Tag: Magic/Supernatural (Page 24 of 29)

BOOK REVIEW – At Grave’s End (Night Huntress #3) by Jeaniene Frost

BOOK REVIEW – At Grave’s End (Night Huntress #3) by Jeaniene FrostAt Grave's End (Night Huntress #3)
by Jeaniene Frost
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I think it goes without saying that, once again, Bones stole the show. There is so much more to this series than a hunky male lead, but he’s the reason I’ve continued from book one to (at the moment) book four.

Utterly loyal and undivided attention, peril and action to boot, there was very little that wasn’t in this story. Bones and Cat are closer than ever, but no matter how happy they are, something is always coming for one of them. Living a life free of enemies is not a luxury they have experienced, but they are doing their best to make the most of their not-so-stress-free companionship.

“He’ll learn that many women can satisfy for a short period of time, but when he falls in love, only one will sustain him forever.” Awwww, Bones.

I am absolutely in love with Bones, and I have come to a strong liking with Cat. She has time and time again proven her strength and devotion to her work and Bones, and I can’t help but to identify with her when she becomes jealous because of one of Bone’s old lovers (he is JUST AS JEALOUS, by the way) because they just. Keep. Showing up. lol

So as small as this ‘review’ is, I think it goes without saying that I love this series. And maybe if I had split the stories up I would be able to write a longer review because of the lack of familiarity with the storylines, but as it is, I have read them back to back and I hate sounding like a broken record. A truly fun series and a great escape-I would suggest this to any one of my friends that doesn’t cringe at the terms blood and ‘fangs’.

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BOOK REVIEW – Destined for an Early Grave (Night Huntress #4) by Jeaniene Frost

BOOK REVIEW – Destined for an Early Grave (Night Huntress #4) by Jeaniene FrostDestined for an Early Grave (Night Huntress #4)
by Jeaniene Frost
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“I know you do,” he whispered. “And I love you. Always.”

Ooooooh boy, did this one ever piss me off. By far the most emotions pulled from me yet in this installment, I was seething for at least 20% of this book.
I’ll admit it-I get so engrossed in a story that if, say, something terrible happens to the heroine, it happens to me as well. So when a certain something happened, I wanted to rip everyone apart in the story.

“Kitten.” His voice was thick with something I couldn’t name. “This is the part…where you don’t have a choice.”

I think it goes without saying that each review I’ve written and rating I’ve dubbed for each story in this series has been a 4 or above. This series is completely consistent, and with each new installment, there’s a new hurdle that Bones and Cat must face together-and they are hardly ever cliche.

“All I’ve got is how I live. How I’ll die? That’s the problem of the guy who kills me.” -Tate (I LOVED that line ha)

The writing remains consistent and takes me to another world where I am happy to escape reality-that’s by far my favorite thing about this series. There are no typos. There is consistency in the character development. There is no changing for the sake of the other person-they are who they are and they remain a constant in their ever changing world. I know when I pick up a Night Huntress book, I’m going to get a very loyal male lead. I know Cat is going to be sarastic, fierce, LOYAL, and protective of those she loves, and I know she would do anything for Bones no matter the cost. And finally, I know there are going to be loyal family members and friends backing both Cat and Bones, and that in any situation, they will all come out of it together if at all possible.

“Never let it be said that you’re predictable, Cat.”

I absolutely love this series, and while I’m taking a break so it doesn’t lose the magic, I know it won’t be a mere month before I find myself picking up the next book and falling helplessly back into this perilous world again. I love each character for their uncanny ability to make me laugh, and that in itself is priceless.

BOOK REVIEW – Shiver (The Wolves of Mercy Falls #1) by Maggie Stiefvater

BOOK REVIEW – Shiver (The Wolves of Mercy Falls #1) by Maggie StiefvaterShiver (The Wolves of Mercy Falls #1)
by Maggie Stiefvater
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“I miss being me. I miss you. All the time.”

One thing is for certain: I will always, always adore and love Maggie Stiefvater and her beautiful writing. I have been in a stifling two week lack of focus for books due to outside circumstances and extreme exhaustion. I read this book so slow I felt like I was going in reverse (for my normal reading speed). But this is why I chose a Maggie book. I wanted a not-so-light but completely engrossing book, and that is what I got. I knew that with my schedule for the past two weeks this book was perfect-and while it wasn’t a home run like her other books I have read, I still loved the world she created and she still made me want to read the second book with the final lines of Shiver.

For once in my life,
I was here
and nowhere else.

