Category: Z-Old Users (Page 35 of 50)

BOOK REVIEW – The Lies of Locke Lamora (Gentleman Bastard #1) by Scott Lynch

BOOK REVIEW – The Lies of Locke Lamora (Gentleman Bastard #1) by Scott LynchThe Lies of Locke Lamora (Gentleman Bastard #1)
by Scott Lynch
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In this stunning debut, author Scott Lynch delivers the wonderfully thrilling tale of an audacious criminal and his band of confidence tricksters. Set in a fantastic city pulsing with the lives of decadent nobles and daring thieves, here is a story of adventure, loyalty, and survival that is one part "Robin Hood", one part Ocean's Eleven, and entirely enthralling...

“Someday, Locke Lamora,” he said, “someday, you’re going to fuck up so magnificently, so ambitiously, so overwhelmingly that the sky will light up and the moons will spin and the gods themselves will shit comets with glee. And I just hope I’m still around to see it.”
“Oh please,” said Locke. “It’ll never happen.”

I’m only reading this because I fucking love when I don’t understand shit at first.

I’m only reading this because I always dreamed to go through awfully long descriptions of buildings and stuff.

I’m only reading this because except what’s mentioned above, everything else was fantastic.

O I would like to meet hilarious characters who share a questionable morality.

What can be surprising and quite unsettling at first is the fact that Scott Lynch introduces his characters invertedly. Indeed if they seem to be just there at the beginning, thanks to the flashbacks and their interactions we slowly become acquainted and yes, attached to them of course I adore them all, duh. Moreover, I can only salute the splendid organization used here between what we learn in flashbacks in regards to the action set in present day. Fucking well-wrapped indeed.

●•۰► Locke Lamora is a fucking genius in deception, a master in the game of make believe, an untrustworthy professional liar and highly deceptive bastard gentleman. Yet he is loyal to death, and trust me, he won’t let you indifferent.

“… It’s perfect! Locke would appreciate it.”
“Bug,” Calo said, “Locke is our brother and our love for him knows no bounds. But the four most fatal words in the Therin language are ‘Locke would appreciate it.'”
“Rivalled only by ‘Locke taught me a new trick,'” added Galo.
“The only person who gets away with Locke Lamora games …”
“… is Locke Lamora …”
“… because we think the gods are saving him up for a really big death. Something with knives and hot irons …”
“… and fifty thousand cheering spectators.”

●•۰► Lamora’s partners in crime all have something interesting to bring in the story, but frankly, what I ADORED were the awesome dialogues between them all.

●•۰►Chains can be referred as their mentor, and I must say that I particularly enjoyed his really insightful life lessons.

“When you don’t know everything you could know, it’s a fine time to shut your fucking noisemaker and be polite.”

Why, thank you, I shall try.

O I’m interested in everything politically incorrect.

DAMN how it spoke to my sarcastic self! We have :

✔ A parody on religion, with quite cute prayers, I must say.

“Thanks for deep pockets poorly guarded,” said the Sanza brothers (…)
“Thanks for watchmen asleep at their posts,” said Chains.
“Thanks for the city to nurture us and the night too hide us,” was the response.”

✔ Selfishness but friendship. Practical and prudent minds but extravagant craziness. Corruption everywhere. Schemes. Con inside con. Dear gentlemen bastards, I applaud you.

“There’s no freedom quite like the freedom of being constantly underestimated”

O I would like some pieces of these priceless inside jokes, thank you.

From page one I was laughing, feeling (almost) guilty, the hand on my mouth, at the ironical gritty writing. YES. I adore this kind of humor – the one that is hidden in every sentence, the whole thing said in the most casual way possible, as if sarcasm was just dropped in a “business as usual” fashion without any intention to make the reader laugh. AS IF. This shit is HILARIOUS.

O While I’m at it, I’d rather be entertained, thank you very much.

Several storylines happening in different times are followed, but it was never confusing to me (well, apart from the very beginning, I must admit), but on the contrary increased my interest. I mean, chronological order is so overrated! Apart from being disjointed, the story is a hell of an entertainment. Moreover, beware of your conceit, reader, because it reserves us several unexpected twists that shocked me something fierce.

