Tag: Fantasy (Page 13 of 118)

BOOK REVIEW: The Traitor Queen (The Bridge Kingdom #2) by Danielle L. Jensen

BOOK REVIEW: The Traitor Queen (The Bridge Kingdom #2) by Danielle L. JensenThe Traitor Queen (The Bridge Kingdom #2)
by Danielle L. Jensen
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A queen now in exile as a traitor, Lara has watched Ithicana be conquered by her own father, helpless to do anything to stop the destruction. But when she learns her husband, Aren, has been captured in battle, Lara knows there is only one reason her father is keeping him alive: as bait for his traitorous daughter.

And it is bait she fully intends to take.

Risking her life to the Tempest Seas, Lara returns to Ithicana with a plan not only to free its king, but for liberating the Bridge Kingdom from her father’s clutches using his own weapons: the sisters whose lives she spared. But not only is the palace inescapable, there are more players in the game than Lara ever realized, enemies and allies switching sides in the fight for crowns, kingdoms, and bridges. But her greatest adversary of all might be the very man she’s trying to free – the husband she betrayed.

With everything she loves in jeopardy, Lara must decide who – and what – she is fighting for: her kingdom, her husband, or herself.

Oooh boy. This book was a monster’s dream. It’s me. I’m the monster. This book was perfection wrapped in evil, desperate things, and I lapped it up so quickly-so quickly, in fact, I found that I had read the whole book in one night and that hasn’t happened since, like, 2013? Maybe? It’s that sinfully evil, I tell you.

I couldn’t be torn from these pages. Not even death itself could have pulled me from these pages, because my heart was woven so delicately within these words and moments that I had no way of escaping.

Aren is…in a predicament. Lara ‘banished’. Okay, Tinkerbell. Come on now. But anyway. Lara is willing to do ANYTHING to right her wrongs, to make things right, to save the love of her life…but no one WANTS her to.

Thus is the struggle of being a total raving brainwashed loon in book one, I suppose, but it didn’t make it any less hard to swallow, watching the way she gets treated even as Aren knows in his heart he’ll always love her despite all she did and could do-he won’t give in, but his heart will never let her go.

This book sang to my soul so deeply-it’s rare you find a book that can encapsulate everything you love and admire about stories without it being too over the top. The types of books I love and cherish are rife with boy tears, deceit, and romantic peril so dire we don’t KNOW if they will make it out alive. I really do only get the most enjoyment out of when they DO make it, but there are times I make exceptions for my truly macabre moments.

Never a dull moment, these two fight for their life, for their kingdom, for EACH OTHER, so fiercely that it emanates off the page. Their love and passion for one another and the place they call home is spell-binding and it shines bright on each and every page, making every horrendous, treacherous trial and moment they go for fraught with tension and heartache. I was truly head over heels for every trial and tribulation these two went through, even though it I didn’t fully buy it had to be this way.

That…was my biggest issue with book one. Did it have to be this way? NO, sorry. But I also understand it led to one of the most amazing second books ever, so beggars can’t be choosers. But, to be fair, this wasn’t simply a miscommunication, this was a lack of total regard for the worst imaginable scenario possible when not handled correctly. I just….come on, Lara. And Aren….just forgive her already-we all know you know it was an accident and you WANT TO. (F THEM KIDS (THAT KINGDOM).

Riddled with terror, treacherous elements, and the absolute uncertainty if they would ever end up together again, if they would even survive, in the end…this book was everything I could have asked for and more. I didn’t even mind (view spoiler). So, to say this was the perfect novel, for me, would be an understatement. The tears, the lack of trust, the hope, the absolute desperate cries for one another in battle *even thought they aren’t supposed to care*? Sign me up for infinite re-reads. For eternity. For all time. I will never stop.

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BOOK REVIEW: The Bridge Kingdom (The Bridge Kingdom #1) by Danielle L. Jensen

BOOK REVIEW: The Bridge Kingdom (The Bridge Kingdom #1) by Danielle L. JensenThe Bridge Kingdom (The Bridge Kingdom #1)
by Danielle L. Jensen
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A warrior princess trained in isolation, Lara is driven by two certainties. The first is that King Aren of the Bridge Kingdom is her enemy. And the second is that she’ll be the one to bring him to his knees.

