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BOOK REVIEW: A Kingdom This Cursed and Empty (Kingdom of Lies #2) by Stacia Stark

BOOK REVIEW: A Kingdom This Cursed and Empty (Kingdom of Lies #2) by Stacia StarkA Kingdom This Cursed and Empty (Kingdom of Lies #2)
by Stacia Stark
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Risk everything for your kingdom...Or be destroyed by it.

In a world darkened by deceit, the truth is a light that won't be dimmed. Even when it illuminates Lorian's betrayals more starkly than I could ever want to see.

They call him the Bloodthirsty Prince.

His reign of terror has left a trail of blood across this continent. A trail that intertwines with my own past-not even my parents were spared from his merciless slaughter.

To save my brother's life, I agreed to another bargain with the fae prince. Now, I'm forced to work with him. Forced to travel to the fae lands. Forced to spend my every waking moment with the man who betrayed me. All because King Sabium has woven a deadly tapestry of manipulation, using those we least suspect for his wicked schemes.

There are no lines I won't cross to protect the people I love. So I'll work with former enemies. I'll manipulate, blackmail, and deceive potential allies. I'll swallow my pride, bury my shattered heart, and cooperate with the fae to prepare for the coming war.

Because there are creatures far more monstrous than the fae.

And some of them masquerade as men.


His lies had hurt the most.

With secrets swirling, danger on the horizon, and perilous journeys, A Kingdom This Cursed and Empty was a fabulous continuation of the Kingdom of Lies Series!  There were scenes that will have you on the edge of your seat.  Steamy moments that will tug at your heart.  And an addictive storyline and world that continues to build and grow.  Fans of romantasy definitely need to have this series in their life!

“Why would you do this?” she asked.
The question burrowed deep into my chest. I clenched my teeth. “Figure it out.”

Prisca was a heroine we could easily love and respect.  She was smart, had grown so much and her strength and courage gave her a backbone of steel.  Yet Prisca was struggling.  Not only with learning that she was fated to become the queen.  Since she didn’t see herself being worthy enough to rule the hybrids.  But also with accepting what Lorian was.  She was raised to see the Fae as the nightmares and monsters of the world.  He was supposed to have been the one who killed her biological parents.  And she had been falling for him all along, none the wiser.  But as their journey progressed, she still confided in him.  Trained with him.  And she saw how much he cared and wanted her to be the best she could be.  She just needed to learn to accept what he was.

He’d asked if I remembered how he’d made me feel.
Some days, it was the only thing I could think about.
“Please,” I said quietly.

Lorian was protective, lethal, deadly and would do anything to keep Prisca safe.  He would hand her the world if he could, yet he lied to her.  And according to her, destroyed her past.  Yet as a skeptic I kept hoping there was more to the story, because I am ever so hopeful and can only be positive when it comes to Lorian haha.  He may be the villain to others, but he could never be that to Prisca.  So I loved as we watched him let her grow.  That he stood by her as she figured out how to rule and deal with powerful people.  And the words he would say to Prisca *screaming while jumping up and down*?!  Lorian’s words to Prisca were beautiful, powerful and elicited so much emotion! Lorian was the ultimate book boyfriend! 

“This is never going to work. You and I. We’re doomed. You know that.”
He sighed, and I closed my eyes, basking in the feel of his breath against my neck.
“I know.” He slowly drew back. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t wish for you with every fucking breath for the rest of my life.”

While the odds were continually stacked higher against them, they fought with everything they had. I cried tears for Lorian. I was terrified for some of the situations Prisca was put in. And through it all, Lorian and Prisca had the most fabulous banter!   It was laced with even more emotion now! They were from opposite ends, even if they were fighting a common enemy. They could never be together, so my heart cried trying to figure out how it’ll all work out in the end. So I loved their steamy moments and that they were detailed, explicit, and absolutely fabulous! And when you get to the part where Lorian lists things, try not to have your heart explode!

He smiled, as if he’d expected nothing less.
I smiled back. One day, I would make him pay for everything I suspected he had done to Lorian.

We got so many answers to questions, yet we were also left with many more questions.  And as the world expanded and we met others, I was completely enthralled. I was happily surprised to see that we got this story in a few different point of views.  Prisca was still the main one, and of course Lorian too.  But we also got some moments with the Queen.  Those moments made me contemplate everything I knew.  I did not expect to feel compassion towards her or learn all that we did.  There were quite a few times where my mouth was left hanging open.  And there was even one moment I cried tears for the Queen, I am still shocked.  So where this story ended with her left me terrified.  With political intrigue, and dangerous ploys, I can’t wait to see what happens next with the Queen!