Mostly it can be read as Locke Lamora : a Life or Locke Lamora : story of a thief or Locke Lamora : how I became the guy who stole your shit or I worked with Locke Lamora and he taught me his tricks or … Well, now, you get the idea right?

O I want to learn more about this corrupt and crazy world we were talking about earlier.

Concerning the world-building, I must say that Scott Lynch really knows his job : in what appears to be some alternative medieval settings, we get food/clothes/religions/cities/traditions/PEOPLE.

The settings are highly detailed – sometimes it was a bit too much for me actually (see disclaimer).

O Why, thank you, I shall take more of these gentlemen bastards pretty soon, because for real? This was an amazing book.

BOOK REVIEW – Fool’s Assassin (The Fitz and The Fool Trilogy #1) by Robin Hobb

BOOK REVIEW – Fool’s Assassin (The Fitz and The Fool Trilogy #1) by Robin HobbFool's Assassin (The Fitz and The Fool Trilogy #1)
by Robin Hobb
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Tom Badgerlock has been living peaceably in the manor house at Withywoods with his beloved wife Molly these many years, the estate a reward to his family for loyal service to the crown.

But behind the facade of respectable middle-age lies a turbulent and violent past. For Tom Badgerlock is actually FitzChivalry Farseer, bastard scion of the Farseer line, convicted user of Beast-magic, and assassin. A man who has risked much for his king and lost more…

On a shelf in his den sits a triptych carved in memory stone of a man, a wolf and a fool. Once, these three were inseparable friends: Fitz, Nighteyes and the Fool. But one is long dead, and one long-missing.

Then one Winterfest night a messenger arrives to seek out Fitz, but mysteriously disappears, leaving nothing but a blood-trail. What was the message? Who was the sender? And what has happened to the messenger?

Suddenly Fitz's violent old life erupts into the peace of his new world, and nothing and no one is safe.

“Nothing warned me on that bright day that the darkest time of my life had begun.”

First of all, don’t be fooled by the #1 here : you CANNOT read this book if you haven’t read the two first trilogies. Trust me, it wouldn’t make sense AT ALL, because it’s Fitz’s journey you’re following here, and it started in Assassin’s Apprentice.

If you’re – even a little – accustomed to this series, you must know that every chapter is introduced by a short excerpt from someone’s memoirs – mostly Fitz’s. That’s why I chose to write this review as an outlet for my memories linked to these amazing books.

Fitz told his story. This is mine. Feel free to stop reading now if you can’t stand personal reviews.

When I started college for the first time, I screwed up. The truth is, I thought that I was ready to live in a dorm far from my family but I just… wasn’t. Soon I began to ditch class more often than not, completely locked in my reading bubble (which is so ironic because I was in literature. I mean, I could slap myself). Of course my parents were worried and angry and you know what? They were right to be, but my 18s self would have never agreed with this, because basically? She was a fucking moron. But move on. Anyway, I managed to convince them that I needed to live out campus because … well… less distractions let’s say, and moved in a tiny apartment some months later. I still remember the loneliness I felt this first night, on my couch surrounded by blank walls.

I still remember saying myself that I was wrong and didn’t make the good choice. I still remember feeling scared, so scared (don’t judge – I come from a 4 children family and never ever knew how to deal with silence – I didn’t know then, anyway)

This first night I grabbed Assassin’s Apprentice and never stopped reading. This first night I was hooked by Robin Hobb’s astounding writing which flows so easily that you don’t even realize that you just read 600 pages in one sitting. This first night was filled with Fitz’s despair, The Fool’s wit, Chade’s strange schemes and Regal’s cruelty.