The only route through a storm-ravaged world, the Bridge Kingdom enriches itself and deprives its rivals, including Lara's homeland. So when she’s sent as a bride under the guise of peace, Lara is prepared to do whatever it takes to fracture its impenetrable defenses. And the defenses of its king.

Yet as she infiltrates her new home and gains a deeper understanding of the war to possess the bridge, Lara begins to question whether she’s the hero or the villain. And as her feelings for Aren transform from frosty hostility to fierce passion, Lara must choose which kingdom she’ll save… and which kingdom she’ll destroy.

Passionate and violent, The Bridge Kingdom is a seductive fantasy perfect for fans of From Blood and Ash and A Court of Thorns and Roses.


Ithicana would pay for its crimes against her people, and by the time she was through with its king, he’d do more than bend.
He’d bleed.

This is a hard one for me to write, as I think that, while undeniably addicting and spell-binding, it wasn’t without its flaws. I’ve never been one to completely forgo logic, but I do suspend disbelief quite often to raise enjoyment for some of my favorite stories. Why must we be so critical? Well, the reason I am so critical is because if I’m not, I get sloppy with my choices, and I do NOT like to waste my time when I read, so I critique down to the finest point…about my own personal issues (which are far from what most of my fellow readers find repulsive).

Ithicana needed a queen who was a warrior. A woman who’d fight to the death for her people. A woman who was cunning and ruthless, not because she wanted to be, but because her country needed her to be. A woman who’d challenge him every day for the rest of his life. A woman Ithicana would respect.
And there was one thing he was certain: Lara Veliant was not that woman.

Personal issues of disbelief aside, something I’m shocked I cared enough to even say, to be frank, is this duology is everything my peril loving heart could ask for. Slow-burn. Tortuous. Agonizing. Perilous. Absolutely heart-breaking. But also, for those who are not so macabre: adventurous, bright, vivid, and full of action packed battles and games of deceit and political intrigue. This book had it all, and it led to one of my favorite sequels ever, which is crazy because, essentially, I’ve had a LOT of favorites, as of late.

I’m not going to lie when I say I am really pulling out all the stops here to write this review, as my brain is slow and I feel as though I’m in a haze from being sick, but I felt both this series and Aurora Cycle deserved better than one sentence sentiments. So while I am doing no justice here, I do feel that, at least I tried-grammar be damned, apparently.

Still, she was aware enough to hear him, his voice hoarse as he said, “Since the moment I set eyes on you in Southwatch, there’s been no one but you. Even if I’m a goddamned fool for it, there will never be anyone but you.”

Aren is one of the most idealistic, beautiful souls I’ve read about (okay, ha, whatever. I’ve met a lot of beautiful BBF souls, sue me) in recent memory, always hoping and praying for the good, even while preparing for the worst. Even though he falls head over heels in lust (unbeknownst to her) when they first meet, he never lets it rule his sense of urgency on whether she is truly there for him, or to spy. He is clever in that way, and I found it refreshing neither one gave into their desires, even though he so clearly wanted to be a good man to her and take care of her even more as time progressed.

When they finally give into one another…this book truly soared, the feels abundant and without a care of ceasing for for my rapidly beating heart and preemptively bleeding soul. But, like most horrendous enemies to lovers, bad things must occur lest we have no plot, and when shit hit the fan, I wasn’t mad-I was furious.

You are a fool, she thought as darkness took her. And that made two of them.

Look, I knew. Arielle tells me everything I deem I need to know-which is all things bad and unfortunate. I’m not wasting time and investing my heart into bullshit-I’m not kidding when I emphasize this. So, I knew. And because I knew, or perhaps literally EVERYONE knows because it’s so god damn glaringly obvious that I couldn’t help but to keep a permanent scowl in anticipation of pigs flying, because the unbelievable stupidity of the heroine to be so blind in her hopefulness and lack of belief when it’s needed most SLAYED me, I was ready to be hurt. But not in this way, because MY GOD IT IS SO EASY TO HAVE PREVENTED. I dO nOt CaRe if it is touched upon (I will speak of this likely later or in book two review) and therefore halfway forgivable in this sense, and I do not CARE if it needed to happen to further the plot-WHY. MY HEART. WHY. Couldn’t it have happened any other way?

