I saw the Bookish Naughty or Nice Tag over at A Page of Jenniely, and I thought it looked like so much fun! It asks the question ‘are you on the naughty list’. So here are my answers…..
1. Received an ARC and not reviewed it? ✔️
Oh my gosh, do I have to answer this question?! I received an arc on February 13th of this year and haven’t reviewed it yet *hides face*. But here’s the thing, it’s the second book in the series. They sent me the 1st book and since I loved it so much they sent me the next two books in the series. I fully planned on picking it up next, but then I got stuck thinking about that love triangle. It’s between two twin brothers. How in the world is that going to end well?! I can’t emotionally handle that 2nd book. Maybe I’ll be braver next year? We’ll see.
2. Have less than 60% feedback rating on Netgalley?
No check mark because I’m super duper picky and currently at 90% woohoo!
3. Rated a book on Goodreads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never did)?
I’ve actually wrote a review for every single book I’ve read this year. I’m starting to feel like I’m definitely going to be on the Nice List lol!
4. Folded down the page of a book?
I just, I can’t ever even think about doing this. I would probably cry if anything like that happened to my books.
5. Accidentally spilled on a book? ✔️
Okay, here’s the thing. I’ve never spilled on my books. But my Kindle had powder sugar explode all over it. And it took days to clean. I thought I did a good job, and then the next day powder sugar would mysteriously appear along the edges. I won’t ever make that mistake again. If you want to see a picture of this, it’s here.
6. DNF a book this year?
I have this weird thing about DNFing a book. I just can’t. I feel like it’ll get better. Even though it usually doesn’t ever get better lol. So I haven’t dnfed a book since 2013. I think I’m back on the Nice List now!
7. Bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it?
Am I the only person in the world who hasn’t done this? I mean, yes I own a few hundred books that I still have to read. It’ll probably take me years, but I want to read each and every book I buy.
8. Read whilst you were meant to be doing something else (like homework)? ✔️
The only time I have to read is at night. Once my kiddos are in bed. Sure I should be cleaning the house, folding the laundry that’s just sitting in the dryer and a whole bunch of others things. But life is too short and books will always win.
9. Skim read a book? ✔️
If I rate a book 1-3 stars, then there’s a good chance that I skimmed parts of it. Skim reading helps me out so much when I’m not a fan of the book or I just want to dnf. That’s probably how I get by not dnfing books. Thank goodness for skim reading!
10. Completely missed your Goodreads goal?
So I have a goal in my head, but I’ve never set it on Goodreads. It’s like I’m doing it but not really then right?! Why do I do this? I have no clue lol. Maybe I’ll finally set it next year since I’m looking at joining reading challenges. We’ll see…….
11. Borrowed a book and not returned it?
I’ve done this with clothes LOTS of times! My mom has even shown up at my house with a brand new shirt for me while asking for that same shirt of hers back. Whoops? But in my defense, I think that clothing item gets along a lot better with the clothes in my closet *looks around innocently*. But anywho, I always return books. Although sometimes it takes me a year or so to do that. *Thank you Astin for being so patient with me*!!
12. Broke a book buying ban? ✔️
I don’t believe in book buying bans. BUT my family puts this horrible rule in place every single year. Technically we aren’t allowed to buy ourselves any presents from the week of Thanksgiving until Christmas. I broke that rule this year and last year too. And I’ll probably break it again next year. It’s just a rule that continually sets me up for failure!
13. Started a review, left it for ages then forgot what the book was about?
This is where my Type A personality shines brightly. I can’t start the next book I want to read until my current book’s review is written. Yes I have problems and I’m fully aware of them.
14. Wrote in a book you were reading?
People actually do this besides an author annotating a copy?! This is like the same thing as folding pages to me. INCONCEIVABLE!
15. Finished a book and not added it to your Goodreads?
Uhhhhhhh why would I do this? Isn’t that what Goodreads is for?????
So who’s on the naughty list this year? I got 5/15, so I’m pretty positive that places me on the Nice List this year! Woohoo! Hopefully that means Santa will bring me ALL the books *smiles hugely*.
If you want to participate too, here are the rules. And please feel free to tag yourself since I didn’t tag 10 people:
Tag & link the person who tagged you
Tag and link me/this post (if you would be so kind, I love reading your answers!)
Tick/cross off the ones you’ve done
Tag another 10 people!
And here’s the list for you to copy and do yourself:
Received an ARC and not reviewed it
Have less than 60% feedback rating on Netgalley
Rated a book on goodreads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never did)
Folded down the page of a book
Accidentially spilled on a book
DNF a book this year
Bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it
Read whilst you were meant to be doing something else (like homework)
Skim read a book
Completely missed your Goodreads goal
Borrowed a book and not returned it
Broke a book buying ban
Started a review, left it for ages then forgot what the book was about
Wrote in a book you were reading
Finished a book and not added it to your Goodreads[/scroll-box]