I won’t deny it, I ate these books up in a week, stopping only to eat and (sometimes) sleep. What can I say? Fitz always had the power to draw me in, to make me feel his struggles, his doubts, his hopes. Don’t expect a perfect male-lead : It’s Fitz – I mean, I didn’t hide that he is my favorite character of all times but if you don’t know him, you need to learn that Fitz is a whiny, heart-wrenching, lonely, “I do mistakes for a living” kind of character. But oh, boy. How real he is. How incredible and complex the relationships are in these books.

Jump a few years. Picture a student in teaching, who barely has enough time to breathe, let alone read. Yes, it was a multiple year book slump. Yes, it was as horrible as it sounds. Now, imagine how I felt when I discovered that Robin Hobb had, in fact, written a new trilogy about my beloved Fitz I felt dumb to not have learnt it earlier. Of course I was ecstatic. Of course I was full of hope, love, but damn, how worried I was! And the truth is, I was right to be, in my opinion anyway. Because this ending? I cried for hours after this – don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t angry at Robin Hobb for the path she chose for Fitz, because this bittersweet ending? It was so him, he who manages to screw up relationship faster than I say Wit. But I digress. I remember the day I finished it, in the middle of nowhere, fishing on a lake with my boyfriend (who was fishing. Mostly, I read and make coffee. I’m useful like that). I remember saying that it couldn’t be the end. IT COULDN’T BE.

I’m so glad to have been right.

Well, really, I’m always glad when I’m right, I mean, who isn’t? Huh?

“Do not agonize about yesterday. Do not borrow tomorrow’s trouble. Let my heart hunt. Rest in the now.”

If you’re still with me, first of all : congrats. I’m not gonna lie, before starting this book I was scared shitless : will this book be the one that would spoil the series for me? Will I love it as much as the others? Will I, will I…

So, did this book so awaited disappointed me? Not by a long shot. From page one I was tearing up, smiling, from page one I felt like coming back home. Do you expect some full action-packed book? Oh, no, no, please don’t. If you know Robin Hobb, then you are aware that as a first book in one of her trilogies, you have to wait for things to settle down before expecting real action. Of course I was never bored because COME ON, IT’S FITZ, and as always, his insightful but way to late interpretations of the events of his life enthralled me. Anyway, I thought I should warn you : Robin Hobb’s books must be savored. In any case the pace definitely quickens in the second half and kept me captivated and yes, in awe.

However, what you do find are incredibly multi-layered characters (Can I say that I adored Bee and the changes she brings in Fitz? Yes? Also, this character evolution? Fucking perfect), an intricate web of complex relationships, a beautiful and stunning writing, and as always with this series, the need to be accepted for who you are despite your differences – the excruciating journey that can be life. Because what’s Fitz story but the expression of perseverance despite all the darkness lurking, all the rejections he faced?

I don’t care if the story can be seen as non eventful and boring – watch out, because loss, fear, sadness or joy can overtake you at any instant, suddenly and harshly as Robin Hobb masters it.

I don’t care because I’m home, and I’m overjoyed to be. This story is about family, the one we have and the one we create. And we readers are part of it, in a way.

Guys. GUYS! I feel like crying.

► Because these books? I never want to finish them – I dread their end, and again, Robin Hobb proved me that I was right to do.

PS : Because you KNOW you want to read these books (please do), here’s the order to respect : in italics, the books that aren’t mandatory to read, but it’s in the same world, and we understand things better^^

– Assassin’s Apprentice ★★★★★
– Royal Assassin ★★★★★
– Assassin’s Quest ★★★★

– Ship of Magic ★★★
– The Mad Ship ★★★★★
– Ship of Destiny ★★★★★

– Fool’s Errand ★★★
– Golden Fool ★★★★
– Fool’s Fate ★★★★★


– Fool’s Assassin ★★★★★
– Fool’s Quest (released in August)

BOOK REVIEW – Assassin’s Apprentice (Farseer Trilogy #1) by Robin Hobb

BOOK REVIEW – Assassin’s Apprentice (Farseer Trilogy #1)  by Robin HobbAssassin's Apprentice (Farseer Trilogy #1)
by Robin Hobb
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Young Fitz is the bastard son of the noble Prince Chivalry, raised in the shadow of the royal court by his father's gruff stableman. He is treated like an outcast by all the royalty except the devious King Shrewd, who has him sectetly tutored in the arts of the assassin. For in Fitz's blood runs the magic Skill--and the darker knowledge of a child raised with the stable hounds and rejected by his family. As barbarous raiders ravage the coasts, Fitz is growing to manhood. Soon he will face his first dangerous, soul-shattering mission. And though some regard him as a threat to the throne, he may just be the key to the survival of the kingdom.