They did what they needed to survive, and with every piece of information she stored away about them, her guilt swelled, because she knew Ithicana wouldn’t survive her.

That’s it. That’s literally my only complaint (perhaps barring that I wish she’d have trusted him and loved him sooner)-because this series is otherwise my literal fantasy of every book I’d like to read. It was just so so tortuous…and I need less easy, more angst in my life [but not TOO much angst, I don’t want a damn heart attack okay].

And that is, I suppose, all this review really needed to say. I needed to warn y’all that you WILL fall for them. You WILL see it coming. You WILL hurt. And, if you like them at all, you WON’T care. End of story.

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BOOK REVIEW: Heartless Sky (Zodiac Academy #7) by Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti

BOOK REVIEW: Heartless Sky (Zodiac Academy #7) by Caroline Peckham & Susanne ValentiHeartless Sky (Zodiac Academy #7)
by Caroline Peckham, Susanne Valenti
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The winds of fate are shifting, and it finally seems like they’ve been twisted in our favour.

On the run and cast out from society, we’ve been forced to hide from the mad man who stole our throne. But as more secrets come to light and my sister and I work harder than ever before to reach our potential and claim our birth right, the end is finally drawing closer.

There is no turning from this path now. The curse chases on our heels as time rushes by and the blood drenched destiny of the man I love looms ever closer just like the monster who stole our throne.

We must prepare for the final battle, but three things are clear now.

The cards have already been dealt.

Blood will spill for a new future to rise.

And the stars themselves can’t help us.

The fight for the throne is upon us. All hail the heartless sky.

She was intoxicating, this creature of mine, soul destroying, heart breaking, endlessly everything.


End of.

Y’all know. EVERYONE knows. When I say that I love emotional peril. Destruction. Heartache. Pain. Chaos. Mayhem. [fake or will be fixed and also okay sometimes permanent] Character deaths. All around evil. Torture. YOU NAME IT. I MEAN IT. I . FUCKING. LOVE . IT.

This book is the most destructive. eViL. MEAN. Aggressive little shit of a book I’ve ever come across and I may or may not want to curl up and die after finishing because nothing has EVER hurt this much. Okay, maybe back in the day things such as Primrose and Tris and [insert duology from last year that’s too new to say so offhandedly] are good examples of utter and emotional detriment to the soul. But this is NOW. And now HURTS.

yOu’Ll Be FiNe

Well no, sir/ma’am, I will NOT be okay.

*I lied*
*yes I hissed*

No amount of guessing/anticipating/waiting could have prepared me for this. And while I will eventually bask in it, today and last night as I lay awake staring at the ceiling in a sea of feels, today is not that day. Today I mourn my sanity and I thank you for all your condolences at this time.

…regrets weren’t worth the memories they lingered in.

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BOOK REVIEW: Fated Throne (Zodiac Academy #6) by Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti

BOOK REVIEW: Fated Throne (Zodiac Academy #6) by Caroline Peckham & Susanne ValentiFated Throne (Zodiac Academy #6)
by Caroline Peckham, Susanne Valenti
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Fate has torn us apart and sometimes I believe the stars have given up on us altogether.

Without my sister, the world seems darker than ever before and the shadows loom thicker, rising up to answer the call of the Shadow Princess and changing the face of Solaria for good.

Now Lionel Acrux has the strength to make a move for the throne, I’m not sure how much time we have left to stop him.

Our only hope is to find the Imperial Star before he does. We made the sacrifice the stars called for and we’re paying the price for that decision so it can’t be for nothing. But with the stars turning against us at every move, and the last light in the world seeming to fade, I’m afraid we’re almost out of time. Hope is a dangerous thing. It’s the key to us fighting on. But it could be what destroys us in the end.

