Category: Event (Page 10 of 42)

GIVEAWAY: Crown of Feathers (Crown of Feathers #1) by Nicki Pau Preto

I am so pleased to present a GIVEAWAY for the new highly anticipated Crown of Feathers by Nicki Pau Preto! Thanks to Simon Teen for sending me an advanced copy and the opportunity to host a giveaway! I haven't been able to read this one yet, but I cannot wait until I get the chance to pick this one up! It has been one of my most anticipated releases, so I'll be sure to pick it up as soon as possible! See below for entry instructions, information on the book, and a little about the author-good luck! 😀

GIVEAWAY: Crown of Feathers (Crown of Feathers #1) by Nicki Pau PretoCrown of Feathers (Crown of Feathers #1)
by Nicki Pau Preto
Purchase on: AmazoniBooks
Add to: Goodreads

I had a sister, once…

In a world ruled by fierce warrior queens, a grand empire was built upon the backs of Phoenix Riders—legendary heroes who soared through the sky on wings of fire—until a war between two sisters ripped it all apart.

I promised her the throne would not come between us.

Sixteen years later, Veronyka is a war orphan who dreams of becoming a Phoenix Rider from the stories of old. After a shocking betrayal from her controlling sister, Veronyka strikes out alone to find the Riders—even if that means disguising herself as a boy to join their ranks.

But it is a fact of life that one must kill or be killed. Rule or be ruled.

Just as Veronyka finally feels like she belongs, her sister turns up and reveals a tangled web of lies between them that will change everything. And meanwhile, the new empire has learned of the Riders’ return and intends to destroy them once and for all.

Sometimes the title of queen is given. Sometimes it must be taken.

Nicki Pau Preto is a graphic designer and YA author living just outside Toronto, Canada. Her favorite stories have always been the ones that take her somewhere new, with characters she can love and worlds she can get lost in. Like all starving artists, she considers bargain shopping a competitive sport and Froot Loops a suitable meal replacement. 🙂

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Good luck to everyone who enters and let me know what you think of the book! Are you excited?

TOP TEN TUESDAY: Favorite Couples In Books

Top Ten Tuesday.13

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
Today we’re sharing some of our Favorite Couples In Books.  There’s no way we could each narrow it down three choices!  So to help us out, we are each listing three of our favorite couples from the books we read in 2018.  So they are…..

(Cassie’s Choice – Review)

(Cassie’s Choice – Review)

1. In Harmony by Emma Scott
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Willow & Isaac  – I absolutely adored the story of Willow & Isaac. From their first encounter to the very last page (and everything in between), I was swept away by their love story. Willow and Isaac, while both strong and independent, were even better together. Life threw a lot at them (well, 380 pages worth of life), but it only made them a better couple in the end.


2. 9 Days and 9 Nights (99 Days #2) by Katie Cotugno
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Molly & Gabe – After the events of 99 Days, it was so incredibly wonderful to dive back into the complicated relationship of Molly and Gabe. As they travel across Europe with their current significant others, it was fascinating to see how much they grew up after everything that had happened in the past. Both Molly and Gabe were funny, sarcastic and the tension between them could be cut with a knife. I smiled so much reading this book and love this duology so much.


(Cassie’s Choice)

(Chelsea’s Choice – Review)

3. To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo
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Elian & Lira  – We’ve talked about this book (and Elian!) a lot on this blog, and there’s a good reason for it. This book is SO good. But what makes it amazing is the dynamic and relationship between Lira and Elian. If you are looking for humor, action, peril and smoldering tension, mixed with pirates and non-Disney mermaids, then this is the perfect book. I honestly couldn’t love the relationship between Lira and Elian more, and am sad this was only a standalone and not a series.


4. The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air #1) by Holly Black
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Cardan and Jude DUH – I know these two might not count as a couple-but no other COUPLE makes my heart beat as fast, slow, and all inbetween causing a frenzy of nerves, butterflies, and epic feels and romantic pining than these two do.  I want them to kiss until they are sick of it *smirk*.