The war had barely begun. And we were already losing.

A Kingdom This Cursed and Empty was laced with friendship, love, quests, forgiveness, battles, death and it was so easy to devour! With a star-crossed lovers romance, forced proximity and a found family, just know that this story ended with a fabulous cliffhanger. Don’t mind me over here panicking until that next book is in my hands! I absolutely love this world and these characters and I can’t wait to see what happens next!

I just wanted her to be mine.

PS My favorite new character we met was Drakoryx, by far!

PPS Is anyone else keeping their fingers crossed that Asinia & Demos become a couple?

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

BOOK REVIEW: A Soul of Ash and Blood (Blood and Ash #5) by Jennifer L Armentrout

BOOK REVIEW: A Soul of Ash and Blood (Blood and Ash #5) by Jennifer L ArmentroutA Soul of Ash and Blood (Blood and Ash #5)
by Jennifer L. Armentrout
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Only his memories can save her…

A great primal power has risen. The Queen of Flesh and Fire has become the Primal of Blood and Bone—the true Primal of Life and Death. And the battle Casteel, Poppy, and their allies have been fighting has only just begun. Gods are awakening across Iliseeum and the mortal realm, readying for the war to come.

But when Poppy falls into stasis, Cas faces the very real possibility that the dire, unexpected consequences of what she is becoming could take her away from him. Cas is given some advice, though—something he plans to cling to as he waits to see her beautiful eyes open once more: Talk to her.

And so, he does. He reminds Poppy how their journey began, revealing things about himself that only Kieran knows in the process. But it’s anybody’s guess what she’ll wake to or exactly how much of the realm and Cas will have changed when she does.

#1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout revisits Poppy and Casteel’s epic love story in the next installment of the Blood and Ash series. But this time, Hawke gets to tell the tale.


A Soul of Ash and Blood wove an enchanting tale between the past and the present.  It was a phenomenal addition to the From Blood and Ash Series! I thought I was prepared for this story, I was so wrong.  New light was shone on scenes we thought we knew, things arose that left us with burning questions, and those final pages cumulated into a heart stopping ending!  Cas’ story will capture your heart!  A Soul of Ash and Blood was intoxicating, gritty, smile inducing and absolutely impossible to put down!

What he’d said was something I’d already learned the hard way, but his words…
They felt like a warning.
An omen of things to come.

The story started out in the present and within those first few pages my heart was already in my chest.  I shouldn’t have been surprised that it was emotionally intense, or that I cried within that first chapter.  Because while some of those tears were happy, there were others filled with sadness and scared of the unknown.  Something wasn’t right with Poppy.  Cas and Kieran knew it, and Nektas seemed to possessive knowledge that I wanted to pry out of his brain.  That draken could be so blunt, but he cracked me up time and again!  So as Poppy went into stasis, Cas took us back to before he met Poppy.  I loved how JLA skillfully immersed us in a world we already loved, but through Cas’ eyes it was unique, addictive and so much more than I ever could have hoped and dreamed!  As we alternated between the past and the present, this book turned out to be EVERYTHING I didn’t realize I needed!

Kieran shook his head as he turned his stare to the moon. “A Maiden with a wolven-bone dagger and, at the very least, no fear when it comes to using it?” One side of his lips tipped up. “Why do I have a feeling we may have underestimated her?”
I let out a short, low laugh. “Because I think we did.”

Cas took us back to before he met Poppy and was a guard.  I loved his moments with Vikter, oh how I have missed him.  Their interactions were phenomenal!  But most of all I loved getting to hear Cas’  preconceived notions about Poppy, even as he got clues of who the Maiden truly was from others around him.  And when he got to meet her in person, his reactions were all consuming and I always had to know how he would handle the next moment they were together! I could not stop smiling, I could not stop my shouts and screams of happiness, and it was impossible not to laugh at the most inappropriate things.  Seeing violence through Cas’ eyes, well it was hard not to think how he thought haha. His anger and vengeance were electrifying and it seemed to bubble under the surface at times. I loved when things would get violent and each time I fell even harder for him.  One thing that hurt so much though, was getting to see deeper into who Cas was.  His past.  The horrors.  And how it haunted him in the present.  It literally ripped me apart and I felt like I was drowning at times.  I know Poppy said in FBAA what she had felt from him, but I didn’t realize how much it truly consumed him.

