REVIEW & GIVEAWAY: Hot Winter Nights (Heartbreaker Bay #6) by Jill Shalvis

REVIEW & GIVEAWAY: Hot Winter Nights (Heartbreaker Bay #6) by Jill Shalvis

I absolutely loved this book! So check out my 5 Star Review below and enter a fabulous giveaway! Enjoy!

REVIEW & GIVEAWAY: Hot Winter Nights (Heartbreaker Bay #6) by Jill ShalvisHot Winter Nights (Heartbreaker Bay #6)
by Jill Shalvis
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Who needs mistletoe?

Most people wouldn’t think of a bad Santa case as the perfect Christmas gift. Then again, Molly Malone, office manager at Hunt Investigations, isn’t most people, and she could really use a distraction from the fantasies she’s been having since spending the night with her very secret crush, Lucas Knight. Nothing happened, not that Lucas knows that—but Molly just wants to enjoy being a little naughty for once . . .

Whiskey and pain meds for almost-healed bullet wounds don’t mix. Lucas needs to remember that next time he’s shot on the job, which may be sooner rather than later if Molly’s brother, Joe, finds out about them. Lucas can’t believe he’s drawing a blank on his (supposedly) passionate tryst with Molly, who’s the hottest, smartest, strongest woman he’s ever known. Strong enough to kick his butt if she discovers he’s been assigned to babysit her on her first case. And hot enough to melt his cold heart this Christmas.


Hot Winter Nights was sexy, hilarious, heartwarming and made my heart beat faster.  I loved this book with my whole heart and soul.  And while it can easily be read as a standalone, I’m a little preferential to this fabulous group of friends and recommend picking up all of the previous books too.  It’s so much fun watching their lives intertwine, see what everyone is up to and falling in love with each couple in this series!

“There’s something I need to talk to you about,” he said very seriously.
“I’m not going to rate your performance last night.”
“That’s not—” He paused, his eyes sharpened. “Wait. What does that mean?”
“So you’re saying I
did suck.”
She had to laugh. “Well, if you can’t remember it, how good could it really have been, right?”

While healing from a gunshot wound, Lucas Knight found Molly Malone in his bed the next morning.  Even though nothing happened, Lucas couldn’t remember anything thanks to alcohol and his pain meds, and Molly had way too much fun making Lucas think otherwise.  You see, not only did they work together, but Molly was Lucas’ best friend’s little sister. There had always been this addicting sexual tension running between them.  And they were about to spend even more time together!  When a bad Santa case ended up in Molly’s lap, she secretly took it on.  She would love to go from office manager to private investigator and this could help her get what she wanted.  Thankfully she had Lucas who would help her along the way.

“Molly,” he breathed and shifted so that his forehead rested against hers. Sliding his hands into her hair, his fingertips against her scalp, he held her in place. “Do that again,” he demanded, his voice soft steel.

I. Loved. Lucas!  If you are addicted to alpha males, you have to meet him.  He was honest, trustworthy and also sexy as sin.  He put his whole heart in his job, even if it was broken from the past.  But thankfully he had this fabulous, loud, meddling family that I fell head over heels for.  They added so much heart from just the few scenes they were in.  And he also had Molly filling up his life with light and laughter.

“And one more thing. No talking.”
“How about dirty talk?” he asked. “That doesn’t count, right?”
She surprised him by laughing and lightened his heart.
“Dirty talk is allowed,” she decided, and right then and there, he fell in love.

I adored Molly, she was brave, fierce, loyal yet she heavily guarded her heart.  Her past had physically and emotionally scarred her and even though Molly and I didn’t seem to have anything in common, I clicked with her right away.  While Lucas and Molly worked on the bad Santa case they spent more and more time together. I loved how they joked around and that it was beyond obvious that they wanted each other.  But it wasn’t all fun and games for Molly since she kept putting on the breaks. I got it, but oh it pained my heart. I just kept my fingers crossed that they’d figure it out because together they were something spectacular.

He was taking a chance.
On purpose.
He was putting himself out there and it was fucking terrifying.

It got to the point where they definitely couldn’t ignore what was happening between them.  One thing led to another and words turned to touches, sigh. And through it all I kept finding myself smiling, sighing, laughing and clutching my heart.  Not to mention there were a few scenes that had me screaming while giggling and others where I found myself with tears in my eyes.  This book put me through the emotional wringer.  So of course I definitely recommend Hot Winter Nights.  If you adore alpha males, mysteries, bad Santa’s, strong heroines and a fabulous group of friends then definitely pick his one up!  

PS The Friends references, in some of the titles for the chapters, oh my gosh I loved it!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*


About Jill Shalvis:
New York Times and USA Today bestselling authorJill Shalvis writes warm, funny, sexy contemporary romances and women’s fiction. An Amazon, BN & iBooks bestseller, she’s also a two-time RITA winner and has more than 10 million copies of her books sold worldwide.




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  1. Raven

    Great review, Jen! I’m not into alpha males but this really sounds like a fun romantic read. I’m glad you loved it! 🙂
    Raven recently posted…LIFEL1K3(Lifelike #1) By Jay Kristoff [Revew]My Profile

    • Jen

      It was so much fun! Thank you, Raven!

  2. T.H. Hernandez

    This sounds really good. I’ve never read anything by her, but after your review, I’m going to have to give her a try.
    T.H. Hernandez recently posted…Blog Tour – Playlist + Giveaway – THE SECRETS IN OUR SCARS by Rebecca TrognerMy Profile

    • Jen

      I picked up one of her books last fall because she was attending RT this year. I fell so hard for her writing. I honestly don’t know why I never picked up one before that. Each book is a standlone in the series and while I missed the first few books it didn’t affect my reading at all. But I’m going to go back and catch up, her books are just so much fun. Hope you enjoy her writing style and characters too. 🙂

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