Author: Chelsea (Page 55 of 111)

BOOK REVIEW: Uprooted by Naomi Novik

BOOK REVIEW: Uprooted by Naomi NovikUprooted by Naomi Novik
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Naomi Novik, author of the bestselling and critically acclaimedTemeraire novels, introduces a bold new world rooted in folk stories and legends, as elemental as a Grimm fairy tale.

“Our Dragon doesn’t eat the girls he takes, no matter what stories they tell outside our valley. We hear them sometimes, from travelers passing through. They talk as though we were doing human sacrifice, and he were a real dragon. Of course that’s not true: he may be a wizard and immortal, but he’s still a man, and our fathers would band together and kill him if he wanted to eat one of us every ten years. He protects us against the Wood, and we’re grateful, but not that grateful.”

Agnieszka loves her valley home, her quiet village, the forests and the bright shining river. But the corrupted Wood stands on the border, full of malevolent power, and its shadow lies over her life.

Her people rely on the cold, driven wizard known only as the Dragon to keep its powers at bay. But he demands a terrible price for his help: one young woman handed over to serve him for ten years, a fate almost as terrible as falling to the Wood.

The next choosing is fast approaching, and Agnieszka is afraid. She knows—everyone knows—that the Dragon will take Kasia: beautiful, graceful, brave Kasia, all the things Agnieszka isn’t, and her dearest friend in the world. And there is no way to save her.

But Agnieszka fears the wrong things. For when the Dragon comes, it is not Kasia he will choose.


There were roots in my heart, as deep as any corruption could go.

HO-LY SHIT. Ahhhh what was this??? What was this absolutely amazing, fantastic, out of this world masterpiece?? It’s certainly not something I would ever enjoy. It’s surely out of my comfort zone. It seemed to have a somewhat long and drawn out plot…But it was that agonizingly wonderful warm-summer-breeze writing I so cherish that I can never find. And not only was the writing out of this world spectacular, the story-line was like crack.

“The power in the wood isn’t some blind hating beast; it can think and plan, and work towards its own ends. It can see into the hearts of men, all the better to poison them.”

Seriously, come on, think about it: The Dragon (very scary name, in my opinion. One of the reasons I didn’t pick this up right away…I mean…Dragon) comes to take a new girl every ten years back to his tower, and after the ten years are over, the girls come back to the village. But they never come back the same. It almost, almost has a Beauty and the Beast vibe (I know UGH I stole that from someone else’s thoughts but for the life of me I can’t remember who!) in the aspect that the girls are locked away in a tower with an unmanageable beast. Except…

“He’s not-he’s not-”
“If you don’t want a man dead, don’t bludgeon him over the head repeatedly,” the Dragon snapped.

BAHAHAHAH–cranky bastard

Except he’s not unmanageable. In fact, he’s completely down to earth…calm…cool…collected…if you think dealing with a prickly rose is manageable. That’s right-what we have here is a total asshole. Not in a long time have I ever fallen so hard for such a big jerk. Literally everything he says is seeped with sarcasm and screams ineptitude, but there is a good man underneath…probably. I dunno, I just adore him. All his idiot!s and fool!s topped with a pointed look had me busting out laughing and the smile rarely left my face.

He roared at me furiously for ten minutes after he finally managed to put out the sulky and determined fire, calling me a witless muttonheaded spawn of pig farmers-“My father’s a woodcutter,” I said-“Of axe-swinging lummocks!” he snarled.

Oh! And there’s a creepy haunted forest. They call it the woods. I ADORED this aspect and


Oh fuck it. Just read the sonuvabitch. You’ll love it.

All you need to know:

-Spectacular, out of this world writing
-Wonderful main character
-Asshole male lead

He roared at me furiously for ten minutes after he finally managed to put out the sulky and determined fire, calling me a witless muttonheaded spawn of pig farmers-“My father’s a woodcutter,” I said-“Of axe-swinging lummocks!” he snarled.

Lmaoooo I do so love him)
-Haunted woods that want to kill literally everyone and take over the world

That’s all.