Funny that I thought I would be able to objectively review this favorite of mine. SERIOUSLY? I was way too conceited. Because the truth is…


◘ Because I’m way too much involved in Fitz’s story to analyze it. I mean, I could pretend, of course, but really? I found myself crying or being out of breath in anticipation so many times that I’m pretty sure my opinion is grandly biased.

Take this, for example : “And then my lessons with Galen began.” Yeah, well, I  cried at this. Crazy right? Hey, not so crazy in my book, but how in the world would I manage to be fair in a review?

Truth be told, this series is my favorite of all times and I can’t dissect my feelings.

◘ Because it’s my 5th time reading it and I can’t stop sobbing, I can’t stop FEELING.

◘ Because I don’t care that it’s slow paced, I don’t care if Fitz seems annoying sometimes, I don’t fucking care.

◘ Because I still want to murder Regal and to dismember Galen. Fucking bastards. I hate them so damn much.

◘ Because this lonely and rejected boy who’s trying to find his place as an assassin? He is filled with flaws but he is trying so hard and his evolution is both realistic and heart-wrenching, I can’t even express how much I adore him. Damn, since I’ve met him more than 10 years ago, none of the characters I read about could take his place in my heartNone of them.

And then, there’s the Fool ♥

► Frankly? I wouldn’t be able to be objective to save my life, and I’m at peace with it. So, you know, trust me, don’t trust me – I don’t know. If you like fantasy and never read this, I don’t even know what to say to you. Seriously. I mean, for real? Just go read this series and come plotting Regal’s murder with me.

BOOK REVIEW – Daughter of Deep Silence by Carrie Ryan

BOOK REVIEW – Daughter of Deep Silence by Carrie RyanDaughter of Deep Silence by Carrie Ryan
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I’m the daughter of murdered parents.
I’m the friend of a dead girl.
I’m the lover of my enemy.
And I will have my revenge.

In the wake of the devastating destruction of the luxury yacht Persephone, just three souls remain to tell its story—and two of them are lying. Only Frances Mace knows the terrifying truth, and she’ll stop at nothing to avenge the murders of everyone she held dear. Even if it means taking down the boy she loves and possibly losing herself in the process.

DNF 55% – The truth is, I don’t even care how it ends.

I know something is wrong when I’m able to stop reading at 55% without waiting for the end, especially given the fact that it’s a thriller. A fucking thriller and I can’t bring myself to go on because … well, that’s what we’re gonna see, okay?

Reason 1 : The writing is giving me a headache.

SO. MUCH. TELLING, I can’t even. Indeed while I completely understand the need to show how Frances is a master of manipulation, strangely all these braggings about her ability to deceive people aren’t convincing me at all. No, because I’m too busy being annoyed as fuck. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that the fact she is supposed to be a manipulative revenge bitch is annoying, not at all. In the contrary, that’s what I was seeking out here, so no, it’s not what bothers me. Nope. What aggravates me is the fact that there is TELLING everywhere, and never SHOWING.

► Frankly, it can be read like a fucking textbook.

Lesson 1 : How to appear embarrassed
“Keeping my head ducked, I bite my lipe and squinch my eyes closed, as thought I’m too embarrassed to face him.”

Lesson 2 : How to appear vulnerable
“I cross my arms over my chest, cupping my elbows in my palms and allowing my shoulders to hunch so that I take up less physical space. It makes me appear vulnerable and weak.”

Lesson 3 : How to appear awkward
“His shoulders relax a bit, my apparent awkwardness having done the trick of easing the tension.”

