by Cassandra Clare
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GAH! That ENDING! That ending will be the undoing of me. What is it with authors and these cliffhangers?? I swear..if it wasn’t for the fact that book 5 is on my ereader as we speak, I’d go mad. *Long sigh* Ugh Ugh Ugh.
I don’t know what was going on with the first quarter of the novel, I don’t. I feel like I was an outsider rather than a part of the story. It was so foreign to me for Simon to be on the forefront-like, as in every scene was from his POV for a LONG stretch of time. Somewhere along the way, though, the story came back to me and I wasn’t so much of an outsider looking in anymore. I was a living, breathing character like the rest of them, watching from the sidelines as if I had a hand in the adventure. I became invested and intrigued again.
Once I was, I again, couldn’t put it down.
I liked the pace of the story. Now that the truth is out in the open, everything is in a whole new light and totally relatable, making this a favorite whereas I just couldn’t give the first two installments anything more than 4 stars because of the supposed “untruth”. I just could NOT get past that in COB and COA, but now I am totally for Jace and Clary, and can’t get enough of them. Maybe that’s why I am rating this so high whereas others are rating it lower than all the others. I just feel that nasty weight lifted off my shoulders and I can just enjoy what’s going on in the story and not whether they’re going to commit incest or whether there is a loophole. For me, that was what consumed COB and COA, because I just wanted to get past it.
Clary. That drive she feels? I get it. I UNDERSTAND it. The passion and loyalty she feels for Jace…the urgency? I can totally and finally relate to her after 3 or 4 books and I LOVE it. I can FINALLY get on board with this chick. She gives off emotion that makes you want to help her or sympathize with her, unlike in the previous novels where it was all just talk-just words. Words can’t make me obsess over a book. ACTIONS and EMOTIONS are what make me swoon, and that is why I love Jace. He has never been anything less than passionate.
The tortured hero bit….some say it’s overdone in romance….but not me. I eat that shit up. The tortured boy/man who has a weakness for whom he loves..yea, well the overused tortured hero bit is a weakness of mine and a total favorite. Hell yeah, I can live with that storyline. Keep it comin’. I devour it.
And Simon…oooohh Simon. How you have developed. I am now an avid fan of yours. Many times the author feels the need to drag out the love triangle bit, making one guy pathetic and grovel all the time. I can’t say she didn’t pull the love x 3 thing a bit too long in TID, but here in TMI, Simon is moving forward and he has great contenders to choose from. I really enjoyed him in COFA.
So to sum up-a great romance with oodles of drama, suspense woven into every chapter, Simon’s interesting love-life, tortured hero, tortured hero, tortured hero (Oops! Did I say that already?), a creepy villain, a return, and a pretty cool ending. I retract my earlier statement-these endings are f***ing awesome. So to those who didn’t enjoy COFA- that sucks, but I really enjoyed it and found it to be one of my favorites in the series. I personally can’t wait to start the LAST novel available to us until 2014…and I can say with absolute certainty that it will probably end with a doozy as well. 🙂