Tag: Dystopian (Page 20 of 31)

BOOK REVIEW – Take Me Tomorrow by Shannon A. Thompson

BOOK REVIEW – Take Me Tomorrow by Shannon A. ThompsonTake Me Tomorrow by Shannon A. Thompson
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Two years after the massacre, the State enforces stricter rules and harsher punishments on anyone rumored to support tomo - the clairvoyant drug that caused a regional uprising. But sixteen-year-old Sophia Gray has other problems. Between her father's illegal forgery and her friend's troubling history, the last thing Sophia needs is an unexpected encounter with a boy. He's wild, determined, and one step ahead of her. But when his involvement with tomo threatens her friends and family, Sophia has to make a decision: fight for a future she cannot see or sacrifice her loved ones to the world of tomorrow.


***3.75 stars***

This was truly a unique read! I love my dystopian worlds and while some can blend together, that definitely wasn’t the case in Take Me Tomorrow. The elements of the storyline were enticing and the mystery of all of the unknowns kept me flying through the pages. The little hints of romance were innocently sweet and what blossomed from it left me smiling. And the ending of the book left me completely dismayed (but in a good way)! I can’t even start to imagine where they can all go from here!

Sophia is doing something she always does, walking her land to make sure there are no tomo trespassers. It is her only sense of freedom in a world where everything is tightly constrained. Only two years ago tomo, a clairvoyant drug, caused a massacre to happen. Since then weapons have been banned, a tight curfew is enforced by police and disobedience is not tolerated with many levels of punishment in place. Upon her walk she runs into a boy who sets off a chain of events that crumbles her world into the ground. Everyone around her seems to be harboring secrets and in her desperate need to figure out what in the world is going on, while a war is erupting in the background, she keeps slipping further and further down the rabbit hole.

“What do you have to lose?” I wanted to say, “Everything.” I had everything to lose. My reputation. My record. My friendship. My family. Probably even parts of my life I hadn’t considered yet. But my gut instinct told me that I could also save everything by shaking his hand.

Sophia was a force to be reckoned with. She was strong, demanding, brave and she did everything in her power to help her friends and trust me, they always needed her help. I struggled right along with her while she waded her way through all of the secrets. And I was just as frustrated as she was when we kept coming across a situation that would cause even more unanswered questions. I truly liked her but I had a hard time grasping two things that revolved around Sophia. Miles and Broden. I never fully understood her relationship with either of those boys and I never felt a connection there. Maybe I missed something, I’m just not sure. But I definitely didn’t struggle in that department with Noah!

“Wait,” Noah grabbed my hand, looking up at me with tired eyes, “Sophie?” Apparently, he did remember me. “I’m here,” I said after a moment. “Stay,” he breathed, and I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. I turned away, only to be met by Lily’s widened gaze. Mile’s jaw dropped, and Lyn smirked like she knew he would ask for me all along.

Noah was a mystery that I enjoyed unraveling. He was broken, dark and even though he never showed it, I couldn’t help but feel as though he was suffocating from having the weight of the world on his shoulders. There is so much that we still have to learn about Noah and all of his secret plans. But ultimately I trusted him, and I hope I’m placing my trust in him correctly. Even though he frustrated me at times, he could switch and be so unbelievably sweet and innocent. When it was just him and Sophia, he morphed into a different person and I definitely started to fall for him. I want to know more about that side of Noah but at the same time I know he has a lot of work to do. He has a ton, and I do mean a TON of issues and problems. I don’t know if he will ever be able to work through them, but I’m going to keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best. Oh and his little nickname for Sophia, I loved, loved, loved!

There is so much more that I need to learn. What led up to the tomo massacre, what happened during and shortly after, why do people believe this drug is their key to freedom, View Spoiler » and were the teenagers’ friendships set into motion for the bigger picture? I’m hoping these unknowns will be addressed in the future because I struggle with unanswered questions. I’m at a loss for how this story is going to proceed because it seems as though their lives could travel down so many different paths and each path could have so many ramifications. Take Me Tomorrow was a fun, quick read, and I look forward to finding out where their journey goes from here!

