Tag: Dystopian (Page 17 of 31)

BOOK REVIEW: This is Not a Test (This is Not a Test #1) by Courtney Summers

BOOK REVIEW: This is Not a Test (This is Not a Test #1) by Courtney SummersThis is not a test (This is not a test #1)
by Courtney Summers
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It’s the end of the world. Six students have taken cover in Cortege High but shelter is little comfort when the dead outside won’t stop pounding on the doors. One bite is all it takes to kill a person and bring them back as a monstrous version of their former self. To Sloane Price, that doesn’t sound so bad. Six months ago, her world collapsed and since then, she’s failed to find a reason to keep going. Now seems like the perfect time to give up. As Sloane eagerly waits for the barricades to fall, she’s forced to witness the apocalypse through the eyes of five people who actually want to live. But as the days crawl by, the motivations for survival change in startling ways and soon the group’s fate is determined less and less by what’s happening outside and more and more by the unpredictable and violent bids for life—and death—inside. When everything is gone, what do you hold on to?

This is not a book about zombies, this is a book with zombies.

And I’m so okay with that. I mean, to be frank, I’m not into zombies. Like, at all. Usually, they never manage to :
a) Scare me
b) Interest me

That’s just gross to me. Therefore I end bored more often than not, except if I take it as a parody, changing myself into this annoying buddy who can’t help but laugh at awkward moments. If it wasn’t for all the reviews I read which pointed that it wasn’t really a zombie horror book, I’d probably never have given it a chance. That’s why I’m pointing it too : If you’re expecting a classic horror story, you’ll be disappointed.

This is not a book where the zombies scare you, this is a book where the characters make you think.

Now, you know I’m a huge fan girl when it comes to Marchetta, especially because I can’t help but fall in love with every single character she brings to life. In this book, Courtney Summers manages to create flawed characters I adore. Though it was anything but self-evident at first, because I have a thing : I don’t usually love depressive characters. Yeah, you got it, the key word here is usually. Indeed Sloane is all kind of depressing – she actually wants to die – and yet she managed to move me like crazy. How did she do this? How? I’m not sure I can’t even explain.

“We’ll become reanimated corpses navigating a sorry imitation of our glory days and this is why I don’t understand the point in going on, why it’s so wrong to give up. There’s nothing left.”

There’s something so desperate in her way to handle all the crazy stuff that happens constantly and yet she’s never ever whining. Not a single time – I often found myself in awe of her perseverance, as I think there’s some braveness to show such motivation, even if it’s to die at some point. Did I find it stupid? Of course I did. I have a thing against suicide, I can’t deny it, that’s totally personal and I can’t help it – it often obscures my judgment about characters like her, because not only suicide makes me sad, but it piss me off. But Sloane won me. Completely. I took her with all her flaws and wanted just one thing : to read about her.

➸ Look, I’m not saying she’s going to die. In fact, I’m not saying anything – she’s a believable character you know, so she can evolve. Or not. Yep, I’m totally a tease.

This is not a book about battles, this is a book about survival and all we’re ready to do to survive.


This is not a book filled with teenage angst, this is a book about the inherent injustice of life.

What do you think you’d be willing to do to survive? As I already said in my review of The Ask and the Answer, the only honest answer I can give you is I don’t know. Sure, I could convince myself that I wouldn’t be selfish and would always do the right thing but we have to know what this right thing is to begin with. Is it saving your parents? Saving your love? Saving yourself? Saving the human race? Tell me when you find your answer because I’m not sure I’ll succeed in.

“It was so easy,” he said. “Just physically … doing that. When it was over, I thought … people … we aren’t made of anything. That’s how easy it was.”

Each character has his choices to make, and what can I say? That’s real, that’s painful, that made me feel : I can’t not love it.

This is not a book you’ll spend days to read, this is a book you’re going to eat in one sitting.

Surely you know the feeling : you’re reading a book, sure that you’ve reached 50%, and you’re stunned to realize that in fact you’re at, like, 15%. This book brings the exact opposite of that feeling. Although the writing can appear pretty confusing in the beginning, I was hooked from page one and this feeling never ended until the end. Indeed Courtney Summers’s writing contains particularities that I never fail to love when I’m lucky to find it : short and sharp sentences, well-done repetitions – her style completely serves the plot as it helps grandly to express the growing tension the characters feel.

This is not a review, this is … well, if this is not a review, I have no idea what the fuck it is.

