
✮ A sigh inducing book boyfriend.
He sighs, squeezing me tighter and says so softly it’s almost a sigh, “I don’t know who I am without you anymore.”
The tears that have been threatening all day flood my eyes as I rest my head against the boy I love so fiercely it terrifies me.
“Ev,”he whispers.
I lift my head, wiping my eyes, and glance up at him. The depth of emotion in his eyes slams into me, leaving me speechless.
He lowers his face inch by agonizing inch until I feel the soft brush of my favorite lips. His mouth moves with mine in a way that’s both familiar and somehow different, desperate and exciting, drawing out emotions until my heart is spiraling. – Evan & Cyrus
This time around, we also got to hear the story in Cyrus’ point of view. That made me extremely giddy. You see, Cyrus always had a way of getting under my skin. He was one of those characters that captured your attention in a quiet yet bold and confident way. Whether it was baring his soul to Evan, or taking control of a military like tactic. So being privy to his thoughts was addicting! Cyrus’ feelings radiated off of the pages and easily landed themselves right into my heart.
✮ Friendships that are deep and meaningful.
“So, tell me what’s going on with you and the crazy redhead.”
“We’re not having this conversation, Rainey.”
“Sure we are. You’re acting like a giant ass, you know.” – Cyrus & Rainey
One of my favorite things about The Union Series was how friendships were cultivated throughout every moment. Whether they were hanging out around a bonfire or they were trying to save their friend who had a gun to their head, each moment added up to making me feel as though I knew them inside out. And in each book, I found myself becoming attached to yet another character. This time around it was Rainey. I loved how she was rough around the edges yet she was always there to push Cyrus to talk to her about Evan. But to be honest, I’m scared because I’m getting attached to too many of them!
✮ Character I love to hate.
I can’t pretend her sleeping with that douche doesn’t piss me off. I want to punch something every time I see him, which is pretty much every fucking day. – Cyrus
Oh yes, I’m going there lol. Yeah there are the typical bad guys to loathe, like Walker, but who I’m talking about is Bryce. If you’ve read my previous reviews, you know that I clearly despise the guy. I’ve shamelessly asked for his death, and all because he still harbors feelings for Evan. I will admit that I enjoy loathing Bryce, yes I know I clearly must have issues, but seriously is it too much to ask for him to die? Please. Is there anyone else in the world that agrees with me?
She owns every last piece of me. – Cyrus
So if you love a story filled to the brim with adventure and characters that you will feel deeply connected to, then this is most definitely your book! Or even if you enjoy a world that leaps off of the pages and has sigh worthy tender moments laced throughout, that can be found here also. Stepping back into this series made my heart beat faster and oh so happy! I can’t wait to see what happens next, especially after that ending!
*ARC kindly provided by author via Inkslinger PR in exchange for an honest review*
Reading Order & Links: Amazon (click on covers), & Book Depository (click on book #) |
![]() The Union #1 Reviews: Jen | ![]() The Ruins #2 Reviews: Jen | ![]() The Uprising #3 Reviews: Jen |
![]() The Invasion #4 Reviews: Jen |
T.H. Hernandez Bio:
When not visiting the imaginary worlds inside my head, I live in San Diego, California, with one husband, three children, two cats, and one dog. In addition to my day job as a technical writer and editor, I write young adult fiction. I love the intensity of teen emotions and the way they’re still figuring out life. When I’m not writing, you can find me with my nose in a book, hanging out with family and friends, hiking, or knitting. I’m obsessed with Facebook, young adult novels, bad lip reading videos, pumpkin spice lattes, microbrewed beers, and the San Diego Chargers.
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The book cover is awesome, i love it!