(Chelsea’s Choice – Review)

(Chelsea’s Choice – Review)

5. Outlander (Outlander #1) by Diana Gabaldon
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Jamie and Claire Frasier – I cant even believe it took me so long to find these two darling babies because Claire is hilarious and Jamie is…Jamie is…Jamie is beyond words loyal, passionate, and loving and so devoted to Claire I can’t even breathe when I think of him.


6. The Diviners (The Diviners #1) by Libba Bray
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Sam and Evie – Again, do these two count??? I DON’T CARE ALRIGHT THEY ARE MY DAHHHLLIINNGGGGSSSSS AND I MUST PUT THEM BECAUSE SAM IS EVERYTHING and so in love with Evie I can’t even DEAL and Evie is pos-i-tute-ly the berries and I am obsessed with them BOTH. I need them to both me happy and SAFE, OKAY?!


(Jen’s Choice – Review)

(Jen’s Choice – Review)

7. The Prophecy (Titan #4) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
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Seth and Josie – There is something so powerful about love conquering all.  And what Josie and Seth had was definitely true love. It not only conquered all, but it gave them strength.  Strength with each other and it also helped them find strength within themselves. But they definitely didn’t have an easy path.  They had so many obstacles in their way. Yet they persevered. And their love grew stronger because of everything they faced. I loved that by the end, Seth and Josie truly felt like a power couple.


8. The Darkest Star (Origin #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
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Luc and Evie – Yes I chose another book by JLA, she writes couples that capture my heart!  I can’t talk much about Luc and Evie because of huge spoilers but just know that sacrifice, love and devotion were everything in this book. 


(Jen’s Choice – Review)

(Arielle’s Choice – Review)

9. Glitter and Sparkle (Glitter and Sparkle #1) by Shari L. Tapscott
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Lauren and Harrison – Not only is Harrison her older brother’s best friend, but there was a huge hate to love vibe between them.  So as I watched them grow, they found a forever place in my heart.  I think about them often and this is one of my favorite books ever.

10. Tangled Like Us (Like Us #4) by Krista Ritchie & Becca Ritchie
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Jane and Thatcher~ Tangled Like Us:  I honestly don’t know what to say about these two without just a lot of crazy gesticulating hand movements and muttering.  They are one of my top favorite couples of ALL TIME.  Their relationship was so sweet and straightforward and there was never any miscommunications or big conflicts.  Their chemistry was off the freakin charts and so sexy I can barely handle it


(Arielle’s Choice – Review)
(Arielle’s Choice – Review)

11. Three Dark Crowns (Three Dark Crowns #1) by Kendare Blake
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Billy and Arsinoe – I was a little late to this series, but better late than never!  I loved that these two started out with a tentative, almost wary friendship that slowly blossomed into more.  Even after it was clear to me that they caught feelings, I enjoyed seeing them both deny it and continue to basically just heckle each other.  Billy is a 100% a cinnamon roll, too pure for this earth.


12. Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating by Christina Lauren
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Josh and Hazel – Omg these two were too much for my heart to handle.  From TA and student, to friends, to friends who shared a drunken sexy time, to TWO PEOPLE MADLY IN LOVE, I loved every second of their togetherness.  The best part may have been Josh never wanting Hazel to change her crazy ways (and I say that with love), always wanting her to be the person she was, no matter what!

So these are our Favorite Couples In Books from 2018. Have you read any of these books yet? Or are they on your tbr? If not, then which books had your favorite couples in them last year?


TOP TEN TUESDAY: Books We Meant to Read In 2018 but Didn’t Get To

Top Ten Tuesday.13

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
Today we’re sharing Books We Meant to Read In 2018 but Didn’t Get To.  Technically this was last weeks topic.  But with both of my kiddos sick I’m just now getting to it.  So here are the books we meant to read last year….

