by Maggie Stiefvater
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There is danger in dreaming. But there is even more danger in waking up.
Blue Sargent has found things. For the first time in her life, she has friends she can trust, a group to which she can belong. The Raven Boys have taken her in as one of their own. Their problems have become hers, and her problems have become theirs.
The trick with found things though, is how easily they can be lost.
Friends can betray.
Mothers can disappear.
Visions can mislead.
Certainties can unravel.
▒ My ten favorite things about Blue Lily, Lily Blue ▒
“Ronan kept going, his voice louder. “No. Do you hear me, Cabeswater? You promised to keep me safe. Who are we to you? Nothing? If you let him die, that is not keeping me safe. Do you understand? If they die, I die, too.”
➊ To the surprise of absolutely nobody, Ronan takes the first place hands down even without having any chapter from his point of view. Actually, after the intensity of The Dream Thieves, getting to observe him through other’s eyes (who am I kidding : through Adam’s) was so so so satisfying. I want more, though.
➋ Blue Lily, Lily Blue will be forever remembered as The Book Where I Finally Love Adam. Shocking, I know, given how much I wanted to slap his whiny ass in the previous books (sorry not sorry). First his evolution is freaking interesting on its own (who doesn’t like a Magician with Slytherin-ish potential now tell me? Okaaaay, I might be *a little* subjective. Look at my profile! *waits patiently* Now you get it) and secondly I just can’t ignore that 90% of his scenes are shared by The Boy Who Dreams Baby Ravens. Duh.
“With a savage smile, Ronan shoved the cart off the kerb and belted towards the BMW. As they picked up speed, Ronan called out a joyful and awful swear and then jumped on to the back of the cart himself. As they hurtled towards the BMW, Adam realised that Ronan, as usual, had no intention of stopping before something bad happened. He cupped a hand over his nose just as they glanced off the side of the BMW. The unseated cart wobbled once, twice, and then tipped catastrophically on to its side. It kept skidding, the boys skidding along with it.
The three of them came to a stop.
“Oh, God,” Adam said, touching the road burn on his elbow. It wasn’t that bad, really. “God, God. I can feel my teeth.”
Ronan lay on his back a few feet away. A box of toothpaste rested on his chest and the cart kneeled beside him. He looked profoundly happy. “
➌ I’m gonna throw a PYNCH on there, because I’m redundant like that. Seriously, though. SE-RIOU-SLY. 80% of my favorite quotes are reformulations of something like… meanwhile, Ronan and Adam kept disappearing together.*Almost* every favorite scene stars them : the BARN. The CHURCH. The GROCERY STORE. Oh. My. Gosh. From the shortest looks and grips to the most adorable and heartbreaking interactions, these boys put my heart into overdrive.
#Can’t Compute
“Light, or something like light, reflected off it onto Ronan’s chin and cheeks, rendering him stark and handsome and terrifying and someone else. Then he blew on it. His breath passed through the word, the mirror, the unwritten line.
Adam heard a whisper in his ear. Something moved and stirred inside him. Ronan’s eyelashes fluttered darkly.
What are we doing –“
➍ Granted, we can say what we want about these books, about the confusion of their plots and the true love bits and Mallory’s dog (okay sorry dog, that wasn’t called for), but the beauty of the relationships pictured will forever make them special for me. The loyalty despite the doubts, the trust – even if sometimes begrudgingly given at first – the support and the BANTER between Blue and her boys is EVERYTHING. Honestly? They’re just all kinds of amazing and a little heartbreaking.
“Ronan’s arms were still locked around her; she felt them quivering. She didn’t know if it was from muscle strain or worry. He had not even hesitated before grabbing her.
I can’t let myself forget that.“
You better not is the only thing I will say.
“The door cracked open…”
You know what I mean, guys. The FEELS.
➏ Greenmantle and Piper. Erm- this is the moment I’m supposed to feel bad for loving the villains, right? But-but-b- they’re funny! Who am I to resist them tell me?
➑ There’s nothing better than late night calls, don’t you think? (here’s the moment 99% of my friends think, FUCKING FINALLY, ANNA! Oops)
➒ Calla and the Pretty One‘s argument. Or is it Richie Rich? I can never remember.
➓ It’s official : there’s nothing like a Raven Boys reread to make yourself feel a special kind of stupid; so many hidden details that came to light, I can’t even. Really, though : how in the world did I miss so many things the first time? HOW? Was I high or something?
Oh, nope. Maggie Stiefvater‘s plot is just way more layered and complex than I first imagined. Or, I’m smarter now (somehow I doubt it) (it’s been 2 years, not 2 decades)
Sigh. Now I wait.