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BOOK REVIEW: Scorch (Croak #2) by Gina Damico

BOOK REVIEW: Scorch (Croak #2) by Gina DamicoScorch (Croak #2)
by Gina Damico
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Sixteen-year-old Lex Bartleby is a teenage grim reaper with the bizarre ability to damn souls. That makes her pretty scary, even to fellow Grims. But after inadvertently transferring her ability to Zara, a murderous outlaw, Lex is a pariah in Croak, the little town she calls home.

To escape the townspeople’s wrath, she and her friends embark on a wild road trip to DeMyse. Though this sparkling desert oasis is full of luxuries and amusements, it feels like a prison to Lex. Her best chance at escape would be to stop Zara once and for all—but how can she do that from DeMyse, where the Grims seem mysteriously oblivious to Zara’s killing spree?

Lex sighed and readied her scythe. “Yeah, well, love doesn’t always beat out fear.”
“Sometimes it does,” he replied with a smile, pecking her on the nose.
“Christ, Driggs. You’re turning into a Lifetime movie.”
“Your defense mechanisms are captivating, as always.”

Aaaah this series. I am so in love with this series. I repeatedly explained in my last review that this series was perfect for when you’re busy, down, or just need a laugh. As it turns out? I’m all three. Which I also wouldn’t shut up about in my prior review. But, and this is a large but, I am beginning to see how this might not be such a light and fluffy series.

Lex smiled and looked up at him. “It was beautiful.”
He smiled back and kissed the top of her head. “It was for you.”

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More and more we are beginning to see the death toll increase (ironically, in book one, despite being aptly named Croak, not that many people really died). And its not even minor characters. We are starting to see main characters hacked and slashed and its getting harder and harder to pretend that something bad might not be coming….because I’m not so sure anymore. Not only are Lex and Driggs continually being threatened, they are constantly getting hurt. It’s beginning to scare me. And, to top it all off, all my wonderful friends and reviewers on GR have written reviews for book three that are nothing if not painfully clear on who or what is knocking on death’s doorstep (again, no pun intended).

Driggs whispered to Lex out of the side of his mouth as they walked, “I never got grounded before you came here.”
“You never touched a boob before I came here either.”
“Touché.” He flashed a goofy grin as Uncle Mort shoved him into his room and slammed the door. “Worth it!”

That’s not to say I don’t immensely enjoy every little bit of these stories-on the contrary, I actually devour these. For as little time as I have to read, this series is like book crack. Driggs and Lex’s banter is still as fresh and funny as ever and I can’t keep a smile off of my face no matter how hard I try. I don’t laugh out loud (much) for books, so, for me to be cackling out loud at the smart-assery that is Lex and Driggs’s personalities, that is truly something.

Three seconds of silence followed, which was way too much time to go without making out, so they dove right back into each other’s faces. But after a minute or so, Lex pushed him away. “Stop.”
“Why?” He looked horrified. “What’s wrong?”
“Was it that thing I did with my tongue?”
“Um, no. Your tongue and its many talents are perfect. Keep up the good work.”

My favorite character, still, by a landslide is Driggs-duh. His adorable ways of bitching at Lex and inhalation of sweets (most frequently Oreos) make it impossible not to love him. It’s not so much that he matches Lex’s wit, it’s how he matches it-it’s his mannerisms and way of phrasing things that makes him a refreshing (and again, adorable) breath of fresh air.

Lex shouldered her bag and grinned. “I’m not.” She bent over Driggs to kiss him, slipping Bone’s key into his pocket for safekeeping in case she ran into trouble. “See you later.”
“Okay, muffin,” he said robotically, his eyes glued to the screen as he smooched the air. “Be safe and so forth.”

And then, Lex-I still adore her anger and ability to shut out any and all warnings so she can help with the greater good (at least in her mind). Her stupid (and not so stupid) decisions are evened out with her Uncle Mort and Driggs’ levelheadedness and will to keep her alive. I don’t know where her path is leading…but I hope it’s not what she does for a living (cough, dead, cough).

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He did a spit-take as she approached. “Holy shitballs,” he said, scanning her up and down. “You look gorgeous.”
Lex laughed. “Thanks.”
“You’re wearing a dress,” he informed her.
“And yet I haven’t burst into flames. I’m just as surprised as you are.”
“Well, warn me next time so my heart doesn’t explode.” He got up to pull out her chair.
She snickered. “Pretending to be a gentleman, are we?”
“Gotta try at least once a year, or I’ll lose my license.”

