Category: Event (Page 14 of 42)


the fiercest

The month of August marks our 4 year anniversary! And we’re celebrating…a little bit late cause life has been crazy…. by talking about some of our newer book boyfriends and we’re giving away books that we absolutely love! Our posts will be about our Fiercest BBfs, our Kindest BBFs, our Favorite Female Heroines, our Darkest BBFs and our Most Tortured BBFs……are you so excited?! Because we are!

Today we’re talking about Our Fiercest BBFs! If you haven’t met any of them, we highly recommend you do! And don’t forget to enter our fabulous giveaway below where we’re giving away 7 books that we love!

The Star-Crossed Ladies


Connor Cobalt from Kiss the Sky (Calloway Sisters #1) by Krista Ritchie & Becca Ritchie
* Amazon * Goodreads *

Connor Cobalt is hands down the fiercest BBFs that I have ever read about.  He went from believing that is was impossible to love anyone to loving his wife, his children, and Lo. He went so far as to give scandalous pictures to the paparazzi to take the spotlight off of his best friend, sister-in-law, and their son.  You can’t really get fiercer than that.


Han from The Demon King (Seven Realms #1) by Cinda Williams Chima
*Review * Amazon * Goodreads *

From gang member, to student, to wizard, Han was basically destined to be one of the fiercest characters in the Seven Realms.  He also loved fiercely. “I want to breathe you in for the rest of my life.” Watching his relationship with Raissa progress from the first time they met to the last page of Crimson Crown was a beautiful roller coaster of a thing.


Elian from To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo
* Amazon * Goodreads *

Elian is a reluctant prince but a confident and skilled sea siren hunter. He is incredibly loyal to his amazing crew, but can turn on his princely charm when he needs to. And no matter who he is fighting (and it’s a lot of people and creatures!), you always feel like he’s got a great chance of winning the fight.



Elian from To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo
*Review * Amazon * Goodreads *

By far one of the strongest bbfs this year, Elian is my free-spirited, determined pirate prince. He would do anything to save a damsel in distress…until that damsel is Lira, the Prince Killer. They hate each other at first, but then, as they realize their souls are more alike than they ever imagined, their love becomes so palpable it leaps off the page—-and rips your soul apart when he realizes just who he has fallen for. Can I re-read this yet??!!

“Gods.” Kye recoils as I slash open Lira’s dress. “Is she going to live?” 
“Do you care?” I snap back. It isn’t his fault, but yelling at Kye feels a little like yelling at myself, and I need to be yelled at right now. Because this is on me. If Lira dies, then it’s on me. 
I can’t believe you came back for me.
But I left her first.


Nikolai from Amour Amour (Aerial Ethereal #1) by Krista Ritchie & Becca Ritchie
*Review * Amazon * Goodreads *

Talented, true, and just the most loyal guy-he does everything in his power to train Thora so she doesn’t have to go home with her tail between her legs…and falls in love with her in the process. This book, guys, it’s so underrated yet it deserves so much more. The passion, the love…it’s all plain as day on the page-And I need more of it.

“I’m in love with you,” I whisper. 
He tries to smile but his eyes flood instead. “Don’t love me more than your dreams, myshka. Because I love you too much to let you give them up for me.”


Ivan from From Lukov with Love by Mariana Zapata
*Review * Amazon * Goodreads *

Ivan is a Mariana guy…therefore he is everything. The hate-to-love relationship with Jasmine was just ohhh soooo satisfying-and his determination both on and off the ice skating rink stole my breath away. Every little thing he did, I wanted to live in the moment forever. As with all Mariana Zapata books, I certainly tried to. But, alas, it’s never enough.


“Because I’m okay with you having ten other people be your favorite. But you’re always going to be my favorite person,” he finished. “Always. No matter what.”



Prince Lucien from Bring Me Their Hearts (Bring Me Their Hearts #1) by Sara Wolf
*Review * Amazon * Goodreads *

Prince Lucien was such a complex man who easily stole my heart.  And when we learned what he secretly does and how brave he truly was, I was a goner.  He was caring, thoughtful, passionate and fierce!  He was still haughty, he is a Prince after all, but you could see all of his emotions he kept hidden swirling under the surface. Zara brought it all out of him and I loved every single moment of their slow burn romance!