“I know you want to do something irresponsible and reckless, but you can’t kill him,” he said. There was no greeting. No need to ask questions. He knew why I was here.
“I’m not going to kill him,” I replied. “I’m only going to murder him.”
Kieran sidestepped, blocking me. “That’s the same thing.”
“No, it’s not. Killing someone implies it could’ve been an accident. What I’m about to do will be completely intentional.”

Getting to hear Cas’ explanations for the whys he did something was absolutely phenomenal!  His dark, humorous thoughts were addictive!  And watching him do things I had no clue he was doing, ohhhhhh be prepared to be surprised again and again by this story!  But one of my favorite things was seeing Poppy through Cas’ eyes.  How she affected him.  How she seeped into his thoughts.  And how his progression of thoughts towards her changed.  It was consuming and will fill your heart with joy!  You know how in FBAA we got to learn the world right along with Poppy?  I felt that all over again with Cas.  Yes he has knowledge for what is truly going on, but he was in the dark for other things.  And watching as light was shown on certain aspects to Cas, it blew my mind.  We got to see so many different sides of Cas.  How he could be his own worst enemy.  How he could be someone’s savior.  How he could be their demise.  And most of all, how he was able to enchant Poppy’s heart and soul.

Their blood was on my hands.
And as fucked-up as it sounded, I could live with that. I had to. But what was hard to swallow? That I’d caused her pain.

As the story unfolded, we got to see lots of fan favorite moments from FBAA, and scenes that weren’t in FBAA too. But some of those scenes that are our favorites, oh we were none the wiser.  So when Cas filled in certain things, wow.  You think you know something, but you truly don’t!  And seeing how he felt through each of those times, fans of this series are going to be clinging onto his every word and thought!  We also got to see Kieran through Cas’ eyes and watching Kieran handle certain situations was epic and shocking.  There are no other words!  And Emil.  Oh poor Emil.  I laughed so hard in a certain situation with him that I should probably feel guilty about, but I don’t haha.  And while I went from desperately wanting to stay in the past, there came a point in the story where the present had us hanging onto every word and moment.  And those final pages?!  Hold on because it is heart pounding and left us desperately wanting that next book!

I wanted to be a good man who would walk away from what he knew he wasn’t worthy or deserving of. The kind Kieran believed I was. The type I had been raised to be. But I wasn’t a good man.
I was just hers.

A Soul of Ash and Blood will have you falling in love with Cas, Poppy, and this series all over again.  Plus the steam in this book through Cas’ eyes *fans face*, it was scorching hot!  I’m so grateful we got this story!  And now I’ll be counting down till that next book releases!

Spoiler Quotes:
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*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

Reading Order & Links:

Amazon (click on covers) & iBooks (click on titles)

From Blood and Ash (Blood and Ash Series) #1


A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire (Blood and Ash Series) #2


The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and Ash Series) #3

A Shadow in the Ember Ash (Flesh and Fire Series) 


The War of Two Queens (Blood and Ash Series) #4

A Light in the Flame (Flesh and Fire Series ) #2


A Soul of Ash and Blood (Blood and Ash Series) 


A Fire in the Flesh (Flesh and Fire Series) #3

Visions of Flesh and Blood (Blood and Ash Series) #5.5

BOOK REVIEW: Ruling Destiny (Stolen Beauty #2) by Alyson Noel

BOOK REVIEW: Ruling Destiny (Stolen Beauty #2) by Alyson NoelRuling Destiny (Stolen Beauty #2)
by Alyson Noel
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The second I stepped through the doors of Gray Wolf Academy, my world disintegrated. Here, time is malleable. It can be manipulated, shifted. Changed. And for those of us who Trip—or travel through time—the possibilities are infinite and perilous.

Now my life is caught in the secrets of everyone around me. Arthur, the eccentric billionaire who rules this school. Killian, who could be the only honest person here…or the biggest liar. And Braxton, magnetic, gorgeous, and unfathomable. The only thing I trust about him is our electric connection.

Whether we’re Tripping through Renaissance Italy or thieving from a ball in Regency England, my life’s become a web of lies and strange truths. And beneath the surface is an elaborate puzzle, filled with cryptic symbols and priceless treasures scattered across history—all somehow connected to my strange ability to see through time.

But Arthur has a dangerously ambitious agenda. And if what my dad taught me is true, I’m not just a threat to everyone at Gray Wolf.

…I’m a threat to time itself.

The Stealing Infinity series is best enjoyed in order.
Reading Order:
Book #1 Stealing Infinity
Book #2 Ruling Destiny


All of us at Gray Wolf— including Braxton, and certainly me— we are all liars here.

