by T. Torrest
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Breathless. Spent. Euphoric.
Eyes wide open now. Awake.
Aaaaaah and here we are at book three, the only book in the series that made me happy inside and out. There was angst (the RIGHT kind), there was uncertainty, and, most of all, there was love-Lots and lots of love. They fought, sure. Did they disagree on a ton? Yeah. Did they maybe solve things a little too quickly from prior books in the beginning? Absolutely (IMO). But…that’s the point. I didn’t want a perfect book, I wanted flaws and all-but the past books just didn’t have what I was necessarily craving, just bits and pieces. But in this one? They finally, finally talked their shit OUT.
I mean, GD guys, how many more times could they have skimmed over all the failures from the past?? How many more times could they screw shit up??
Layla Effing Warren. The most beautiful girl I’ve ever known. The girl who makes me laugh. The girl who loved me.
Who loves me.
So, I think I’ve exhausted the negatives over the past two reviews, so it’s time for the positives. Trip was everything I knew he could be in this book. He’s been battling demons, both physical and mental, and he still is-but now he has the girl he’s always loved by his side. They have a lot to work on out in California-things are different. People in Hollywood are living a lie, putting on a face. Girls, both those he has slept with and those who want to sleep with him, drape themselves all over Trip, and, oh yeah, the tabloids are having a ball with Trip’s new ‘tramp.’ And Layla isn’t loving any of it, aside from supporting the man she’s always loved.
He slipped a hand around the back of my neck, holding my teary eyes fixed to his. “You were my first love, babe. I want you to be my last.”
I think something that internally always bothered me about the past books was how they were always so aware of the opposite sex clinging to the person’s arm they secretly loved, but never made a huge stink about it….call me a drama llama, but I adore when the significant other gets crazy jealous and makes a scene. Guilty. So, I’ve been waiting forever for these two to flip their lid, and finally, finally, in the great state of California, they do. And I suppose all their drama in this one just felt…warranted. Like, it’s okay because they’re on the same page. I don’t know. I just really loved this one-It’s what I’m used to and always like to read, so I felt right at home.
“Shut up. Just shut up. You had me at ‘Damn the birds have gotten huge’.”
I’m not going to keep running on, because I’ve been writing reviews for this series for three days in a row and I am probably rehashing everything. Plain and simple? I loved book three. I loved that while there was a super bumpy road, Trip made me swoon the entire novel. I loved that there were disagreements and that not everything came easily to them. I loved that they could look back at the moments I adored from the previous two installments and make them stand out while reminiscing against all the negatives that shrouded those moments…and I loved that we got little bits and pieces of Trip’s thoughts. Ultimately, I love that I loved it, and that’s all there is to it. Finally.