COVER REVEAL + GIVEAWAY: Moonlighter (The Company #1) by Sarina Bowen

COVER REVEAL + GIVEAWAY: Moonlighter (The Company #1) by Sarina Bowen

COVER REVEAL + GIVEAWAY: Moonlighter (The Company #1) by Sarina BowenMoonlighter (The Company #1)
by Sarina Bowen
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Only in my family could a professional hockey player earning seven million dollars a year be considered a slacker.

I’m at the height of my athletic career. Yet my arrogant brother is always trying to recruit me into the family business: a global security company so secretive that I don’t even know its name.

Pass, thanks. I don’t need a summer job.

But the jerk ambushes me with a damsel in distress. That damsel is Alex, the competitive, sassy girl I knew when we were kids. Now she’s a drop-dead gorgeous woman in deep trouble.

So guess who’s on a flight to Hawaii?

It’s going to be a long week in paradise. My job is keeping Alex safe, while her job is torturing me with her tiny bikinis. Or maybe we’re torturing each other. It’s all snark and flirting until the threat against Alex gets serious. And this jock must become her major league protector.

Moonlighter is a stand-alone novel. No cliffhangers, no prior experience necessary. Contains: hackers, hockey players, and a hotel room with only one bed.

I am SO excited to be part of this cover reveal, you guys.  I fell in love with Bowen’s writing this summer and I haven’t looked back since.  My favorite part is that our favorite characters spring up again in other series so we never truly have to part with them.  Moonlighter is the story of Eric Bayer, one of the Brooklyn Bruisers that is mentioned in almost every previous Bruiser books, and Alex, Nate’s friend that we met in Brooklynaire.  I can’t WAIT to get my hands on this gem.





Click *here* to find a giveaway for one of three SIGNED copies sponsored by Goodreads!  Giveaway available for U.S. and Canada readers.

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  1. Sílvia

    Wow! The cover feels so different from the typical covers for this genre. It’s refreshing!

    • Arielle

      I feel like a lot of romance covers have been branching out and trying new things lately and I really like it!

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