(Arielle’s Choice)

(Arielle’s Choice)

1. The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air #1) by Holly Black
Amazon * Book Depository * Goodreads


2. Two Dark Reigns (Three Dark Crowns #3) by Kendare Blake
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(Arielle’s Choice)

(Cassie’s Choice)

3. The Spy with the Red Balloon (The Balloonmakers #2) by Katherine Locke
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4. Girls of Paper and Fire (Girls of Paper and Fire #1) by Natasha Ngan
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(Cassie’s Choice)

(Cassie’s Choice)

5. The Perfect Mother by Aimee Molloy
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6. Broken Things by Lauren Oliver
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(Chelsea’s Choice)

(Chelsea’s Choice)

7. Sky in the Deep (Sky in the Deep) by Adrienne Young
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8. Legendary (Caraval #2) by Stephanie Garber
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(Chelsea’s Choice)

(Jen’s Choice)

9. Ash Princess (Ash Princess Trilogy #1) by Laura Sebastian
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10. The Hating Game by Sally Thorne
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(Jen’s Choice)
(Jen’s Choice)

11. #Hater (Hashtag #2) by Cambria Hebert
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12. Talon (Talon #1) by Julie Kagawa
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So these are our Books We Meant to Read In 2018 but Didn’t Get To.  Have you read any of these books yet?  Or are they still on your tbr too?  If not, then which books did you mean to read last year but didn’t get to?


TOP TEN TUESDAY: New-to-Us Authors We Read In 2018

Top Ten Tuesday.13

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
Today we’re sharing New-to-Us Authors We Read In 2018.  And they are….

(Jen’s Review)

(Jen’s Review)

1. Shari L. Tapscott
Amazon * Book Depository * Goodreads

Shari easily became one of my favorite ya romance authors ever!  She writes these stories that are beyond adorable!  Each time I pickup one of her books I always find myself laughing so hard I can’t catch my breath, and I can’t ever get that smile off of my face.  Not to mention all the butterflies.  I absolutely love her books and I’m looking forward to branching out and trying some of her fantasy books this year!


2. Kimberly Bell
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I don’t know why I was so nervous to pickup Historical Romance, but Kimberly Bell made it so effortless to fall in love with her writing and characters.  You know that feeling when you click with a book and the whole world around you fades away?  That’s exactly what happened to me.  I found myself addicted to the story and completely obsessed with these characters.  I’m excited to read the rest of the books she has released!

(Jen’s Review)

(Arielle’s Review)

3. Danielle Lori
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This book had some of the best sexual tension I’ve ever read.  The story was forbidden and I found myself completely caught up in this mafia tale.  Addicting doesn’t even begin to describe what I felt while reading The Sweetest Oblivion.  Now I can’t wait to read any future books written by Danielle Lori!


4. Brigid Kemmerer
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I was lucky enough to get an ARC of A Curse So Dark and Lonely and fell in love with her writing!  I remember seeing a lot of hype for her other books on Goodreads as they came out but for some reason I never picked them up.  I will definitely be doing so in the future and I cannot wait for everyone to get their hands on A Curse So Dark and Lonely!!!


(Arielle’s Review)

(Arielle’s Review)

5. Kendare Blake
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OMG….why did it take me so long to pick up Blake’s books??!?!?! WHYYYYY?  Once I started Three Dark Crowns I was HOOKED.  The characters, the premise, the writing–each so unique and addicting.  Highly recommend. 


6. Claire Legrand
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 If you haven’t read Furyborn yet YOU HAVEN’T LIVED.  I am literally dying to get my hands on Kingsbane.  The entire first book was so action packed I consumed the book in a matter of days.  I’ve also heard a lot of great things about Sawkill Girls, too, so you better believe I’m going to be picking that up sometime soon.


(Cassie’s Review)

(Cassie’s Choice)

7. Katie Cotugno
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 I can’t even remember how I stumbled onto Katie Cotugno’s books, but I am so very glad I did. Last year, I read four of her books and I seriously loved every single one them. She writes messy and imperfect protagonists, but I absolutely adore how real they are. I also adore the way she writes her romances – they are complicated but so sweet. She provides a lot of representation and in addition to the great romances, there’s also a lot of wonderful friendships and self-growth for her main characters.


