About Us

Welcome to our blog! We are a group of women whose love of reading brought us together. We met on a site called Goodreads, where we each review, buddy-read, and most importantly: gush shamelessly over books!  On here, you will find that our posts contain Reviews, Recommendations, Giveaways, Upcoming Releases and Cover Reveals.

Our reviews are honest and we do not receive compensation other than the occasional arc copy from an author or publisher. Each of our reviews are spoiler-free, but if you’d like further details on a book, don’t hesitate to send us an email!

Although stories with romance is what we gravitate towards most, you will find an array of genres and categories being reviewed here … from Paranormal, Dystopian, Contemporary Romance, Young Adult, New Adult, Adult, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Thrillers and more.

We are always in search of great books and hidden gems. If you love to gush over books as much as we do, feel free to follow along and join us!

Personal Bio’s:

Chelsea (Peril Please)

I’m a BB, a Bestie Pea, a Chester/Chelster, Chelz, and Chela, the auto-corrected Marvel-and most publicly-I’m Chelsea (Peril Please) on Goodreads and from the US. I love all things romance and have a sad obsession for books, movies, movie posters, and quotes for any and all of the above. All my best Goodreads friends are officially sharing this site with me and I couldn’t be more ecstatic-we come from all around the US, UK, France, Germany, and I am so unbelievably happy I met them all. They will be my best friends for life.

When it comes to books? We all differ on our opinions and we may disagree (sometimes greatly) from time to time, but we always have one thread in common: Romance. It may be in varying degrees, but whether it’s hand-holding or a hardcore erotic scene, the end all is romance.

I am the most masochistic in the group-my favorite books have the most action, peril, and end of the world romance. Dystopian and paranormal tend to be my favorite, but I slip in a YA/NA from time to time. My favorite scene will always be at the end of a perilous journey where the hero is desperate to save the heroine even at the cost of losing his own life-or vice versa-Call me crazy, but nothing makes me happier when it comes to a book or movie (Yeah, you guessed it, I ADORE superhero movies).

And that’s a little bit of me.

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 I’m a mom to two crazy little boys, I am highly successful at my life goal of being a beach bum, I’ve been with my husband forever,  I’m from the US, and I love baking, singing and dancing.

But the thing I’m obsessed about?  My true addiction?  Reading.  I love to read.  I love to become lost in another world.  Not being able to knock that darn smirk off my face, crying my eyes out or feeling every emotion under the sun with characters usually signifies that I have fallen for a book.  But my all-time favorite books usually have the same theme.  A jerk.  A jerk that makes me fall helplessly head over heels in love with him when he softens for the ones he loves.  I’m a HUGE sucker for those books and they will always be my favorite.  I always finding myself seeking out Paranormal books, but I also love Dystopian, Fantasy, Romance, YA, NA, Adult & some Science Fiction.

I am SO lucky to have met these lovely ladies through Goodreads.  ♥

Find me on Goodreads ★ Twitter


Hi I’m Arielle (and yes I was named after the mermaid) :).  I’m a dog mom and human mom to one little Miss Emma (who better be as dorky and love reading as much as me someday).  I love coffee, being in the sunshine, wine, and you guessed it, a good book.  I work as a public librarian in the US where part of my job is to purchase children’s and adult non-fiction.  While that can be fun and challenging, it’s definitely not where my reading passions lie.

 Ever since high school I have been HOOKED on YA fiction.  From Cabot to Maas to Westerfield I have probably read close to it all.  While I don’t exclusively stick to young adult, as long as I can find something with an engaging plot, a romance of some kind, and QUALITY dialog, I will be satisfied.  Such books have helped craft who I am as a person and I know that I can easily say I would not be who I am today without them.

 When I was offered an opportunity to join this blog I was ecstatic!  In the world of libraries, the process of recommending books to patrons is called reader’s advisory, and is one of the most important services that we provide.  It helps us (in my mind) spread joy.  That’s what I’d like to do here.  From my obsession with all things fantasy (and sci-fi and dystopian) to my secret trysts with the smutty stuff it’s my hope to help these wonderful ladies spread our LOVE for all things bookish.  My favorite authors include Tamora Pierce, Sarah J Maas, Nora Roberts, Alexandra Bracken, Maggie Stiefvater, and Elle Kennedy just to name a few on a VERY long list.

Find me on Goodreads ★ Twitter


Hi! I’m Cassie and I’m a dog and cat mom and wife to my wonderful husband. I’m from the United States but love to travel for both work and leisure. I’m a pop music junkie (late 90’s/early 2000’s preferably) and enjoy Netflix-binging and putting my MoviePass card to work. I love diet coke, chapstick, cruelty-free beauty and listening to true crime podcasts (hello Murderinos!)

But I also LOVE to read. I always have, but these past two years I have been obsessed. My favorite genres are mystery/thrillers and young adult. I will read books outside these genres (I’m a sucker for a good celebrity memoir or GOOD contemporary romance), but I just drawn to these two genres the most. A common theme in my favorite books is a strong female lead character. She absolutely can have flaws (I encourage it!) and struggle and make wrong choices, but as long as she can ultimately persevere and learn from the past, I’m a happy gal. A good romance to go with it doesn’t hurt either, especially of the slow burn or hate-to-love variety. I’m ok with a good love triangle, but keep any kind of insta-love away from me.

I’m so thankful for this opportunity to join these wonderful women at the Star-Crossed Book Blog. I’ve been a follower of theirs for awhile now and am so excited to join this amazing team and share my love for all things books. My favorite authors are Victoria Aveyard, Gillian Flynn, Megan Abbot, Lauren Oliver, Megan Miranda and V.E. Schwab to name just a few!

Find me on Goodreads★ Twitter

Previous Reviewers: Anna & Brittney
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  1. Katherine's Bookcase

    Hey girls, I’ve tagged you! 🙂 http://wp.me/p4Dssh-BP

    • Jen

      Thanks for the tag, Katherine! Looking forward to reading your list in a second. 😀

  2. Bits and Books with Sarah

    Hey girls!
    I have nominated you for an award (https://bitsandbookswithsarah.wordpress.com/2015/09/28/blog-award-the-encouraging-thunder-award/) – don’t feel any pressure to do it, it’s just a bit of fun!
    I love your blog!
    Sarah x

    • Jen

      Thank you Sarah! We are so happy that you nominated us and that you enjoy our blog!

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