Author: Chelsea (Page 53 of 111)

BOOK REVIEW: Turn to Me (Kathleen Turner #2) by Tiffany Snow

BOOK REVIEW: Turn to Me (Kathleen Turner #2) by Tiffany SnowTurn to Me (Kathleen Turner #2)
by Tiffany Snow
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When Kathleen Turner, office runner for the prestigious Indianapolis law firm of Kirk & Trent, started dating the boss she knew the risks. Senior Partner Blane Kirk is known for being a notorious player - the Baskin Robbins of dating with a different flavor every month. Kathleen is the happiest she’s been in a long time, especially as Christmas approaches, but she’s always known there was a termination date on her relationship with Blane.

She just didn’t expect that termination to be her funeral.

A festive afternoon of Christmas tree shopping turns life-threatening when Kathleen and Blane become targets for an unknown gunman. They make it home alive, but Kathleen realizes her boyfriend has been keeping secrets. The deadly kind.

Blane’s current case is drawing heated debate and stirring the pot of public fury. Kathleen is horrified by the threats – and worse – being directed at him. A former Navy SEAL stands accused of the wrongful death of an American citizen during a military operation overseas. The case has far-reaching political and military implications. Someone with a lot of money, and even more clout, wants Blane to lose.

As dead bodies of people connected to the defense start piling up, it becomes painfully obvious that disappearing witnesses and altered testimony are no longer enough for whoever is intent on guaranteeing the SEAL gets convicted. Kathleen and Kade, Blane’s brother and ex-FBI-agent-turned-assassin-for-hire, are on the trail of the killer.

Unfortunately for Kathleen, he’s already moved for the end-game – by painting a target on her...and pulling the trigger.


“Someone watched us have sex?” I asked in disbelief, my voice a high screech that I immediately regretted as my head throbbed. I felt violated and humiliated. What sick pervert would do that?
“I don’t think you’re focusing on the important part,” Blane said, his voice flat. “Someone tried to kill you.”

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Gahd, these books will be the end of me. I mean…there are just so many wonderful things and ideas, but then for every wonderful thing or idea there’s a retarded counterpart you just can’t help but to scoff at-and then it totally ruins EVERYTHING. So then why, you must be asking, would I choose to continue to book three? And my answer would be…

I have No. Fucking. Idea.

But then like most of my harebrained ideas, I never make much sense. I’m sure y’all are used to it by now, right? Welp, if not, get used to it. This series has 5 books-I’ve read two-and I still am all over the place on my feels. I’ve always tried to not be a total fickle piece of work, but some series just bring out your inner brat, ya know?

“I lied, you know,” he said casually.
My hand froze and my entire body went still beneath his.
“I did look.”

Speaking of brats…no, no I’m just kidding. But really….Kathleen is a total brat. How many times, for real, HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES must someone ask you to Just. Stay. Put?!

“Stay, Kathleen. Stay! Good girl, Kat. Good girl. You’re a good girl, aren’t you widdle, Kathleen? Who’s a good girl? Stay, Kat. Just…stay. Okay, I’m leaving now so why don’t you just totally disobey my wishes for you to live past the night and go start investigating this highly dangerous case?? Aw. That’s my girl. But really…stay.”

I mean….someone is stalking your ass and you choose to disobey not only your own personal protector, Kade, and your damned boyfriend, Blane…..but your own personal sense of preservation!!!! Why would you choose to walk out the door when you damn well know that you’ve found cigarette butts from your stalker outside your apartment???

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Bet you don’t see me,
But I can see you.

And oh man, guys, I am not naïve-I realize people make stupid mistakes and I know that I read books to escape reality, but when does unbelievability during Every. Damn. Scene. become too much? Well that’s subjective, ain’t it? So I’ll just tell you when enough is enough for me-When you almost:

-Get mugged
-Sliced and diced
-Shot at (more than once, I might add)

and omg that’s just off the top of my head!!! I swear to god this totally happened more than once:

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I. Swear. To. God. And it’s so fucking funny, honestly, I’m sitting here giggling like a loser because the sickest damn part is that I am actually STILL thinking about this stupid, infuriating, annoying book because in a deep, deep, deep, dark and even darker place…I love this series. Kind of. Maybe?? God I don’t even know!!! I read it, I roll my eyes, and then I long to read more about Kade after I put it down. I long to see Blane and he go head to head for her-for what fucking reason, I’ve no clue-She’s just….ugh!!!!! This chick WORKS that nine lives shit. I mean, something is ALWAYS happening to this clumsy bitch!!

