Tag: Adult (Page 5 of 43)

BOOK REVIEW: Right Where We Left Us by Jen Devon

BOOK REVIEW: Right Where We Left Us by Jen DevonRight Where We Left Us by Jen Devon
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Temperance Jean Madigan and Duncan Brady have never gotten it right. After one radiant, secret summer together when they were eighteen, they’ve been on-again off-again ever since. Now, despite red-hot chemistry and TJ’s closeness with Duncan’s family, they’re virtually strangers, only capable of adversarial banter, awkward small talk―and the occasional messy hookup.

When a wedding at the Bradys' vineyard lands TJ there for the summer, their mutual avoidance strategies prove impossible. The last thing TJ wants is to be under those angsty, heated glances Duncan thinks he hides. And for Duncan, having fiery TJ constantly close is the ultimate distraction that he absolutely can’t afford. When forced proximity begins to chip away at their armor, buried tensions resurface, old wounds urge confrontation, and once-in-a-lifetime love demands one last chance to finally get it right.


Right Where We Left Us was a second chance romance that had a lot of heart.  Unfortunately, this book doesn’t read as a standalone.  Within the first two chapters we were introduced or told about 18 characters.  And as someone who adores fantasy, and the more characters the merrier, I was utterly lost.  So, I wrote down all of the characters and their connections to each other, yet that didn’t help.  That lost feeling created a disconnect and I couldn’t connect to any of the characters.  I ended up stopping at 30%, right at the beginning of Part 2.  I think that people who adored Devon’s previous novel, Bend Toward the Sun will enjoy this book and be happy to be back with everyone they love!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

BOOK REVIEW: Mafia Mistress (The Kings of Italy #1) & Mafia Darling (The Kings of Italy #2) by Mila Finelli

BOOK REVIEW: Mafia Mistress (The Kings of Italy #1) & Mafia Darling (The Kings of Italy #2) by Mila FinelliMafia Mistress (The Kings of Italy #1)
by Mila Finelli
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Book 1 of 2 (Duet)


I am the darkness, the man whose illicit empire stretches around the globe. Not many have the courage for what needs to be done to maintain power . . .but I do.

And I always get what I want.

Including my son's fiancée.

She's mine now, and I'll use Francesca any way I see fit. She's the perfect match to my twisted desires, and I'll keep her close, ready and waiting at my disposal.

Even if she fights me at every turn.


I was stolen away and held prisoner in Italy, a bride for a mafia king's only heir.

Except I'm no innocent, and it's the king himself—the man called il Diavolo—who appeals to me in sinful ways I never dreamed. Fausto's wickedness draws me in, his power like a drug. And when the devil decides he wants me, I'm helpless to resist him—even if it means giving myself to him, body and soul.

He may think he can control me, but this king is about to find out who's really the boss.


Mafia Mistress was an age gap mafia romance that was beyond steamy.  With a story that had me gasping within those first few pages, my heart felt for Francesca, aka Frankie.  She had dreams of college, only to become a bargaining chip in the mafia world.  She was to become someone else’s wife.  And Fausto came to collect.  This man was cold and calculating, drugging and kidnapping were just as easy as breathing to him.  Yet from the moment they met, there were sparks.  And those sparks were going to create a wildfire!

Do not ever try to tell me you weren’t made for this life, that you weren’t born to rule as a queen.

I loved that no matter what, Frankie refused to give up.  She fought every step of the way.  And even through it all, she still had her sense of humor.  Her thoughts made her so easy to click with!  But even if Frankie wanted to hate Fausto, the longing and sexual tension between the two of them was beautifully done.  Fausto was beyond seductive.  Even with his lethal and deadly ways, he simmered through the pages.  So when more happened in this story, oh my gosh it was detailed and so hot.  Yet Fausto was stuck in his ways, and I wanted to smack him each time he said I don’t have to explain myself to you to Frankie.  I kept waiting for the moment where Fausto would be forced to change if he wanted to keep Frankie.

“I’ll stab you with something sharper than a pen.”
I couldn’t help it, I laughed. “Many have tried, Francesca.  I wouldn’t recommend it.” Rising, I cupped her jaw in my hands. “The devil cannot be killed.”

This book had a trope that usually I’m not a fan of, but it was done so well. There was no way I couldn’t not love how it played into the story!  And then this story ended with a bang.  It was a fabulous cliffhanger that will have you reaching for that second book now!  This book was so easy to devour and is a must read for those that love spicy mafia books!


