Category: Z-Old Users (Page 33 of 50)

BOOK REVIEW – The Wrath and the Dawn (The Wrath and the Dawn #1) by Renee Ahdieh

BOOK REVIEW – The Wrath and the Dawn (The Wrath and the Dawn #1)  by Renee AhdiehThe Wrath and the Dawn (The Wrath and the Dawn #1)
by Renee Ahdieh
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Every dawn brings horror to a different family in a land ruled by a killer. Khalid, the eighteen-year-old Caliph of Khorasan, takes a new bride each night only to have her executed at sunrise. So it is a suspicious surprise when sixteen-year-old Shahrzad volunteers to marry Khalid. But she does so with a clever plan to stay alive and exact revenge on the Caliph for the murder of her best friend and countless other girls. Shazi's wit and will, indeed, get her through to the dawn that no others have seen, but with a catch . . . she’s falling in love with the very boy who killed her dearest friend.

She discovers that the murderous boy-king is not all that he seems and neither are the deaths of so many girls. Shazi is determined to uncover the reason for the murders and to break the cycle once and for all.

BR with my broken boys’ favorite specialist, Chelsea

Useless horrible love-triangle : now, that’s an addition to the original tale that doesn’t appeal to me. Indeed it was unnecessary and resulted in predictability for the plot. Plus, Tariq is an asshole. A stupid one at it.

Fast forward in Shazi’s feelings : what is it with the fluttering in the stomach after one night? So Khalid listened to her story, so what? At this point he never showed anything to prove that there’s more to him than his fucking murderer caliph’s status. More generally, I’m sorry because I know that many of my friends loved her, but Shazi annoyed me something fierce, especially because her inner monologues were always in contradiction with her acts and well, grew old after several chapters. I despise him. I WILL take revenge. I WILL stop my heart from fluttering (again with this word, godammit, I don’t even know how many times she used it), I WILL kill him. Oh, come on. We both know you won’t. Just stop it.

“The tightening in her chest… would have to be ignored.
At all cost.”

It remains to be seen.

The truth is, I was told during the whole book that Shazi was badass and fierce but I’m still not convinced. What I saw is a beautiful, immature and ill-tempered girl who never even tried to fulfill her quest. There. I said it. Actually she reminded me of Frances from Daughter of Deep Silence, as to me her behavior never justified who she was supposed to be and what she was supposed to do.

Can somebody explain to me why Khalid is interested in Shazi in the first place? Why does he seek her after the wedding? Huh? Oh, yes, he does explain it at some point, but his reasons are far too close to instalove for my taste, sorry. So, no, I’m not mad because it is mostly a romance, because I do like romance and that it could have been beautiful. Yet sadly, as it is, I didn’t buy it and therefore never felt enthralled nor captivated.

It was boring : So much that I struggled to go on and felt the urge to skim some parts – I didn’t, but damn, how I wanted to! I’m pretty sure that I can explain this by the fact that I didn’t connect with the characters : I didn’t care about them one bit before the last 30%, therefore it was pretty hard to feel involved in their story. Moreover, let’s be frank, almost nothing happens during most of the book, but I do feel like I read an eulogy of Shazi’s PERFECTION in all things. Good for you, girl. Now show me. I’m waiting. And don’t even get me started about the parts in Tariq’s POV.

✘ I have to admit that I am on the fence about the writing, since there are some features I loved (I’ll come back to them later). However, mostly I found it over-descriptive, with several similes which made me roll my eyes, and in my opinion I wasn’t shown enough.

The settings : I felt like I was there, either in the palace or the market or anywhere the characters go, really. The writing was evocative and if sometimes on the purple prose side (as I said earlier), it did make a great job as creating the world-building.

✔ I liked Khalid‘s character for the most part, who was complex and interesting, even though his eyes-opening changes thanks to Shazi are rather clichés – who don’t like a broken King, tell me? His inner turmoil moved me, especially in the last 30%.

✔ If most of the story failed to pull me in, I have to admit that the last 30% hooked me (well, kind of) and were way better in my opinion (except for everything linked to Tariq. Really, what an useless prick). Is it enough to make me want to read book 2? Frankly, I don’t know. I guess I’ll see.

