Author: Chelsea (Page 47 of 111)

BOOK REVIEW: First & Then by Emma Mills

BOOK REVIEW: First & Then by Emma MillsFirst & Then by Emma Mills
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Devon Tennyson wouldn't change a thing. She's happy watching Friday night games from the bleachers, silently crushing on best friend Cas, and blissfully ignoring the future after high school. But the universe has other plans. It delivers Devon's cousin Foster, an unrepentant social outlier with a surprising talent for football, and the obnoxiously superior and maddeningly attractive star running back, Ezra, right where she doesn't want them first into her P.E. class and then into every other aspect of her life.

Pride and Prejudice meets Friday Night Lights in this contemporary novel about falling in love with the unexpected boy, with a new brother, and with yourself

“When you love something, you can’t be happy all the time, can you? Like, that’s why you love it. It makes you feel all kinds of things, not just happy. It can hurt, it can make you fucking mad, but…it makes you feel something, you know?”

While both underwhelming and absolutely perfect, this was exactly what I needed. I say this because I am having the hardest time lately, between work, home life, and my little fur babies, writing reviews. It’s starting to bother me that I am losing my reviewing time-I find the moments when I write a review so cathartic, and to lose that has been devastating. My time on GR has even dwindled. But I’m not one to stop because it’s simply difficult. So here I am, making time to write a review for a book that not only kept me sane with its understated simplicity, but with it’s all around alluring characters and smooth, albeit not what I expected at all, story-line.

We reached my car, which was a shameful distance from the curb and sticking into the street at a really awkward angle. I couldn’t parallel park to save my life.

I can’t say I fell head over heels for this like I had imagined or hoped I would, but there was just something so charming hidden deep within these pages. I find, many times, that my favorite stories are those that I feel like I could have lived-IE, realistic fiction. It’s not enough to write a cheesy story that plays on the clichés of high school. I like to feel as though I’m trapped in the pages along with all the other characters. And while this one wasn’t perfect, it certainly made me smile, laugh, and extremely happy.

“It’s weird. Sometimes it feels like we’re still the ones in the pictures, and everything that happened after happened to other people. And then sometimes we’re the other people, and the strangers are in the frames.”

Perhaps one of my favorite things about this novel, besides the quiet, brooding male-lead, was the references to Jane Eyre. I’ve never personally read anything by Jane Eyre, but I found it a quirky defining character trait for our MC. ‘If I were Jane, I’d say something like’, ‘If this were a Jane Eyre novel, I’d carry myself’ etc etc. It was cute and funny, and I found that it kept me engaged, for whatever reason. And keep in mind, I didn’t say those lines even closely to how she says them, but I wanted to kind of give you an idea of what she was like.

“I really think you should, you know, give that, uh…soup…a chance.”
“You know. That soup we were talking about. I think you should give it a shot. It’s a really…good recipe. Highly dependable. And obviously delicious.” Her eyes widened. “Not that I would know. Not that I’ve tasted the soup.”
“This is not a flawless metaphor.”

Devon was a girl who is very intelligent, but had no idea where to go with her life or what to do with it. As I sit here and type this, I realize that I kind of resonated with that. I never cared. That’s not to say I was lazy or had an identity crisis or anything, but I certainly never thought much into the future. I wanted to live in the then and now, and thinking about college and what I was going to do with my life scared the shit out of me. But back to Devon. She had a really funny inner-monologue that had me laughing out loud numerous times, and her quips about people were spot on (in my opinion). But then all of a sudden there were two new people in her life, and for once, she was completely wrong about them.

Ezra snorted and then grimaced, and it was quiet for a moment. “So, uh, did you write the ‘inaccessibly handsome’ part?”
“No, I definitely didn’t.” I realized how that sounded and then felt compelled to go on. My shoes suddenly became incredibly interesting. “But, I mean…it’s true.”
“You think I’m handsome?”

Ezra is an all-star running back with a future as bright as the blazing sun. He could go to any college he wants and he runs the field with the grace of an already established professional athlete. His quirk? He’s quiet, broody, and not good with words. I found this to be totally adorable. Devon would try to talk to him and he’d just stare or have so little to say…only to lead to an uncomfortable silence and a stilted, stuttered answer. He tried his best, he really did…He just did not have the gift of gab. And his vulnerability is just so so perfect-UGH! You’ll see. Just..sigh. Devon takes his silence for indifference, but he actually has so much to say. And most importantly…he wants to say it all to her.