BOOK REVIEW: Mafia Mistress (The Kings of Italy #1) & Mafia Darling (The Kings of Italy #2) by Mila FinelliMafia Darling (The Kings of Italy #2)
by Mila Finelli
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Part 2 of 2 -- Not a standalone!


In my world, loyalty is everything. I shouldn’t have let her get close. I shouldn’t have let her get under my skin.

But that doesn’t mean I’ll let another take her from me. He’ll pay with his life, because nothing will keep me from reclaiming what I lost.

Francesca is mine and I’m keeping her.


I found a dangerous man who makes me burn with need, a man I can’t live without . . .until he accused me of betrayal and sent me away.

Then I was kidnapped by his rival. Fausto thinks he can rescue me and have me begging at his feet once more. But I’m done begging.

This time, it will be the king who breaks.


Mafia Darling was a continuation of Francesca and Fausto from Mafia Mistress, this was not a standalone.  So with sacrifice, love and forgiveness bleeding through the pages, we were taken on a wild ride.  And again, this story was extremely seductive and erotic.  But my favorite thing was watching those we care for grow.  Especially Fausto.  I didn’t think I could get past a few things, but he made me cry happy tears.  And laugh… oh the present, just wait lol.

“My piccola monella, don’t you know that everything I do is for you? I will cheat and steal and kill for you. I will burn down the entire world to keep you safe.”

There was also torture, kidnapping and betrayal within this story, so there were some dark twists and turns.  When you put it all together, it made for a book that was easy to devour.  And it ended with the most fabulous epilogue set in the future.  If you love erotic mafia romance, definitely add these two books to your tbr!

BOOK REVIEW: A Queen This Fierce and Deadly (Kingdom of Lies #4) by Stacia Stark

BOOK REVIEW: A Queen This Fierce and Deadly (Kingdom of Lies #4) by Stacia StarkA Queen This Fierce and Deadly (Kingdom of Lies #4)
by Stacia Stark
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The price of love is loss.
We all pay it eventually…

In every life…

Some moments are too painful to be endured.
Some moments will break you if you let them.

And yet I can’t afford to let anything break me. Because we have one chance to win this war. One chance to create a better life for everyone across the four kingdoms.

Even as our enemies ally with each other, and our own allies are forced to betray their kingdoms, their people…and themselves.
And even as Regner plans something so cruel, so wholly evil, he’s poised to douse the last remaining spark of hope in this world.

Unless we kill him first.


A Kingdom of Lies has become my favorite romantasy series!  I know that’s such a bold claim, but this series was breathtakingly beautiful.  The characters will embed themselves into your heart forever, and this story is one that was impossible to put down.  If you love fantasy, romantasy, romance, enemies to lovers, and found family, I can’t recommend this final book and series enough!

“In every life, wildcat.  No matter what happens, you hold on to that.  It’s you and me in every life.”

A Queen This Fierce and Deadly absolutely wrecked me in the best way possible.  This story had a wonderful recap and then started exactly where A Crown This Cold and Heavy ended.  The perilous moments in this book made my heart race and left me struggling to breathe normally at times!  The friendship and love that conquered all, was breathtaking.  And the found family will melt your heart.  So while bargains were made and trust was put in precarious positions, I was cheering them on every step of the way!

My rage was endless, as if it might swallow me whole.

Within those first few pages, I was already crying all of the tears.  And I found myself crying so many other times from the beginning to the end.  There were tears because I was terrified for who would live and die in this world, especially with the upcoming war.  I sobbed tears of relief and joy.  And there were also tears from pain because of moments that cut my heart into a million pieces.  This book will make you feel everything!

Every time I’d escaped certain death, every person I’d killed to save my own life, every near miss and lesson learned…all of them had led up to this.
It was me or him.

The characters in this story were unforgettable.  People’s actions shocked me in the best and worst of ways.  So when new light was shown on things, my mouth was on the floor multiple times!  We also got answers to unknowns and questions from previous books, and it was beautiful seeing all of the pieces fall into place.  But with war on their doorsteps, I loved watching those that were born to be leaders take charge, have clear heads, and rise above it all.  I actually clapped my hands out loud so many times.  But within these pages there was also so much death and destruction.  And the stakes were so high.  It all led to heart pounding action that laced throughout these pages!

This was all Prisca’s fault.
That bitch got beneath my skin. She made me care.
Now, I would be forced to watch as these people died one by one. 

We got multiple POVs again, and each one had my full attention.  My heart would beat faster as we left someone we cared for in a precarious situation!  But then that feeling would be back all over again, once we left the next one.  There were heartwarming moments that we could breathe and see them enjoying life within that moment.  Also there were steamy moments that were sigh worthy and so seductive.  This book truly had it all!

