Finally Back to Normal! *RE-POST with missing baby pic!*

Things are a changin’…but we’re all still here

Hey Guys,

It seems as if we’ve all disappeared, doesn’t it? Well, we have, in a way. But I wanted to write a post to let you all know that we’re still here, and we aren’t going anywhere. I will admit my priorities have changed-my little baby girl was born on March 18 (10 days early) and I didn’t get to finish a lot that I had planned to complete before little Aubrey Rose came. In fact, I even had to have an emergency C-Section after a full day of labor and an hour and a half of pushing. So…I have a LOT more recovery time to ‘look forward to’ than I previously planned.

Alas, as fate had it, I wasn’t meant to finish those things. For example:

-I have multiple ARCs that I needed to post reviews for (and, you know, finish).

-I visited an all time favorite author and had all my books signed, so I have yet to post pics and shout out to her. (I plan to do this next week since it’s been forever-sigh).

-And I also have a blog t-shirt that was sent to me that I need to also give a shout out for…

and I have done absolutely none of these things. It bothers me more than any of you could know, because I hate fading away while other members on the blog flourish. But, again, as fate (and life) would have it, they have all but faded as well, haven’t they?

But I’m writing this post to clear that up-

First, meet little Aubrey-

 photo IMG_1751_zpshuihheof.jpg



I have a new little girl, but I plan to post my old reviews I hadn’t posted, and I plan to post my ARC reviews that I owe. And, I mean, just because I’m extremely tired doesn’t mean I can’t read anymore-In fact, I’ve started reading again this week and it’s an amazing feeling. I even wrote a review for Flame in the Mist (ARC from Penguin) today and plan on posting it Thursday. I plan to keep up with my reviewing (seeing as I’m at home for a bit), even though it won’t be three reviews a week, like before. I have a lot of catching up to do, but I am still here. Don’t forget me!

And Anna-she had faded for a bit, but after the birth of my girl and Jen’s untimely leave of absence, Anna is coming back full force and with some great ideas to fill the gaps that you might notice for a bit-One even includes my favorite thing of all time-QUOTES!!!! Come on now…..Check back on Fridays to see this wonderful-ness!

Brittney-She’s new, but she’s a great addition to the blog-She has so many reviews to post that I can’t even count them-that’s just a catch up game 😀 And she has continued posting-she rocks!

And my darling original blogging buddy, Jen-She is going through a rough time and has chosen to focus on her family. I love her for it. I respect it…

My apologies to Victoria Schwab for my delayed post, and apologies to the T-Shirt company that so graciously sent me a wonderful shirt for free with my blog logo (and a quote-I mean, duh, it’s me we’re talking about here)-I have just dropped the ball like no other.

Thanks for reading my ramblings…. and I’ll see you soon, then 😛

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  1. Christy Luis

    Babies come first, we understand 😉 Thanks for the update Chelsea! Looking forward to your Flame in the Mist review!

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      Haha thank you!! I appreciate it! I enjoyed writing it 🙂

  2. T.H. Hernandez

    Oh, wow, congrats!! So exciting. yeah, I had a surprise c-section with my first, I get that you aren’t up and walking around right after giving birth. But exciting times in your home! Sometimes I miss those sweet early days, but mine just became capable of driving herself around town, so I don’t miss them for very long 🙂
    T.H. Hernandez recently posted…Cover Reveal – HIDDEN DEPTH (Lockhart Brothers) by Brenda RothertMy Profile

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      Lol! I can’t even imagine that at this point-it makes me so sad! I’m so obsessed with her it’s ridiculous. <3

  3. Raven

    Congratulations! 🙂
    Raven recently posted…The Rose Mark (Black Rose Sorceress #1) By Connie Suttle [Review]My Profile

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      Thanks so much! <3

  4. Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    No apologies are necessary, Chelsea! I think the creation of a little human gets you a few weeks of rest at least. 🙂 She’s absolutely beautiful, by the way!
    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Why Everything I’ve Ever Told You About Book Blogging Is Wrong (and Also Right). Let’s Discuss.My Profile

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      She’s exhausting but she’s so so worth it. I’m so obsessed with her…and all she can really do is poop and eat and sleep…and stare haha

      And thank you! We all think so 🙂

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