He smiled a little as he looked back down at the paper. “What about the ‘inaccessible’ part? Kinda makes me sound like a badly zoned restroom.”
“It’s true, though. A few details here and there aren’t bad. You’re not exactly forthcoming.”
“I told you. I’m not great at talking.”
“You’re talking now.”
He shrugged. “You’re easy to talk to.”
Something fluttered around in my stomach at that. A lone butterfly, agitating me for some reason.

And then there was Foster. He was an unexpected favorite on my part, and Devon didn’t really know what to make of him at times. At first she finds that he is her annoying cousin that got pushed in on them and is an annoying tagalong, but when Ezra takes a kinship and liking to him, putting him under his wing, Devon realizes there’s more to him than meets the eye. His quirk? I’m not sure….but he was an amazing and completely thoughtful character that I wanted to reach into the pages and hug repeatedly.


“Are you drunk?” a voice said.
So it was only temporary peace.
I whipped around and ripped the shower curtain back. There sat Foster, fully clothed, in the empty bathtub.
“What the hell are you doing in here?”
There was a rubber duck balanced delicately on his head. It didn’t move as he spoke. “Just sitting.”
This was one of those moments. Those Foster moments. Early-morning smoothies and the like. I squeezed my eyes shut hard.

This story was sweet, simple, and utterly heart-warming. And while I can’t say it jumped to my absolute favorites, it will certainly be one that I look back on and smile about, fondly wanting to re-read all the adorable quotes that gave me subtle feels from beginning to end. Now, the end will either make you extremely happy and smile really big, or it will leave you feeling robbed and wanting more. I was luckily in the prior category, but it could go either way for any one person. I hope people will give this adorable story a chance. I waited a long time for it, and it was certainly exactly what I needed.


So…this book wasn’t what I expected. It wasn’t in your face and it wasn’t full of emotional drama or lots of cheesy falling in love moments and conversations. It was simpler than that. It was about a girl who doesn’t know what she wants. A girl who goes through the motions. A girl who is in love with her best friend. A girl who doesn’t need anything more in her life. Not until Foster…and not until Ezra.

Girl meets boy.
Boy is quiet and backwards.
Boy is star football player.
They fall in love.
Slowly….and then all at once.

I loved this book, but I did want more. Though, it was exactly what I needed for my current mood and glacial pace at posting reviews. I can’t wait to write a review about this one. Ezra was adorably backwards.

Review to come.

View all my reviews

BOOK REVIEW: Between Us and the Moon by Rebecca Maizel

BOOK REVIEW: Between Us and the Moon by Rebecca MaizelBetween Us and the Moon by Rebecca Maizel
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A luminous young adult novel that evokes Judy Blume’s Forever for a new generation.

Ever since Sarah was born, she’s lived in the shadow of her beautiful older sister, Scarlett. But this summer on Cape Cod, she’s determined to finally grow up. Then she meets gorgeous college boy Andrew. He sees her as the girl she wants to be. A girl who’s older than she is. A girl like Scarlett.

Before she knows what’s happened, one little lie has transformed into something real. And by the end of August, she might have to choose between falling in love, and finding herself.

Fans of Jenny Han and Stephanie Perkins are destined to fall for this story about how life and love are impossible to predict.


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WARNING: If you don’t like mean reviews, do not read this. If you don’t like RANTS, do not read this. If you don’t like curse words, demoralization of fictional characters, or just an all around bad attitude….DO NOT MOTHERFUCKING READ THIS.

No one has ever seen me post a mean review. I have NEVER lost my shit before. If anyone-ANYONE-is curious as to what my INITIAL reaction is after a book I am just all around generally disgusted by? THIS WOULD BE THE REVIEW TO READ.





**P.S. It has been two days since I wrote this and while I am cringing as I look at the review, I also still stand by these thoughts and why I was pushed to the edge. My delivery is harsh, but I am choosing to leave this as is. So, again, I warn you: Don’t read this if you want nice normal Chelsea**

I don’t know why this is the book that flipped my bitch switch-I really don’t. But I’ll tell you this: Not in YEARS have I been literally dog ass tired and wanted to go to sleep and finished a book I didn’t like right before bed and IMMEDIATELY catapulted out of bed to dust off my laptop to write emotions I fear I will sleep on and let slip by once I wake up. I don’t do this-EVER. I finish a book. I go to sleep-even if it’s hard-and I think on it. I wait, I deliberate…I write a fair review. But no. I can’t-NO-I WILL NOT, let this one slide. I don’t know why-