The reason that I love this author so much is her ability to invade your mind no matter the amount of focus you put forth. For instance: I read about 10-20% each night (roughly, which is STILL slow for me) and was completely out of it-you know, eyes half closed and slumber threatening to pull you under-and somehow I managed to comprehend every page, every thought, every touch Sam and Grace shared even though I was barely hanging on. She paints such vivid and imaginative scenes and creates such deep and meaningful characters (almost always the males are the stars of the show-she writes awesome male leads) that even when you aren’t reading you can still see the colors and breeze and lazy little town she invents….because she’s just that good.

I was not a wolf, but I wasn’t Sam yet, either.
I was a leaking womb bulging with the promise of conscious thoughts: the frozen woods far behind me, the girl on the tire swing, the sound of fingers on metal strings. The future and the past, both the same, snow and then summer and then snow again.
A shattered spider’s web of many colors, cracked in ice, immeasurably sad.

This is the first time I didn’t like her female lead. Grace was kind of one dimensional (^^^I know what I said, it only applies to the male in this story-shocker) annnnnddddd, quite frankly, boring. I just didn’t connect with her as much as her other characters from her other stories. I was shocked that I had no connection to Grace, but Maggie more than made up for it with her male lead, Sam.

Not just any girl. The girl. Grace.

Sam had many of the traits and characteristics of Gansey of TRB and Sean of TSR, the main reasons I have fallen in love with her writing, but he was a milder version and didn’t have as strong of a presence as the aforementioned. But while he lacked what others didn’t, he had his own quirks that worked for him. He was loyal, sweet, adoring, completely in love with Grace. His vulnerability mixed with his strong need to protect Grace had me head over heels. Every time he did something for her or said something swoony I became a pile of mush. It broke my heart to see the struggle he goes through to be able to stay with Grace for just days, weeks, moments longer, fighting literally every natural instinct that plagues him everday.

I wasn’t sure which of us was being more selfish-her, for wanting something that no one could promise, or me, for not promising her something that was too painfully impossible to want.

Their romance was absolutely adorable and where I didn’t connect with Grace, I connected with them, their connection. I love the relationships (again, I’m gushing) Maggie creates, and this was no exception. The shared looks, the touches, the longing and lingering sadness, all textbook Maggie. I actually found that their relationship happened rather quickly, and I’m not used to that. I really did like it, but I think I missed the slow build up, which I didn’t realize was a reason I loved her so much. But moving on: there was a sad undertone and inevitability of something tragic to come, and it made every day they spent together special, more vital that they use the time they have left, because it might be Sam’s last year as a human during the summer months (he turns into a wolf in the winters). So as the wind turns bitter cold and the nights turn frigid, Grace and Sam are in a limbo where they only have moments left together….unless there’s a way to keep him human forever.

I felt like things were getting away from me. I’d found heaven and grabbed it as tightly as I could, but it was unraveling, an insubstantial thread sliding between my fingers, too fine to hold.

I really did like the idea of the story and I adored the beginning…but as the book progressed I realized that it lacked the beauty and poetic prose of The Raven Boys and the elegance and raw, grittiness of The Scorpio Races. There were hints of it throughout the novel, but not quite as prominent as I’ve grown accustom to and fallen in love with. I just wanted a liiiiiittle more and I know it’s completely unfair to base this book’s rating on a comparison to her other works (bad, bad, bad!) but I just couldn’t help but to draw comparisons. Shiver was just way more regular and too mundane compared to what I know she’s written and it did hinder my love for this book. So while I enjoyed and would tell people to give this a try, I would add an afternote that this isn’t her best work and to keep that in mind-but that is merely my opinion.

BOOK REVIEW – The Iron King (The Iron Fey #1) by Julie Kagawa

BOOK REVIEW – The Iron King (The Iron Fey #1) by Julie KagawaThe Iron King (The Iron Fey #1)
by Julie Kagawa
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Hmmm. I about plastered a 3.5 on here and I probably should have….but if I’m being honest, I skimmed a ton of this book in the middle. I feel bad rating this so low when I knew this was a fantasy going in, but I have just recently fallen in love with Kagawa’s writing (her dystopian/paranormal series)and I could not pass up an opportunity to read another of her works-fantasy or not. And I’m just completely optimistic-I always think I’ll get past the little bits of odd characterization and be able to zone in on what my sorry ass really came for-the romance and the action. Well, I was on two totally separate spectrums from start to finish: I liked the beginning, skimmed LOADS in the middle, and LOVED the last 30%. Oh fickle, fickle me.

“War?” Something cold touched my cheek, and I glanced up to see snowflakes swirling in a lightening-riddled sky. It was eerily beautiful, and I shivered. “What will happen then?”
Ash stepped closer. His fingers came up to brush the hair from my face, sending an electric shock through me from my spine to my toes. His cool breath tickled my ear as he leaned in.
“I’ll kill you,” he whispered, and walked away.