Ruling Destiny was a fast paced romantasy with a love triangle that will keep you on your toes! With so many answers swirling within the pages, I loved how that ending left us desperately needing that next book now! And with short chapters, it was easy to keep entertained, and always needing to know what happened next.

“So, which is it?” I snap. “Are you angry or worried?”
Killian loosens his grip. “Can’t I be both?” His voice is thick in a way that has me averting my gaze. “If something were to happen to you—”
“Arthur would never forgive you. I know.” I grind out the words.
“No, Shiv,” Killian says, looking at me in a way I’d rather not see. “It’s me who’d never forgive myself.”

The two love interests Killian and Braxton left me constantly guessing. Was Killian truly bad or just acting paranoid around Baxton because he couldn’t trust him? Or where we supposed to think that Braxton was the one we shouldn’t trust? Both of these men kept us and Natasha in the dark. Over what truly happened in their pasts and other aspects about them too. The things we learned, oh my goodness! I almost felt like it was Shatter Me all over again. I always chose the right person in love triangles, except for that series. BUT I’m still holding out hope and doubling down, which may go epically wrong haha. I’m hoping a certain someone will redeem themselves. Because Natasha and that one, oh my heart. They are the WHOLE story for me! The emotions he created within her, even if she wanted to deny them. I feel everything when they were together. So I’m keeping my fingers crossed for that final book.  That things will flip around, because I love him so much *cries*! Yes there was so much more going on then the romance, but for me that was everything.

Without hesitation, Killian presses a hand to his heart and, in a solemn voice, says, “I swear to you, Shiv. I swear on the moon to every last word.”

Natasha did such a fabulous job of growing within these pages. While at times I thought she might be naïve, looking back she definitely wasn’t. She used her instincts beautifully. It was hard not to be impressed with her. Although her bravery definitely scared me a few times. And as her world expanded, I loved learning more about those that surrounded her. And her world. Ohhhhhh what we learned, it was mind boggling. I didn’t even think about those certain aspects. I was completely interested in learning more. So with drama, romance and stealing pieces from the past while trying to put clues together, this book was a magical ride!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

BOOK REVIEW: A Court This Cruel and Lovely (Kingdom of Lies #1) by Stacia Stark

BOOK REVIEW: A Court This Cruel and Lovely (Kingdom of Lies #1) by Stacia StarkA Court This Cruel and Lovely (Kingdom of Lies #1)
by Stacia Stark
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For years, when I fell asleep, I dreamed of a man with blazing green eyes and a cruel smile.

The day I meet him, the ruthless mercenary leaves me for dead.

Just hours after humans are born, the gods take what little power we have. In return, they protect our borders from the vicious, merciless fae.

The humans who manage to keep their power are known as the corrupt.

And they are burned.

When my forbidden power is discovered, I'm forced to flee my tiny village and the life I adore.

To survive, I make a desperate bargain with the mercenary who abandoned me at my weakest.

Our deal is simple: I'll help him and his mysterious friends sneak into the city. And he'll help me learn to wield the strange, dark power I've always kept hidden. The power that may just be the key to my survival.

But the ruthless mercenary is hiding secrets of his own. Secrets that threaten the safety of everyone I love. Secrets that could tear this kingdom-and perhaps even this world-apart.


Sometimes there are stories that are so beautifully crafted that they steal pieces of your heart and soul.  They consume your every waking thought.  And saying it’s one of your favorite books ever still doesn’t feel like enough.  That was A Court This Cruel and Lovely.  This book stole my breath time and again.  If you love enemies to lovers, a slow burn romance, forced proximity, found family, a heroine that comes into her power and a morally gray grumpy male then you desperately need this book in your life!  This romantasy was everything!

I could do this.
After all, against all odds, I was still alive. I just had to keep reminding myself of that.

Prisca lived in a harsh world where when you were born, your magic was taken from you and given to the Gods.  It was so they would help protect the borders from the ruthless fae.  But Prisca had been keeping a secret.  She still had her magic.  Which made her part of the corrupt. After those were caught, they were burned to death for defying the Gods.  So when Prisca was discovered for still having her magic, she was forced to flee her home and family.  And while on the run, she met a man that she had been dreaming about.  Yet he left her for dead. 

“I don’t want anything you’re offering. Remember that time you left me to freeze to death?”
He sighed. “Are you always this dramatic?”
One of his men snorted, and I trembled with the need to punch Lorian in the mouth.