Oh, I know, wait, perhaps it’s because I have this irreparable, totally illogical, neurotic, irrational PHOBIA of spiders (oh no, believe me, there’s a motherfucking point to this) and after finishing this lovely gem of a book, I went to take my dog out (yeah, I can still be level-headed whilst in a rage) and was oh-so-nicely (not) waiting on her to come inside when I felt my BARE FOOT STEP PARTIALLY onto a crunchy ‘ol leaf. Oh nonononono, it wasn’t a leaf, my friends, it was a fucking LARGE BLACKISH BROWN (the devil is in the details) spider I had stepped on and it was STILL ALIVE because I have this weird thing where I can tell I’m about to crush something (probably because my dogs are forever under my feet) and what does it even matter???? I stepped on a SPIDER-something I have avoided doing MY WHOLE LIFE-after finishing this book. Coincidence? I THINK NOT. Oh! And even better-it’s little (I kid, it was BIGGER) friend was in the corner one foot from him! So I had TWO spiders surrounding me in my bare feet and my cantankerous dog WOULD NOT COME INSIDE and I am in hysterics trying to kill the bastards and one GETS AWAY. Needless to say? I HAVE LOST MY SHIT.

This review is A MUST. I still feel like they are in my hair or something. I feel just plain GROSS.

Where was I? Oh yeah, I thought I would conduct a scientific experiment-you know, like my FAVORITE main character here. She’s so smart…didn’t you know??

This is the
Loser Experiment.
How to lose a guy in one summer:

✔ Lie.
✔ Lie.
✔ Lie.

✔ Impersonate, oh whoops, emulate your sister’s nonchalant, flippant, bitchy ways to prove to your ex, and everyone, that you aren’t merely an observer in this world, that you have a personality and that you exist.

Oh yeah, because becoming someone completely different is showing you have a personality.

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SPOILER ALERT: SHE HAS NO PERSONALITY. Like..for real. None. Zilch. Nada. I ALWAYS love my main characters, but this girl?? She had no backbone. No zest. No VOICE. I never care in stories but her lies….they hurt someone. You know what? In fact? They hurt literally THE ONLY PERSON IN THIS STORY THAT EARNED A STAR. Actually, he earned two, because I loved him. HAHAHAHA A boy! Shocking right??? I DON’T CARE.

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And when you mess with the ONLY redeemable character in the story? I, again, lose my shit.

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✔ Admit to having a nickname with the word ‘bean’ in it. I’m sorry, that name, in any form, elicits mockery and horribly disturbing thoughts. OH BEAN, ya little turd, come’re will ya?? Grab the forks, BEANIE!!! Come’re BEANIE WEENIE!!!

I’m sorry, are we talking about a dog…or a human being?? And don’t even get me STARTED on THE UGLY TRUTH movie pertaining to that beautifully coined phrase. Sorry if you have this nickname-for real, it’s probably cute on you. But this bitch??? She’s just asking to be smacked.

✔ PUSS THE FUCK OUT at every opportunity you receive to come clean. SERIOUSLY. YOU LITTLE WUSSY POS. YOU ARE RUINING SOMEONE ELSE’S LIFE!!!! Do you NOT understand this????

Oh! Let me get y’all up to speed: Our little astronomer? She’s 16. Literally-she JUST turned 16, And guess how old the lovely-and totally not in the know-Andrew is? He is 19, folks.

Frankly? This doesn’t bother me. It doesn’t make me feel weird. It’s normal, to me. I know a TON of people who date like this. I realize once you have one partner in HS and one not it gets tricky, I really do, but I just don’t care. And don’t clutch your pearls at me!

My point? If shit went south….HE’D get in trouble. HISSSSS life would be over. Think about that, you inconsiderate little twat.
How to lose readers after one chapter:

✔ Think scientifically All. The Damn. Time.

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Like, what is this, the Big Bang theory??? I didn’t realize this was a Sheldon book. But, you know, I’ve seen this done before in other realistic fiction books…but not ONCE has it made me want to suffocate myself with my fluffy socks. In fact, one of my UNFORGETTABLE ABSOLUTE FAVORITE BOOKS has someone who relates a ton of things to physics. But this chick? Shoot me…shoot me now. Everything came back to….I don’t even know what. Constellations blah blah mathematic experimentation and tracking the comet blah blah SHUT THE FUCK UP, BEAN!