PS : I thought I wasn’t scared and in the end, it seems that the sensation of being threatened grew on me without realizing it. Yes, I totally freaked out when I got out to let my dog pee. Poor me.

BOOK REVIEW: Firefight (Reckoners #2)

BOOK REVIEW: Firefight (Reckoners #2)Firefight (Reckoners #2)
by Brandon Sanderson
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From the #1 "New York Times" bestselling author of Words of Radiance coauthor of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, and creator of the internationally bestselling Mistborn Trilogy, Brandon Sanderson presents the second book in the Reckoners series: Firefight, the sequel to the #1 bestseller Steelheart.

They told David it was impossible--that even the Reckoners had never killed a High Epic. Yet, Steelheart--invincible, immortal, unconquerable--is dead. And he died by David's hand.

Eliminating Steelheart was supposed to make life more simple. Instead, it only made David realize he has questions. Big ones. And there's no one in Newcago who can give him the answers he needs.

Babylon Restored, the old borough of Manhattan, has possibilities, though. Ruled by the mysterious High Epic, Regalia, David is sure Babylon Restored will lead him to what he needs to find. And while entering another city oppressed by a High Epic despot is a gamble, David's willing to risk it. Because killing Steelheart left a hole in David's heart. A hole where his thirst for vengeance once lived. Somehow, he filled that hole with another Epic--Firefight. And he's willing to go on a quest darker, and more dangerous even, than the fight against Steelheart to find her, and to get his answers.

This time, when she’d pointed it at me, she’d flicked the safety on. If that wasn’t true love, I don’t know what was.

Oh sparks, that was good. Like….exceeding my expectations good. Second books in a series sometimes fall flat-no, scratch that-they almost always fall flat. It’s hard to make that huge connection between the first book we all fell in love with and then make it flow seamlessly to the big bang of a conclusion in book three. Or…well, er, I can’t confirm if this is a trilogy. A little help, guys? Anyway, my point, which I was getting to, is that it’s hard to make every little book live up to our massive expectations, especially a second book. I must say, though, that I am in love with this series, and getting a second look into the inner workings of David’s mind only made me love him more, and I can’t see how anyone didn’t fall for his quirkiness in this one.

She gave me a kind of apologetic grimace and shrugged.
“Well, trust me,” I said. “I’m more intense than I look. I’m intense like a lion is orange.”
“So, like…medium intense? Since a lion is kind of a tannish color?”

As with all second books, there are things for me to spoil from book one, so if you haven’t read the first and plan on doing so, proceed with caution. The Reckoners have taken out the high epic, Steelheart, and David’s thirst for revenge has been satisfied. But after achieving your greatest goal….then what?? Are you empty? Hollow? Do you have a direction to go now that you’ve invested your whole life into one thing that has finally been achieved?

The answer was beginning to settle on me like a dinosaur upon its nest. My life wasn’t just about one city, or one Epic, anymore. It was about a war. It was about finding a way to stop the Epics.

And see, this is why I am in love with David. He is literally just soooo…..optimistic. He may have avenged his father’s death, but he isn’t bloodthirsty for more. He doesn’t NEED to continue ridding the world of evil epics…he just does it now because he is part of the Reckoners and, of course, it helps to make the world a better place. But he is starting to doubt his whole life’s passion-what if, and this is a HUGE if, what if not all epics are bad? What if his father’s belief is finally coming to life? What if there are finally some good epics who can help stop those who are corrupt?

In the bank nearly eleven years ago, I’d cowered in fear when my father fought. He’d died.
Better to drown. I gathered up all of the emotions I felt at looking into the depths-the terror, the foreboding, the primal panic-and held them in hand. Then crushed them.

At the end of book one, the huge twist was that Megan was Firefight. Crazy. Amazing. SO unexpected. And so….not what he has been taught and learned through years of research. She had infiltrated the Reckoners, the very people designed to kill PEOPLE LIKE HER, and she hadn’t made a move on them. See, when she doesn’t use her powers, she doesn’t feel that itch to kill, to make people around her suffer, and it makes her seem like she could almost be normal-and I feel like this was such a large theme in this book-fighting to be the best you can be.

I knelt in the inferno of hell itself, the world dying around me, and knew I had failed.

Prof, as we learned at the end of book one, as well, is also an epic. He RARELY uses his powers because it takes him to a dark place and he becomes the evil he seeks to rid the world of. So, when David pleads that Megan, who has fled, is changing and not using her powers, Prof isn’t having it. After all, he’s an epic so only he knows what it’s like to have the darkness creep in and consume your soul. See the problem? One is hopeful, optimistic, believing there are still good epics in the world, while one ACTUALLY IS AN EPIC and thinks he knows the inevitability of being cursed by Calamity.

