by Becca Ritchie, Krista Ritchie
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Virgin. Sex addict. Daredevil. Alcoholic. Smartass … Jackass. Her five friends are about to be filmed. Reality TV, be prepared.
Rose Calloway thought she had everything under control. At twenty-three, she’s a Princeton graduate, an Academic Bowl champion, a fashion designer and the daughter of a Fortune 500 mogul. But with a sex addict as a sister and roommate, nothing comes easy.
After accepting help from a producer, Rose agrees to have her life filmed for a reality television show. The Hollywood exec is her last chance to revive her struggling fashion line, and boundaries begin to blur as she’s forced to make nice with a man who always has his way.
Twenty-four-year-old Connor Cobalt is a guy who bulldozes weak men. He’s confident, smart-as-hell and lives with his equally ambitious girlfriend, Rose Calloway. Connor has to find a way to protect Rose without ruining the show. Or else the producer will get what Connor has always wanted—Rose’s virginity.
My rules :
FUCK : I liked it but –
MARRY : This is why I’m melting on the floor
KILL : Are you really asking me what it means?
I barely ever read NA anymore but HOLY COW I’ve just been slapped in the face :
☑ BROMANCE. Lo, Ryke and Connor put a huge smile on my face each time they argued or tried to catch a rat (yes, that’s a thing) or answered questions during their interviews.
☑ FAMILY. Sisters power for the win. That’s all.
☑ Flawed and realistic characters I LOVED following.
☑ Ice Queen Powaaaaaaa (sorry for being that enthusiastic. Just, I love Rose, even if she grits on my nerves sometimes. But hey, that’s what love is about right?) She’s relatable to me in a way heroines rarely are : I want it all, like her, and I have no fucking problem to express it. Ps. Just try to attack my privacy and you’ll see what happens. Just sayin’. I can’t express how many times she would say/think something and I would wholeheartedly agree with her. You go girl. You show them.
“So bring it on, motherfuckers. Try to hurt me. Because I won’t let you.”
☑ Connor is the perfectly flawed hero for me.
“We haven’t formally met,” I say, holding out my hand. “I’m Connor Cobalt. The guy whose girlfriend you want to fuck. And just so you understand, the odds don’t look good for you.”
☑ Rose and Connor’s complicity, games, EVERYTHING. It brought so much reality into their relationship.
☑ Frankly, I thought that I would be annoyed by the reality show aspects but actually I enjoyed a lot how the fucked-up lies were handled. Also, these interviews? I WANT MORE. *giggles like a moron*
☑ No slut-shaming but THE EXACT OPPOSITE. Considering that the heroine is a virgin, yes, that’s pretty amazing.
☑ Hot sex scenes : a little rough but always respectful.
✘ Just, I’m sorry Connor, really, but *whispers* your French isn’t quite right. I know many readers fantasized about him talking French and if I can’t grasp the appeal of it (obviously), I can imagine (I guess – well, really, I can’t, but I’m a nice person. Sometimes).
However some mistakes rubbed me the wrong way and spoiled my enjoyment a little bit :
✘ “Je suis passionné de toi “: Huh-Oh. This one enters the “not making any sense” category. Nobody would say that ever. So much that I can’t even find a substitute. “Tu me passionnes”, maybe?
✘ Repeated use of “Vous” to translate “You” when he talks to Rose : look, in French “You” can be translated into 2 words : “Tu” if you’re talking to one person you know or a child, and “Vous” if 1)You’re talking to several persons or 2)You’re talking to one person you don’t know/you have to show respect to like a policeman, your Boss, well, every adult you don’t personally know, really (I’m a “Vous” whore and I can’t say “Tu” to anyone except my friends, my boyfriend and my family). So, the fact that Connor uses “Vous” when talking with Rose is just plain weird.
So, yeah, it’s not fair, me being French and all, but the French addition is only… cheesy to me. Now you can hate me.
✘ If the characters won me, the book lacks a rhythm, a tension. Look, I’m okay with that to a certain extent : Kiss the Sky offers us slices of life and that’s what makes it realistic and enjoyable. However, I can’t deny that the story dragged during the second half and there was a moment I stopped reading to ask myself what exactly was the point. Am I turning cynical towards romance? It’s a possibility to consider.
✘ The jumps in the time confused me. Like, really. I found myself reading the wedding countdown and trying to calculate how many time passed between the different scenes. I know, silly, but sometimes the next chapter would take place immediately after the last one, and sometimes weeks would have passed, and can you please be coherent one minute because I’m lost right now?
✘ I was really looking forward to seeing Scott HURT. A lot. For a long, loooong time.
Final thought : READ THIS BOOK
In the end every one of these characters leave its mark on me, and my heart is purring, satisfied, full of laughs and love. I can’t wait to see more of them. This is the best feel, right?
Ps. I do know that I perverted the FUCK. MARRY. KILL game and that it doesn’t completely work. Frankly? I just don’t care. It cracked me up 😛
Ps.2 I didn’t read the Addicted series because I don’t do over drama but it didn’t prevent me for loving this one.