So, ya know, there isn’t much to say. It’s a funny series and there is a little bit of something for everyone. Despite what I had originally thought when I saw the cover, that it was cheesy, it’s anything but. The writing is superb and the characters are fleshed out and completely hilarious. Uncle Mort living with a couple of horny teenagers proved to be something of a hilarious main plot point (ever vigilant and on the lookout) and it added some cotton candy to what is starting to become a very dark trilogy. And, I’m just guna come out and say it, because I’ve already eluded to it a million times: I don’t think I could handle it if a certain (adorable) one blue, one brown eyed boy didn’t survive. How could I live in a world knowing he ceased to exist? I couldn’t, I tell you!! So…I am a wimp. I shall wait. And ponder. And pick a better time…because I am a coward who needs to get her gumption up before I finish this series. But don’t worry, Lex and Driggs-

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BOOK REVIEW: Croak (Croak #1) by Gina Damico

BOOK REVIEW: Croak (Croak #1) by Gina DamicoCroak (Croak #1)
by Gina Damico
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Fed up with her wild behavior, sixteen-year-old Lex's parents ship her off to upstate New York to live with her Uncle Mort for the summer, hoping that a few months of dirty farm work will whip her back into shape.

But Uncle Mort's true occupation is much dirtier than shoveling manure. He's a Grim Reaper. And he's going to teach Lex the family business.

She quickly assimilates into the peculiar world of Croak, a town populated by reapers who deliver souls from this life to the next. But Lex can't stop her desire for justice - or is it vengeance? - whenever she encounters a murder victim, craving to stop the attackers before they can strike again.

Will she ditch Croak and go rogue with her reaper skills?


Lex wondered, for a fleeting moment, what her principal’s head might look like if it were stabbed atop a giant wooden spear.


Fun, witty, snarky, and lighthearted, this book was just what the doctor ordered for my busy and stressful week. Do you ever just have those weeks where, no matter what you do, how you feel, how much time you make, every time you FINALLY get time to pick up your book you’re too tired to even enjoy or comprehend what you’re even reading? Yeah, well, that’s been me this week. And yes, I make time whereas a lot of people would just use their exhaustion from all day activities to rest and catch up on sleep-but that’s just not me and I don’t know if it ever will be. See, my escape is reading. Nothing else relaxes, elates, and motivates me more than reading. I strive for those peaceful (and not so peaceful) moments where I finally get to sit down, grab a drink (preferably soda if its not too late), and dive into my latest story. My point? This book, after many long and stressful work days, was just what I needed. Picking up this hilarious story was effortless, and I am so glad I randomly chose to pick this up and read it.

“…Poor Logan Hochspring’s arm will forever carry an imprint of her dental records!”
“You bit him?” Lex’s father said.
“He called me a wannabe vampire,” she said. “What was I supposed to do?”
“Oh, I don’t know-maybe not bite him?”

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I don’t have a ton of time to write a long and drawn out review (shocker), but I loved this book for so many different reasons and it would drive me ABSOLUTELY INSANE to know that I passed up an opportunity to tell some people about a story they have never heard of. This is the type of story where you don’t have to take it too seriously, but it’s written so damn well that you do take it seriously. It’s not one to be overlooked just because it’s light as air-You care about every moment and you begin to fall for every character, no matter how big or small their part. I think that this is a fun story for everyone, and it’s even better if you just dive right in and don’t overthink it-it’s exactly what I did, and immediately upon opening the ebook I was laughing my ass off.

Another heavy smack echoed into the sky. A spasm of pain ripped through her face, her vision bursting into stars.
“You hit back?!” she shouted.
Driggs was gaping in disbelief at his own hand. Slowly, he recovered and looked into her good eye. “I had a feeling you’d be more insulted if I didn’t.”
Lex stared back. He couldn’t have been more right.
“You can’t hit a girl,” she said, rubbing her face.
“You hit me first.”
“So I was defending myself.”
Lex huffed. This was going terribly. “You cant do that!”
“It seems I just did,” he replied with a stilted laugh.