**This book was kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review**

BOOK REVIEW – The Infinite Sea (The 5th Wave #2) by Rick Yancey

BOOK REVIEW – The Infinite Sea (The 5th Wave #2) by Rick YanceyThe Infinite Sea (The 5th Wave #2)
by Rick Yancey
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 You say you know how we think? Then you know what I’m going to do. I’ll rip your face off with a pair of tweezers. I’ll tear your heart out with a sewing needle. I’ll bleed you out with seven billion tiny cuts, one for each one of us.
That’s the cost. That’s the price. Get ready, because when you crush the humanity out of humans, you’re left with humans with no humanity.
In other words, you get what you pay for, motherfucker.

Pulse-pounding, heart-throbbing, intense, brutal perfection. Not a moment passed where I wasn’t 100% enthralled in this crazy world where literally no one is immune to death and there is no sanctuary. I must admit that I was terrified I wouldn’t love this book. I read the first book, what, like over a year ago? I was obsessed with it. Consumed by it. But then a year passed and, like with all great book series and movies, I couldn’t see myself falling for the characters so easily again. It’s so hard to do, anymore. But then, this book. This goddamn book. From page one, I was swept into the spellbinding pages of death and destruction, of utter hopelessness and despair. I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that no matter how it ended this time I would not doubt Rick Yancey’s otherworldly ability to capture my soul for the next novel.

The Others understood that, understood it better than most of us. No hope without faith, no faith without hope, no love without trust, no trust without love. Remove one and the entire human house of cards collapses.

This book….was beyond words. I see that some people were disappointed with the length of the novel…why? It was absolutely fantastic in the number of pages given, can’t we just enjoy what we have while we have it? Don’t we want to make this world prosper and last? We don’t want it to perish even faster, do we? Well, I don’t. I don’t want everyone to die all at once because the story is pro-longed, I want to see his masochistic brain work to it’s full potential and to spread it into as many books as he damn well pleases. I just don’t know what everyone wanted-if he kept going, he’d surely have had to confirm or deny some deaths and probably even slash some more….nah. He’s waiting. He’s biding his time-he’ll wait to kill them all. I don’t know who is going to make it (I have my suspicions) or who will die a horrible death (Again, damn those suspicions), but I know this author is biding his time. He’s toying with our emotions…and I love it.

Onto his stomach. Then knees. Then hands. His elbows quivered, his wrists threatened to buckle under his own weight. Self-centered, stubborn, sentimental, childish, vain. I am humanity. Cynical, naive, kind, cruel, soft as down, hard as tungsten steel.
I am humanity
He crawled.
I am humanity.
He fell.
I am humanity.
He got up.

Did I mention….that the peril in this book was astounding? I read a lot of books with a lot of peril, but this is the harshest, cruelest world I’ve read about in a while. It tore my soul to pieces and sucked the life right out of me. It’s not so much all that happens, it’s more how the characters react, handle, endure every situation. Their reactions have the ability to make you care or not care, feel or just sit motionless….I guess it all depends on how much you love these characters and how attached to them you are. For me, that tiny seed of hope for each individual character was planted in book one, and now I would be devastated to lose any of them (okay, okay, aside from a couple).

Virtues are vices now, and death is the cost of love. Not the death of his body. His body was the lie. True death. The death of his humanity. The death of his soul.

I don’t want to give a single thing away, so I’ve been studiously avoiding the plot. I think I’ll just focus on the relationships. The relationships formed and severed in TIS were what tied me, even more than the perilistic plot, surprisingly, to this story. Friendships are formed, old enemies are forced to work in close quarters, and loyalty is tested in the truest sense of the word. Everyone had me guessing their loyalty, aside from the main characters that I know really well, from the very beginning. I’m ashamed to say, also, that I made an incorrect assumption about a certain person that I have never been able to pin down on morality…my face burned with shame at a certain point in the story. The bravery brought forth by these wonderful characters in a world where nothing you hold dear is without it’s consequences was astounding to me. They all had such strength in spirit, and that fueled them when all was lost….but even the strongest of mind can break.