“I will never consider meeting you a mistake,” Lucien says, his midnight eyes flashing.



Joe Malone from About That Kiss (Heartbreaker Bay #5) by Jill Shalvis
*Review * Amazon * Goodreads *

Joe worked for a security company and ended up on a case for Kylie.  I loved how he wanted to keep her safe and how protective he was.  He was loyal, brave and his trust in others was absolutely beautiful.  Together their moments were explosive and fireworks were definitely guaranteed!

She was an irresistible dichotomy of sweet charm and heart-stopping sexy, and she threw him off guard with every look, be it a smile or a glare. In fact, he kinda liked when she gave him dirty looks, which meant he was seriously losing his shit. And he never lost his shit.
Yeah. He was royally screwed and the thing was even knowing that, he didn’t want to walk away because he enjoyed her so much. How crazy was that?



Rylen Fite from Unknown (Unknown #1) by Wendy Higgins
*Review * Amazon * Goodreads *

We actually got to witness the demise of the world. And I had no clue the depths my heart would ache watching this tale unfold.  But thankfully we have Rylen to mend our hearts.  He was protective, loyal, passionate, seductive and always in control.  He will always be one of my favorite book boyfriends ever! 


A lump filled my throat as Rylen pulled me aside and pressed his forehead to mine. We didn’t kiss. No hugs either. We just stood there, foreheads touching, eyes closed, breathing each other in, letting the urgency of our hope rise up and twirl between us, spinning until it was a powerful cyclone of unspoken words, holding us together.
Be safe.
Stay alert.
I love you more than life.
Don’t you dare die. – Amber & Rylen




***There will be 5 winners, and prizes will be sent via Amazon Kindle. The first winner drawn will get to chose which book they want first, and so on.  Prizes are ebooks of:
*An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
*Illuminae by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
*Adorkable by Cookie O’Gorman
*Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
*Angelfall, World After & End of Days (YES the whole trilogy!) by Susan Ee***

a Rafflecopter giveaway


BLOG TOUR+REVIEW: Seafire (Seafire #1) by Natalie C. Parker

BLOG TOUR+REVIEW: Seafire (Seafire #1) by Natalie C. Parker

I won't lie-I NEEDED this book the moment I saw it. I mean...LOOK at it! And I'm happy to report that the beauty within matches the absolutely stunning cover. Rarely does the beauty of a cover match what's inside, so it's a rarity and I'm ecstatic that's the case. Soooo many thanks to Penguin Teen for sending me an early copy and for letting me participate in this amazing tour for this amazing book. See below to follow the tour, learn about the author, and to read my 5 star review. Enjoy!

BLOG TOUR+REVIEW: Seafire (Seafire #1) by Natalie C. ParkerSeafire (Seafire #1)
by Natalie C. Parker
Purchase on: AmazoniBooks
Add to: Goodreads


After her family is killed by corrupt warlord Aric Athair and his bloodthirsty army of Bullets, Caledonia Styx is left to chart her own course on the dangerous and deadly seas. She captains her ship, the Mors Navis, with a crew of girls and women just like her, whose lives have been turned upside down by Aric and his men. The crew has one misson: stay alive, and take down Aric's armed and armored fleet.

But when Caledonia's best friend and second-in-command just barely survives an attack thanks to help from a Bullet looking to defect, Caledonia finds herself questioning whether or not to let him join their crew. Is this boy the key to taking down Aric Athair once and for all...or will he threaten everything the women of the Mors Navis have worked for?

“Take your ship, take your crew, and prove to that man that he has not quelled all of us. Prove that there is a fire on these seas he cannot contain.”

Image result for beautiful stormy sea gif
So vivid in detail, you can practically taste the salt from the sea. So engrossing, it’s as if you can feel the wind in your hair. So mind blowing and addicting, you might as well sign your soul over to the Mors Navis crew-because once you start this story….you might as well say goodbye, because you’re done for. Dead. Dying. You’re addicted like any old Bullet to the most powerful Silt Aric Athair can offer. Say hello to your newest obsession.