I’ll start with why I decided to rush to book two….one word: Ash. Guys, I am not someone who solely bases their reviews and reasons for loving a book on a male lead, but I just did not get enough of the dark prince, Ash. Once he entered the story my eyes lit up and my imagination took hold of the story-my heart started beating faster and I started to speed read just to get more of what he was saying and doing. I just couldn’t get enough of him. And it almost seems to go hand in hand with this author (I’ve just noticed) that when the guy gets heavily involved, drama and action and malice ensue. Perhaps this is the reason I’m so drawn to her writing and I’m not ashamed to admit it.

“No one touches her,” Ash said, his voice coated with frost. “Touch her, and I’ll freeze your testicles and put them in a jar. Understand?”

I’m also not ashamed to admit that certain….creatures? don’t sit well with me. In small doses the fantasy elements are fine and, again, I realize this is strictly a fantasy, but I didn’t start to fall in love with the story until all the introductions of characters were complete and we could focus on the journey and not so much every mythical creature known to man. For instance-in book two, there’s just as many creatures, but it is a five star book at 30% (it was a five star from page one) because of the progression of the story and we already know what is going to lay ahead and what we should be expecting. There’s not a ton of info dump like in this book.

On the one hand, I can say that Kagawa is excellent at world building in both her series I have discovered, and in her other series it worked for me, for the most part. But I think I was just shocked into submission for the first 60% of introductions here and I’m just now on equal footing as the story. I take a while to fall in love with a story when I am skeptical to the premise, but I will admit that when it came time to ask myself-Okay, so do I care about what happens to these characters, and would I be upset if I stopped after book one and never found out what else there was to see?-and I came to the conclusion that, yes, I did care.

It was like a color given emotion: orange passion, vermillion lust, crimson anger, blue sorrow, a swirling, hypnotic play of sensations in my mind.

All I know to say to everyone is that this is a fun story (at least near the end) about a COMPLETELY forbidden romance where the male is a winter prince and the female is a summer princess-see the problem? Their loyalties are to their families and the kingdoms they come from and it is treason to fraternize with the enemy (romantically, that is). Ash was sent to retrieve Meghan for his mother and also the queen, and when Ash finds and attempts to capture Meghan, they make a deal to find and save her brother, and then she will go willingly with him to the queen. Deals with Faeries (sigh, I know) are unbreakable and punishable if you attempt to get around them-they will come for you one way or another.

I licked my lips and whispered, “Is this where you say you’ll kill me?”
One corner of his lip curled. “If you like,” he murmured, a flicker of amusement finally crossing his face. “Though it’s gotten far too interesting for that.”

All in all I ended up really enjoying this book and I’m loving the second. I’m all for forbidden romances and perilous, scary journies where no one is safe no matter how careful you are. I didn’t 100% connect with Meghan as a character, but already in book two I love her. The only other character I feel deserves some recognition is Grim, the cat who also struck a bargain with Meghan to help her out along the way. He was funny, witty, sarcastic, and he just kept coming back-he was loyal and fun and he was a great addition to the story. So, I’m off to read and hope that the second novel keeps the pace up-I am so hooked!

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)
the iron king julie kagawa
The Iron King #1
winter's passage julie kagawa
Winter's Passage #1.5

the iron daughter julie kagawa
The Iron Daughter #2

the iron queen julie kagawa
The Iron Queen


summer's crossing iron fey novella julie kagawa
Summer's Crossing #3.5
the iron knight julie kagawa
The Iron Knight #4

iron's prophecy julie kagawa
Iron's Prophecy #4.5

the lost prince julie kagawa
The Lost Prince: Call of the Forgotten #1

the iron traitor julie kagawa the iron fey
The Iron Traitor:Call of the Forgotten #2
the iron warrior julie kagawa the iron fey
The Iron Warrior:Call of the Forgotten #3

BOOK REVIEW – The Iron Daughter (The Iron Fey #2) by Julie Kagawa

BOOK REVIEW – The Iron Daughter (The Iron Fey #2) by Julie KagawaThe Iron Daughter (The Iron Fey #2)
by Julie Kagawa
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I’d sacrificed everything-family, home, a normal life-for the stupid greater good. I had worked so hard; I was trying to be brave and mature about everything, but now I had to watch while the thing I loved most was killed in front of me?

It’s so hard to write reviews for series that you are consecutively reading, especially if you don’t have access to an internet or computer on the weekends like me. So hopefully I can separate the two books I’ve been reading so close together so that I can assemble a somewhat coherent review. It turns out that after book one of this series, I have been hooked and unable to put these down no matter what I’m doing or who I’m ignoring.

When you can’t breathe, each second feels like an eternity.

The Iron Daughter was, for me, on a whole different level than book one.

