by Moira Young
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Ultimately, I found this book to be a disappointment. I think this is yet another case of overhyped-ness (yes, I’m considering that a word). I had passed over the title a long time ago and didn’t think I would be missing out on much. This last week or so, my GR friend suggested we read this, so I decided to give it a go despite my earlier passing of the book. While it didn’t live up to my newfound expectations based on stellar reviews, I feel as though it might be leading to a much bigger and better plot or storyline-possibly with more action, peril, and romance. Am I happy I decided to read it? I can’t be sure yet, because I feel like something good can come from reading the series even though I’m not sure what yet. No earth shattering lessons will be learned or bestowed upon me, but I might find myself enjoying a different type of read with some fun romance involved.
The manner of speaking in BRR was definitely an adjustment on my part. I didn’t find it all that easy to transition to the way they speak and the lack of quotation marks. I would be at work and all of a sudden these insidious thoughts of phrases or words would pop to the forefront of my mind like “ain’t”, “afeared”, “fer”, and “cain’t”. Lol. I realize this shouldn’t be a problem, but when you get so invested in a story, the actions taken in the story stick with you if they are even a little bit memorable, and these phrases stuck out in my mind. This wasn’t a gripe, I was merely saying that I absorbed the manner of speak without even realizing it. I didn’t give this story a 3 because of the speech.
The love Saba feels for Lugh is endearing and what truly dragged me in at the beginning. It was passionate and what drove her to be so stubborn and fierce throughout everything that happens.
I liked Saba. I loved Jack. I thought that Saba was a little hard to deal with at times, but overall she had a good heart and would do anything for her family or those she cares about. At some point in the story, and I am pretty sure it was when the Pinches became involved, I got so bored I thought I might cry. It wasn’t until Jack entered the picture and they got the hell out of Hopetown that I found the story to be manageable. And no-I am not the type of person to diss on a book just because there is lack of romance-unless that was stressed in the synopsis, in which case, that is the author’s fault. I give a story a fair shake with or without the romance-the romance just adds something to an already incredible story.
Now, on that note, the synopsis did boast an epic love story. There was nothing epic about this book…FOR ME. It isn’t a favorite, it didn’t stick with me all weekend, and it was actually easily forgotten. This isn’t to say I am not going to read Rebel Heart, I just was expecting so much more. So hopefully we get an awesome sequel with tons of peril, otherwise I doubt I will be able to read the third.
Oh-and a shout out to Nero-Probably the best character in the whole story! He was adorable..for a crow 🙂
Review to come on Monday..just some thoughts-Hmmm….BRR was labeled as “an epic love story” and maybe the story itself was labeled epic..I can’t quite be sure. It was good, just not good enough in my opinion. Had the story skipped over Hopetown or whatever it was called, I feel I would have loved the story the whole way through, because after H-town I couldn’t put it down. But sadly the first part did happen and I can’t just forget how damn bored I was.
What I loved-
-JACK and his mischevious smiles
-The action in the second half of the book
-The fact that while it is going to be a movie and I can tell it will totally rock (and work as a movie, even the first part will be better)
So I shall stew over my thoughts this weekend and write a review come Monday. I cain’t wait!