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Secrets. Obsession. Murder. Victoria is about to discover just how dangerous it can be to lose yourself.
Victoria Zell doesn’t fit in, but she’s okay with that. All she needs is the company of her equally oddball boyfriend, Andrew. She doesn’t care what anyone else thinks…until magnetic, charming, mysterious Z comes into her life, and she starts lying to everyone she knows in an effort to unravel his secrets.
And then something terrible happens. Someone is dead and it’s time for Victoria to come clean. Interspersed with news clippings and police interviews, Victoria tells her story to Andrew, revealing her dark, horrible secrets…secrets that have finally come back to haunt her.
Psst! Guys! You really have to meet …
… Because in case you didn’t know, Z is your sun, your light, your LIFE.
“By the end of that first day without Z, the whole school fell into a general malaise. Students moved through the halls slower and didn’t smile as much. Everyone looked doubly hard at Z’s desk, as if staring could will him back. He was the sun, and his disappearance had sent us all out of orbit. And so, as the planet closest to him, I felt even more purposeless.“
Who is Z, you’re asking? Their guru? Their METH DEALER? What – naaaah, he’s just that intriguing and oh so mysterious new guy *cough* every YA ever *cough* whom everyone loves because of REASONS.
I kid, I kid. There’re reasons.
① He’s got such an awesome sense of humor :
“Torture animals?”
I should have known he’d joke around.”
“Friday, as he set up the Bunsen burner, he said, “I wish I had a can of hair spray. I should have warned you that I’m kind of a pyromaniac. (…)
He continued, “Tip : When you’re with me, always scope out the nearest fire exit.” (…)
“You know that song? ‘The Roof Is on Fire’? That’s my favorite song. For obvious -“
Oh my God, I’m laughing so hard there. He’s just so funny!
② He’s just so intense, ya know?
“Oh, there is nothing as intense as the way he looks at you. When he does, it’s like you’ve been touched, maybe not by the hand of God, but by one of God’s fingers.“
Blah, if that’s the fingers then. Small player.
“I looked into his eyes as he repeated, again and again, that it was under control. You know I don’t believe in witchcraft or hocus-pocus or junk like that [Twilight, though?] But in that moment, I knew that magic existed. Those eyes could make me believe anything. Anything. The world is flat? OK. Have a bridge for sale? Sign me up.“
You, girl, have a problem.
③ He’s so respectful of other human beings and, you know, like, so fun to have around because he really cares, see what I mean?
“Instead, Z said, “I’m hungry. Let’s get food.” I didn’t have to agree. It wasn’t a question. He was just going to do it, and I suppose if I was against it, I’d have to jump out at a spotlight.”
I know what you think – he didn’t ask her but SEE! That’s where you’re wrong about him! He obviously did know before even asking her! How freaking AWESOME is that?!
④ He’s so interesting, people can’t help but be affected. Because of course.
“Brainy Gerri never wore anything other than the school’s regulation pink blouse, buttoned to the very top. Today though, her two top buttons were undone.“
“Some of the guys had taken to chewing gum.”
That is MIND-BLOWING stuff there. I am in AWE of that guy, really.
Honestly? There’s just something so appalling in seeing the main character fall head over heels for this imposture. Sure, from the *not so discreet* insinuations we understand that something bad is going to happen (sorry, this is YA thriller : something really really really bad is gonna happen – the badder kind of bad, like, so bad) but what baffles me is the fact that she fell (and the whole school with her) in the FIRST PLACE?! Like HOW? Alright, it tries to do something interesting by twisting the trope of the hot new guy (who is – shocking – actually a creepy dude, BOO!) but how can I feel invested if that’s obvious from the start? I mean, Victoria’s just so naive? O_o Also, she doesn’t like other girls, so, you know, I don’t like her. BIM!
Oooooops. Better leave then. DNF 37%.