The uncertainty of my own experience is crushing. I am drowning in an infinite sea. Sinking slowly, the weight of the lightless depths forcing me down, forcing the air from my lungs, squeezing the blood from my heart.

Promises. This story was fueled by promises-made and kept, lost and found. The idea that a promise, in a world like this, is all that keeps humanity intact-the last shred of humanity that alters the line between being a ruthless, cold-blooded killer from a person doing what it takes to survive, to live-on, to keep your goddamn promises. Rick promised me brutality and angst-he promised no mercy and little hope….and that’s a promise he kept to me, as a reader. No nose went uncrunched if the situation permitted, bone was shown, blasted, obliterated…oh yes, he delivered. The brutality in this story made me giddy with delight, and I can’t wait to see who what else he blasts into oblivion in book three.

When the game is fixed, how do you avoid losing?

So, again, here I am waiting, without answers, without an idea of who will end up with whom (I suck at the who/whom thing-spare me), who will live, who is still living, if certain people will be okay…and it kills me. It kills me I have to wait another year, maybe more. It’s brutal. Unfair. Cruel. But, being the masochist I am, I don’t care. Because, in the end, I enjoyed the ride while it lasted. And now, when book three comes out, I know I won’t have anything to worry about. It’s calming despite the inner turmoil boiling inside me. On the inside I’m a tsunami just circling the island, about to unleash my fury on those who stand in my wake. But on the outside…on the outside I’m a serene lake, hiding all my emotions deeply underneath the surface. Because from what I’ve seen of the last two stellar books, there’s an infinite sea (nudge nudge) of possibilities.

People die. Love endures.

One last thing-Mr. Yancey?? Can (view spoiler) live??? Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease…..


BOOK REVIEW – Day 21 (The Hundred #2) by Kass Morgan

BOOK REVIEW – Day 21 (The Hundred #2) by Kass MorganDay 21 (The Hundred #2)
by Kass Morgan
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**ARC kindly provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**

They had been sent to Earth as living test subjects, the first people to set foot on the planet in three hundred years. But they were mistaken.
Some people had never left.

This book is…no. Just no. Everything I enjoyed about book one was the glaring problem in book two. It’s like everything amplified until I couldn’t stand it anymore.

It started up somewhat like the other, but this time, they were already on Earth. I liked this. It made me happy that they were somewhat used to the land and were able to just move forward instead of that stagnant fear that kept them from doing too much in book one. But OMG I just could. Not. Do. The Relationship. Drama in this one. Like…Clarke-You JUST met this dude. The title of this book is literally Day 21 and you LOVE him??? Oh, and he can just say whatever he wants to you…right? Then, because it was said in a moment of passionate fury, it’s okay. Hmmm. Riiiiiight. I lost all my respect for Clarke. All of it.

We aren’t born for ourselves alone.

So, that makes it official: The only original characters I like are Wells and Glass. And the only story I cared about was Wells’s. He is still my favorite character and really the only reason I carried on.

Wells knew that even the greatest leaders make mistakes.

Now, that isn’t to say I won’t read book three or say that the television series wouldn’t be perfect with all the drama, but as a book? No. My mind has whiplash from the lukewarm to boiling to freezing feelings. And my biggest problem with the WHOLE book? The blame. My God, the blame. Bellamy, that douche (I REALLY edited that-on a sidenote), blames EVERYONE at least once. Could he be any whinier?? Sheesh. And Clarke-Wah. Call the WAHmbulance. Just wow. I can’t even.