Whoever said vengeance didn’t help was lying.

I loved A Queen This Fierce and Deadly with my whole heart!  It was the most beautiful story of perseverance, friendship and love!  With perilous action, spies in the midst, sob worthy sacrifice, heart warming loyalty, beautiful found family, and everlasting love, this series was everything! 

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

Spoiler Quotes……


You’ve been warned….don’t click below or else you’ll be spoiled ♥……

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BOOK REVIEW: Tomorrow is for the Brave by Kelly Bowen

BOOK REVIEW: Tomorrow is for the Brave by Kelly BowenTomorrow is for the Brave by Kelly Bowen
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Based on true events, Tomorrow Is for the Brave is a gripping World War II page‑turner about a courageous woman who risks it all for what is right—perfect for fans of Natasha Lester and Kristen Harmel.

1939, France: Lavish parties, fast cars, and a closet full of the latest fashion—to the average eye, socialite Violet St. Croix seemingly has it all. But what she truly wants is a life full of meaning and purpose. So when France falls to Germany, Violet defies her parents’ wishes and joins the war effort. With her impeccable skill for driving under pressure, she is soon sent to North Africa to shepherd French Foreign Legion officers carrying valuable intelligence through dangerous territory.

But as the Allies encounter one mishap after another, Violet becomes convinced there is a spy in their ranks. And when her commanding officer is murdered, Violet realizes she might be the only one who can uncover the traitor and save the lives of countless soldiers on the front lines. Convincing others to believe her is difficult enough. Finding someone she can trust just might be impossible.


Tomorrow is for the Brave was a WWII story that will capture your heart.  With danger at so many turns, a little bit of romance in the pages, and friendship that will warm your heart, I adored this book!  This is my first by Kelly Bowen, and I definitely will be reading more books by this author!

You won’t last a day. Tino’s last words rang just as sharply in her head.

While it took me till chapter 5 to click with this story, once I did, I didn’t want to put this book down till that final page!  I didn’t like Violet’s fiancé, Tino.  Or her family either.  Tino was controlling, grumpy, boring, and he invoked a lot of anger towards him.  With the brink of war on their doorsteps, Violet wanted to help and volunteer with the Red Cross.  Yet Tino and her father forbade it.  But sometimes you have to go with your gut, and I love that Violet did just that!

George linked her arm through Violet’s. “There is a reason we chose to do this together . To come here together. None of this is easy. But having a friend makes the truly hard things bearable. Having you here has made these months away from home bearable.”
Violet heard the slight catch in George’s voice.

Violet was tenacious, brave, and someone that many will remember for their lifetime and beyond!  I loved the historical note at the end of this story, that spoke of how Violet St. Croix was inspired by real life Susan Travers and what her experience was!  From the moment that Violet signed up with the Red Cross, her entire future changed.  I loved how she created independence for herself.  I love that how led to her driving an ambulance.  Violet was a woman who took charge of a situation, and I was just there gripping the pages having to know what happened next.  While fear and horror leaped from the pages.

The first bomb fell somewhere behind them, a dull, crumping noise that ignited the darkness and shook the ambulance. George gripped the side of the ambulance door, and Violet gritted her teeth but didn’t slow.

On top of Violet, I loved her best friend, George.  She was true, kindhearted, and the friendship she forged with Violet was beautiful.  And besides George, I couldn’t help but love Henri.  The animosity between Violet and Henry was done so fabulously!   Their banter was smile inducing and fun!  So, the moments where Henri listing 5 things about Violet, the book, dancing, and so much more…oh I was a goner.  I loved Henri!  Yet Henri and Violet were in such dangerous situations.  There were no guarantees, and I was so nervous that they could just survive to that next day.

“Henri.” Violet finally stood. “We’ll survive this. We’ve come too far.”
“No matter what happens, I’ll be with you out there. You might not see me, but I’ve got your back. That I promise.”
“I know.” She reached up and touched the side of his face. “And I’ve got yours.”

This book made me scream out loud.  I was terrified for Violet in a certain scene!  Yet hold tightly onto all your hope, because there is an epilogue that is set in the future.  And I closed this book with a smile on my face.  Also, there was a mystery.  We got a few chapters sprinkled here and there with a spy’s POV.  It ended up being my secondary guess, and that’s all I’m saying!   So good luck trying to figure it out!  And I can’t recommend this book enough for those that love historical fiction with a sprinkling of romance!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

BOOK REVIEW: Tips Up by Christina Hill

BOOK REVIEW: Tips Up by Christina HillTips Up by Christina Hill
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Myra wasn’t expecting to get divorced. She also wasn’t planning to book a flight to the Montana mountains to teach herself to ski. But after three glasses of wine—maybe it was four?—and her newly purchased just-for-me underwear, she embarks on her solo ski trip.