► Here I am, disappointed and in the minority. The only thing I can say is that unfortunately I didn’t like The Wrath and the Dawn how much I thought I would (I’m the queen of understatements), now do whatever you want with it.

BOOK REVIEW – Sugar by Deirdre Riordan Hall

BOOK REVIEW – Sugar by Deirdre Riordan HallSugar by Deirdre Riordan Hall
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I’m the fat Puerto Rican–Polish girl who doesn’t feel like she belongs in her skin, or anywhere else for that matter. I’ve always been too much and yet not enough.

Sugar Legowski-Gracia wasn’t always fat, but fat is what she is now at age seventeen. Not as fat as her mama, who is so big she hasn’t gotten out of bed in months. Not as heavy as her brother, Skunk, who has more meanness in him than fat, which is saying something. But she’s large enough to be the object of ridicule wherever she is: at the grocery store, walking down the street, at school. Sugar’s life is dictated by taking care of Mama in their run-down home—cooking, shopping, and, well, eating. A lot of eating, which Sugar hates as much as she loves.

When Sugar meets Even (not Evan—his nearly illiterate father misspelled his name on the birth certificate), she has the new experience of someone seeing her and not her body. As their unlikely friendship builds, Sugar allows herself to think about the future for the first time, a future not weighed down by her body or her mother.

Soon Sugar will have to decide whether to become the girl that Even helps her see within herself or to sink into the darkness of the skin-deep role her family and her life have created for her.


► This book. This book. Read it.

I’m not gonna lie, but to read this book was depressing at times. Haunting. We can feel Sugar’s hopelessness and trust me, it’s not always an easy journey to follow. Many passages leave you with an impression of claustrophobia, feeling Sugar’s despair in your bones, knocking you down, tearing out. But in the end, what remains is this feeling of hope, and I don’t want to let it go.

“I lean against the doorframe, heavy with the truth. I am always in the way. I’ve known this for as long I can remember.”

At first I thought that Sugar wasn’t relatable to me at all. I’ve never been bullied. But I was wrong. Oh boy, I was so wrong. Because this book deals with bullying and acceptation, with the way we constantly value ourselves, especially when we’re teenagers – Everybody can relate at a certain degree. Everybody sees the ants, remember? Who can say that he has always accepted his body for how it is? I can’t. I sure can’t, and I’m pretty sure most of us can’t as well. However, I never had to deal with families problems like her, I’ve never been bullied like this, belittled and rejected for how she looks, for who she is – but Deirdre Riordan Hall made me feel it. Her words ring so true that I couldn’t help but care, deeply, even though I never suffered through Sugar’s torments. Actually I spent my time feeling both horrified and impressed. The way Sugar took care of her (awfully mean) mother and did everything in the house, really, shows a strength in her I never had : she’s so courageous and kind, I’m in awe. Food is her escape, a quest to fill the holes in her life, and to see her struggle to take control was heartbreaking and beautiful.

And then Even, Even, Even. Even was so freaking adorable, I could hug him. The friendship they develop seems genuine, beautiful and real. Gradual. Don’t worry, you won’t find healing kiss (or dick, for that matter), but help : help to see the bigger picture. Talk. Seriously, I can’t express how much I’m ecstatic to read about characters who feel better because they talk, they trust, and not because they’re making out or something. One might argue that Sugar is starting to change for Even and that it would be better if she decided on her own and blablabla but frankly, don’t you think it is realistic? Yes, in a perfect rainbow world the girl (or boy) would realize that she has to stand for herself alone but in my honest opinion things rarely happen like that in real life. YES, the persons we meet help us to change and to gain perspective on our lives. I consider myself as an independent woman, yet I’m not ashamed to say that people around me influenced me – I don’t carry all the answers, nobody does, and to me the book is NEVER spreading the message that we need to change for a boy, but quite the opposite. Asking for help is okay. Allowing someone to help us is OKAY. We don’t need to be alone to be independent. Moreover, Even is perhaps too perfect, it’s true. I don’t care. Period.

◘ In Sugar, most of the time the adults are either dismissive or plainly mean, and no, I don’t think it’s unrealistic, sadly. Either they don’t acknowledge Sugar’s problem or they’re acting like jerks about it. Damn, it broke my heart.