“Enough,” he ordered.
“Fuck you,” I snarled.
His lips twitched at my defiance. He moved his face even nearer to mine, our lips inches apart.
“You feel that?” he nearly whispered, his voice low and intent. “You feel that rage inside? Burning hot in the pit of your stomach?”
Confused, I hesitantly nodded. What was he doing?
“That’s what’s going to keep you alive,” he said. “Hold on to it. Fear will only sign your death warrant. Stay mad, princess.”

And don’t even get me started on the writing-‘I walked to my car. I saw that a window was cracked so I assumed that I had left it open. I gently cracked open the door and peered inside-I wanted to be sure I was right and that my stalker hadn’t been in my car. It looked safe.’ Dudes….I wrote that myself, but I swear on my life that is what the writing is like (SOMETIMES). When we are stuck in her head for extended periods of time, it’s all ‘I I I I I’ and it breaks down everything. But when we actually have a conversation going with Kade or Blane? It’s perfection. I mean, okay, it’s cheesy as fuck, but that’s beside the point. Those parts are actually interesting.

“Protecting Blane,” I said softly, a rueful smile on my lips. “You’re a good brother, Kade.”
He studied me for a moment before murmuring, “I don’t know if that’s true anymore.”

Hmmm…but while we’re on the dialogue subject? Cheese. Total cheese. And with the boys, it’s the best kind of cheese. I would totally snort it like Chester the cheetah does with his Cheetos. But then other times? Pick a cheese, any cheese-Swiss, Gouda, American, Bleu (should the cheeses be capitalized? Errr)…oh, and is there a motherfucking cheating cheese? Because there is certainly some, ahem, cheating cheese in this one-Oops.

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Perhaps I am biased, but I knew who I liked in book one. Yes, my girls had me already thinking of the dark knight before I even started-The boy who seems to always be there for in the shadows. Shhh. Don’t judge, just love, accept.

”Sometimes knights wear black.”

And I guess part of my anger with this series is that I didn’t get why 90% of my friends loved Mr. K over beautiful B. Like…why? But now I see why everyone began to switch-if they weren’t already leaning that way already. And it makes me sad because how fucking manipulative-I don’t know. I just don’t. I love both dudes and they are clearly the only reason I’m reading this series (duh). But don’t insult my intelligence-if I hadn’t known who she ended up with already, I sure as shit would have figured it out with this one. How manipulative.

And the tree farm. Okay, I’ll admit it-I’m an Indiana chick and omg it is SO badass that they went to my tree farm! We go EVERY YEAR. But then…hmm….did I mention that…like…nothing was right? Lmao, how in the hell did that bitch get lost? No, for real, come on-How did she get lost in the woods? WHAT WOODS?! Oh gosh, just…no, I’ll stop there-it was ALL wrong. Don’t even get me started.

I smiled tiredly. “You have to tell him ‘Go toodles, Bits. Go toodles for Momma,’I said, pitching my voice high in imitation. “Or else he won’t go.”
-I mean…I just. I can’t even.

So yeah. I love the boys. I love the sexy. I love the turmoil. I do. Otherwise I wouldn’t be reading it. I do enjoy it-but at times it becomes too much. I love it in bits and pieces (namely, every time the boys are involved). It makes me happy, for whatever GD reason. I do think people could love this. My friends do. Hell, I even do for most parts (Kathleen notwithstanding). In the end? It’s:

Manipulative, moronic, and utterly pushy on who we should love…..

And I’m starting book three next week.

The irony isn’t lost on me.

Shut up.

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AGH. THAT FELT GOOOOOD (To quote Dale in Horrible Bosses…)



Soooooo yeah. Here we are. Again I am sucked in by Kade and Blane and their tsunami like love for Kathleen (which I STILL don’t get, by the way). And it’s still just as unbelievable and hilarious in it’s attempts to be clever. Yet..I will go on >.< lol

Sigh. Review to come tomorrow 😀

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BOOK REVIEW: Ink and Bone (The Great Library #1) by Rachel Caine

BOOK REVIEW: Ink and Bone (The Great Library #1) by Rachel CaineInk and Bone (The Great Library #1)
by Rachel Caine
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In an exhilarating new series, New York Times bestselling author Rachel Caine rewrites history, creating a dangerous world where the Great Library of Alexandria has survived the test of time.…

Ruthless and supremely powerful, the Great Library is now a presence in every major city, governing the flow of knowledge to the masses. Alchemy allows the Library to deliver the content of the greatest works of history instantly—but the personal ownership of books is expressly forbidden.