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This is a story about Lex, a snarky high school girl who has recently turned delinquent for no reason at all. Her attitude is through the roof and no one can reach her, so her parents decide to send her off to her Uncle Mort’s ‘farm’. But what they don’t know? They just signed their daughter up to spend the summer killing people. Ha ha. But really…

“Yeah, well, it doesn’t make up for his lack of sanity. Or parental instincts. Or decorating skills. Did you see that hideous display of girlish vomit that was supposed to be my room?”
“Oh? You didn’t like it?”
“Hell no.”
“Why not? Titanic is a timeless classic. The ultimate love story, one of the most towering achievements in cinematic-”
“Wait a damn minute,” Lex interrupted as his straight face began to crack. “You did that? On purpose?”
“Don’t girls like Titanic?”

I think my largest concern was the fact that she was going to be hanging out at her uncle’s all summer. I mean…come on. How fun could that even be? I have skipped over this book on numerous occasions without even a backward glance and then all of a sudden this week I thought…ya know, this looks like perfection right now. And it was. Her uncle was nothing like I’d ever have expected. He was maybe even funnier than Lex…which is a hard thing to accomplish. Humor leaped off each and every page, no matter how serious the situation, and it was due to every single character that contributed to this story.

“This doctor sure hates zits,” he said. “And this community college has got it all-education, affordability, and convenience!”
“Be quiet,” said Lex. “Where are your Oreos?”
“I ate them.”
“I was excited!”

-Lex and Driggs (looool)

And now for my favorite character: Driggs. Sweet, adorable, protective, and….Lex’s equal? Yeah. That went over well. It was hate at first sight, and their shenanigans were off the charts funny. And I absolutely adored his affliction for sweets. But as the story progresses, we begin to see a deeper and more emotional Driggs, making his witty and bantering behavior all the more appealing and escalating it into something worth obsessing over. And as we begin to see gradual feelings surface between these two, we might just learn something that will melt our hearts…I know I turned into a puddle of goo.

“Yes, you are. You’re scheming.” He got up and walked toward his room. “Scheming leads to crazy ideas. Crazy ideas lead to trouble. I get dragged into your trouble, we both get kicked out of Croak, and the next thing you know, we’re freezing to death in the waters of the North Atlantic.”
“Dude, you are way too obsessed with Titanic.
Driggs looked indignant. “What is so wrong with having a healthy respect for heart-wrenching filmmaking of unequaled-” He shook his head. “Look, this isn’t about me. Just quit it with the evil plots, all right? If you get exiled, I’m going to be pissed as hell.” He slammed the door.
“Why?” she yelled.
He poked his head out. “I don’t want to have to clean out your room again.” He slammed the door once more and disappeared into a crash of drums.

I don’t know what to say to make this book more appealing, so I will just leave it at this: If you are busy, if you are tired, if you just want a light, funny, mystery book, then this is absolute perfection. I can’t say it didn’t have little flaws, like the lack of description on certain, ahem, kissing scenes and maybe the fact that it was in third person (I think I’d have liked a first person narrative-it would have made it a little more personal), but, aside from that, I really had no complaints. Sit back, relax, and pick this book up-Lex and Drigg’s bitching and griping at each other is sure to lighten even the darkest of your bad moods…I would suggest this to pretty much everyone. I hope it works for you like it did for me!




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Ahhhh I absolutely devoured this. A snarky heroine with the ability to back it up, a beautiful boy in which she bickered-fought-argued-was attracted to, and a hilarious uncle that brought her into a world she never knew existed.

I’d say this was a pretty big win….and just what I needed!

Review to come!

BOOK REVIEW: Something Real by Heather Demetrios

BOOK REVIEW: Something Real by Heather DemetriosSomething Real by Heather Demetrios
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There’s nothing real about reality TV.

Seventeen-year-old Bonnie™ Baker has grown up on TV—she and her twelve siblings are the stars of one-time hit reality show Baker’s Dozen. Since the show’s cancellation and the scandal surrounding it, Bonnie™ has tried to live a normal life, under the radar and out of the spotlight. But it’s about to fall apart…because Baker’s Dozen is going back on the air. Bonnie™’s mom and the show’s producers won’t let her quit and soon the life she has so carefully built for herself, with real friends (and maybe even a real boyfriend), is in danger of being destroyed by the show. Bonnie™ needs to do something drastic if her life is ever going to be her own—even if it means being more exposed than ever before.

