Tag: Paranormal (Page 43 of 51)

BOOK REVIEW – Forsaken (Daughters of the Sea #1) by Kristen Day

BOOK REVIEW – Forsaken (Daughters of the Sea #1) by Kristen DayForsaken (Daughters of the Sea #1)
by Kristen Day
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Once you’ve been touched by darkness, it never leaves you…
Abandoned by her parents as an infant; seventeen year old Hannah spent her childhood wading through countless foster families until being adopted by the Whitmans three years ago. Unfortunately, Atlanta’s high society wasn’t quite ready for Hannah…or the strange events that plague her

Chilling visions of murder, unexplained hallucinations, and a dark, mysterious guy who haunts her nightmares all culminate to set in motion a journey of self-discovery that will challenge everything she’s ever believed; not to mention her sanity.
Sent to live at The House of Lorelei on Bald Head Island, NC for ‘kids like her’, Hannah quickly realizes things are not what they seem. Her fellow ‘disturbed’ teens are actually the descendants of mythical Sea Gods and Goddesses. And so is she.
But when Finn, the ghost from her dreams, appears in the flesh; her nightmares become reality and her dark visions begin coming true. Inexplicably drawn to him, she can’t deny the dangerous hold he has on her heart. The deadly secrets he harbors will ultimately test her courage and push the boundaries of her love.
She must decide if she is ready to embrace the ancient legend she is prophesized to be a part of. The fate of all the descendants will forever depend upon it.


***Unfortunately, I will not be finishing this series. In the second book I was left wanting so much more – more passion, more honesty, and mainly more feelings invoked in me. You can read my review about Awaken (Daughters of the Sea #2) here – Awaken: 3/5 Stars***

***3.75 stars***

This was a fun book and I did enjoy it for the most part. I liked the characters, I found the potential for another BBF, the Sea God/Goddess paranormal element was fascinating and the way the story progressed was completely entertaining and had me flipping through the pages as fast as I could. But, I had two problems with Forsaken. The first being that some of the lines were way too cheesy, and I laughed because I felt so awkward for them. And the second was after 80% some events happened that seemed way too coincidental and that kept happening until the end of the book. I’m going to give the second book a try and I have my fingers crossed it’s similar to the first 4/5 of Forsaken!

I froze when the tips of his fingers brushed my neck and shoulder. The heat they evoked lingered like glowing embers across my skin.

Hannah’s parents abandoned her when she was only 8 months old. She was dumped into the foster system and moved from one horrible family to the next and each time her heart darkened a little more. In her teens, she was finally adopted by a wealthy family. After tracing her mysterious birthmark with her fingers, at one of her adopted family’s swanky events, she blacks out and it sets off a chain of events that eventually leads her to being sent to an island where she will be in school with “other kids like her”. This is where Forsaken turns fun!

A new start. Wasn’t that what I’d been wanting? A new beginning? I felt the fight go out of me and a brand new emotion took hold. It felt a lot like…hope.

Hannah was an enjoyable character. She had resolve, depth, and tries her hardest to put her faith and trust into others despite her past. For the most part, I agreed with her choices and actions. And as each chapter progressed, I found myself becoming more and more obsessed with what was going to happen to Hannah. I loved the new friends she made. They were a crazy, loving group of girls and they added so much fun to the story. And I loved when she met Fin. He is my favorite type of BBF! He has a dark past, is handsome, mysterious, cocky, wise and he seems to have a heart of gold. But there was always something brewing underneath the surface of him and he constantly has you questioning what his true motives and intentions are. Also, that boy has a ton of secrets! I always smiled when he was in the scene because I loved how he made Hannah feel and you always knew that something exciting was going to happen.

I tried my best to be mad at him. It was difficult, considering he was the embodiment of temptation and continually weakened havoc on my emotions.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t get past the cheesiness and coincidental parts of the book. Maybe I’m super-duper picky but having characters pretending to speak in British accents at what could be romantic moments had me cringing and vehemently shaking my head no, no, no. I was so embarrassed for them and I just wanted it to stop. There were other moments similar to this in the book and I questioned why it had to be in there or why they had to say something a certain way. And I know lots of crazy things can happen in books but when things keep feeling like a coincidence again and again it bugs me. This kept happening past the 80% mark and it made me lose some of my interest in the story and the characters. I’m going to try the second book because this book does have a lot of potential. The writing was enthralling, the story line was entertaining, and I always love when I find a heroine that I like and a sexy, troubled, bad-boy BBF!

