BOOK REVIEW: When a Cowboy Loves a Woman (Creedence Horse Rescue #2) by Jennie Marts

BOOK REVIEW: When a Cowboy Loves a Woman (Creedence Horse Rescue #2) by Jennie MartsWhen a Cowboy Loves a Woman (Creedence Horse Rescue #2)
by Jennie Marts
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They both know the pain of loss and how to protect their hearts...but fate has a way of stepping in...

Her perfectly controlled life falls apart when a kitchen fire lands young widow Elle Brooks in the muscled arms of handsome rancher and veterinarian Brody Tate. The fire forces Elle to move in with her friend Bryn and her motley collection of rescue horses and other animals on the Heaven Can Wait Horse Rescue ranch, where she volunteers. Spending time with the hunky cowboy and his spunky 10-year-old daughter, Mandy, as they rehabilitate the beautiful horses, reminds Elle of all she lost in a car crash years ago. She can't deny the feelings that being close to Brody is stirring in her.

As a widower himself, Brody puts all he has into being a good dad for his spirited daughter. He hasn't let women and romance even enter his mind, until he meets Elle. And now, this woman is all he thinks about. Spending time with her is shaking up the calm stasis he had worked so hard to achieve, but he can't seem to stay away.

Brody and Elle both know the pain of losing someone they loved, and neither planned ever to let themselves fall in love again. But fate has a way of stepping in, and what started with a small fire now burns hotter than either one could have imagined. Can these two wounded souls take a chance on each other and risk their hearts again?


When a Cowboy Loves a Woman was an emotional tale of hope, friendship, love and second chances. From that first page, this story started off with a bang and then led us down a heartfelt path. It was beautiful how laughter and tears were mixed together.  It was impossible not to fall hard for these two broken souls and their journey to healing and love.  If you love adult romance and happily ever afters, then definitely add this one to your list!

The kind of loss they had both experienced couldn’t be repaired or replaced. The ones they lost were gone forever. He swallowed back the sudden ache in his throat.

Elle Brooks kitchen caught fire and thankfully Brody Tate happened to be across the street, visiting a friend, and was able to help rescue her.  From their first interaction in this story, you could tell there was something there.  It was like fireworks went off when they were near each other.  But confession time, I had already fallen for them in A Cowboy State of Mind. While you don’t have to read that story to enjoy this one, I l recommend it also!  Elle ended up staying with her bestie, Bryn, while her house was undergoing repairs.  And everywhere Elle turned, Brody seemed to be there too.

She fit so easily into their lives, like she already belonged.

I loved Elle!  She was strong, resilient, yet she was broken from her past.  She had suffered so much loss, but had admiringly started to try and live her life again.  She became friends with Bryn, volunteered at Bryn’s horse rescue and I loved watching her find joy in life again.  While Elle didn’t think love would appear one more time, she couldn’t deny her attraction to Brody.  There were sparks between them and they connected so effortlessly.

Mandy threw her arms around Elle and pressed her face into her shoulder. “Why do the people we love have to die? It’s not fair.”
Grief ripped through Elle as she folded the girl into her arms and whispered, “No, it’s not fair, sweet girl. It’s not fair at all.”

Brody was swoon worthy!  He was a single dad to Mandy, was a veterinarian and helped with the animals at the horse rescue at times.  And while you could tell he definitely felt something towards Elle, and had so much fun with her, he was also cautious.  It was not just him he had to think about.  He didn’t want his daughter to be heartbroken if it didn’t work out.  Even though he could see how much Elle adored and cared for Mandy, he was still so hesitant.

He leaned toward her until his forehead touched hers. “I can’t seem to breathe when I’m around you.”
She nodded, fighting her own battle to breathe. “I know,” she whispered.

Both Elle and Brody were healing from the grief of losing their spouses in the past.  While there were emotional moments, there were so many happy and heartfelt ones too.  The banter between them was smile inducing and their steamy moments, oh wow, *fans face*.  I also loved how seamless they fit together.  And that included Mandy too, whether they were helping out with the animals or anything else, Elle, Brody and Mandy felt like they could become a family so easily.  But they didn’t have the easiest rode and I had tears quite a few times for the three of them.

Elle lowered her voice and tried not to smile. “Has anyone ever told you that you have a dirty mind?”
Sassy shrugged and waved away her admonishment with an exaggerated wink. “You say dirty, I say flirty.”

There was also a cast of animals and people that I fell for too.  Shamus the adorable mini-horse, Otis the trouble making goat, Tiny the pig and quite a few of the dogs!  And I have to mention there was an animal part I struggled with BUT have faith.  Jenny wouldn’t do us wrong like that is all I’m saying.  Ohhhhh and we got to see Bryn and her fiancé, Zane.  AND Aunt Sassy who I fell in love with in the Cowboy of Creedence Series!  Plus I loved, loved, loved Mandee, Body’s daughter!

Could she feel how hard his heart was beating? He blew out a sigh. He was trusting her, even though he wasn’t sure he could trust himself. All he wanted to do was give in, to let himself fall.

When a Cowboy Loves a Woman was a beautiful and emotional tale.  The love story, the healing and the friendships, awww I loved it all.  It also touched on bullying that Mandy went through, and that was so well done.  Happy tears, sad tears, broken tears fell from my eyes while reading this story and I can’t recommend it enough!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

Reading Order & Links:

Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)
***Each book can be read as a standalone, but best enjoyed in order.***

A Cowboy State of Mind #1


When a Cowboy Loves a Woman #2


How to Cowboy #3


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  1. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    Wow, this one sounds like it totally delivered on all fronts for you! I’m a sucker for a single dad story. No idea why because I am not a “kid person” and typically don’t care for kids in romance books… but a single dad story? Yep, I’m there for it! 🙂
    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books recently posted…The Sunday Post #246 | April 25, 2021My Profile

    • Jen

      It definitely delivered on all fronts! And awww I love it! We love what we love, and this was an amazing single dad story ♥.

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