✐ As for the pacing, it’s not really fast, but then, it suits the story perfectly in my opinion because first life isn’t always exciting and secondly I found that it highlighted perfectly the way Sugar often feel – trapped.

Of course I want to yell at these stupid, stupid bullies but the worst is, I can’t say that it’s not believable. I would love to, but I can’t, because it is how life is. The truth is, in my opinion our society raises us in the idea that it’s okay to mock people about their weight. Because it’s their fault – or so they say. I’ve never been fat but we don’t need to be an investigator to see how everything around us – first of all magazines, television, shows – create a background to justify bullying.

All these magazines covers with LOSE WEIGHT BEFORE SUMMER make me want to rip them out. Like it must be any woman #1 preoccupation. Talk about a double standard – double standard that Sugar painfully experiences with her brother Skunk, fat like her but more a bully than a bullied. To me these magazines help promote the idea that we women must be thin and smart and work achievers and great mums and sexually skilled and – OH COME ON.

They’re full of unhealthy bullshit anyway.

We’re not born bullies or teasers or specialist of Just kidding! Trust me, my pupils aren’t perfect and yet they would never accept this kind of mean comments. It happened. I saw their reaction. I was proud. Why am I telling you this? Because we’re all responsible to how people react. People think they are careful around their children but many act like fucking hypocrites. Oh, sure, they’re avoiding swearing and F-Bombs in front of them but then here they are, throwing dismissive and belittling comments about people around them – about their weights, their clothes, their jobs, their origin. It makes me sick.

Therefore while we mustn’t be blind as well (there ARE medical problems linked to overweight, and our body needs to be cared of, first with what we eat) we can control the model we’re showing to the world.

Finally, this book crushed me. I can’t talk about it but there’s an event in the story with which I. CAN’T. DEAL, because I lived it and I have to say that perhaps I wouldn’t have read it if I knew. It would have been a pity, and I don’t regret my choice but I can’t hide the fact that I stopped reading for a while after it. The truth is, we ask for books to relate to our lives but sometimes it’s just too-much to handle – it was the case for me, and the only thing I can say is that everything is handled in a truly REALISTIC way, even though I’m not sure I see the point in it, and that it can be seen as manipulative.

So, I was crushed. I was crushed, and then the most amazing thing happened : Sugar made me smile so big I was cheering like a complete fool.

“In fact, you’re my favorite person in the world. You have confidence in there, but sometimes I think you just misplaced it.”

► This book. This book. It’s not flawless for sure, and yet, the only thing I can say is : Read it.

BOOK REVIEW – Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen

BOOK REVIEW – Flipped by Wendelin Van DraanenFlipped by Wendelin Van Draanen
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Flipped is a romance told in two voices. The first time Juli Baker saw Bryce Loski, she flipped. The first time Bryce saw Juli, he ran. That’s pretty much the pattern for these two neighbors until the eighth grade, when, just as Juli is realizing Bryce isn’t as wonderful as she thought, Bryce is starting to see that Juli is pretty amazing. How these two teens manage to see beyond the surface of things and come together makes for a comic and poignant romance

Don’t you ever want to say “this is JUST me!” and then realize that maybe, just maybe, you’d better keep your mouth shut because it might change how people see you? Yeah? Because that’s what I feel right now.

Okay let’s go. Ready?

“She didn’t just barge into my life. She barged and shoved and wedged her way into my life.”

Juli is just like me! Like I was, anyway.
The girl can’t take a no for an answer? ✔
The girl can’t take a hint? ✔
The girl is an annoying, know-it-all prep pupil? … ✔
The girl can be clingy as hell when she decided that that boy was amazing? Hmm … sorry the nameless guy at this summer camp

Okay give me a break, this was me from 6 to 13. Fortunately I learnt in high school that if you didn’t chase boys, they chased you. But that’s another story.

Anyway, what I’m trying to say is this : in my honest opinion Juli has such a refreshing, believable and relatable voice that I couldn’t help but love her from the very beginning. She is clingy, annoying as fuck, yes, but loyal, funny, daring and did I say that she was relatable? Yeah? I think I suggested it. Somehow. No?

▧ Moreover, her family was a real breath of fresh air – especially her parents, who were – wait for it – present (I know, astounding) and in my opinion they share great morals and values, without never being moralizing. Oh, and Bryce’s granddad?

