by Melina Marchetta
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There's a babe in my belly that whispers the valley, Froi. I follow the whispers and come to the road . . .
Separated from the girl he loves and has sworn to protect, Froi must travel through Charyn to search for Quintana, the mother of Charyn's unborn king, and protect her against those who will do anything to gain power. But what happens when loyalty to family and country conflict? When the forces marshalled in Charyn's war gather and threaten to involve the whole of the land, including Lumatere, only Froi can set things right, with the help of those he loves.
“Our bodies aren’t strangers,” he said, his voice ragged. “Our spirits aren’t strangers”. He held her face in his hands. “Tell me what part of me is stranger to you and I’ll destroy that part of me.”
Truth to be told, I was wary at first, out of fear to be disappointed by this last journey through Lumatere and Charyn. I couldn’t have been more wrong – indeed Quintana of Charyn was wonderful, as it contains all that I wanted and even more : painful at times, heartbreaking, hilarious, I felt all kind of emotions and wasn’t always able to control them. This book was beautiful.
Let’s deliver some awards, okay?
“Because people aren’t interested in the truth, Dafar. They’re interested in what keeps them safe. They’re interested in being looked after. They’re interested in a tale being spun.”
✭ Top 4 of the best meetings
– you know the feeling – you’ve started to care for several characters in the first two books and then you get to watch their meeting. Precious.
– Perri and Quintana. Adorable and filled with daggers (yes, that’s possible)
– Finn and Gargarin. Men. Nothing more important to do than arguing about mythology. Did I mention that I loved them?
– Quintana and Lucian. Hilariously inappropriate – this meeting took the form of a not-so-constructive discussion about Lucian’s sex performances. Yeah, you heard me.
– The Turlan lads and the stupid Lasconian. Is it wrong I smiled so big when they defeated these annoying pricks? Take that for Froi!
“Finnikin laughed. “All I had to do was stop the horse and say, ‘I think…’ and they were racing back into the woods to you.”
✭ Into the category of “words I wouldn’t want to use but couldn’t help but laugh about”, the winner is Quintana with her constant use of “swiving”.
✭ Into the category of “you made me want to throw my book on the wall”, the winner is Queen Isaboe whose decisions if understandable stayed often incredibly annoying.
✭ Into the category of the best bromance scene, the winners are Froi and Finnikin for the “you fainted/No, I didn’t” scene.
“You’re not going to start crying, are you, fool? Quintana asked bluntly. “It irritates me”.
Tessadora made a clucking sound of annoyance.
“What did I tell you?” she said to Quintana in a reprimanding voice.”
✭ Now, into the category of the incredible characters, because they’ve all their story to tell and because each and every one of them earned a little piece of my heart, the winners are :
– Lucian for the most bittersweet monologues and the way he can’t help but care.
– Phaedra because maaan, did this girl had patience to stand these Charyn whinnies.
– Finnikin because he’s a ray of light in the story – adorable and kind, comprehensive and patient, this ginger cat ← love the surname, by the way.
– Perri because every story needs his blunt guy.
– Lirah because she refuses stereotypes and for her half-mean, half-hilarious protective comments.
– Froi, of course, for his courage, his loyalty, his selflessness and his perseverance – because his quest to be accepted for who he truly is moved me like nobody else could.
✭ Yet surprisingly, despite the fact that Froi stole my heart, into the category of the loved-whatever-it-takes character, the winner is Quintana because she’s deliciously inappropriate, refreshingly selfish, fierce, proud, courageous, in a nutshell : insanely amazing.
“Because he sang for Quintana of Charyn. He sang for the misery of her life, the poison in her body, the scars on her skin, and the courage in her character.”
✭ And finally, into the category of best adorable support, the winner are my boyfriend because he stand my “OMG! FROI!” and other irrepressible giggles I let out during hours, and my lovely Chelsea because I spammed her with the same thoughts. Sorry about that.
PS : I saved so many quotes that it was really hard for me to refrain myself here. I did refrain, even if it seems I’m spamming you 😉