Jess Brightwell believes in the value of the Library, but the majority of his knowledge comes from illegal books obtained by his family, who are involved in the thriving black market. Jess has been sent to be his family’s spy, but his loyalties are tested in the final months of his training to enter the Library’s service.

When he inadvertently commits heresy by creating a device that could change the world, Jess discovers that those who control the Great Library believe that knowledge is more valuable than any human life—and soon both heretics and books will burn.…


Give in. Give up.


Beautiful. Mesmerizing. Addictive. So many words come to mind when I think of this story. I have many regrets as of late, and not being able to read my dystopian/sci-fi/fantasy is one of them. But perhaps the larger crime is that when I do attempt to stick one of these stories in my reading schedule I’m either:

A) too tired
B) too tired
C) too tired

Oh, and did I mention my time has been severely limited? I’ve always been that girl that scoffs when people say they are ‘too tired’ or ‘don’t have time’. I mean, we have the time we make, ya know? And believe me, I still live by this. I set aside adequate time to read this story, only to realize that after about 10 pages (at times while reading) I wouldn’t even know what had happened. That was when I decided it was time to set this story down and pick it up when I had time.

Doing this pained me-I never put aside those I truly cherish, and this story was just magnificent. But when you can’t do it…you just can’t fucking do it. So, as I read 50% on Saturday, I decided to read the last 50% (the most action-packed, heart-wrenching parts of the story) when I had the chance. And oh man, did it kill me-what if when I picked it up, the characters/pace/plot were like strangers to me? But as I (surprisingly) gained a large amount of time yesterday, I picked this story up and it was like I’d never left.

“No, it’s alright,” he said, and tried to sit up, but the brief nap had stiffened his sore muscles, and it was a clumsy process. He grabbed at the robe to keep it more or less closed. It was mostly a failed attempt, and it exposed the livid black-and-blue of his side. She took in a breath and came to help him rise. He yanked the robe back together and tied it shut.
“Don’t apologize,” she said. “I’ve seen worse.”
“You mean the bruises, I hope.”

It speaks volumes to me when I can put a story down and come back to it with much (if not all) the same feels. Jess’s story intrigued and delighted me, making me feel like I was in this magical world that has long since been lost to me. Dare I say that this reminded me of a very twisted version of Harry Potter mixed with The Testing? Not one moment was dull and more than once I felt like I was trapped in a super psycho version of Hogwarts.

Reset the board and keep playing.

That’s not to say I felt the story was anything like Harry’s, naturally. No, what we have here is dark, sinister, and twisted-wrapped in a neat little package so people believe the Library is good, whole, looking out for the betterment of the world and those who wish to prosper in it. But what lies beneath is much more terrifying (Cue The Testing vibes) and unlike anything Jess could have imagined.

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What if all you had ever worked for, everything you dreamed of, everything you put your whole life into turned out to be exactly what the underbelly of the world said it was? What if your life’s goal turned out to be like making a deal with the devil? And what happens when all of your newly found friends began to disappear in horrible and unimaginable ways…..and not just when they get sent home? What then?

What would that be like, to have that single, unshakable faith in the world, to not see all the shadows?

Jess was a truly remarkable character. I remember when my lovely friend Anna was talking about him-She got the vibe that he cared more about this futuristic world where books were coveted holier and more valuable than human lives. She wanted him to care, to fight for people. And in a way I see what she’s saying-He was kind of out for himself, ya know? But then here’s me, right where I always am: Team Boy. I mean, come on. He’s a book smuggler, brought up in an illegal business only to pass a test to be admitted for the chance to become a Library Scholar/Representative/Whatever. He is against other students and time and again proves how cunning he is….and yes, he rocks a ‘tude….and I fucking loved it.

Jess is smart and he knows it. He does what he has to to move onto the next round, doing what must be done to move on….but he begins to change. He starts to care. Those people he looked at with competition in his eyes start to become his family, these people who are standing in his way. And would you be so quick to befriend those who could possibly send you back to the horrible world you once lived in? I think not. But Jess…Hmm I loved Jess. Shocking, isn’t it?