Image result for girl pirate gif

I’ll admit I was scared when I started this story-well, that’s a lie. From the minute I started, I was ADDICTED-that prologue may be one of the saddest, harshest beginnings to a story EVER. And, let me tell you up front-Parker isn’t afraid to kill people off. JUST SAYIN’.

He smiled in return, saying, “I might not be quite the hammer Redtooth is, but I’ll do my best.”
Redtooth leaned in to answer, “Don’t feel too bad about it. The way you take a beating, you make one helluva nail.”

But no, it’s more than that. It started off so great-it truly pulled me in. But then I found it hard to find and buoy to a connection (har). I don’t know why, honestly, other than the fact that perhaps it has to do with me moving and not feeling wholly myself that first week when I was reading this beauty. But I also wonder if I needed more of a mix of men and women for longer throughout the story-but, like with many things, that’s a personal preference.

Redtooth pushed a finger into his face. “Damn dirty Bullets don’t touch my ship. Try it and I’ll put you down.” Then, as an afterthought, she added, “Unless the captain says otherwise.”

 But, fear not, because a true beauty this is indeed, for I was a total goner not long after that minor lapse in judgement. How can you resist the piratey pirateness that comes with a sea-filled read, full of action and adventure, friendship and heartbreak, loyalty so strong you almost choke on the palpable tension when things aren’t going just as they should be, and an addictive beginning to a slow burn, but [enemies-to-lovers] oh so tiny and fresh, romance. Tell me-HOW. HOW DO YOU RESIST THIS?!

The thought didn’t give Caledonia as much pleasure as she’d expected. It left an uncomfortable crook in its wake, a sea snake disturbing the flow of water. Ceepa was right to call him poison. There was something truly insidious about him. So insidious, Caledonia had stopped wishing for his immediate demise.

 Alas, I did not, could not, and would not resist. And though my not-so-adorably stubborn self did my best to find flaws…there really weren’t any. Truly. Well. I don’t understand boat talk, so there’s that. But I’m going to GUESS that falls under the ‘it’s me, not you’ category.

Masterfully written with a style so smooth and oh-so-wonderfully fluid that you get pulled into its seamless story line and feel as if you’re being lulled to sleep with the beauty of it-I can’t explain it right, but it’s almost like-okay-it’s style of writing drew me in because it was so captivating and had so much action and adventure, but while doing so, it captured the subtle depth of feather-light writing that somehow RELAXED me …just because it was THAT good [that’s not even to mention the excellent, amazing, alluring, vivid world building]. There’s just something about peril mixed with beauty that makes my masochistic self feel, well, self-actualized.

Hm. Wonder what that says about me. I don’t care to analyze that tonight [as I write this], though. So I’ll move on.

But world-building and soothing writing hardly make for a complete book-you need relationships to root for. To ride and die for. To make it worth coming back for after detaching yourself from the story every night when you have to catch up on a pesky thing called ‘sleep.’ What IS sleep, anyway? And why do we need it? Pesky pesky sleep…interfering with my reading every night-sigh. I digress. ANYWAY. There are just so many relationships to root for here-friendships, family bonds…and a hate-to-love between a Bullet and the captain who swore to never trust a Bullet.

“Thank you.”
Her eyes snapped open. She turned to find Oran still watching her. Had he been watching her this whole time? She scowled.
“For saving my life today. I know you didn’t have to, and I’m grateful.”
“I’m not concerned with your thanks. Or your gratitude.” She thought she detected the hint of a smile on his mouth, and she wanted to hit it. Hard.

 Let’s start with that last one, shall we? Actually, ARGH, ya know-sometimes it’s just best to leave it to the imagination, so I will. Just know THIS-Oran was adorable. Their relationship was something that blossomed slowly, like a flower-it didn’t happen overnight and, frankly, I was DYING for it to develop-but when it did…that tentative bond they share-it was ELECTRIFYING. So short, sweet…and well worth the wait. That’s all. (He’s so cute, thoughhhh). Shh, Chelsea, just shhh.

One of us needs to lead, Pisces had said. You need to lead us.
Why not you? Caledonia asked.
Because, Pisces began. One of us also needs to follow.