Best. Human. Yoda. Ever. (or something)

Bryce now. Oh, Bryce. What an amazing evolution you showed us! From the judgmental (but hilarious) little boy who’s afraid of Juli (yes, I said afraid, deal with it boy!) to the … Well, a little less afraid teenager? Now, let’s face it, he was really believable. I remember my baby brother being teased about a (girl) friend he had in elementary school – he hated that. Like, hated-hated it (he remembers). So, the “Juli and Bryce are kissing in a treeeeeee”? Yep. I can understand. Anyway, I loved how we get to see the slow changes in his personality and found them gradual and believable.

The chapters are organized in alternative POV, and we basically get the same events related first by one of them and then by the other one. Frankly, whilst I found often interesting to see how the same events could be perceived differently (really, really, differently, trust me), it was tiring at times and I had to stop me from skimming some parts. I mean, I see what the author is trying to do and it’s a success most of the time but it’s difficult for the story not to drag.

Oh, but maybe you want me to talk about the plot? Yes? At first sight, it seems pretty simple :

✘ Girl meets Boy (at 7)
✘ Girl is obsessed with Boy

✘ Boy tries to escape Girl’s attention…

… a very long time.

✘ Boy realizes that Girl is pretty great, in fact

End of story? Hahahaha NO.

✘ Because Girl gave up on him on the road.

“All my life she’d been there, waiting to be avoided, and now it was like I didn’t even exist”

▧ I loved this story. It was exactly the good level of cuteness and laughter without never being cheesy. For real, that’s one of the first time where a book is making me want to see a movie (apparently its’ really famous? Lmao, I ask because I have almost no movie knowledge. Not that kind of movie anyway).

This book is young-adult but on the middle-grade side, and I know it will stop a lot of readers, because we’re all grown-up and all that stuff, but under the fluffy cute layers, what we find are questions about difference, appearances, judgments : why do we like people? How our parents’ or friends’ opinion can influence us? Are we always looking at the bigger picture? (no) To be frank, I was ridiculously impressed and surprised to see how meaningful this story could be. How endearing and moving.

▧ While I could understand Bryce’s reactions (okay, Juli can be a little overwhelming – emphasis on overwhelming, not on little. Well really, I only wrote little to be nice. Kind of. Oh, whatever) Juli shows so much kindness to him that even though I was mostly smiling throughout my read, I suddenly reached a point where I found myself the stomach in knots because the bastard didn’t want her eggs.

▧ All that is to say that if the entertaining side of the story is obvious from the start, trust me, the story has more layers than it appears and manage to feel so real at some point that you can’t help but feel involved, you can’t help but care. Deeply.

“I tried to convince the kids at the bus stop to climb up with me, even a little ways, but all of them said they didn’t want to get dirty. Turn down a chance to feel magic for fear of a little dirt? I couldn’t believe it”

This book made me so happy, I would recommend it to everyone : you, teenagers, adults who want to smile – yes, it’s a middle-grade book. So what? Do you think that New Adult is deeper? I don’t.

BOOK REVIEW – Drink, Slay, Love by Sarah Beth Durst

BOOK REVIEW – Drink, Slay, Love by Sarah Beth DurstDrink, Slay, Love by Sarah Beth Durst
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Pearl is a sixteen-year-old vampire... fond of blood, allergic to sunlight, and mostly evil... until the night a sparkly unicorn stabs her through the heart with his horn. Oops.

Her family thinks she was attacked by a vampire hunter (because, obviously, unicorns don't exist), and they're shocked she survived. They're even more shocked when Pearl discovers she can now withstand the sun. But they quickly find a way to make use of her new talent. The Vampire King of New England has chosen Pearl's family to host his feast. If Pearl enrolls in high school, she can make lots of human friends and lure them to the King's feast—as the entrees.

The only problem? Pearl's starting to feel the twinges of a conscience. How can she serve up her new friends—especially the cute guy who makes her fangs ache—to be slaughtered? Then again, she's definitely dead if she lets down her family. What's a sunlight-loving vamp to do?

Truth be told, not only Drink, Slay, Love is loads of fun, but it has way more depth than it appeared at first. Trust me, if I was able to enjoy it even though 1)I don’t like vampires and 2)I’m bored by PNR more often than not lately, there’s a good chance you will too. Let’s take a look at what you have here, okay?