8. Brittany Cavallaro
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To say I devoured the Charlotte Holmes series from Brittany Cavallaro would be an understatement. There are currently three Charlotte Holmes books out, with a fourth one coming in 2019. The Charlotte Holmes series follows the adventures of Charlotte Holmes and Jaime Watson, descendants of THE Holmes and Watson. There’s a lot to love from these books – the slow burn relationship, the mystery, the side characters – but I love Charlotte and Jamie most of all. Even though they are solving crimes, at heart they are teenagers just trying to figure out life and how they fit in each other lives.


(Cassie’s Review)

(Chelsea’s Review)

9. Sabaa Tahir
Amazon * Book Depository * Goodreads

After hearing Chelsea talk about her BBF Elias for a while, I decided to finally give the Ember in the Ashes series a try. Oh boy, did I not regret this. I LOVED THIS SERIES and understood why Chelsea kept talking about Elias. He was as amazing as described, but I also loved Laia and Helene as well. But be prepared if you’re going to get into this series: a lot of people are going to get hurt/die, and there’s a lot of dark and heavy stuff. But there’s enough romantic and even some light scenes sprinkled throughout to lighten it up. Whenever the final chapter comes around (which hopefully will be 2020?) I will have to emotionally prepare myself to say goodbye to these amazing characters (whichever ones live I guess. Please be kind Sabaa.).


10. Mariana Zapata
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Literally my saving grace when I am depressed. My saving grace when the sky isn’t blue, and I need a full body pick me up. My saving grace when the world just isn’t right-I found this beautiful cinnamon roll of a writer and I adore every little thing about her-I am so beyond grateful she does what she does and I will ALWAYS go to her books when I just need to laugh, smile, or swoon. (Aiden and Ivan and Dex and need I go on?)


(Chelsea’s Choice)

(Chelsea’s Review)

11. Diana Gabaldon
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I’ll admit I was harsh on this woman-not her, really, but the idea of reading anything historical and anything with such a strong accent that wasn’t British. Shame on me-I almost missed out on one of my favorite books of 2018 because I was stubborn and totally misguided on just how wonderful this deep, heartfelt, addicting story was. And Jamie. My God. Always Jamie.


12. Libba Bray
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And this absolutely fantastic woman-talk about a writer that I never even thought of giving a chance!!! The heart, soul, and literal lightheartedness among terror, doom, and devastating circumstances is astounding and without a doubt the most baffling contradiction. The romance??? PIE FACE. You don’t even know until you’ve tried it!!! I’m a GONER-I’m so addicted I couldn’t see anything else around me for a month..A MONTH! (SAM AND EVIE ARE. MY. LIFE.)


So these are our New-to-Us Authors We Read In 2018.  Have you read any of these authors already?  Or do you have any of their books on your tbr?  If not, then who was a new-to-you author you read last year?

EXCERPT: Only a Breath Apart by Katie McGarry


Today we’re sharing an excerpt from Only a Breath Apart by Katie McGarry.  The excerpt we’re sharing?!  Oh my gosh, it left me dying for more!  I need to know what happens next, how she got that nickname, what happened to their friendship and so much more!  I can’t wait to read this book!  I hope you have just as much fun reading it as I did! Enjoy!


About Only a Breath Apart:

Jesse dreams of working the land that’s been in his family forever. But he’s cursed to lose everything he loves most.

Scarlett is desperate to escape her “charmed” life. But leaving a small town is easier said than done.

Despite their history of heartbreak, when Jesse sees a way they can work together to each get what they want, Scarlett can’t say no.Each midnight meeting between Jesse and Scarlett will push them to confront their secrets and their feelings for each other.


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Would you dare to defy destiny?Are our destinies written in stone? Do we become nothing more than the self-fulfilling prophesies of other people’s opinions? Or can we dare to become who we believe we were born to be?