So. Wow. I can’t believe how angry I began to get near the end of the book. How can the first book’s beautiful portrayal of love lost and betrayal and hope be turned into this convoluted mess of teen angst and soap opera drama? There were so many good things that were touched on: eerie, creepy ideas that will make a good sell in the next book, Wells’s new interest (LOVE HER), and even the idea that everyone will likely be reunited in book three…..but even that creepy storyline I mentioned didn’t overshadow all the fail for the rest of the book. So, aside from the fact that I think all this would be awesome on TV and that I’ll likely seek out book three eventually, there really were no remnants from book one that were held sacred in this one. So….that’s it. That’s my spiel…

OH! And I mean, look at that cover!! How awesome is that?? How can a book cover be so cool and the book…not. Ugh.

BOOK REVIEW – The 100 (The Hundred #1) by Kass Morgan

BOOK REVIEW – The 100 (The Hundred #1) by Kass MorganThe 100 (The Hundred #1)
by Kass Morgan
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**ARC kindly provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**

Well, that was not what I expected-at all. This has such a low rating and only a small amount of people liked it. I find that I am in the group that found enjoyment out of this. No, it wasn’t a completely action packed dystopian and no there wasn’t a TON that went on, but I guess, for once, the romance was enough.

It would be better to lie. His father would have an easier time believing that Wells had been carrying out a dare. Or perhaps he could try to pretend he had been on drugs. Either of those scenarios would be more palatable to the Chancellor than the truth-that he’d risked everything for a girl.

Some people immediately disregard ARC reviews because they likely feel that we are stretching the truth so we can receive more copies in exchange for our ‘honest’ thoughts-well, I can assure anyone who reads this-I am always honest. I may sometimes not 100% know which solid star to stick with, because there are a lot of gray areas for me, but I always say what I feel in my reviews-I have rated so many books five stars only to add a couple paragraphs of what bothered me with the story, because not many stories are perfect.

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BOOK REVIEW – Branded (Sinners #1) by Abi Ketner & Missy Kalicicki

BOOK REVIEW – Branded (Sinners #1) by Abi Ketner & Missy KalicickiBranded (Sinners #1)
by Abi Ketner, Missy Kalicicki
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**ARC kindly provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**

Out of all the ARCs I was given, I believed Branded was going to be the best. All my friends loved it, it had great reviews and quotes, and it seemed like it had a strong synopsis. And while it started out well with a strong heroine and a sexy, protective hero, it soon started to show signs of all the things I hate in novels: cheesiness.

The beginning started out with the heroine, Lexi, being captured and ‘branded’ as an adulterer, or rather, as one of the seven deadly sins: lust. People judge and chase ‘the branded’, taunting and hoping to gain from that person’s weakness. But what if her Branding is wrong? What does that mean for the Branding system? Once captured, she is supposed to be looked after by a soldier so she isn’t killed or harassed. Cole, while very aware of what she is labeled and tried as, is her mentor-but he grows a soft spot for her. We all know how THAT goes ;).

So….I really wanted to love this book. I tried really hard. I loved Cole, I even liked Lexi at first-I thought she was going to be a very relatable, likable character at first. She was strong-willed, a fighter, and altogether very funny and not easily broken. But then I started to notice her dialogue and inner monologue shifting. It went from ‘normal’, to odd, to annoying. Not horribly so, but enough that it made me cringe and roll my eyes. And then there was Cole. He was so sexy and broody at first, and then all of a sudden his dialogue started to make me angry as well. It’s not so much that it wasn’t believable, it was more that it wasn’t natural.-it felt forced and contrived and it made me sad because I loved his character. It’s like Lexi could speak normally, but Cole’s dialogue just never once worked-it was always so unnatural and unlike what a boy his age would say. I’d even go so far as to say his dialogue was juvenile.

So all in all this just didn’t work for me. The story never fully drew me in and I never could make myself pick this up after I had put it down. I’d long for something else to read and practically had to skim to even get through the chapters. I figured I had picked up a dark read, but not once did I feel the darkness begin to pull me in. So, while this story may have worked for most of the people I know, it didn’t for me. This makes me sad, because there were two awesome characters that deserved way better: Cole and his adorable, loyal dog, Zeus. I just wish I could have enjoyed this one way more.

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