I settled down, sitting on the bed beside her. The tension in her voice, that look in her eyes. “Is it working?” I asked. “Do you feel like murdering people indiscriminately?”
“I always feel like murdering you. If only just a little.”

But by far my favorite thing about this series is, and I think Kat is FINALLY ON BOARD (toot toot), the relationSHIP between Megan and David. I was a mess. I was excited. I was girly and giggly and smiley as all get out…all because I adore them. I love seeing how David would defend her NO MATTER WHAT, even when the most horrific things are being said, even when everyone would turn on him in a second because of it, and even when he doubts her motives. GOD I fell so hard for him in this book. As if I needed another reason to love a series like this: Peril, action, friendship, missions, peril, love….Jesus I’m about to combust over here. But, through it all, here it is in a nutshell and why I FELL EVEN HARDER for them, Megan is completely and utterly into David. Oh yeah. It’s happened. She is officially a David fanboy, just like me-no matter how much she fights it.

She cocked her head. “Did you just invite me on a date…to spy on a deadly Epic planning to destroy the city?”
“Well, I don’t have a lot of experience with dating, but I’ve always heard you’re supposed to pick something you know the girl will enjoy…”
She smiled. “Well, let’s get to it then.”

So, to save you all more David-ness, I’ll say one last thing to wrap up my swirling emotions of fangirling-He’s like that person that is always smiling. The one you want to punch because literally nothing gets them down (okay, maybe I’M a bit evil). His happiness is infectious and his metaphors are adorable-he is always trying to do something more, and I think that’s why I love him-he literally NEVER gives up. That is all.

“We need to talk,” she said. “And you were ignoring me.”
“I wasn’t ignoring you. Things have just been very busy.”
“Busy looking at women’s backsides.”
“I wasn’t…Wait.” It hit me and I smiled. “You sound jealous!”
“Don’t be a buffoon.”
“No,” I said. “You were jealous.” I found I couldn’t stop grinning.
Megan seemed confused. “Normally, that’s not something people smile about.”
“It means you care,” I said.
“Oh please.”
Time to say something suave. Something romantic. My brain, which had been working a few steps behind all day, finally came to my rescue. “Don’t worry,” I said. “I’d rather ogle you any day.”

I can’t say I love Brandon Sanderson yet, because I feel like a newbie who has only just begun to stick her toes in the water of experimentation, but I feel like he and I are about to become the best of friends. I ADORE this series. I ADORE the characters. I ADORE the situations he puts them through….I think I just wanted a little more. I wanted him to push the envelope on a couple things and he pulled back at the last second and that’s why I deducted half a star. The action was almost as perfect as the first, but didn’t quite get there, for me. So, while the romance was PERFECT in this one, I wanted him to rock out on the action…and it just was missing a little something. I cannot believe I have to wait until 2016…SPRING 2016…it might kill me. But maybe I’ll start filling my time with a little more Sanderson. Sounds like a plan to me.


Buddy read with Kat!!!

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BOOK REVIEW: Steelheart (Reckoners #1) by Brandon Sanderson

BOOK REVIEW: Steelheart (Reckoners #1) by Brandon SandersonSteelheart (Reckoners #1)
by Brandon Sanderson
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Ten years ago, Calamity came. It was a burst in the sky that gave ordinary men and women extraordinary powers. The awed public started calling them Epics. But Epics are no friend of man. With incredible gifts came the desire to rule. And to rule man you must crush his wills.

Nobody fights the Epics...nobody but the Reckoners. A shadowy group of ordinary humans, they spend their lives studying Epics, finding their weaknesses, and then assassinating them.

And David wants in. He wants Steelheart - the Epic who is said to be invincible. The Epic who killed David's father. For years, like the Reckoners, David's been studying, and planning - and he has something they need. Not an object, but an experience.

He's seen Steelheart bleed. And he wants revenge.

I’ve seen Steelheart bleed.
And I will see him bleed again.

This book was EPIC. Eh? Eeeeh? See what I did there? lol

Yeah, okay. I wasn’t going to say anything AT ALL, but I can’t do that-lack of time be damned.