BOOK REVIEW – Splintered (Splintered #1) by A.G. Howard

BOOK REVIEW – Splintered (Splintered #1) by A.G. HowardSplintered (Splintered #1)
by A.G. Howard
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DNF at 65% / ?On-Hold?

Ok….so. I don’t know. I don’t know whether I’m going to continue the book or not. It’s as simple as this:

I started this story and I was really excited. The cover was beautiful. The writing was imaginative and vivid. The characters….were not pretty, to say the least. OKAY, that sounds soooo bad, but it’s true. Now, I can deal with Alyssa’s goth-ish clothing and somewhat bad attitude, and even Jeb’s long hair (I hate long hair on guys, just do. I always chop it off….in my imagination-immediately.)

All those things are somehow easy to overlook or imagine over-because truly, the story was so cool at the beginning.

Then she got to wonderland aaaaanndddddd….and. I mean, come on, I’m not stupid. I knew shit would be weird, I did. I read reviews about how the situations Alyssa were in were amped up and kinda gruesome, but the recreation of the “Alice in Wonderland” like world in all honestly…well, they completely creeped me out. They just creeped. Me. Out. I have no other explanation than that. The funny white rabbit who is always, always late, was portrayed to be practically a boney skeleton with red eyes and antlers and eew. Just fuckin’ creepy-red eyes. Bones. Screeching at Alyssa. I don’t know. And I just can’t fathom reading about a dinner bird still being alive as they impale it while it runs frantically around the table. I’m sorry. I’m a girl who cries for the sad dog commercials every single time they come on TV. I’d save any animal on the side of the road and I just. Can’t. Read about shit like that. That was most likely the final straw for me. It wasn’t so bad I suppose, but for me, it disgusted me and turned me off despite the budding romance between Alyssa and Jeb.

For once the romance just wasn’t enough. I, again, didn’t look at book labels, and it turns out this rendition of a twisted AIW take is a fantasy. Big fat duurrrr, right? Well, I hate fantasy but have found quite a few I liked lately (well…two books in a continuing series. Whatever) but the fantasy factor bitch-slapped me in the face and left a stinging red mark, because I just can’t get past all the fantasy elements that kept arising and pulling the rug out from under me.

It’s a shame I’m such a wuss, because this was so creative and fun and could have been something great and different for me. The romance was actually very sweet and I actually found myself enjoying all parts Jeb and Alyssa. Then the fantasy elements with tests for Alyssa would resurface and I would sit looking at the Ipad with mild disinterest, becuase I’d have to skim if I didn’t want to be disgusted. I wanted to love it. I begged and I bargained with myself, but I just couldn’t do it. Too many books to try, and way too much fanatasy in this one. If only, if only….

BOOK REVIEW – Siege and Storm (The Grisha #2) by Leigh Bardugo

BOOK REVIEW – Siege and Storm (The Grisha #2) by Leigh BardugoSiege and Storm (The Grisha #2)
by Leigh Bardugo
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“If you ever get tired of skin and bones,” she called to Mal, “I’ve got something to tempt you.”
I stiffened. Mal glanced over his shoulder. Slowly, he looked her up and down. “No,” he said flatly. “You don’t.”

Okay, so, I absolutely was stunned by how much I loved the first book, Shadow and Bone. I couldn’t believe I had made room on my favorites shelf for a fantasy!! There was just something so compelling about each of the characters that inexplicably pulled me in. And while I still really, really enjoyed this second installment, I didn’t feel that same drawl that made me fall in love with S & B.

