The month of August marks our 4 year anniversary! And we’re celebrating…a little bit late cause life has been crazy…. by talking about some of our newer book boyfriends and we’re giving away books that we absolutely love! Our posts will be about our Fiercest BBfs, our Kindest BBFs, our Favorite Female Heroines, our Darkest BBFs and our Most Tortured BBFs……are you so excited?! Because we are!
Today we’re talking about Our Fiercest BBFs! If you haven’t met any of them, we highly recommend you do! And don’t forget to enter our fabulous giveaway below where we’re giving away 7 books that we love!
The Star-Crossed Ladies
Connor Cobalt from Kiss the Sky (Calloway Sisters #1) by Krista Ritchie & Becca Ritchie
* Amazon * Goodreads *
Connor Cobalt is hands down the fiercest BBFs that I have ever read about. He went from believing that is was impossible to love anyone to loving his wife, his children, and Lo. He went so far as to give scandalous pictures to the paparazzi to take the spotlight off of his best friend, sister-in-law, and their son. You can’t really get fiercer than that.
Han from The Demon King (Seven Realms #1) by Cinda Williams Chima
*Review * Amazon * Goodreads *
From gang member, to student, to wizard, Han was basically destined to be one of the fiercest characters in the Seven Realms. He also loved fiercely. “I want to breathe you in for the rest of my life.” Watching his relationship with Raissa progress from the first time they met to the last page of Crimson Crown was a beautiful roller coaster of a thing.
Elian from To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo
* Amazon * Goodreads *
Elian is a reluctant prince but a confident and skilled sea siren hunter. He is incredibly loyal to his amazing crew, but can turn on his princely charm when he needs to. And no matter who he is fighting (and it’s a lot of people and creatures!), you always feel like he’s got a great chance of winning the fight.
Elian from To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo
*Review * Amazon * Goodreads *
By far one of the strongest bbfs this year, Elian is my free-spirited, determined pirate prince. He would do anything to save a damsel in distress…until that damsel is Lira, the Prince Killer. They hate each other at first, but then, as they realize their souls are more alike than they ever imagined, their love becomes so palpable it leaps off the page—-and rips your soul apart when he realizes just who he has fallen for. Can I re-read this yet??!!
“Gods.” Kye recoils as I slash open Lira’s dress. “Is she going to live?”
“Do you care?” I snap back. It isn’t his fault, but yelling at Kye feels a little like yelling at myself, and I need to be yelled at right now. Because this is on me. If Lira dies, then it’s on me.
I can’t believe you came back for me.
But I left her first.
Nikolai from Amour Amour (Aerial Ethereal #1) by Krista Ritchie & Becca Ritchie
*Review * Amazon * Goodreads *
Talented, true, and just the most loyal guy-he does everything in his power to train Thora so she doesn’t have to go home with her tail between her legs…and falls in love with her in the process. This book, guys, it’s so underrated yet it deserves so much more. The passion, the love…it’s all plain as day on the page-And I need more of it.
“I’m in love with you,” I whisper.
He tries to smile but his eyes flood instead. “Don’t love me more than your dreams, myshka. Because I love you too much to let you give them up for me.”
Ivan from From Lukov with Love by Mariana Zapata
*Review * Amazon * Goodreads *
Ivan is a Mariana guy…therefore he is everything. The hate-to-love relationship with Jasmine was just ohhh soooo satisfying-and his determination both on and off the ice skating rink stole my breath away. Every little thing he did, I wanted to live in the moment forever. As with all Mariana Zapata books, I certainly tried to. But, alas, it’s never enough.
“Because I’m okay with you having ten other people be your favorite. But you’re always going to be my favorite person,” he finished. “Always. No matter what.”
Prince Lucien from Bring Me Their Hearts (Bring Me Their Hearts #1) by Sara Wolf
*Review * Amazon * Goodreads *
Prince Lucien was such a complex man who easily stole my heart. And when we learned what he secretly does and how brave he truly was, I was a goner. He was caring, thoughtful, passionate and fierce! He was still haughty, he is a Prince after all, but you could see all of his emotions he kept hidden swirling under the surface. Zara brought it all out of him and I loved every single moment of their slow burn romance!
“I will never consider meeting you a mistake,” Lucien says, his midnight eyes flashing.
Joe Malone from About That Kiss (Heartbreaker Bay #5) by Jill Shalvis
*Review * Amazon * Goodreads *
Joe worked for a security company and ended up on a case for Kylie. I loved how he wanted to keep her safe and how protective he was. He was loyal, brave and his trust in others was absolutely beautiful. Together their moments were explosive and fireworks were definitely guaranteed!
She was an irresistible dichotomy of sweet charm and heart-stopping sexy, and she threw him off guard with every look, be it a smile or a glare. In fact, he kinda liked when she gave him dirty looks, which meant he was seriously losing his shit. And he never lost his shit.
Yeah. He was royally screwed and the thing was even knowing that, he didn’t want to walk away because he enjoyed her so much. How crazy was that?
Rylen Fite from Unknown (Unknown #1) by Wendy Higgins
*Review * Amazon * Goodreads *
We actually got to witness the demise of the world. And I had no clue the depths my heart would ache watching this tale unfold. But thankfully we have Rylen to mend our hearts. He was protective, loyal, passionate, seductive and always in control. He will always be one of my favorite book boyfriends ever!
A lump filled my throat as Rylen pulled me aside and pressed his forehead to mine. We didn’t kiss. No hugs either. We just stood there, foreheads touching, eyes closed, breathing each other in, letting the urgency of our hope rise up and twirl between us, spinning until it was a powerful cyclone of unspoken words, holding us together.
Be safe.
Stay alert.
I love you more than life.
Don’t you dare die. – Amber & Rylen
***There will be 5 winners, and prizes will be sent via Amazon Kindle. The first winner drawn will get to chose which book they want first, and so on. Prizes are ebooks of:
*An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
*Illuminae by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
*Adorkable by Cookie O’Gorman
*Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
*Angelfall, World After & End of Days (YES the whole trilogy!) by Susan Ee***