You said stay.

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And the romance. Daaawww I loved it. While not the main plot point, it still touched me deeply and ripped my heart in two. Morgan and Jess’s journey was a tremulous one, danger and secrets swirling around them like an unkempt tornado of peril and destruction. I think that was my favorite part about their romance-which is sick-but I’ve never said I’m sane, k? Desperation, despair, and longing convolute what is, making for an emotional vortex that you don’t realize you’re being sucked into….until a plea and raspy voice (Have I mentioned raspy voices in books are my downfall in an emotional scene?? Muaha) are staring you right in the face and you just know it’s going to haunt your dreams long after you’ve finished and gone to bed.

He wanted to laugh at himself for being so stupid. He wanted to scream until his throat bled.

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I just…I can’t say why I loved this so much. And I can’t say I gave it my all-which breaks my heart. A 5 star book has been lowered because, again, I didn’t have the time to give to it, so I can assure you I will be re-reading this as soon as humanly possible. Jess’s turmoil touched something deep inside of me, and I longed for him to succeed, to break away from the horrible life he grew up living. I am a sucker for male POVs….and I’m more than certain I will be searching for more male POV books-they seem to be my favorites lately. Again, shocking, isn’t it?

BOOK REVIEW: No Turning Back (Kathleen Turner #1) by Tiffany Snow

BOOK REVIEW: No Turning Back (Kathleen Turner #1) by Tiffany SnowNo Turning Back (Kathleen Turner #1)
by Tiffany Snow
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Kathleen Turner has goals. She moved to Indianapolis to start seeing to them, but things aren't going quite as well as she'd hoped. She's a runner for a high-powered law firm in town, not the most prestigious of positions, but it and her part-time bartender gig at least pays the bills. And one of the senior partners is a dreamboat in that obscenely rich, disturbingly good looking, slightly snobbish sort of way.

Before she did a mortifying face plant in his lap during a meeting, she was quite happy ogling him from afar. After that...well...she was more about the avoiding. Mature, no. More likely to assure she keeps her job, yes.

She's made some friends in the few months she's been in Indy. One of those friends is her neighbor Sheila, though Kathleen can't say she's completely comfortable with Sheila's job choice as a high-dollar escort.

It's the middle of the night when Kathleen hears fighting coming from Sheila's apartment. As disturbing as that is, it's the ominous sound of silence afterwards that keeps Kathleen from falling back to sleep. Slipping from bed with the intention of making sure everything is okay, Kathleen knocks on friend's door, only to find Sheila murdered, her naked body sprawled on sheets stained crimson with her blood.

Shock and horror are followed by gritty determination when it becomes clear that Sheila's death isn't random and it isn't the result of a jealous boyfriend. It's the opening gambit in a web of murder, deceit, conspiracy, and fraud that stretches to the law firm for which Kathleen works. Maybe to the very office that Blane Kirk commands.

And Kathleen Turner, law office runner, can trust no one if she wants to survive.


Oh come oooonnn. This book, this series…it’s everything I’ve tried to shy away from with it’s cheesy dialogue, unrealistic plot and scenarios, insufferable and unnecessary love triangle, and completely unbelievable right-out-of the gate infatuations with the female lead. I didn’t believe any of it for a second….
And it’s exactly what I need while I’m down and out. I will continue on because I just damn well want to.

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Those boys. Ugh. So sexy. Just sayin’.

BOOK REVIEW: The Wrath and the Dawn (The Wrath and the Dawn #1) by Renee Ahdieh

BOOK REVIEW: The Wrath and the Dawn (The Wrath and the Dawn #1) by Renee AhdiehThe Wrath and the Dawn (The Wrath and the Dawn #1)
by Renee Ahdieh
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A sumptuous and epically told love story inspired by A Thousand and One Nights

Every dawn brings horror to a different family in a land ruled by a killer. Khalid, the eighteen-year-old Caliph of Khorasan, takes a new bride each night only to have her executed at sunrise. So it is a suspicious surprise when sixteen-year-old Shahrzad volunteers to marry Khalid. But she does so with a clever plan to stay alive and exact revenge on the Caliph for the murder of her best friend and countless other girls. Shazi's wit and will, indeed, get her through to the dawn that no others have seen, but with a catch . . . she’s falling in love with the very boy who killed her dearest friend.