An alpha female vampire MC, who’s at the top of the food chain and intends to stay there, even though she starts feeling – UGH – emotions (so annoying). I loved Pearl : she’s unapologetic, selfish, kick-ass, smart, and hilarious. What not to love?

“I hope I haven’t hurt your feelings,” he said.
” I don’t have feelings, at least not the inconvenient ones.”
“Okay,” he said. “I hope I haven’t hurt your ego.”
“Yeah, that part of me is a bit miffed,” Pearl said. “What exactly is not hot about me? You’re a teenage boy. I have boobs. What part of the equation is missing?”

A freaking fantastic unicorn!! Of course I was giggling like a complete moron, what do you think! View Spoiler »

Not a drop of slut-shaming!

Friendship that overtakes the differences and a complex dynamic between the characters.

“Bethany beamed at her, and the other three girls looked as pleased as cats with milk. She met their smiles with her own until a terrible thought occurred to her :
Oh, crap. I have friends.”

Off-the-wall depiction of high school life : Don’t get fooled by the appearances, because if almost all the stereotype are present (first of all the different cliques), each and every one of them is dismantled and OMFG IT’S AWESOME!!!

Clothes : “Antoinette selected jeans plus a formless sweater. “This says, ‘Too hot to care what I wear. Worship my wit instead.’ Best if worn without a bra.”
“I’d like a simple, ‘I’m human. Move along.'”

Traditions : “It’s a corsage,” Tara said as she breezed past them into the ballroom. “You wear it on your wrist, and you pretend it doesn’t itch like hell.”

High-school power hierarchy : Actually, I’m going to let you discover this one on your own^^

An adorable male-lead whom you’ll want to hug even if he has a little hero complex.

“You’re just the whole package, aren’t you? Kind to kittens and puppies. Don’t park in the handicap spot. Never leave the toilet seat up. I’ll bet the girls melt every time you walk by.”

Yeah, well, his chivalrous personality sure didn’t appeal to Pearl at first.

“Again he radiated sincerity nearly as bright as the sun. She wondered if all humans were this intrusively nice. It was obnoxious.”

Nope. Nope nope nope.

But then, View Spoiler »

No instalove. I mean, Evan is food for fuck sake. Would you fall in love with a chicken? Huh? That’s what I thought. Icing on the cake, the romance stays light, believable (they don’t trust each other at first sight, thank you very much) and never overtakes the plot.

A false love triangle that never feels like a love triangle, because there’s no feeling between Jadrien, the vampire hot piece, and Pearl. They’re betrothed, that’s all. Traditions and all that stuff.

“Surrender?” she said.
“To you,” he said, “I surrender my heart and soul.”
She rolled her eyes. “Very romantic, considering you have neither.”

Family pressure. Hierarchy. Expectations. Vampire’s life isn’t as easy as food’s human’s life you know.

“She wondered what kind of punishment constituted a “detention.” Mother had several holding cells, each a lightness nightmare. Pearl had been in one once for shoplifting at the mall.”

Hilarious dialogues that made me smile so big and again, giggle. I know, I’m ridiculous. Bu-bu-but UNICORNS! Bahahahaha.

► I’ll stop there, but trust me, if you need to relax, this book is exactly what you need.

BOOK REVIEW – What They Always Tell Us by Martin Wilson

BOOK REVIEW – What They Always Tell Us by Martin WilsonWhat They Always Tell Us by Martin Wilson
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James and Alex have barely anything in common anymore—least of all their experiences in high school, where James is a popular senior and Alex is suddenly an outcast. But at home, there is Henry, the precocious 10-year-old across the street, who eagerly befriends them both. And when Alex takes up running, there is James’s friend Nathen, who unites the brothers in moving and unexpected ways.

Sometimes we read books whose wicked plots and twists, while blatantly aimed to make us feel something, fail their purpose and sometimes, sometimes, we come across a quiet book which lead us to strong and real feelings.

What they always tell us is that kind of books, and that’s why, even though I have issues I can’t overtake, lowering my rating below 3 stars wouldn’t be fair in my opinion. I mean, I ate it up for fuck sake! Indeed contrary to many readers, my main problem wasn’t the pacing, because I was never bored. It’s a quiet book for sure, not our standard roller-coaster, but I do enjoy reading this kind of books sometimes, especially when they manage to make me feel, as it was the case here.