There’s just one minor issue, and he’s ten years younger.

Lincoln and his avalanche dog, Otto, moved back to patrol the mountains he grew up skiing. It wasn’t his first choice, but he’s on a different journey now. One he thought would be easier to navigate on and off the slopes than waiting for a stork-delivered girlfriend to drop from the sky. Instead, she rammed into him.

Running into each other had its perks. She now had a fake boyfriend to prove she was definitely not in a divorce-life-crisis. She was, but would rather give up her beloved Gilmore Girls DVD set before admitting it. He just wanted to bring a woman home to impress his family. If only it wasn’t so easy to fake it.

But Myra’s second chance at love and Lincoln’s crash course in speaking his mind might come with more bumps than getting off the chair lift.

For fans of Yours Truly by Abby Jimenez and Lovelight Farms by B.K. Borison, readers will swoon and sweat over this laugh-out-loud romantic comedy set in a small town in Montana.

BONUS EPILOGUE available for newsletter subscribers!!


Tips Up was an age gap, fake dating romance, that was a quick read.  But as someone who loves to get emotional when reading a book, I wasn’t able to connect with one of the main characters.  And when that happens, I usually struggle enjoying myself throughout the book.  There were also some other issues I had, with how the story played out.  But don’t mind me standing on my own little island.  So many other people on Amazon and Goodreads love this book, and I seem to be the anomaly. 

First off I have to say my three favorite things were Lincoln, his dog Otto, and the whole scene before and after something involving a swimsuit.  Lincoln was one of the good guys.  He was sweet, kind, and lovable.  And if you adore men who take charge of a situation, with just a touch or a word, he is your man.  Lincoln had me melting time and again.  He was so swoon worthy!

My main struggle was that I couldn’t ever connect to Myra, let alone like her.  I gave her slack in the beginning of the book, for arguing with an eight year old child.  Because I expected her to grow.  And while she did grow from that first page to the last, I still couldn’t click with her.  I struggled to see what Lincoln saw in her besides their scorching chemistry and someone who was interested in him.

The other struggles I had were with scenes that played out in the pages.  Some of them were…

*The dog scene and the bed.  Nooooo.  That made me go from this is so hot, to being thrown in a cold shower in 2.2 seconds.

*When there’s an age gap, I have no problem whatsoever with that trope.  I have multiple family members that have 10-15+ years between them.  But when the older person refers to the younger person as a baby-man, newborn baby-man, and says baby-man’s dick that just gives me the ick factor.  I can’t do it.

*The ending.  I hated it.  Yes, it’s a happily ever after.  But that’s just not what I thought would pan out.

*I felt like Myra still needed to work on herself, before jumping into a new relationship.  When she cried because she saw something, that made me pause.  I get that emotions can be messy, but it felt like she shouldn’t sleep with someone, let alone fake dating someone until she had moved on and healed herself.

*I also felt like the reader was supposed to suspend their belief for a few things on the mountain to make the story flow.  I’ve read contemporary books, and some arcs, where it states to suspend your belief in this contemporary world and I loved that lol.  So I think if you read this story as someone who rarely ever or never skied or snowboarded, then you wouldn’t have the same issues as me.  But as someone who spends almost every winter weekend snowboarding, and has a lot of friends that work for ski resorts in all different areas of the business, the two things that bugged me were…

-I really struggled that a ski patrol person would take a beginner on a lift, when they haven’t even tried the basics like pizza on the magic carpet ride.  Even when you take lessons, for someone who has never ski/boarded before, you start out on the magic carpet ride.  Which is a fraction of a green run, and usually not as steep.  Then part way through your lesson, you move over to the bunny/green run.  I’m thinking it was probably done this way in the book, so there could be a swoon worthy scene.

-The struggle in the latter half of the book.  Oh gosh.  I’m thinking this is another thing where I should have suspended my belief?  I’ve been to 7 different resorts from tiny to huge and there are sooooo many warnings above and below ☠️ lol.  I don’t want to say more than that, because of spoilers, but I really struggled with this scene.

So while this book didn’t work for me, so many other people love it!  I think it’s definitely a me issue.  And I hope if you pick this one up, that you end up finding everything in the pages to love!

PS How can you not like leftovers?  I think chili and soup are always so much more tasty that next day.

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