His hands settle on either side of my waist, and I lean into him. It’s terrifying, caring about someone this much. To allow them to be the air you breathe.

I think it goes without saying that I’ve found an amazing new author to obsess over. There is literally nothing-ABSOLUTELY NOTHING-better than an author who knows how to write characters that are both diverse and unforgettable and a story that is not only authentic, but makes you crave for more, even as you turn the last page. It isn’t often that I become completely sad for a story to end, but twice in a row, as I’ve read her books, I’ve slowly started to turn into a melancholy piece of work as I realized, yet again, that a new favorite set of characters were about to disappear from my life forever.

“Patrick…I’m sorry, I wanted to but-”
“Don’t listen to a word my sister tells you, Patrick Sheldon. Unless it’s that she wants you.”
I. Am. Going. To. Kill. My. Brother.
Ever calm, cool, and collected, Patrick gives me a sardonic raise of his eyebrows, then he turns and flashes Benny a half smile. “Excellent.”

I won’t lie and say I got immediately sucked into this one like I did with her other contemporary, I’ll Meet You There. There was just something so touching about that boy who came back from the war a broken man and Sky’s struggle to get out of her suffocating hometown. In that regard, I saw many similarities in the story-the idea that our main character was suffocating and longing for a different role in life. And while I still was immediately drawn to the wonderful and absolutely addictive writing style of Demetrios, I struggled to follow all the chaos surrounding the first quarter of the book. We get introduced to a very hectic lifestyle where cameras are shoved into the main character’s face at every turn and we meet all 11 of her siblings in a rapid fire of thoughts and different scenarios. And while it wasn’t necessarily difficult to follow, I still struggled to fall effortlessly into the story because I was so tired after a long work week. It was just a lot, at first.

Patrick watches off to the side, his hands in his pockets. I love the way he looks at me. There’s chaos all around him-shrieking kids, a camera crew, my mother. But he’s undaunted, calm as ever, just leaning against the wall. It’s like he can put the world on mute for me.

But, as I have discovered with Demetrios’s writing, it did NOT take me long to fall hard for this story. Or namely…for a boy named Patrick. Gosh, really? I mean, REALLY?! How is it possible for an author to create such visceral characters that I physically ache for them to truly exist. Seriously-first Josh, the soldier who still has his claws sunk deep into my heart (I’m not sure I’ll ever recover from him-MY GAHD). And now? Now we have the super sensitive Patrick who would do literally anything-ANYTHING-for Bonnie/Chloe. It was beyond adorable to see what he was willing to do to get time with her, to protect her, to be there for her….when something started to go awry with the show, he’d immediately find a way to contact her and was always understanding and always irate on her behalf. It was utterly heartwarming to see how much he loved and cared for her. If he could have wrapped her up in his arms to shield her from the world, I really think he would have. The amount of support in his warm brown eyes was almost too much to handle…seriously.

Sheldon1015: Hey…you awake?
Sheldon1015: Your phone is off. I think you have enough evidence if you want to tell the police you have a stalker-I left way too many anxious boyfriend texts.
Sheldon1015: Crap. MetaReel can’t read your texts can they? I don’t know how them tapping your phone actually works.
Sheldon1015: Chloe.
Sheldon1015: Chloe.
Sheldon1015: Chloe.
Sheldon1015: This is my cyber version of throwing pebbles at your window. Is it working?
YoSoyChloe: Hey
Sheldon1015: Hey! (I’m still working on the right term of endearment for you, so know that I’m saying more than “hey.”)

And Chloe…Bonnie…whatever we call her, she was quite the main character to follow. Growing up in a world with no privacy, Chloe started out her life in a very abnormal fashion-everything she did, everywhere she went, every defining moment in her life was all recorded for America to witness. And wouldn’t this mold a child in an odd fashion? Maybe most come out alright, but for Chloe it was suffocating, blinding, torment. The walls began to close in around her and she felt she had no other options than to seek a way out…and it destroyed the show forever. Or so she thought.

