Indy Book Signing

This last Sunday I had the opportunity to meet some of the most influential and well-known authors of our time-The 3 NY times best selling authors traveled to Indiana to answer some of their biggest fans’ questions and to sign their beloved novels we so cherish and love. I, for one, was ecstatic for the opportunity to talk (errrr stutter) to these amazing women who have shaped many young women’s (and some men’s) lives. Colleen Hoover (Ugly Love, most recently), Jamie McGuire (best known for Beautiful Disaster, newest release is Beautiful Oblivion), and Abbi Glines (One More Chance, Fallen too Far) all came to the little state of Indiana and I knew that I wouldn’t miss it for the world. They were kind, sweet, charming, and altogether hilarious, and I am so pleased to have met them. Below I am going to post some pictures of my time there, and if I can figure out how to post videos, I will post their full Q & A session when I can get some help from my fellow blogging friends….hope you enjoy the pictures!!



Jamie McGuire, Colleen Hoover, Abbi Glines, Me





I swear we all freaked out as if there were rock stars on this bus-but in a way, they are 🙂


Standing next to my favorite book, like, this whole year 😛 



Just a funny picture-They gave Jamie the small chair, lol, and Abbi was scared of her tall one-Lose/Lose, if you ask me



Okay, I won’t bombard you with more-if I figure out the Q & A vids, I will post them as soon as I can!! 🙂


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  1. Jen

    I’m so excited for you that you had such a phenomenal time! Yay!!

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      Thanks, Jen!!! Yes Ohmahgaaaah I loved this event. I was such a fangirl during lol

  2. I’m so happy you were able to attend this! Envious, but happy!

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      Lol!! Thank you!! I’d have been the same exact way-no one EVER comes to Indiana so I was ECSTATIC….So that means there must be hope for everyone if they could make it to Indiana haha

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