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✔ ALWAYS PITY yourself and your lack of voice-that’ll do it, too.

✔ MAKE. MY. BOY. CRY. Because of your lies. YOU SIT ON A THRONE OF LIES, and they are poorly constructed at best. Need I say more? You hurt my guys, you pretty much shoot yourself in the foot-capiche?

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✔ You make me kinda start to like you, like you enough to pity you and tear up for you (even though you were still at a soft 2.5 star-you were never special to me, even when you started to figure shit out). I start to FEEL for you…and then you STILL don’t do your job. And when you do??? You crush someone’s soul. How do you like them apples??

You pretentious little shit-GO TO HELL.

Yes, I still gave this a two. Andrew was wholly quotable…and this story?? It had a ton of potential. I swear it did. I liked it, then I hated, I liked it, then I hated it. And, more often than not, the parts I would start to like would have Andrew in them. And when she was alone, I started to hate it and skim. Hmmm….curiouser and curiouser…

I wish, I truly do, that I had a pensieve like Dumbledore had in Harry Potter so I could pull all my thoughts at the moment out of my head and hold them in the swirling crystal ball of not-so-forgotten memories, because I have so much I want to say right now and so little time. And I know I’ve lost numerous people by now-sorry guyzzz-but I just HAD to get this evil out of my system. I would not recommend this to one person… I never say that, but I just can’t find it in my heart to push this on ANYONE….


If you like twatwaffles who use their own sadness to experiment against innocent and down in spirits college guys for their own gain, girls who are incapable of telling people NO, girls who can’t speak their mind, girls who literally-And I do mean literally-say mean shit about the boy they’re dating to act all nonchalant to girls she barely knows but assumes are cool or popular to gain status quo….then be my guest-Enjoy it. REALLY. Enjoy. It.

And yeah, I feel bad because I truly want to cocoon Andrew and pull him from this book and transport him into a more promising and substantial novel, because she just isn’t worth my breath. But he is: He is the most concerned, thoughtful, patient, friendly, protective guy…and she didn’t deserve an ounce of his time if she couldn’t be braver than she was. She was a coward and she deserves to be left in the dust. But what do I know? I’m just merely a girl whose spirit was crushed as surely as that one dead spider’s spindly, creepy (okay I’ll stop) legs. Eew. Just…eew.

Ohohohohohohhoh! I just thought of some other people who might like this book! If you’ve ever wronged me….YOU’D LOVE THIS…I JUST KNOW IT!

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BOOK REVIEW: The Summer of Chasing Mermaids by Sarah Ockler

BOOK REVIEW: The Summer of Chasing Mermaids by Sarah OcklerThe Summer of Chasing Mermaids by Sarah Ockler
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The youngest of six talented sisters, Elyse d’Abreau was destined for stardom—until a boating accident took everything from her. Now, the most beautiful singer in Tobago can’t sing. She can’t even speak.

Seeking quiet solitude, Elyse accepts a friend’s invitation to Atargatis Cove. Named for the mythical first mermaid, the Oregon seaside town is everything Elyse’s home in the Caribbean isn’t: An ocean too cold for swimming, parties too tame for singing, and people too polite to pry—except for one.

Christian Kane is a notorious playboy—insolent, arrogant, and completely charming. He’s also the only person in Atargatis Cove who doesn’t treat Elyse like a glass statue. He challenges her to express herself, and he admires the way she treats his younger brother Sebastian, who believes Elyse is the legendary mermaid come to life.

When Christian needs a first mate for the Cove’s high-stakes Pirate Regatta, Elyse reluctantly stows her fear of the sea and climbs aboard. The ocean isn’t the only thing making waves, though—swept up in Christian’s seductive tide and entranced by the Cove’s charms, Elyse begins to wonder if a life of solitude isn’t what she needs. But changing course again means facing her past. It means finding her inner voice. And scariest of all, it means opening her heart to a boy who’s best known for breaking them . . .



When one dream burns to ash, you don’t crumble beneath it. You get on your hands and knees, and you sift through those ashes until you find the very last ember, the very last spark.
Then you breathe.
You breathe.
You fucking
And you make a new fire.

