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Brenik has always been envious of his twin sister, Bray. Growing up as fairy-like creatures, known as bats, everything came easier to Bray. While Brenik spent his time in her shadows, never feeling he was enough. After escaping their world of Laith, and living on Earth for ten years, Brenik attempts to strike a deal with the Stone of Desire to become human. Though true humanity is not an option, he will accept the curse that will alter him to get as close as he can.
Living in a tree trunk for the past year hasn’t been easy for Bray, more so after her brother disappears again. When a human boy and his brother, Wes, find her, a new friendship is struck. Through Wes, Bray learns there can be more to life than waiting within a tree. But worrying over where Brenik has vanished to always remains in the back of her mind.
When Bray reunites with Brenik, she realizes she must help him break the curse after she discovers the need for blood is beginning to overpower him. The curse not only damages those who get close to Brenik, but it could also destroy whatever is blooming between Bray and Wes.
Clouded by Envy was not only filled with complex characters, but it was unlike anything else I have ever read. It was such a unique book! Especially since it was set in the 90s, I was obsessed with all of the mentions from the past. So if you adore fantasy books and want to read something that is unlike anything you’ve ever read before, definitely add this one to your list!
Each day she had carved a new word into the wood: selfish, lost, hate, missed, broken, insanity, misunderstood, heart, longing, and Hook.
We followed siblings, Brenik and Bray, who were fairy like creatures that called themselves bats. They came to Earth, after escaping from their world Laith, since their kind was being hunted down and slaughtered. While they lived in a tree, a second round of neighbors now occupied the house next door. Their new neighbors were Wes and Luca and I couldn’t wait for all of them to meet! But Brenik and Bray’s past set them up on two entirely different journeys. One was filled with light and the other was filled with darkness.
Bray rolled to her back, still smiling, as she stared up at the ceiling. Her chest was still filled with happiness—more than in The Goonies when those kids found the ship of treasure.
Bray was such a joy to be around. Her happiness was absolutely infectious and her interactions with Wes and Luca made me laugh and smile. The more we learned about Wes and Luca, oh my heart. I liked them right from the start. And I kept my fingers crossed that something would happen between Bray and Wes. It was all so innocent but at the same time magical. Their moments together were tender and it felt like they were made for each other. Wes could be so serious and Bray was a bundle of fun, they complimented each other perfectly. Well, except for the fact that he was a human and she was a fairy.
His head was a place he could not escape—an internal battle with no end. It wasn’t her— it was never her— it was always him. Brenik got that, but it didn’t stop it. Nothing did.
We alternated chapters between Bray and Brenik, and Brenik’s chapters had such a different feel to them. Not only was he jealous of his sister, but he was completely self-centered and didn’t always think about the consequences for his actions. He just wanted instant gratification. Some of his moments could be so erotic and then it would take a turn down a dark and twisted path and I was left with my mouth hanging wide open. I didn’t like Benik at all, but ironically his chapters were consuming. His thoughts and the dark road he traveled down was impossible to turn away from.
Reaching forward, Wes placed his palm to her chest. “This is what makes you beautiful, Bray… Your heart.” He leaned forward and kissed the delicate area and caressed his way up, until he met her mouth.
On top of watching what happened to Bray and Brenik, there were also mysteries to figure out. I had some guesses, and while I didn’t figure out Bray’s, I figured out what would happen with Brenik. Since Brenik went down that darker path, I have to give a trigger warning for –View Spoiler ». Usually that sends me over the edge and makes me livid. But it didn’t and when you read this story you’ll see why. So when I reached the end of the book, I was shocked what a trip the epilogue was! The ending left us at the perfect stopping point but at the same time we were set-up perfectly for a spin-off book. I for one am super excited and can’t wait to read it!