The room seems to get smaller and smaller as more people crowd into it, and I can’t think, it’s so loud. I push past my siblings, throw my hand up against a camera lens that blocks my path.
“Get out of my way!” I scream. I stumble blindly past bodies, tearing at the high neck of my dress, gasping for air. I’m choking, gagging. I have to get upstairs before I throw up. Please let me get upstairs. Please, God, please.

Fast forward 4 years later and MetaReel is back, right when Chloe has began to feel normal and whole again. Right when she has normal friends, a normal crush, a normal mediocre life. She immediately gives way to panic and begins to feel the walls closing in around her again, but there’s nothing she can do. If she ruins the show again it could cost her family, and she doesn’t want to do anything more to hurt them or their image-even if it almost kills her to do so.

“Just thinking about how I’m going to be a lonely old cat lady living all by myself someday,” I say.
Tessa shakes her head. “Not if Patrick has anything to do with it.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
I watch my boyfriend score a goal with expert precision. Is there anything he’s not good at?
“Chlo, that boy has forever written all over his face when he looks at you. A cat lady you shall never be.”

But lets not forget her shining rays of hope: Her brother, Benny, whom I adored, her newly acquired boy, Patrick, her best friends, Mer and Tessa, and then Benny’s boyfriend, Matt. When the book finally began to close in and center around this wonderful little cast of characters, that’s when the story really began for me. We started to see how deeply rooted her support system was and how much they all cared for her (and Benny-since he was in the same situation). We saw the backlash of not conforming to what your family wants and what happens when you don’t follow what everyone thinks you need to be doing. Word gets out that Chloe Baker is actually Bonnie Baker, and the safe little bubble she’s created for herself explodes.

“…But I really…I’ve been wanting to ask you out for a while now, and I wish I’d done it earlier, before all this happened, but I wasn’t totally sure…I mean, one minute I’m convinced you feel the same way, and the next you hardly talk to me. But that day you ran out of class, all I wanted to do was follow you. I couldn’t handle seeing you upset like that. Um”
“Sorry. What was I saying?”
“You wanted to follow me.”
This is the best day of my life. Which is weird, because it was maybe the third worst about five minutes ago.
“Right. So. My question is, how do you feel about boyfriends?”
Best. Day. Ever.
“I feel…do you mean boyfriends in general or specific boyfriends?”
“Very specific.”
“Isn’t there an order to this? Aren’t there steps that we’re skipping-”
“Screw steps. I want to be with you.”

I really enjoy this author and am sad there aren’t many books to binge read. I am in a serious I-need-more-by-this-author funk and I don’t think it’s going to be easy to move on after her last two stories I have read. I can’t even begin to express what her books, the friendships, and the boys she creates mean to me, but I hope my ramblings do an okay job. No, this didn’t touch I’ll Meet You There, but I still loved it for different reasons. Not every book has to reach you in the same ways-all you need is the comfort of that author’s writing for you to feel grounded and like you are where you belong. When I read these books, it feels like I’m finally coming home. What more can a girl ask for?




*4.5 Stars*

One thing is has became absolutely crystal clear to me this past week:

Heather Demetrios creates THE BEST male leads. EVER.

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Like, wow.

Oh, Patrick. I love you. ♥

Review to come.

BOOK REVIEW: Behind the Scenes (Daylight Falls #1) by Dahlia Adler

BOOK REVIEW: Behind the Scenes (Daylight Falls #1) by Dahlia AdlerBehind the Scenes (Daylight Falls #1)
by Dahlia Adler
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High school senior Ally Duncan's best friend may be the Vanessa Park - star of TV's hottest new teen drama - but Ally's not interested in following in her BFF's Hollywood footsteps. In fact, the only thing Ally’s ever really wanted is to go to Columbia and study abroad in Paris. But when her father's mounting medical bills threaten to stop her dream in its tracks, Ally nabs a position as Van's on-set assistant to get the cash she needs.

Spending the extra time with Van turns out to be fun, and getting to know her sexy co-star Liam is an added bonus. But when the actors’ publicist arranges for Van and Liam to “date” for the tabloids just after he and Ally share their first kiss, Ally will have to decide exactly what role she's capable of playing in their world of make believe. If she can't play by Hollywood's rules, she may lose her best friend, her dream future, and her first shot at love.