Oh dear sweet baby Jesus…this was just too good. You know when you start a book and you think, aw shit, this is so weird. Well…if ever a book started out oddly and made me emulate Anna’s french frown, this one was it. I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t know a whole lot about boat lingo and the sea and, well, you get the picture. But somewhere along the line *cough* CHRISTIAN *cough* I found it in myself just not to care.


I am a mermaid, goddess of the sea.

Midnight is upon me.
Her lover is near.
Death, come take me home.

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And ya know…I even ended up loving reading about their journey of fixing up the boat. Sure, I didn’t know what they were talking about, but this was just such a small part of the book it didn’t hinder my experience. And, even more than that, it only added to the beautiful prose in which this was written. Now, I’m not going to lie, it won’t be for everyone. I love my books-everyone knows it-so I often read what I know I’ll love. But here’s the thing-My tastes change frequently and I never know what kind of weird books I’m going to pick up and love. Case in point-Yeah, this book had a hot male lead and two tortured main characters, but if you had handed me a story about boats and sailing centered in a town where mermaid folklore is part of everyday life a year ago, I’d have inwardly snarled but smiled oh-so-serenely and said, ‘thanks but no thanks.’
As ever, the ocean laughed behind me. My first great love. My endless torment. How could something I knew so well, something that had been such a part of me, betray me like that? How could such golden, shimmering things so quickly turn black?

What a short sighted fool I was. Because, let me tell you all something-this contemporary, despite it’s odd title and even odder plot (well, I guess it’s not that odd-maybe I’m the odd duck?), had some grit to it. Yeah, yeah, it’s about a tortured boy who’s father doesn’t accept he and his brother as they are-we’ve seen this before, right? I don’t care. Each story has it’s own taste, it’s own flavor, it’s own zest, and I felt, from page one (despite my raised eyebrows and french frown) that this one was different, it’s own special little island of misplaced plot.

Hush, hush, little one, she warned.
Everything you wish for
I will take.
Everything you’ve ever dared to love
is already mine.

I loved how there were little references to ‘The Little Mermaid’. The seashell necklace that Sebastian, Christian’s little brother and an adorable adventurer searching for the existence of real mermaids, claimed held Elyse’s voice, subtle little hints here and there of certain names I won’t mention, and even just the idea that something existed in the sea so far beyond our imagination and comprehension-How can you totally discount that?
“Don’t tell my old man,” Noah said. “I’ll have to deny it, say I’m interrogating her.”
“You won’t get anything out of her,” Christian said, nodding in my direction. “My girl here’s a vault.”
“Your girl?” Noah raised his eyebrows. “When did that-”
“She’s a girl.” Christian swigged his beer, sighed. “She’s my first mate. Simple.”
“But you said-”
“Stow it, Katz.”

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Anyway, maybe it’s just me, but this story felt so much deeper than the blurb boasts. The poetic writing, the vivid explanations, the awesome setting, and an unlikely love that made my heart stop beating at some point (I might have flat-lined, who the hell knows, it was too damn hot) and my stomach erupt into thousands of butterflies. And, what’s so funny, it came out of nowhere. One minute, I’m in love with the book, naturally, and the next I’m in love with the damn thing. Like, I’d let it sleep next to me in bed I loved it so much. Perhaps I’m too easy, perhaps I look to love things from the very beginning, perhaps I just am a lover of love…but whatever the case, I’d like to think that each and every story earns a place in my little heart, and this one took residence deep in my soul.

With Christian, whenever we were together, whether it was working on the boat, breaking for lunch, inside Lemon’s store, or anywhere else our paths crossed, he looked at me. He focused on my lips as I tried to form words, he repeated them to ensure he’d understood. He read the words I’d written for him in my notebook, on his hands, on mine. He noticed me.
He saw me.

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Elyse is, essentially, Ariel. She loses her voice to the sea, and even though it never really says, you can surmise as to what happened. She leaves her home country to stay in this little town, to escape the reality that her dreams are forever crushed and she’ll never sing-let alone speak-again. She stows away on a random boat she assumes is abandoned (she stays at a friend of the family’s home-or is it a distant cousin?? Sorry, that was at the beginning when I wasn’t sure wtf I was reading) and writes out all her thoughts, musings, poetic ramblings and short-comings onto the inside cabin of the boat. And then one night the owner of the boat catches her in there….and it’s no other than my boy, Christian Kane.
“Lucky day, Stowaway. I’m about to bust your fish-‘n’-chips virginity.” And there it was, the smile that I’d come to know so well. Not the real one, not the rare one. But the version that broke through the clouds whenever they threatened to get too thick, too heavy.
Whenever he didn’t want anyone to know he’d been hurt.