“A gorgeous, heartfelt journey of redemption and love” (Wendy Higgins), ONLY A BREATH APART is a young adult contemporary novel from critically acclaimed Katie McGarry. “Haunting, authentic, and ultimately hopeful” (Tammara Webber), ONLY A BREATH APART will be available on all retailers on January 22, 2019!






I’m defying my parents by attending a funeral. Reckless and adventurous teenage behavior, I know. Most seventeen-year-olds lie to their parents so they can go on a date with a forbidden boy or attend a party where there will be questionable behavior. Me? I’m outright lying to my dad, and it’s because Jesse Lachlin’s grandmother died.

The entire way here I’ve questioned my sanity, but I don’t know how I’d live with myself if I stayed home. Jesse Lachlin used to be my childhood best friend. We were inseparable. We had the type of friendship people strive to have, and then, a few years ago, he cut me so deeply that I still bleed. But ten-year-old me would have never abandoned a hurting Jesse. So today I’m not only honoring the memory of Jesse’s grandmother, but also the memory of our dead friendship.

On my way to the funeral, the high grass of the field swats at my legs, but I don’t mind the sting. I love walking barefoot in grass, I love the smell of the earth and I love that brief feeling of freedom open spaces can provide.

It’s the dog days of August. The type of hot that starts when the sun rises and makes you sweat through your clothes within minutes. While my skin and palms are on fire, the pads of my feet are cool against the dirt. The heat is unwelcome, but the sky is deep blue and the sun is bright, and for that, I can be grateful.

Walking out of the field, I stop short of crossing the one-lane road to slip on the flats that dangle from my fingertips. My mother would be mortified if she knew I was entering a church in a cotton daisy-print sundress. It’s not one of the dresses with stiff fabric and impossible back zippers she would have picked for me at an overpriced department store. It’s the type that’s machine-washable and breathable. The type of dress Jesse’s grandmother would have given her stamp of approval.

I can practically hear my mother heavily sigh and mumble my name, Scarlett, as if it were her personal, private curse word. Mom believes there’s a certain way to dress and behave, and I’m breaking all sorts of her rules today. Watch out, world. I’m officially rebellious.

I smile to myself because I’m the opposite of rebellious. For the last few years, I’ve followed every rule. I’m the teacher’s pet and the girl with straight A’s. I’m the poster child of perfection, and have earned every snarky ice princess comment Jesse’s friends whisper about me in the school hallways because he and I no longer speak.

There are only six cars in the parking lot of the white church, and that makes me frown. I thought more people would have wanted to attend. Jesse’s mud-covered pickup is there, and so is an unnaturally clean black Mercedes that belongs to his uncle. This ought to be interesting. Jesse and his uncle have a mutual hate for each other that runs deeper than any root of any tree.

Movement to my right and I slowly turn my head. Shivers run down my spine at the sight of Glory Gardner. Even though I’m seventeen and too old for ghost stories, I still can’t shake the ones regarding this woman. Girls would whisper over lunch boxes that Glory was a witch. As I grew older, I understood that witch meant con artist. She claims she can read palms, tarot cards and “sees” spirits from beyond the dead. All for a glorious fee.

She’s a beautiful woman—long dirty blond hair that’s untamed, even in a bun, and she has an eclectic taste in clothing. Today she wears a white peasant shirt and a flowing skirt made of material that shimmers in the sun.

Glory watches me like I watch her, with morbid curiosity. I knew her as a child, back when Jesse and I ran wild in the fields near her home, but we haven’t talked in years.

She stands under the shade of a towering weeping willow. There are lots of those trees around here. Mom says it’s because there is too much water in the ground. I say it’s because the people in this town have cried too many tears. Mom doesn’t like my answer.

I tilt my head toward the church, an unspoken question if Glory will be joining me. She shakes her head no. I’m not shocked. According to rumors, Glory will go up in flames if she enters the house of God. But who knows? Maybe I will, too.

The church is one of those picturesque, historical, one-room school buildings squeezed between a cornfield on one side and a hay field on the other. A huge steeple with a bell attempts to reach the heavens, but like anything created by a human, it falls tragically short.