I loved Prisca!  It hurt to watch her live in a village that she could never stay at, where she would never be able to fall in love, and could never let her guard down.  But when she left her home, brother and mother, it was even more gut wrenching to watch.  Her whole life changed in the blink of an eye and she was forced to survive or else she would die. Prisca showed us time and again that she was brave, smart, tricky, kind and fearless!  Being on the run had her meeting Lorian.  Who left her for dead.  He was a man she dubbed as a ruthless mercenary.  And it was the start of a beautiful enemies to lovers romance that I’m beyond obsessed about.

Don’t do it. Don’t you dare do it.
My gaze dropped to his toned ass, and I swallowed, my mouth suddenly dry.
“See something you like?” Lorian purred.
“Nothing. Nothing at all.”
He chuckled, turning to the bath, and I slammed my eyes shut. It wasn’t fair that he was so annoying and yet so fucking perfect.

Lorian.  Oh my heart.  He made me laugh when I shouldn’t have. He made me like him when I shouldn’t have. But I didn’t care. I loved that we got his thoughts too. They could be so coarse and ruthless, but I loved when he thought about her. Even when he didn’t want to. But make no mistake, he could be so cold at the drop of a hat. And in the next moment he would kill for you. Trick you. Be protective. And keep all of his secrets to himself. I never seemed to know which side Lorian would show us. Yet as the story unfolded, I fell for every single side of him. Something I didn’t think was possible. This morally gray male will gladly steal and capture your heart, even if you don’t want him to!

Nerves fluttered in my stomach.
We don’t have time for your insecurity and self-doubt.
How Lorian would laugh if he knew just how much I was relying on those words.
In another life.
My chest tightened, and I shoved the memory out of my mind.

Even though Prisca and Lorain hated each other, they needed one another. And while they had their moments that felt like something more, or there wasn’t animosity between them, it never lasted long. Their enemies to lovers romance was done so fabulously! Especially when they would mess with the other. I lived for those moments and couldn’t stop smiling when they could be playful and hilarious. Their banter was fabulous and there was always a tension that simmered between them. No matter how much neither one of them wanted to admit it.

Beneath the terror, my fury burned bright. So bright, I didn’t have to reach for my power. No, instead, the threads seemed to reach for me, my skin heating.

While Prisca, Lorian and his men Marth, Rythos, Cavis and Galon traveled together, there was definitely a strain. Yet as their journey continued, it almost felt as though there was a camaraderie there. One that felt like a fond family. Or maybe that’s just what happens when you face life and death moments. I was terrified for so many of those in this story. I cried, I screamed, I gasped, but I also laughed out loud and couldn’t stop smiling. And as we watched the story and the characters unfold, I loved where this story led us. It held us in the palm of its hand.

“I thought we’d moved past threats of torture,” I muttered.
He took a single step closer, and my skin tingled at the look he gave me. Dark, hopelessly amused, dripping with lust.

This twists in this story were phenomenal! Some of my guesses were close or right on. Yet other things I didn’t even some coming. This is one of those stories where I can’t wait to re-read because I can now see the clues. And while reading, I had to know what happened next. The story and characters were impossible to walk away from! I also think that fans of FBAA will fall head over heels in love with this story! Reading those ARCs consumed my whole being these last few years. And this is the first book that has given me all of the same vibes and feels.

“…Promise me you’ll free them. And one day, you’ll come back and burn this fucking place to the ground.”
There was only one thing I could say. “I promise.”

A Court This Cruel and Lovely was filled with revenge, murder, survival, jealousy, bargains, betrayal, friendship and more. I loved that these characters had one another’s back and put their faith in each other. Even if they didn’t want to. I loved that plans were made that led to more. And I especially loved how steamy kisses turned into seductively scorching hot moments. This romantasy was impossible to put down and easily became an instant favorite! I will be counting the moments until that next book is released and I’m so thankful we stopped at the perfect stopping point.  I desperately  have to know what happens next, yet I can breathe.

“How do I know you won’t just kill everyone?”
“Oh, Prisca,” he purred. “I would never kill you.”

PS Barmaid. I still laugh out loud thinking about that!

“I know what we’re about to do. It doesn’t change the fact that I want to strip that dress off you and see what I find beneath it.”
“You’ll find knives,” I said, narrowing my eyes at him.
His smile was dark— almost feral. “Wicked women are my weakness.”
I couldn’t help but grin up at him.

PPS I loved the letters Lorian and his brother sent back and forth. One of the last ones he sent back to him was everything for me lol!