Christian!!! Gahd, if you can’t tell, I’m obsessed with him-and his little brother, for that matter!! Christian is, shockingly, tortured. Shhh. I know. It’s awesome, right?? lol And I’m so predictable, fangirling as per usual. Whatever….listen to his story before you judge (Anna, I’m side-eyeing your french frowning ass). So Christian’s dad…he squelches dreams. He pushes what he wants. No matter how much Christian wanted love as a child, he never received it, until finally he just didn’t care anymore…except that he does. And it hurts him that he and Sebastian are looked at so negatively. He loves Sebastian with all his heart, so he tries to encourage his dreams whereas his own were crushed. He races every year with his friend, Noah, in sailing. But this year, times are rough in their town and the mayor has proposed selling all the properties and adding condos to bring in revenue. This, naturally, crushes the town, but there’s a bet at stake (and without Christian or Noah’s consent). Christian’s father and the mayor have wagered that, if Christian wins, the town doesn’t sell and he gets Noah’s pride and joy-the boat. But if Noah wins, things go according to plan, crushing the town. So, once partners, they are now forced to race against one another for totally different things…and Christian’s father thinks he has no chance. Enter Elyse.

This is where fixing up the boat comes in. He and Elyse decide to rebuild the boat together even though she hasn’t been in the sea since her accident. She wants to help the town and the handsome, mysterious, heart-crushing, tattooed Stanford boy who will never be good enough for his father. She wants to win. She wants to prove everyone wrong who says a girl can’t sail during the race, and, after time, she suddenly realizes…she wants Christian.

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Sometimes love was a tonic. Sometimes it was a weapon. And so often it was nearly impossible to tell the difference.

The romance was slow burn, only the best kind. But their relationship is deep, so much more than that. They are friends. They find solace and peace in one another. They speak (or write, in Elyse’s case) about things they can’t with anyone else. And, more than that, they end up finding themselves when they least expect it.
Just looking at him, a careful observer could see that he was there but not there, his thoughts in many places at once. Adrift, as I noticed earlier. But when he was with you, he was with you. In a shared moment, for however long it lasted-an instant, a minute, ten-he was the kind of guy who offered his undivided focus, no matter how many other girls might be in the room, no matter who he planned on taking home that night.
Clever? Yes. Cocky? Sure. But dismissive? Not part of his repertoire.

I don’t know if my ramblings helped, hindered, or completely changed your mind. Frankly? I don’t care. I never have time for long reviews anymore, so this fangirl review was for me. I loved this book so deeply with all my heart, and I hope that, in some way, I’ve convinced even one person to give it a try. But if not? At least I can find strength in the fact that I got to write a fun, happy review, and not some meh or whatever one. I love loving books, and I only hope my winning streak continues. I think many will find lots to love about this one, but it just needs to be given a chance. ♥

BOOK REVIEW: Gone, Baby, Gone (Kenzie & Gennaro #4) by Dennis Lehane

BOOK REVIEW: Gone, Baby, Gone (Kenzie & Gennaro #4) by Dennis LehaneGone, Baby, Gone (Kenzie & Gennaro #4)
by Dennis Lehane
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The tough neighborhood of Dorchester is no place for the innocent or the weak. A territory defined by hard heads and even harder luck, its streets are littered with the detritus of broken families, hearts, dreams. Now, one of its youngest is missing. Private investigators Patrick Kenzie and Angela Gennaro don't want the case. But after pleas from the child's aunt, they open an investigation that will ultimately risk everything—their relationship, their sanity, and even their lives—to find a little girl-lost.


Love like that? Hell. It seems so pure, it’s damn near criminal.


Soooo….I’ve missed my Angie and Patrick, I’m not guna lie. So when I got the empty feelings one usually gets after finishing a fantastic book and not knowing what to read, I started to get an ache that couldn’t be filled by anything other than a beautifully flawed and tortured detective and his snarky partner in crime. See, there are only 6 books and I decided to break them up so I didn’t lose them all at once….I’m so happy I did this now.


The silence of the dead says, Goodbye.
The silence of the missing says, Find me.