The foreboding wooden door makes no noise as I open it, and I’m able to slip in without a huge, squeaking announcement. Orange light filters in through the dark stained glass windows, and its struggling beams reveal millions of dancing particles of dust.

On the altar, there’s no casket, but there is an urn. My heart dips—Suzanne is dead. I used to wish she were my grandmother, and many times, she treated me as if I belonged to her. Suzanne was the epitome of love, and the world feels colder now that she’s gone.

Choosing a spot in the back, I drop into a pew, and as I scan the church my stomach churns. How is it possible that this place is so barren?

Besides the Funeral Brigade, or the FB, as I like to refer to them, there aren’t many people here. The FB are the older group of woman who attend every funeral in our small town even if they didn’t know the person. Attending funerals isn’t my idea of fun, but who am I to judge?

The FB sit directly behind the one person the town believes to be the lone sane member of the Lachlin family, probably because he isn’t blood related—Jesse’s uncle.

On the left side of the church is Jesse. Only Jesse. And that causes a painful pang in my chest. Where are his stinking friends? The anarchists in training who follow Jesse wherever he goes? Where is the rest of the town? Yes, Suzanne was polarizing, but still, where is any respect?

Quietly, so I don’t draw attention to myself, I slip from the right set of pews to the left. Someone should be on Jesse’s side, and it’s sad it has to be me.

A door at the front of the church opens, and the pastor walks out from the addition the church build on as a small office ten years ago. I would have thought any pastor assigned to this place would be as ancient as this church. Sort of like an Indiana Jones Knights Templar scenario where he lives forever as long as he stays inside. But no, he’s the youngest pastor from the main, newer church in town. His name is Pastor Hughes, and he’s a thirty-something black man with a fit build who is just cute enough that he should be starring in a movie.

The pastor looks up, and he flinches as if startled. I peek over my shoulder then sigh. Clearly, he’s surprised to see me. Flipping fantastic.

His reaction, and the fact he won’t stop staring, causes every person to turn their heads. Lovely. I’ve had dreams like this where I enter a room and become the center of attention. Only in my dreams it’s at school, it’s my classmates and I’m naked, but still, this is disconcerting.

Eventually, the FB and Jesse’s uncle return their attention to the front, but Jesse doesn’t. He rests his arm on the back of the pew, and it’s hard to ignore that he’s made me his sole focus, but I do my best to act as if I don’t notice.

To help, I concentrate on what my mom taught me as a child—to make sure the skirt of my dress is tucked appropriately so that my thighs don’t show. I then fold my hands in my lap and straighten to a book-on-head posture. I can be the ice princess people claim me to be.

Five pews separate me and Jesse, and it’s not nearly enough. My cheeks burn under his continued inspection. Jesse has done this a handful of times since our freshman year. Glance at me as if I’m someone worth looking at, someone worth laughing with a little too loud and smiling with a little too much. Then he remembers who I am and snaps his gaze to someone else.

But he’s not looking away now.[/scroll-box]


About Katie McGarry:

Katie McGarry was a teenager during the age of grunge and boy bands and remembers those years as the best and worst of her life. She is a lover of music, happy endings, reality television, and is a secret University of Kentucky basketball fan.

Katie is the author of full length YA novels, PUSHING THE LIMITS, DARE YOU TO, CRASH INTO YOU, TAKE ME ON, BREAKING THE RULES, and NOWHERE BUT HERE and the e-novellas, CROSSING THE LINE and RED AT NIGHT. Her debut YA novel, PUSHING THE LIMITS was a 2012 Goodreads Choice Finalist for YA Fiction, a RT Magazine’s 2012 Reviewer’s Choice Awards Nominee for Young Adult Contemporary Novel, a double Rita Finalist, and a 2013 YALSA Top Ten Teen Pick. DARE YOU TO was also a Goodreads Choice Finalist for YA Fiction and won RT Magazine’s Reviewer’s Choice Best Book Award for Young Adult Contemporary fiction in 2013.

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