“Why the hell do you do all this stuff if you hate it? Is it, like, in The Rules of Being Attractive that you must become an actor-slash-model?”
He smiled slowly, my heart melting just a tiny bit with each new millimeter. “Does that mean you think I’m attractive?”

Ugh. I’m still not sure what to rate this. I can’t decide whether to give this 3 or 4 solid stars, but 3.5 seems right. This book wasn’t what I was expecting, but I also don’t know what I was expecting. Hm. I am so odd-I mean, seriously, the blurb says exactly what it is and I still was surprised by it. Meh.

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And more often than not, I can get past all the little idiosyncrasies and malfunctions of a story-really, I’m a pro. I look past the stupidest shit…but for some reason, these types of stories have the power to either make me hate them…or love them. But, it turns out that I hate them, more often than not.

I love you, but I have to date her for the media. I love you but I have to hug and kiss (pecks on the cheek or mouth, I guess) your best friend for the fans. I can’t wait to spend time with you, but I have to hang out with her in public. Never mind that they can’t even get some damn fro-yo without it blowing the whole media scandal right out the window.

He reached around and pulled me back, folding me into his arms. “Ally, listen to me.” He tipped my chin up until I was staring directly into his ocean-colored eyes. “You are beautiful. So beautiful it hurts.” He took my hand and placed it on the warm skin of his chest. “Tu as mon…How do you say ‘heart’ again?”
Coeur,” I answered, feeling my own squeeze.
Tu as mon coeur,” he repeated with a smile, stroking my cheek with his index finger.

But there were lots of things I liked about this, too. Namely Liam-

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He was literally the only thing/person/event that didn’t bother me. He was absolute perfection. Now, that doesn’t mean his little media scheme didn’t kill me-it did. But, for that, I blame Ally. Sorry, Ally, but you screwed up, bro-BIG TIME. I would NEVER have disillusioned myself to believe something could be so simple or easy. Never. From the very beginning, Liam tried to make the easy choice-the correct choice…but she quickly squelched that. And no, no one wants to play their jealous girlfriend card so early, but let’s be honest-when does a fake relationship deal EVER work out in the feelings arena? Mmhmm. That’s what I thought.

My point is, that while Ally wasn’t a horrible lead, she also wasn’t a bright lead, either-by any means. I mean…sigh. Come on. Just…really? I think that was my largest problem-you tell someone to do something, and then you get upset time and again over it. And I understand-fickle, right?! SO AM I! But agh I am such a hypocrite but….I just couldn’t handle it from her. AND I HAVE NO CLUE WHY.

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The writing was fresh and fun and easy to read. It flowed seamlessly from page to page with the ease of an exhaled breath. But, only sometimes, there was a liiiittle cheesiness in the dialogue between friends. Like, her and Liam? Perfect. The chemistry? So hot. Nail on the head. The dialogue wasn’t forced and it felt authentic and adorable. They really loved one another and it seeped off the pages. But then she’d have a convo with her family or her best friend or the girls and guys at school-or Nate-and I would find myself rolling my eyes. I was being judgmental, sure, but more than once I heard this incessant little chant in the back of my mind-Lara Jean, Lara Jean, Lara Jean…

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And oh GAHD, did I loathe Lara Jean. I’m being unfair, I know, because Ally is NOTHING like Lara Jean…but sometimes I’d see little glimpses of her naivety and it grated on me a bit-not a ton, just a teensy bit. I do believe this author deserves more recognition, and I am shocked to see this book hasn’t even reached 1,000 people having read it yet.

“This is ridiculous, you know. You could get any girl you want.”
“And so I did,” he pointed out firmly, kissing me hard on the lips in a “stop talking like that” gesture.

Yikes. This review turned out to be a big old wash. I liked it and I didn’t like it. Simple. I adored Liam. I adored how much he cared for her and did for her-even behind the scenes (har-har) when we couldn’t see it. Their relationship and chemistry were adorable. But then there were the negative things like Ally not saying what she meant and getting mad about preventable things and cheesy friendship stuff and ugh. So….I don’t know that this type of story is for me, but I also don’t know that I’ll ever stop trying. My mind is still trying to process what I think and feel so….hm.

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