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I don’t know what I could say that hasn’t already been said on my part, but I feel like this story deserves a review, ya know? It feels wrong that I wouldn’t give voice to one of my new favorite series that I occupy a lot of time daydreaming about. But, in many ways, it’s hard to review multiple stories pertaining to one series, and even harder when you hit one in the series that just….isn’t as good. Now, the funny thing here?? This book was still excellent. We still had my wonderful Patrick, asshole Angie (sorry, but she is a total snark-monster (which I love)), Bubba, and a deep mystery that keeps you enthralled until the final page…but I just didn’t feel during the mystery.



We were slippery creatures, our impulses ruled by a variety of forces, many of them incomprehensible even to ourselves.

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Maybe that makes me a monster, maybe I am, indeed, in the minority on this one, and maybe I should have loved this way more than I did. But after the excellence of Darkness, Take My Hand and Sacred, this story fell flat for me. Less action, less investment on my part, and just a lack of depth I’m so very used to with these mysteries. Now, when I say I didn’t feel as much, I mean I didn’t have any leads as to who it was, I didn’t really freak out when something would happen (aside from that horrid house scene which was just…..nightmare inducing…) and I just…wanted a serial killer story or a deceptive siren woman to come back so I could be engrossed in a different way. All in all? I didn’t like the story line. Awesome ending…but the mystery fell flat for me, which is the total opposite of everyone on GR, it seems.
I moved over and she sat beside me. She took my face in her hands, but I couldn’t meet her eyes, was sure that seeing the warmth and the love in them would make me feel more soiled, for some reason, more unhinged.
She kissed my forehead and then my eyelids, the tears drying on my face, brought my head down to her shoulder, and kissed the back of my neck.


Patrick, despite the gravity of this case, is in a good place. He’s happy…he’s with the girl he’s been in love with since he was a kid and they are happily living with one another. But, and this is a big but (hehe), they have been through hell and back..and it shows. They only take little cases and they avoid matters like this. It’s not good for them-it weighs heavily on their minds and souls, and they’ve seen enough darkness to last them a lifetime. They just want to be happy. But what happens when a desperate Aunt won’t take no for an answer. What happens when the issue at hand hits you right in the gut..what happens when taking this case might lead to the ultimate sacrifice of your happiness?

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“I don’t know what to say,” she whispered.
“Nothing to say.” I cleared my throat, wrapped my arms around her abdomen and lower back. I could hear her heart beating. She felt so good, so beautiful, so everything that was right in the world. And I still felt like dying.”


I feel for them…I really do. Because I could never turn down that case. Ever. So, anyway. I don’t think there’s a whole lot more to say. It’s simple: This series is epic, the stories draw you in no matter the content, even if it’s not your favorite, and the characters leave you aching for them and desperate for more. I’m sad, really, I have to wait so long in between so I can find that ultimate enjoyment…but it’s for my own good and….sigh…fine…I will be strong.


At the end of an April day, after the sun has descended but before night has fallen, the city turns a hushed, unsettled gray. Another day has died, always more quickly than expected. Muted yellow or orange lights appear in window squares and shaft from car grilles, and the coming dark promises a deepening chill.




I figured it would be fun to list my favorites in order until I find time to write a review:

Darkness, Take My Hand


Gone, Baby, Gone

A Drink Before the War

It might come as a shock to y’all that this book is one of my least favorites…well, the story just didn’t compare.

Review to come.

BOOK REVIEW: Dairy Queen (Dairy Queen #1) by Catherine Gilbert Murdock

BOOK REVIEW: Dairy Queen (Dairy Queen #1) by Catherine Gilbert MurdockDairy Queen (Dairy Queen #1)
by Catherine Gilbert Murdock
Purchase on: AmazoniBooks
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When you don’t talk, there’s a lot of stuff that ends up not getting said.
Harsh words indeed, from Brian Nelson of all people. But, D. J. can’t help admitting, maybe he’s right.

When you don’t talk, there’s a lot of stuff that ends up not getting said.
Stuff like why her best friend, Amber, isn’t so friendly anymore. Or why her little brother, Curtis, never opens his mouth. Why her mom has two jobs and a big secret. Why her college-football-star brothers won’t even call home. Why her dad would go ballistic if she tried out for the high school football team herself. And why Brian is so, so out of her league.

When you don’t talk, there’s a lot of stuff that ends up not getting said.
Welcome to the summer that fifteen-year-old D. J. Schwenk of Red Bend, Wisconsin, learns to talk, and ends up having an awful lot of stuff to say.


That’s one advantage to not talking. After a while people stop talking back.