 I suppose I should focus on my favorite bond of all, and that was between Cal and Pi. Best friends. Both mourning the loss of their families-sworn to be by each other’s side until the end, even in the toughest moments. I ADORED them and their sisterly friendship-the loyalty, understanding, and the push that each needed when things got tough-but, I have to say, Pi stole the show for me. Wow, was she a great, strong, and empathetic person. She saw reason when Cal only saw fire and revenge…and I really connected with her as a person. One act of kindness can start a whole new cycle, and one act of trust can save a life. It can easily go the other way around, but you can’t know until you try, and Pi was so inspirational in that way, standing against her best friend because she knew what was right. I just…I loved her.

Image result for crying best friends hug gif

Cal? She was a little stubborn and hard to connect with sometimes, for me, honestly, because I’m a bit fluffier on the inside, like Pi-however, I know that pain Cal feels, we FELT it from the depths of our soul (damn you, Parker *shakes fist at sky*) because of that poignant and jarring prologue-we know the pain Caledonia hides…and we can’t help but understand that sorrow. So no, I can’t (and didn’t) judge her harshly, which is why I ended up loving her, in the end. Plus, she was a flawed MC-and I dig that.

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But, most importantly, probably, is the fact that this book is fueled by the strongest bond of all-family. Even when they aren’t around, we can draw strength from them….and, apparently, drive us to bloody and just revenge.

Related image

(Lol, legit pictured this voice/scene in my head, so naturally I needed the GIF to send my point home)

He hopped to the ground at Redtooth’s feet. “You wanted the gear snapped in, right? No chance for movement.”
Alarm showed on Redtooth’s face. “Snapped in? No, I didn’t want it snapped in! I-“ Her teeth crashed together. “You’re joking. You’re a damn dirty Bullet and you’re joking.” 

In the end, this story was a big punch in the feels that gave me a lot to think about. And it had an epic end I won’t likely forget (UGH COME ONNN) any time soon. I felt every sad moment, even when I wasn’t all in, and that’s saying something about this author’s ability to write. It got me where it hurts, even in the face of doubt, and that’s where the biggest punch in the feels comes from.

“She’s right,” Oran said from beside her. “If anyone could lead a fleet, it’s you.”
In spite of the cold, Caledonia felt a small warmth bloom in her chest.Redtooth groaned. “Things have gone very wrong when a Bullet agrees with you. Quick, say something terrible. Shouldn’t be hard. Just open your mouth.”
“Red, you’re faithful and strong, and if I die tomorrow, I hope you remember I considered you a friend,” Oran said brightly.

 A strong story about friendship, bravery, and a ship of girls all loyal to a fault-but, mostly, it’s a story that centers around love…and that’s what made my heart beat, my soul soar, and my head spin with possibilities. I was lost in the clouds when I read this, and I am SO ready for anything that comes next. Sign me up-I’m a loyal fan. And more Oran, please. Yum.

Pre-order HERE!

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Bookstagram Picture:

(I’m in the process of moving so it is NOT what I normally can do…but it’s the best I could do with no props and no light!)


Natalie C. Parker is the author of the Beware the Wild duology, the Seafire trilogy, and the editor of Three Sides of a Heart. She earned her BA in English literature from the University of Southern Mississippi and her MA in gender studies from the University of Cincinnati. She grew up in a Navy family finding home in coastal cities from Virginia to Japan. Now, she lives surprisingly far from any ocean on the Kansas prairie where she runs Madcap Retreats with her wife. She tweets @nataliecparker.


Follow the tour below!


August 20 – Bibliobakes – Review

August 21 – My Friends are Fiction – Creative Instagram Picture

August 22 – Gladiatorglory – Moodboard

August 23 – YA Books Central – Author Guest Post: What gave you the inspiration for this book?
August 24 – Starcrossed Book Blogger – Review


August 27 – Here’s to Happy Endings – Creative Instagram Picture

August 28 – NovelKnight – Review

August 29 – Utopia State of Mind – Author Guest Post: Who would be in your pirate crew and why?

August 30 – @Darkfaerietales – Creative Instagram Picture

August 31 – The Fandom – Author Guest Post: Natalie C. Parker’s favorite stories of sisterhood and survival.


September 3 – IceyBooks – Quote Candy

September 4 – Novel Novice – Styled by the Books

September 5 – The Young Folks – Author Guest Post: What was the world building process like? What type of research was involved in creating the world/learning about ships or sailing and what was the inspiration of the world and story?