She discovers that the murderous boy-king is not all that he seems and neither are the deaths of so many girls. Shazi is determined to uncover the reason for the murders and to break the cycle once and for all.


I love you, a thousand times over. And I will never apologize for it.


Ahhh…okay. So I almost feel like these are the hardest reviews to write. All I want to do is scream and shout and fangirl and cry and just go completely crazy with my love for this story.

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I mean….come on. You just finished the perfect book, you immediately want to:

shove the book down your friends’ throats Recommend it to all your friends and physically force them to read it
-Re-read it (Because all those heart-wrenching moments just weren’t enough the first time around….you just NEED those feels again but you want to focus on them)
-Buy the hardback (oh….that’s just me?? Whoops)

These are the basic Chelsea steps after finishing a wonderful new favorite. I can’t say I have the same emotional response that most sane people do (see above), but give me a freakin’ break. You just finished the most magical book and of course you want to gush about it mutually with your best friends. Of course I want those moments back, because no one flippin’ knows how long it will be before you get another chance to get these same feels again-and oh, duh, as if that second book would be out any time soon…no, they’d rather gut you and leave you hanging (haha) until you can’t breathe and ….where was I again? Right, anyway-I never wanted to leave this world and no one can make me-nah nah nah nah boo boo stick your head in doo doo (Thank Daniel Tosh for that lovely retort). And then here comes my truly psycho side-Why yes, if I love a book, I want to walk by my damn book shelf and see it displayed proudly. Never mind if I have already read it on my IPad-that’s inconsequential. I love it, so I need to display it to my friends, family, and loved ones alike. I love to read….sue me. (I’m like a peacock, you gotta let me fly!! –again, I’m not dumb-thank Mark Wahlberg for that one)

“You were saying?” He was so close, his words were more breath than sound.
“How-how dare you say that to me?” she whispered.
His eyes glittered with something akin to amusement.
“How dare I imply you caused this mess?”
“Me? This is not my fault! This is your fault!”
“You and your temper, Khalid!”
“No. You and your mouth, Shazi.”
“Wrong, you wretched lout!”
“See? That mouth.” He reached up and grazed his thumb across her lips. “That-magnificent mouth.”

Okay. *takes deep breath* I’m fully present now and I will tone the childishness down a tad…but just a tad. Now for the story. I think it’s almost better left unsaid what goes on in the book in large portions, but I do think you as readers need to know what you’re getting into as a whole. While this story has a multitude of layers going for it, those of you who want immediate action aren’t likely to receive it as quickly as you’d want. Each chapter unfurls an intricate new piece of a puzzle you so badly want to solve, but gratification doesn’t come so easily. Maybe the largest problem for most readers won’t lie in the mystery itself, but in the willingness of our lead female to not believe that there’s a bigger picture going on around her… even as she realizes there is, in fact, a bigger picture going on around her. Simply put? She begins to understand that there’s more to the story than meets the eye but she won’t put aside her hatred to let that knowledge truly sink in.

I will live to see tomorrow’s sunset. Make no mistake. I swear I will live to see as many sunsets as it takes.
And I will kill you.
With my own hands.

And as someone who absolutely cannot stand misunderstandings in books or movies alike, this could have bothered me-could-but it didn’t. Shazi and Khalid’s journey was so deeply etched into my heart that no amount of stupidity-on either of their parts-could lessen my affection for the story. But even after saying that, I really never felt that way-like they acted stupidly. Everything, to me, felt authentic and real, like two people who didn’t care one bit about each other. Then, like many forbidden and slow-build romances, they began to find similarities in one another and slowly fall madly in love with each other…haters to lovers-my absolute favorite type of love story.

When Shahrzad looked at Khalid again, his eyes were alight with an emotion she recognized.
And the moment felt so terrifyingly real that the thought of anything destroying it cinched the air from her body…
Like a silk cord around her neck.

It says something to me when I have literally no time-none-to read a long story (like this one) and I still power through and get [mostly] all the same feels I would have had I been able to read it all in one sitting. And much of that comes from the talent of this author and her excellent writing skills. So many words and phrases were beyond me in my perpetual state of zombie-ness, yet the beauty of the words entranced me in ways I thought were unreachable in such a state. This story had some of the most heart-wrenching and soul crushing quotes and passages that I have seen in a while (I’ll Meet You There being the most recent soul-crushing favorite with amazing quotes), causing immediate shortness of breath and a beating heart careening out of control. My point? I felt this even when barely able to read and with extremely tired eyes.