One thing is for certain, I won’t stop until I have been reunited with my other half and together we will fight to take our crowns.

A war is coming.

The throne is calling for a new monarch. And someone must answer its call.

Look, this one is a soft five but it is STILL a five, nonetheless. Nothing else could touch how this makes me feel. That being said-while not enough changes from book to book to write a full review pertaining to each installment as I read them so close together, this one was hard to put feels into GIF form…so this one is messy but I will stay steady in my pursuit of posting some form of a review for each installment. This is my attempt.

By far the darkest installment yet…started out the bleakest

So it was hard for me during this time of my life…so it was just okayish as I pushed past it because I know it’s worth it *smirk* It always is.

And then…we start getting sooo close….



Nailed it.

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BOOK REVIEW: Gleam (The Plated Prisoner #3) by Raven Kennedy

BOOK REVIEW: Gleam (The Plated Prisoner #3) by Raven KennedyGleam (The Plated Prisoner #3)
by Raven Kennedy
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King Midas made me the woman I am today. Notorious. Unattainable. His.

The thing about being confined is that you believe it’s to keep the bad out... Until you realize it’s about keeping you in.

I’m now in a strange kingdom surrounded by liars, with no allies of my own, but I won’t sit idly by and let myself wither. No, there’s something that’s bloomed from the pit of my repression. Something dark. Something angry.

But the last thing I expected was for my anger to call out to him. King Ravinger.

He’s sinister and powerful and entirely too seductive. I’ve learned my lesson with trusting manipulative kings, so why does my chest constrict every time he’s near? I need to tread carefully, or I’m at risk of losing much more than just my freedom.

Regret and revenge war inside of me, and I need to figure out a plan fast before I get tangled up in the schemes of kings and queens.

Because I won’t be caught in a cage again. No, this time, It’ll be me setting the trap... I just hope my heart comes out of this unscathed.

A bursting scoff escapes him. “Stop with the dramatics, Auren. Stop with this rebellion. It doesn’t suit you.”
“No, the problem is that it doesn’t suit

Some books are just special. Some books just wind themselves into your veins, your heart, your very soul. Some books last, some books fade, and some books withstand the test of time, take up permanent residence in your heart. This is that book. Again, I know everyone is different and that perhaps this book seems vain or vapid…but, to me, it’s a book that touched on each and every one of my favorite tropes, introduced me to one of the most interestingly complex heroes I’ve ever come across, and it delivered in all things perilous and horrifying. In short, it was my perfect book, and this series lead up to it spectacularly.

What are we without our white lies and protective walls?

Auren becomes this amazing girl, this woman who won’t be held down. She finally finds her shine, her power, her unwillingness to be a pawn for everyone and to be a player for herself. Her cunning, her heart, her ferocity-it was so amazing to read about and I enjoyed every moment she blossomed more, her rose tinted glasses finally so foggy that she doesn’t even use them anymore.

But the eyes of liars are tricky things. They can show you what you want to see without ever reflecting the truth. It’s best not to look a liar in the eye. They’re so good at their own compulsions that their gazes hold steady, and then you’re the one who loses sight.

She cut through the bullshit, and now it’s time for those who have wronged her to pay…and I was so there for it.

I’m glad for the anger I see on his face. Misery may love company, but anger thrives on it.

And, naturally, this was my favorite book because of the twisted games, the treachery, the elusiveness, the sneaking around, and that push and pull tension that can only be achieved by a slow burn romance so seductive, so drawn out, so worth the wait that I thought I was going to personally combust. It’s just so rare that all my favorite elements are in the same story-the same series-so satisfyingly. Not once was or is it easy. Nothing just falls in our laps. Nothing ever is cut and dry-and that is one of my least favorite things in books, when a hero and heroine decide they like/love one another, then it’s all ‘we’re together until the end, no one can defeat us’ or whatever. It’s just simply not that easy for Auren and Rip. There are so many obstacles, so many people, so many rules and powerplays. I love that we don’t get that instant gratification. I love that we have to work for it. And, ultimately, I love that Rip earns it, time and again. That he is more than willing to earn it over and over and over. Yes. Just…yes.