September 6 – Lindseyybooks – Review + Creative Instagram Picture

September 7 – Brittany’s Book Rambles – Spotlight + Listicle


September 10 – Cayla Reads – Review + Playlist

September 11 – Herbookstacks – Review + Book Aesthetic

September 12 – Swoony Boys – Character Interview

September 13 – Book Is Glee – Creative Instagram Picture

September 14 – Sarah June – Review + Creative Instagram Picture 

COVER REVEAL: Block Shot by Kennedy Ryan

COVER REVEAL: Block Shot by Kennedy Ryan

Here we have the long-awaited cover reveal for the newest addition to Kennedy Ryan's smash hit series, Hoops-Block Shot!! I don't know about you, but I am DYING for the next installment. If Jared is anything like August, I know I'll be OBSESSED! This beauty releases September 10 so you better get ready!! I can't wait!

COVER REVEAL: Block Shot by Kennedy RyanBlock Shot (Hoops #2)
by kennedy ryan
Add to: Goodreads

If I had a dollar for every time Banner Morales made my heart skip a beat...
The heart everyone assumes is frozen over.
Her anger is...arousing.
Every glare from those fire-spitting eyes, every time she grits her teeth,
gets me...well, you know.
If I had a dollar for every time she's put me in my place, I'd be an even richer man.
I'm a successful sports agent because I assume "no" means you'll think about it.
I'm sure what you meant to say is "Coming right up.”
They say even rich men don't always get what they want,
but those men don't know how to play the game. The trick is to keep them guessing.
Take Banner. She assumes she's winning, but this game?
She doesn't even know how to play.

If I had a dollar for every time Jared Foster broke my heart, I’d have exactly one dollar.
One night. One epic fail. One dollar...and I'm out.
I've moved on.
I’ve found success in a field ruled by men.
Anything they can do, I have done better.
They can keep the field while I call the shots, blocking them when I have to.
And Jared has the nerve to think he gets a second chance?
Boy, please. Go sit down. Have several seats.
I'll just be over here ignoring the man carved from my fantasies with a lust-tipped chisel.
Oh, I didn't say the struggle wasn't real.
But I've got that one dollar, and Jared won't have me.

Block Shot, a standalone enemies-to-lovers, second-chance romance from Kennedy Ryan is coming September 10th!

Block Shot by Kennedy Ryan

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Publishing Date: September 10th, 2018

Cover Designer: Letitia Hasser, RBA Designs

Photographer: Nikki Ormerod

Model: Arsenii Savitckii


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About Kennedy

A Top 30 Amazon Bestseller, Kennedy Ryan writes about women from all walks of life, empowering them and placing them firmly at the center of each story and in charge of their own destinies. Her heroes respect, cherish and lose their minds for the women who capture their hearts.


She is a wife to her lifetime lover and mother to an extraordinary son. She has always leveraged her journalism background to write for charity and non-profit organizations, but enjoys writing to raise Autism awareness most. A contributor for Modern Mom Magazine and Frolic, Kennedy’s writings have appeared in Chicken Soup for the Soul, USA Today and many others. The founder and executive director of a foundation serving Atlanta Autism families, she has appeared on Headline News, Montel Williams, NPR and other media outlets as an advocate for families living with autism.


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TOP TEN TUESDAY: Popular Books that Lived Up to the Hype

Top Ten Tuesday.13

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
Today we’re sharing Popular Books that Lived Up to the Hype. And they are….

(Chelsea’s Review)

(Chelsea’s Review)

1. To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo
Amazon * Goodreads

I just…I can’t… I mean…Elian!!!!  I live for it!  This book was everything a fantasy re-telling should be-original yet mixed with it’s roots without ruining the integrity of the namesake.  And..Elian.  I mean, come on.

2. From Lukov with Love by Mariana Zapata
Amazon * Goodreads

I had NEVER heard of this author before Lukov, but when a friend rec’d this to me, I went immediately to The Wall of Winnipeg, fell in love there, then tried this beauty…and a beauty it was. Like nothing I’d ever read before, this book-and author-stole my heart. 