This being said, despite my utter involvement in Alex and James’s lives (well, mostly Alex’s, if I’m being honest), I can’t help but feel cheated somehow, as the last 25% disappointed me and left me almost empty. Don’t you hate it when you’re LOVING a book and then you’re only waiting for it to end? WORST. FEELING. EVER. Although I adored the first half, I began to slowly change my mind, finishing it in complete exasperation.

This story deals with bullying and the importance of family in a believable and touching way, as we follow James and Alex, two brothers who try to build their relationship again after Alex became suddenly an outcast. Even if James never was my favorite person (mostly he’s a know it all jerk for me, especially when it comes to girls – what a slut-shamer he is, I can’t even), I understood the need and the interest to get his POV too.

Alex though. Alex broke my heart. Alex made me smile so big. Alex made me cry, too.

▧ What I really appreciated was the way bullying was portrayed, because to me it was realistic – Sometimes being ignored, laughed at, quietly belittled can be more hard to live than many persons acknowledge it, sadly, and Martin Wilson does a great job to picture the thin line between “friendship” (see the quotation marks? Yeah?), teasing and bullying. To be frank, I didn’t get what Tyler’s deal was (apart from being an asshole, that is), but we don’t always understand why people act that way in real life too unfortunately.

“Tyler, in particular, used to bombard him with stinging comments, punctuated always by an empty “Just kidding, Alex.”

➸ This sort of passive-aggressive comments is so common – and there they were supposed to be still friends. Damn. The guy pissed me off.

▧ Moreover, what we get here is a portray of realistic characters, with their flaws and their best parts. When I say that they sounded like real teenagers to me, that means that they sometimes think the most stupid things (trust me) – that I had to roll my eyes a few times, actually, but I didn’t mind, because for once, I could have imagined them being people actually living.

▧ As for the romance, I must say that Alex and Nathen’s gradual and growing relationship was fantastic to follow. They were the cutest, really, and I shipped them from the beginning to the end. Indeed I loved how Nathen tried to break Alex’s shell without never being intrusive or judgmental. He was the best, really, even if he irked me with his addiction to the word BUDDY (for real – how many times can he say that?). The ending frustrated me so much though.

▧ I love when YA doesn’t try to do YA. That is to say, a dick’s a dick, that kind of things (the first shower scene made me laugh way too much for my own good – I don’t even know if I was supposed to laugh. Oh, well)

The whole subplot with their young neighbor was messy, especially towards the end where it was completely ridiculous. Let me sum it up : there’s Henry, a little boy about 10 years old who moved with his mother at the beginning of the year and who’s having a hard time fitting in at school. Nobody really knows why they’re here and what his mother does for a living, therefore of course, of course, unfortunately, people can’t mind their own business, and you know, speculate about them and wonder why they move around the country so much. Not to mention that the mother is gorgeous so you can infer in what place people’s guesses go. Sigh. Add some drama lama in the end and you’ll get an annoyed reader (yes, me). Don’t get me wrong, I did enjoy the friendship building between Henry and the two brothers but the whole drama with his mother got to my nerves, especially in the end because it stole the show and frankly? I didn’t care.

The lack of world-building. Yes, you read correctly, I wanted more world-building in my contemporary – or is it, really? After reading it I looked up the date of release and it was released in 2008, not so far away then, right? Now, tell me, did the teenagers had not cell phones and internet in 2008? Huh? Of course they did. Therefore from what I picked in the book (and trust me, there’s almost nothing other than the lack of things) I can infer that the story is set in the 90s and therefore I would have LOVED to get some pop culture references or something, anything, really, to help me put the story in perspective because yes, I do think that it’s important when we deal with how people react, especially when it comes to tolerance. That’s why I’m shelving it as historical romance.

The ending was unsatisfying at best, and mostly frustrating. Look, I’m not usually bothered by open ending but as I said earlier, what maddened me was the fact that we focus on the neighbors’ subplot and I didn’t fucking care about that. Finally, and it’s my own inner brat talking, why the fuck do we get James’s POV for the last chapter?

► I wanted Alex’s so bad, and I don’t give a damn if I’m being a sulking brat at this point.

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