Now, I loved the end of TIK, but compared to the action and forbidden romance and heartache in book two, there just isn’t a competition for me. In this installment, we start off with Meghan upholding her end of the bargain-she is residing in the Unseelie (winter fey) palace and unable to leave because of her promise to Ash (promises/pacts/vows) which can’t be broken once made. But, aside from that, she doesn’t want to break it-she has fallen in love with Ash and wants nothing more than to face the world with him at her side. There’s just one problem-once they reached the winter court, Ash no longer shows his affections for Meghan and has started treating her with disgust and disdain. He is once again the icy prince she first met not so long ago and she doesn’t know what to make of it-didn’t he share the same feelings as she? Was he not the one who saved her countless times and risked his life for her? And the biggest question: Is he just acting for the winter court to keep her safe, or was it all an act with her…to get what he wanted out of the bargain?

What would I do now? Ash despised me. Everything he’d said and done was to bring me to his queen. He was a cheat. He’d used me, to further his own ends. And the saddest part was, I still loved him.

One thing I will say is that Meghan started out a little like a lovesick puppy, but it never really annoyed me as it did others. She is hurt, confused, and she doesn’t know what she will do in the freezing palace without her ally, the boy she fell in love with. Being that she is of the summer court, she is in an environment that is hard to live in and the winter fey are less than receptive-constantly trying to toy with her, cause her problems, taunt her with her claims of love for the unattainable prince and how he could never love her in return-she has never felt more alone.

I didn’t want to face him now. I didn’t want to think that he could be gone from my life forever, vanishing into a world where I couldn’t follow.

Ash, again, stole the show for me. He is brooding, mysterious, protective, and lethal-we didn’t get him 100% of the time, but we got enough of him that I was more than happy. His decisions and proclamations of love were so swoon-worthy that I had to settle down and just. Stop. highlighting. While Ash appeared stubborn at first, we get to see his emotions unfold as the journey progresses and it makes it all the sweeter when we reach the climactic and (woot woot) perilous conclusion.

“Forgive me,” Ash murmured, and I heard the faintest of tremors beneath his voice. “But I can’t…I won’t…give her up. Not now, when I’ve just found her.”

I am so beyond ecstatic that I found Julie Kagawa and her magnificent writing. It has been a while since I have found a book that has that perfect mix of romance, action, suspense, forbidden love…and a totally handsome prince who keeps my mind occupied way more than he should. When was the last time I’ve been so excited after a book….oh wait, wasn’t it? Yes. Yes it was-it was her otheeerrr series (The Immortal Rules, The Eternity Cure) that had me desperate for more. What I love most about Kagawa is that while she throws in additional love interests, her main characters know what they want. They might look at the prospect of what else there is, but they don’t veer from what they want and need-there are no senseless love triangles or unnecessary drama. Every problem has a place and she pieces it together seemlessly. She weaves such beautiful strings of words together that continue to mesmerize and render me useless. I love this author and I love what she does with her worlds. There is no lack of creativity and there is no dilemma the same.

“…Make your choice.”
Ash looked at me. I saw pain in his eyes, and a little regret, but they shone with such emotion I felt breathless. “I already have.”

Sooo here I am in the middle of book three and I’m still completely satisfied. The fantasy has stayed even with the other elements and kept me completely at ease in my comfort zone. Now, I can only continue and hope that nothing horrible happens (well…..nothing tooooo horrible hahaha) and that we keep getting Ash and Meghan time…because I am completely and utterly hooked on their adorable relationship and the dangers they face because of it.

“They see only this outer shell, not who I really am, beneath. You have. You’ve seen me without the glamour and the illusions, even the ones I show my family, the farce I maintain just to survive. You’ve seen who I really am, and yet, you’re still here.” He brushed his thumb over my skin, leaving a trail of icy heat. “You’re here, and the only dance I want is this one.”

…..Final thought-one of the new characters tore my heart completely open and left me speechless with the loyalty that came with that alliance-HE is not one to be missed and is a completely fun addition to this compelling series. That is all…

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)
the iron king julie kagawa
The Iron King #1
winter's passage julie kagawa
Winter's Passage #1.5

the iron daughter julie kagawa
The Iron Daughter #2

the iron queen julie kagawa
The Iron Queen


summer's crossing iron fey novella julie kagawa
Summer's Crossing #3.5
the iron knight julie kagawa
The Iron Knight #4

iron's prophecy julie kagawa
Iron's Prophecy #4.5

the lost prince julie kagawa
The Lost Prince: Call of the Forgotten #1

the iron traitor julie kagawa the iron fey
The Iron Traitor:Call of the Forgotten #2
the iron warrior julie kagawa the iron fey
The Iron Warrior:Call of the Forgotten #3
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