Spoiler Quotes That I Love:

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*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*



BOOK REVIEW: Once Upon a Legend by Mary Ting

BOOK REVIEW: Once Upon a Legend by Mary TingOnce Upon a Legend by Mary Ting
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A story of love and a power that echoes through time.

A prophecy foretold by the Council.
A sword forged by the Ladies of the Lake.
A child born from love and the hope of thousands.

Seventeen-year-old Idrisa is a student from Dumont Orphan School. When the Emperor of Dumonia invites all citizens to a birthday gala for Prince Merrick, she attends and becomes entangled in a world beyond belief. At the party, Idrisa begins to hear strange voices that urge her to go to the lake. A student from school follows and tries to kill her, but in the fight for her survival, Idrisa gains possession of an eternal sword—gifted by the Ladies of the Lake.

The Emperor demands it, but only Idrisa can wield the sword, so he imprisons her. Her only hope is Prince Merrick, but he is grieving the death of his mother and doesn’t care about anything happening around him. While held captive, Idrisa uncovers secrets that challenge everything she thought she knew about Dumonia. Enemies and allies emerge when they hear news of the sword, and she must unlock the mystery of the weapon before darkness descends on the empire forever.


Retribution was a powerful weapon.

Once Upon a Legend was an enchanting tale that was woven together beautifully. It was impossible not to be fascinated with this magical world.  With a retelling involving the Ladies of the Lake, it made me feel like I was watching a movie play out in my head.  One that at first glance may seem like a Disney tale, YET as this story unfolds you see just how much darker, grittier and so much deeper this story goes.  There was murder and so much unknown laced in the pages, it felt as though plans were in place for something bigger than them.  So if you adore young adult stories that feature lore, magic, sword fighting, traitors, friendship, and the sparks of something more, then this is definitely the book for you!

I shivered, an icy blast of wind sprayed over my face. The white light from the blade, like a thousand diamonds blessed with inner fire, beckoned me to reach out for it.

Idrisa was fierce, determined and brave. She was raised in the Dumont Orphan School and the friendships she created meant the world to her.  They had been with her since the beginning.  So as we watched her train and go through the motions of being at school, I loved that she learned from her mistakes and pushed herself to be better.  Idrisa was someone we could definitely look up to.  When her school was invited to a birthday gala for Prince Merrick, Idrisa’s whole world was going to change forever.  At the gala, the goddesses of the lake gave Idrisa the sword.  The one the King desperately wanted.  And with that fear in my bones, I had no clue where this story would go.

“Do not fear when the time comes. If you risk everything, you will gain what you seek.”

Prince Merrick seemed to radiate pain and sorrow.  He missed his mother with his whole heart and soul.  Yet life continued and surrounding him were his brothers, father and the expectations for all of them. As we watched Prince Merrick, the tests he was put through seemed unfathomable. He showed us he was honorable, true and someone we could trust….or so I hoped. Especially when his father, the King, imprisoned Idrisa after she obtained the sword. I hoped those chain of events would be the fire that would light him to live again.  Because he had so much potential, and I loved the spark between him and Idrisa!

“Family is not only created by blood, but within the heart. Forever may our bond be strong. And like the stars, may our light never die.”

The side characters in this book filled the pages with their passion.  Rocco was one I was unsure of.  He was so protective of Idrisa and I was beyond grateful for that. But his words weren’t for me.  That’s because I had already fallen for the prince so easily. Yet I have a lot of guesses for his future!  And Knox, who helped the prince, was someone I adored.  But on the other side, I hated the evil characters!  They felt like sociopaths who had no moral ground to stand on. What they would do in the name of what they thought was right or what they wanted *shudders*, there was no line for them that they wouldn’t cross.  So hold on, because not everyone we care for will end up safe.

One of us had to die, and it wasn’t going to be me.

Magic, sword fighting, darkness, betrayal, truths, and a slow burn romance filled Once Upon a Legend.  The twists in this book were fabulously done!  The why and also who someone was, my mind was blown. I didn’t see those coming.  And I loved that alliances were made with those that were unlikely, it left me so excited to see how that will pan out!  This story was skillfully crafted and I loved that we even got a chapter or two from characters I didn’t even think we would. The way it added to the depths of this story were magical! This story closed with leaving us at a good stopping point, but I’m excited to see what happens next. And I just have to say that even though this story is young adult, I think it would be a great read for middle graders to pick up too!

I am worthy. I am deserving. You can’t take away who I am.
Out of anger, and to prove to myself that I could, I nocked an arrow and released, straight to the target dead on.

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

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