Without me realizing it, he slipped into my veins and now swims through my every thought, steeped into every drop.

Oh, yes, didn’t I warn you that this review was going to go full Commander Rip mode? I did. I warned you in my second review and I am no liar-for there is one single thing that makes my heart beat, my pulse race, and my stomach erupt in butterflies when the darkness creeps in, and that is Rip, the man who brought Auren out of her shell, the man who taught her not all men are bad and not everyone is your enemy. She doesn’t always have to hide, she should let her inner strength shine, be proud of who she is and what she can do. Auren’s inner strength is amazing-I know she always had it, but it is Rip who pulled it from her, who drug it out of her piece by piece so that she could cease to be a shell of a human. And it’s Rip who will stand by her side, no matter the fate, no matter the battle, no matter the consequences-and damn the repercussions.

I’m incredibly aware of his arms around me, of the way he doesn’t falter as he holds me up, as if he could hold me for eternity and never let go.
Why does that make me want to cry?

That’s the thing, isn’t it? There are so many games, so many powerplays, so much political shit, and he follows them to a tee…but when it comes to the woman he is obsessed with, the woman he views as the most important thing in the world, the woman he wants to finally be free and happy? He would give it all up, just like that, if she so much as snapped her golden finger. He’d destroy every carefully built wall, he’d burn down the whole world in her name-because he sees her as the queen she is and knows she deserves no less. He is a humble servant at her feet, he worships her so deeply…and she is finally beginning to understand that-and it ultimately is what gives her the strength and the fight for her soul, seeing that someone values her and would even walk away if it was what she wanted. He gives her life. He gives her the confidence she never had. And damn if that’s not refreshing.

Instead of being afraid of the world, I could make the whole damn world afraid of me.

The utter malice behind the actions in this novel sing to my soul-every single moment-but I do wish ONE plot line had gone the way I love it to, but that’s me being a control freak like Midas and it didn’t hinder my enjoyment at all (okay, look, it did a bit BUT) because the other thread, the way the author pulled at it-it sang to my soul just as loudly, I just had to let it digest.

Why is it that a man can make you feel like nothing, when you have given him everything?

I like things to go a certain way with the trio of Hero-Heroine-Villain, and I am very snobbish and picky about it-I have always been truthful and upfront about that. That being said, though, it’s a more repetitive way of ending a book, so the creativeness that went into this end was far superior in that it is unexpected, it is innovative, and you likely won’t have seen it before (I seriously don’t think it’s possible lol). Again, I wish a certain something could have been expanded upon and played into a little longer for book four with our new situation but, like I said, I like the tried and true, so it’s best we aren’t going to drag out one single plot for too long. Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t have devoured it, though *frowny face*.

That’s the thing about escapism. In whatever form, it always ends, and then we’re forced back into a reality that’s not nearly as satisfying.

And lastly, I have to say this, which is stupidly sad, that I found myself relating to so many passages, so many moments where Auren lifted her veil to see what was truly in front of her. I find it so amazing that these quotes can pack such a punch, can break down our own walls where we can see what is wrong-or had been wrong-or could be wrong-in our own lives. I am awed that so many moments spoke to me…and damn if that isn’t a little unsettling.

I became too blinded by my bright sides to see the truth.
Sometimes, you look at the silver lining so much that you drift into denial about the clouds.

So, there it is. My undying and unconditional love for a random series that totally swept me off my feet seemingly out of nowhere. It wasn’t planned. It wasn’t expected. It was not something I planned to spend more of my hard earned money on-but alas, here I am, spending money anyway, because I refuse to not represent Rip on my shelves, okay? And they’re so dang pretty, too (I WISH THEY WERE IN HARDBACK). I wish the fourth was out, but I am also happy I get to look forward to it, get to pine for what could be…and I trust Raven Kennedy implicitly. Now, the wait. I’ll be ready. *smirks*

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