(Chelsea’s Choice)

(Cassie’s Choice)

3. The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air #1) by Holly Black
Amazon * Goodreads

Okay okay okay…this feels cliche.  And a week ago I would have said ‘yeah it’s good, but it’s not as amazing as people say,’ and frankly it still is a very hyped book…but I just re-read it and, with all the twists and turns I knew ahead of time, it totally enhanced every little bit of the story and I AM DYING WITH OBSESSION for Cardan and the badass that is Jude.  Can I PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HAVE THE WICKED KING. 

4. One of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus
Amazon * Goodreads

I always get nervous about hyped up thrillers, as they can often be so disappointing if the ‘twist’ isn’t twisty enough.  Safe to say I wasn’t disappointed by this book.  I loved all the major characters and I never really saw the major twist coming.  A brilliant YA mystery/thriller.

(Cassie’s Choice)

(Cassie’s Choice)

5. To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo
Amazon * Goodreads

I heard so many good things about this book that I did what I normally don’t–I bought it without reading it first, which I usually only reserve for books in a series.  But I’m so glad I did because this book was amazing.  It took the Little Mermaid and covered her in the blood of innocent princes.  It had everything I wanted and more and I can’t recommend it enough.

6. We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
Amazon * Goodreads

So this one is kind of polarizing, as I realize some people hated this book.  I get it-the format is funky and it’s kind of all over the place.  But I honestly didn’t care.  I literally couldn’t put it down and read it over the course of a few hours.  Even though one of my least favorite thing happens, I still can’t get over the ending and how the entire book was written.

(Arielle’s Choice)

(Arielle’s Choice)

7. Illuminae (The Illuminae Files #1) by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
Amazon * Goodreads

Not only is this book extraordinary in the sense that the story is told in a series of e-mails, IMs, interviews, and pages of graphics; the plot in itself is so addicting and fast paced.  Reading it in this format was something new and exciting and I am so glad the other two books in the series follow suit.

8. The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle #1) by Maggie Stiefvater
Amazon * Goodreads

This entire series is in my top favorites of all time.  Blue, and her Raven Boys go on a quest to find a mythical historical figure.  Every time you think they have things figured out..THINK AGAIN.  Honestly this book could be read solely for Gansey.

(Arielle’s Choice)

(Jen’s Review)

9. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
Amazon * Goodreads

This booooook.  This book is unique in the sense that it is narrated by Death.  Even though you know from the beginning who dies, when you get to that point it still feels like a punch to the stomach. Such a great approach to a story set in a time period that has been writing about time and time again.

10. The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games #1) by Suzanne Collins
Amazon * Goodreads

I was sooooo late to the game with this series, and also so nervous to pick it up.  Everyone seemed to love this trilogy and I thought for sure I’d be the odd ball out.  7 years later Chelsea bought me this trilogy for Christmas.  I devoured it in no time at all and loved each book in the series with my whole heart and soul!

(Jen’s Review)

(Jen’s Review)

11. Darkfever (Fever #1) by Karen Marie Moning
Amazon * Goodreads

Here’s another series that I was so many years late to the game.  I was unsure yet again if I would truly love it, so Chelsea bought me this book for Christmas.  See a theme here?!  LOL!  This series snagged me right from the start and I was completely consumed by The Fever Series!

12. Obsidian (Lux #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Amazon * Goodreads

Two years after Obsidian released, I still kept seeing it everywhere online.  Especially on Facebook.  I’d never read a JLA book before, so I picked it up and became obsessed with the characters and story line.  In the four years since I have read this book, I’ve read 30+ JLA books.  I’m so thankful I gave into the hype since she easily became an auto-buy author for me!


So these are the Popular Books that Lived Up to the Hype. Have you read any of these or do you have them on your tbr? If not, then what’s a popular book you read that lived up to the hype?

TOP TEN TUESDAY – Books Every YA Fantasy Lover Should Read

Top Ten Tuesday.13

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
Today we’re sharing what Books Every YA Fantasy Lover Should Read.  And they are….

(Jen’s Choice)

(Jen’s Review)

1. The Iron King (The Iron Fey #1) by Julie Kagawa
Amazon * Goodreads

I laughed, I cried and I even clapped out loud and I’m not a clapper while reading, or so I thought. I loved this book! I couldn’t believe how much this series just kept getting better and better as you progress through the books!