I LOVED this book. Not only because it was the perfect escape from reality that I needed, but because I am completely and utterly obsessed with superheroes. The idea of them, the sacrifices they make in their lives, and, cliche as it is, the damsels in distress they are always trying to save. You name it, I love it. But, in this case, it’s not about superheroes. It’s about normal people given superhuman abilities…that they choose to do evil with. Oh, MAN did this blurb hook me. When I saw my good friend reading this on here, I did what any sane person would do-I stalked her up and down until she finished to see what she ultimately thought. Her word is like law, you know.

I know, better than anyone else, that there are no heroes coming to save us. There are no good Epics. None of them protect us. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

So, to say I was excited to start this was an understatement. I don’t read many books like this, so I can’t actually say whether it was up to par with other fantasy type novels or even his other works….And I certainly can’t say that it will be everything you’ve ever imagined and more. I only know what I enjoy and what I like….and I LOVED this one. I loved the characters and their mission. I loved the world this author created. I loved our main character, David, like crazy-I don’t think he was completely developed, for my taste, but he cracked me up at every turn and he always brought a smile to my face, especially his metaphors-they got worse and worse! In fact, they were terrible! But that’s part of the charm of this novel. It’s imperfect perfectness.

I could imagine shooting through the streets on one of these. They looked so dangerous, like alligators. Really fast alligators wearing black. Ninja alligators.
I decided not to use that one on Megan.

-Lmao, my absolute favorite line of the whole book >.<

I dunno. I’m one of those chicks that LOVES the idea of fantasy….but I just can only scratch the surface, it seems. I am so busy all the time and the idea of world-building and world-building on top of strategizing and strategizing when I get home from work isn’t exactly what I want…but these are the types of books that give me exactly what I seek most: hardcore fight scenes, light love interest, hopefully a perilistic ending with declarations of love as one of main characters is on the brink of death in the face of evil and….yup. I know this is the genre I need to break into, but I just love the YA aspect so much I think that holds me back in the more advanced fantasy type books.

I looked up the cavernous shaft. It resembled an enormous throat, stretching upward…one we needed to get up…which made us…
Bad analogy. Very bad. Regardless, there was a twisting feeling in my gut.

So basically…my point is this: I love this shit. I even really like the male POV. I don’t get enough of that, I don’t think. I don’t have much time to write many reviews this month, that’s just the way it goes. But, I couldn’t leave for my wedding/honeymoon without saying SOMETHING. It physically bothers me not to! So, I said a little bit of my piece (two weeks after finishing) and now I’ll post a couple quotes. Eh, it’s not what I wanted for this book, or any book to follow during my review drought, but it’s certainly better than nothing.

BOOK REVIEW – Of Beast and Beauty by Stacey Jay

BOOK REVIEW – Of Beast and Beauty by Stacey JayOf Beast and Beauty by Stacey Jay
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In the beginning was the darkness, and in the darkness was a girl, and in the girl was a secret...

In the domed city of Yuan, the blind Princess Isra, a Smooth Skin, is raised to be a human sacrifice whose death will ensure her city’s vitality. In the desert outside Yuan, Gem, a mutant beast, fights to save his people, the Monstrous, from starvation. Neither dreams that together, they could return balance to both their worlds.

Isra wants to help the city’s Banished people, second-class citizens despised for possessing Monstrous traits. But after she enlists the aid of her prisoner, Gem, who has been captured while trying to steal Yuan’s enchanted roses, she begins to care for him, and to question everything she has been brought up to believe.

As secrets are revealed and Isra’s sight, which vanished during her childhood, returned, Isra will have to choose between duty to her people and the beast she has come to love.


This was the first book I’ve read that is a retelling of a fairy tale. Truthfully, I was nervous to read a story that held hints of Beauty and the Beast laced throughout the pages. Because whenever my mind thinks about that particular story, I always envision the movie by Disney. The one that filled with me with hope, love, faith that there will always be a bad guy that can be defeated and happily ever afters. And well, could I get those same feelings from this book too? I know that’s a lot to expect, and maybe even wrong to think those thoughts. But, I’m pleasantly surprised to say that I did fall for this “Beauty” and “Beast” book. It was a charming story that was filled with true love, deceit, magic, bad guys, and a world that was at times twisted and sinister. It was a lot of fun to read!

Great men aren’t afraid to do dangerous things to tip the hand of fate in their favor.

On another planet, people have been relegated to specific lifestyles. The smooth-skins live within domed cities. Their harvest, water and lifestyles are all maintained at the cost of the life of the queen or princess. Their sacrifice must be made throughout the years to pay for their safety and lifestyle within the dome. Isra is a blind Princess, whose fate has always been to be the sacrificial one. Outside of the domes, the land is in ruins. Resources are scarce and the creatures that live there are called the Monstrous. They are mutated beasts, and Gem is one of them. Gem has set out on a plan to save his kind from starvation, but in the process he is caught by the blind princess. Isra holds Gem prisoner, but as time passes, truths became known and slowly their world transitions from black and white to grey.