I swear, I swear to you….I am not a snob. Really!! Swear!! But come on…look at this cover. It’s a cow. In a tiara. With a blue sky in the background and named after a restaurant I love. What’s a girl to think when she sees this? Oh well, guess it’s a moot point…

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Because this book was fabulous. (okay, I was guna use that GIF anyway because duh, friends, but it just worked out so well 😉 )
Basically what it came down to was that my life sucked. It sucked even more than it had before Brian showed up, because now I knew it.

This book, while funny and outwardly mocking in and of itself, was also surprisingly deep, full of values that aren’t always put first in a teenager’s life. D.J.’s voice is one that, while a little different at first, is one that I think many young girls could relate to. Hell, I could relate to it.

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Think about it-No, I’m not a farmer, and no, I wasn’t totally socially awkward ever, but I had trouble finding my voice. And not everyone runs into this problem, I know that. But, hey, I grew up in the country, and I went to a school where driving your tractor there wouldn’t raise eyebrows. It was Hick City people. The kids were very kind, very well brought up for a public school, so it should come as no shock to you that when my parents ripped me out of that happy (and horrible academically wise) school away from all my friends just as I was getting my braces and figuring out who I was (thanks mom and dad, really), I had trouble finding my place at the elite schools in town. I bet you’re asking why they pulled me out. I’ll tell you why in a few words: Soccer program (as in, ours was nonexistent and I was REALLY GOOD) and academics. I couldn’t go into high school without a better level of academics and not knowing the in town program and it’s people and coaches. ANYWAY.
I hate it when people make fun of me and it turns out they’re right.

So, when I started in town at a tiny private school with a totally different grading scale and girls that were far more advanced than I in 7th grade, I found that I was standing on the outside of the circle with very little to say besides a literal smile and nod of the head for everything they deemed important. Ah, youth. I want to incinerate some of those moments. But that’s my whole point-I knew what I wanted to say, and I rarely agreed with what they were going on and on about. I had my own opinions, but I was both too shy and too backwards (at the time) to express them…so I just looked wild-eyed at them and nodded my head so as to fit in. Yeah. That worked out great. But, again, the point-I am just like D.J. in this instance…and I think many young girls are, as well.
How could a guy who was such a jerk, how could he act so nice?

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And that’s why I loved this cute little story so much. Yeah, the writing was great and the boy was great (Brian!!!!) and it was so so funny…but I fell for D.J.. She’s this girl who thinks so little of herself, yet she’s so very strong and smart and determined. She has trouble expressing herself, even though she has so much to say. And I loved that. I loved her voice and her thoughtful sentences and the way she spoke to you as if you were a friend. It was a journey of discovering herself and finding out that not everybody is what you’d imagine them to be. And…most importantly, this chick tries out for football. And then she falls for the rival team’s quarterback. Be still my star-crossed heart.
I couldn’t help wondering if maybe it had something to do with me, like our water fight and all. But then I realized that I was totally stupid and there’s no way it could ever be about me, not in a million years, not if I was the only girl on the entire planet.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: What a weird concept. I know, I thought so too. But when she decides to try out for football, it actually became my favorite part…because, you know, she has to play that rival football team MUAHA! lol. I’m weird today. Anyway! She decides to train Brian all summer after some prompting from a family friend because she trained with her brothers who are now big names in college football. What starts out as reluctant training and working together on the farm becomes a highlight of each of their weeks, and something so much more.

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The whole book D.J. is trying to prove her worth to herself, that she’s not just some cow that does what everybody says, and when she finally finds a purpose, playing football for her school’s team, it helps her to feel vindicated and strong and worthy of people’s admiration. I think that’s where my admiration came in for her…what a brave (and hilarious) thing to do.



I saw something I wanted to do and I decided to do it. The feeling of freedom this gave me-I can’t even describe it. It was my decision. I chose it. I am not a cow.

So, you know, despite my earlier trepidation of how this story would be, I got just as many feels from this as any other book: Angst, fear, butterflies, sadness, giddiness, family issues, this book had it all. Near the end my stomach was in such a big bundle of nerves I almost couldn’t sleep. And I guess that’s my other life lesson…you can’t judge a book by it’s cover. Sometimes you find the best stories with the worst covers…it just happens. But I’m sure I’ll continue to make that mistake…but I’ll do my best to shake the habit.


Surprisingly deep with wonderful values…I can’t wait to read more of this series.

And, you know…

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Just sayin’


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