2. Bring Me Their Hearts (Bring Me Their Hearts #1) by Sara Wolf
Amazon * Goodreads

If you enjoy YA Fantasies that are filled with banter, mystery, romance, political intrigue and darkness, then you definitely have to give this book a try!  Zara was sarcastic, witty, spoke her mind and wasn’t afraid to challenge others.  And Prince Lucien was such a complex man who easily stole my heart.  I loved them both so much!

(Jen’s Review)

(Chelsea’s Review)

3. The Great Hunt (Eurona Duology #1) by Wendy Higgins
Amazon * Goodreads

The Great Hunt was absolutely enchanting! I became addicted to the story-line, infatuated with the characters, and I was reminded yet again why I love Wendy Higgins’ books.  Deceit, lies, betrayal, hope, sacrifice, love, and friendship were splashed across the pages and I fell madly in love with this duology.

4. Six of Crows (Six of Crows #1) by Leigh Bardugo
Amazon * Goodreads

Do I REALLY need to say why this book belongs in the heart of every YA fantasy lover? DO I? I’ll sum it up: Kaz. Heist. Journey. Loss love discovery and adventure. Need I say more?

(Chelsea’s Review)

(Chelsea’s Review)

5. The Demon King (Seven Realms #1) by Cinda Williams Chima
Amazon * Goodreads

I just really think this book has the most wonderful adventure, the most adorable, slow-burn romance, and a story so beautifully and intricately woven you can’t help but fall in love as you soar through four books at break-neck speed. And Han. Always Han.

6. Falling Kingdoms (Falling Kingdoms #1) by Morgan Rhodes
Amazon * Goodreads

This one is by far one of my favorite series EVER…but it takes a minute for you to truly grasp how epic this series is-each book grips you more and more and you fall harder and deeper (that’s what she said! Lol) in love with each of the characters (okay Magnus and Cleo for life) until you don’t know how to breathe without them. Again-Magnus is the reason to read this series. Get past that first love ‘interest’ and you will just DIE. That is all.

(Cassie’s Choice)

(Cassie’s Choice & Chelsea’s Review)

7. Red Queen (Red Queen #1) by Victoria Aveyard
Amazon * Goodreads

One of my favorite series ever and a fantastic YA fantasy series. Adventure, romance, uprisings, strong female characters, swoon-worthy male lead, friendship and twists all over the four-book series. But the one at the end of book one is one of the best.

8. A Darker Shade of Magic (Shades of Magic #1) by V.E. Schwab
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Also fantastic side characters, amazing world building and plenty of action and romance to go around.

(Cassie’s Choice & Chelsea’s Review)

(Arielle’s Choice)

9. An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes #1) by Sabaa Tahir
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I was recently forced to read this thanks to Chelsea and I’m so glad she did, because I feel hook, line and sinker for this series. As with my other favorites, it’s got an amazing world, strong male and female characters, romance and action.

10. Alanna: The First Adventure (Song of the Lioness #1) by Tamora Pierce
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This woman is my FAVORITE author of all time and is the reason why I am so obsessed with YA Fantasy in the first place.  If you haven’t read any of her books, I suggest starting in the very beginning with this series as her characters are reoccurring throughout each new series based in Tortall.

(Arielle’s Choice)

(Arielle’s Choice)

11. The Winner’s Curse (The Winner’s Trilogy #1) by Marie Rutkoski
Amazon * Goodreads

Marie Rutkoski’s writing is some of the best that I have ever seen.  This series is full of great world building, crazy intrigue, and of course a romance that will have you screaming for more. HIGHLY recommend.

12. Daughter of Smoke & Bone (Daughter of Smoke & Bone #1) by Laini Taylor
Amazon * Goodreads

Once again, I’m going with another series with writing that transcends so many other books in the YA genre.  I quickly fell in love with Karou’s quirky personality and the mysterious Akiva.  Once you start digging into their past you won’t be able to stop until the very last page.


So these are the Books Every YA Fantasy Lover Should Read. Have you read any of these or do you have them on your tbr?  If not, then what’s a book you think every YA Fantasy lover should read?

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