“It’s a fitting punishment for a monster. To want something so much-to hold it in your arms-and know beyond a doubt you will never deserve it.”

So…Shazi. Shazi Shazi Shazi. I don’t know about everyone else (Cough, Banana, cough) but I really loved her voice, being inside her head. She was strong-willed, determined, and not afraid. I sank headfirst into her plot for revenge, her thirst for vengeance-Shazi was drowning in a sea of hatred. She wasn’t easily won over and not once did she waver in her plans….well….until him, naturally. Doesn’t every girl’s eventual demise begin with a boy?

His touch burned her skin.
The shame. The betrayal.
The desire.

No matter how darkly his manner is portrayed, he is still just one boy, and she’s just one girl. Her story may have began out of hatred, but it ended in love.

“Some things exist in our lives for but a brief moment. And we must let them go on to light another sky.”

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Khalid isn’t what he seems. Sure, he’s fierce, harsh, doesn’t forgive easily….and tortured. Don’t forget tortured. 100 nights and 100 dawns, 100 girls and 100 deaths…that is the price. One life to one dawn…. I think I’ll leave it at that, but I can’t not say this-He may be fierce, but he’s fiercely loyal. He may be harsh, but he’s harsher to anyone that threatens those he loves (wink wink nudge nudge). And no he doesn’t forgive easily….unless you’re the only girl he’s ever fallen for. In which case, you better have your sword ready-because he’ll tear you to shreds and risk it all for her….just sayin’.

“What are you doing to me, you plague of a girl?” he whispered.
“If I’m a plague, then you should keep your distance, unless you plan on being destroyed.” The weapons still in her grasp, she shoved against his chest.
“No.” His hands dropped to her waist. “Destroy me.”

Richly imaginative story-telling with a hint of an Aladdin feel to it, we get to relive a childhood favorite that was always larger than life. In this story we get to see the harsher side of when fairy tales go wrong. Not everyone gets their happily ever after…but some get second chances. I don’t know if literally anything I said will convince you to read this, but I know this book is special. It progresses in a slow, syrupy and warm way that only increases your love for the characters and where their story is heading, but you never feel bored as the pieces begin to unravel before your eyes. And even more alluring is the slow-burn romance that speaks to you in ways you didn’t realize you even wanted. So, I don’t know. If you don’t want to work for your enjoyment, then I suppose I’d go for something lighter. But then I think about how hooked I was from page one and I’m like….who wouldn’t be hooked from the prologue? So read it, don’t read it….that’s up to you. But wouldn’t you just love to meet the real life magic carpet? Oh yeah, not kidding-I went there.

“When you meet the one who makes you smile as you’ve never smiled before, cry as you’ve never cried before….there is nothing to do but fall.”




OOPS! Forgot to say I read this with my French Banana! The French Frowner strikes again…

OMG GUYS. OMG this book. Words cannot describe the utter love and sheer obsession I found while reading this book. Sosososososososososossoooooooooooooooooooo good!!! AGH!

That ending though…..

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Review to come.

BOOK REVIEW: Drink, Slay, Love by Sarah Beth Durst

BOOK REVIEW: Drink, Slay, Love by Sarah Beth DurstDrink, Slay, Love by Sarah Beth Durst
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Pearl is a sixteen-year-old vampire... fond of blood, allergic to sunlight, and mostly evil... until the night a sparkly unicorn stabs her through the heart with his horn. Oops.

Her family thinks she was attacked by a vampire hunter (because, obviously, unicorns don't exist), and they're shocked she survived. They're even more shocked when Pearl discovers she can now withstand the sun. But they quickly find a way to make use of her new talent. The Vampire King of New England has chosen Pearl's family to host his feast. If Pearl enrolls in high school, she can make lots of human friends and lure them to the King's feast—as the entrees.

The only problem? Pearl's starting to feel the twinges of a conscience. How can she serve up her new friends—especially the cute guy who makes her fangs ache—to be slaughtered? Then again, she's definitely dead if she lets down her family. What's a sunlight-loving vamp to do?

Hilarious, light-hearted, and a male lead that made me smile more than should be allowed….but the story itself was just too meh for me.

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Bahahah this^ This is way more entertaining 😛

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