Lesson 4 : How to appear unsure
“No.” I twist my lips, ensuring that the uncertainty of my tone undermines the response.”

Lesson 5 : How to appear overwhelmed
“My breathing’s a bit ragged, my chin trembling as though I’m overwhelmed.”

Are you tired yet? I am tired yet.

I don’t want to read a textbook. I want to read a STORY. Frances, a master of deceiption? Not convinced.

REPETITIONS. Sometimes it made me think that I was supposed to be stupid, you know. So, I’m writing it here : I don’t need a refresher every second. I got it right the first time, thank you very much. Perhaps if I did these thoughts wouldn’t have crossed my mind : I was here. I know. You already said it. Yes, I know. Stop repeating yourself. Just stop. Please, stop. Oh come on!

Reason 2 : I can’t suspend my disbelief anymore.

Let’s overlook the fact that Frances can pretend to be Libby without nobody finding out (view spoiler). I’d like to believe that nobody could take my place so easily (even my own sister, and we look alike… Kind of), but… Anyway, let’s be generous and overlook this.

Here’s the thing : I can’t buy this so-called 2 weeks love-story at fourteen. There. I said it. Frances is going on and on about how intense it was and how touching Grey again brings so many memories and feelings and OMG it’s so heartbreaking and intense –

Except it’s not. Except I’m rolling my eyes something fierce. Because come on.

This : “I have the sudden urge to rest my cheek against his leg, to let the edge of my lips press again the soft flesh inside his knee. To see if he tastes the same as he did four years ago. I’m almost dizzy at the force of my own resistance.”

This is ridiculous. I’m not buying. The fact is, Grey is her enemy and she intends to make him pay. In my opinion there aren’t near enough reasons to be torn between her revenge and her “love” attraction for him. Nope. Not after 2 weeks at 14. Sorry. I might be an old nasty bitch after all.

► Okay. I’m pretty sure that I just gave a 1 star rating to a book which will be part of many favorite lists, and when I reread the blurb, really, I can understand why – it sounds fascinating, and no, everything isn’t bad in this book and that’s not what I’m saying. But while I can only hope that it won’t be the case for you, to me the way the story was executed felt flat and frankly? I was so bored I can’t bring myself to finish. So yeah – maybe don’t take my word for it and go read other reviews. The only thing I can say is ME, Anna, didn’t like it, and I’m not going to feel sorry for that.


BOOK REVIEW – The Piper’s Son by Melina Marchetta

BOOK REVIEW – The Piper’s Son by Melina MarchettaThe Piper's Son by Melina Marchetta
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Award-winning author Melina Marchetta reopens the story of the group of friends from her acclaimed novel Saving Francesca - but five years have passed, and now it's Thomas Mackee who needs saving. After his favorite uncle was blown to bits on his way to work in a foreign city, Tom watched his family implode. He quit school and turned his back on his music and everyone that mattered, including the girl he can't forget. Shooting for oblivion, he's hit rock bottom, forced to live with his single, pregnant aunt, work at the Union pub with his former friends, and reckon with his grieving, alcoholic father. Tom's in no shape to mend what's broken. But what if no one else is either? An unflinching look at family, forgiveness, and the fierce inner workings of love and friendship, The Piper's Son redefines what it means to go home again.

“Like I was fucking nothing to him. Like I’m nothing to no one.”

PS : Psss! Hey, you, readers! Months after my reading I still find me thinking about Tom and his family, inside in knots, and that’s so rare I couldn’t not aknowledge that feeling. Please, if you feel the urge to step out your comfort zone, just try it. Actually that book makes me want to take my entire friend list and to click frantically on recommend – but nah, don’t worry, I wouldn’t do that. I think. I guess (shut up).

“You can know someone all your life, like your parents or family, but I’ll tell you this, Ned. There’s an expression on their face, or a tone in their voice, or the way they walk, that you’ve never ever seen before. Like they’ve kept it hidden. Until their brother dies. Or their son. I remember those days and they were like these strangers and I wanted to say, Who are you people?
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