“You seem curious about what will happen when you die,” I whisper. “Maybe it’s time for your curiosity to be satisfied.” – Gem

Isra is not what you would expect a blind princess to be. While she is at times subdued and allows others to make choices for her, she takes risks (risks that shocked me!), she “sees” more than others give her credit, and when backed into a corner she becomes a fighter. What I loved most about Isra was how she treated others and of course her ability to get past what others couldn’t. Her interactions with Gem warmed my heart. And speaking of Gem, I loved him! I don’t care if he was a feral mutated beast, he won me over! He was bold, calculating, manipulative and his inner turmoil of struggling with what was right and wrong weighed on me and made me care for him that much deeper.

No matter how well we’ve been getting along, or how much more human Gem is than I could have dreamed a monstrous would be, it was stupid to start confessing things to him. He’s not my friend; he’s my prisoner. – Isra

Of Beast and Beauty was an entertaining page turner that I definitely recommend. The hints of the original Beauty and the Beast story were perfectly intertwined with this tale. But keep in mind that this fairy tale was so vastly different from the original, that it is impossible to compare the two. There is so much more depth to this story than I have even started to explain. The side characters are entertaining, the plot is interesting and the twist, even though I figured it out, was still exciting because of the chain events that were caused. I love that lies were spun, secrets were hidden, wrongs became rights and in the end a beautiful story was born.

BOOK REVIEW: All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill

BOOK REVIEW: All Our Yesterdays by Cristin TerrillAll Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill
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What would you change?

Imprisoned in the heart of a secret military base, Em has nothing except the voice of the boy in the cell next door and the list of instructions she finds taped inside the drain.

Only Em can complete the final instruction. She’s tried everything to prevent the creation of a time machine that will tear the world apart. She holds the proof: a list she has never seen before, written in her own hand. Each failed attempt in the past has led her to the same terrible present—imprisoned and tortured by a sadistic man called the doctor while war rages outside.

Marina has loved her best friend, James, since they were children. A gorgeous, introverted science prodigy from one of America’s most famous families, James finally seems to be seeing Marina in a new way, too. But on one disastrous night, James’s life crumbles, and with it, Marina’s hopes for their future. Marina will protect James, no matter what. Even if it means opening her eyes to a truth so terrible that she may not survive it... at least, not as the girl she once was. Em and Marina are in a race against time that only one of them can win.

All Our Yesterdays is a wrenching, brilliantly plotted story of fierce love, unthinkable sacrifice, and the infinite implications of our every choice.

I hated this. No, wait, I loved this. No, no-I hated it….Right? Still, even after having finished a day and a half ago, I still don’t know what I think of this book. It played with my heart on the deepest emotional level possible…and, for once, I don’t know if that was a good thing.
Dealing with matters of the heart are messy. There is no way to make rational decisions when your heart is split down the middle-I believe that with my whole soul. And, believe it or not, I’m not even talking about a love triangle. This is a good old-fashioned torture of the heart, a total mind-fuck…and I’m not sure I handled it all that well.

When I picked up this book, I thought I was starting a run of the mill dystopian/sci-fi fantasy novel. Honest to God, I might have rethought my decision to start this had I known how it would rip my heart into shreds. I keep telling my friends all the events of the book and we all came to the same type of stuttery, open-mouthed, grappling for words conclusion-Even after countless reviews and a neurotic fetish with making sure it fit all my criteria (I do this for every book I’m about to read, lest I make bad decisions), I still wasn’t prepared for what this book was truly about. If you simply read the blurb, you see it’s about two different couples in two different times, so to speak. You realize it’s all about time travel and deciding what you would change if you could: Are you really fixing something if you go back in time and alter the past? But what that damn dirty blurb doesn’t tell you is this-This book is far deeper than even it’s author lets on. This book has such raw, magnetic moments that you can’t help but to be manipulated by each individual character and each individual motivation. This book is so multi-layered that you won’t know what side you’re on, who you’re rooting for, or who you should be rooting for. The simple truth is this: there is no good or evil, it is simply what your present self knows the future to be. It’s what you’re willing to do, what you’re willing to sacrifice to make the world a better place-even if it destroys you to have to do so. Continue reading

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