I think that some of my reservations are due to the fact that there was just so. Much. Information. To. Retain. It was just a little mind-boggling. And more than that, a lot of the characters were going through extreme changes that not so subtley changed their attitude and caused them a lot of inner turmoil. I fell in love with Alina’s innocence and need to fit in, Mal’s withdrawn attitude formed from jealousy and loyalty to Alina to save her at any cost, even his life, and I even fell in love with the Darkling’s, well, dark attitude in S & B….

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BOOK REVIEW – Ruin and Rising (The Grisha #3) by Leigh Bardugo

BOOK REVIEW – Ruin and Rising (The Grisha #3) by Leigh BardugoRuin and Rising (The Grisha #3)
by Leigh Bardugo
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Gently, he took my face in his hands. “I would have been different too, without you. Weaker, reckless.” He smiled slightly. “Afraid of the dark.” He brushed the tears from my cheeks. I wasn’t sure when they’d started. “But no matter who or what I was, I would have been yours.”

Well, for a girl who forgot almost everything, I grew incredibly attached to this story and all these characters all over again. Very rarely will you hear me praise all the male leads in the story, especially if all the male leads are after the same thing: the female lead’s heart. But, in this trilogy, I loved each and every male who was a contender for Alina’s affections. And I think this is why I love this trilogy so much-how often can you say, with absolute certainty, that you would be happy no matter who she ended up with? This is the first time that has ever happened to me. I loved two very much, and one even more for his fearless and noble heart, but I loved all three enough that I swooned for each of their comments, trials, misfortunes, and declarations of love-and not in that order.

Ruby was talking to Mal, her smile broad, her expression avid. But Mal was watching me. In the ghostly light of the cavern, his eyes were a deep and steady blue, the color at the center of a flame.

Three males, you ask?? Well, I believe there was only ever one right outcome for Alina, but that’s not how life goes. We don’t always get that fairy-tale ending where everything ends as it should….but there are many variations that can lead to a happy life, it just might not be what you’ve always wanted.

“We’re going to be traveling together for who knows how long. Eventually, you’re going to have to talk to me.”
“I’m talking to you right now.”
“See? Is this so terrible?”
“It wouldn’t be,” he said, gazing at me steadily, “if all I wanted to do was talk.”

Alina’s life has changed drastically over the last year-once an abandoned orphan with no one to call mom or dad, with only Mal by her side, she is now a powerful Grisha-a Sun Summoner who people follow and claim to be a saint. And there are even bigger stakes on the line than she could have imagined…with the Darkling after her, Mal, and Nikolai, the race to the firebird is crucial-she already has the sea whip and stag, but where is that third amplifier? Does it even exist? And, most importantly, is she willing to risk possibly the only thing she’s ever loved for this final amplifier that will give her the power to destroy the Darkling? Is she willing to pay the price for that sacrifice?

“It’s true,” I said softly. “You are stronger, wiser, infinite in experience.” I leaned forward and whispered, my lips brushing the shell of his ear. “But I am an apt pupil.”
His eyes flew open. I caught the briefest glimpse of rage in his gray gaze before I severed the connection.

I think that’s been a large part of these stories-what is she willing to sacrifice in the name of power and the ability to take down the evil that has plagued their world since before she was even born? Why her? This little orphan that no one knew is now one of the most powerful people of their time….why her?

I wanted to scream, so I did. I tossed my kindling to the ground, pressed my fist to my mouth, and screamed until my throat was raw. I couldn’t stop. I’d managed not to weep on the Bittern or at the mine, but now I sank to the forest floor, my screams turning into sobs, silent, racking gasps. They hurt, as if they might crack my ribs open, but emerged soundless from my lips.

I’m horrible at re-capping fantasy novels with their special words and phrases and summarizing the battles and the towns/cities/countries they occupy-even above I don’t know if I labeled Alina correctly, mind you-but what I DO love to do in my reviews, is talk about da boyz…I’m a GIRL, okaayyyyy?

“I need to keep you safe, Alina, to stay focused on what matters. I can’t do that if…” He let out a long breath. “You were meant for more than me, and I’ll die fighting to give it to you. But please don’t ask me to pretend it’s easy.”

As I mentioned, there were three guys scattered throughout the series and they all had a special meaning or purpose. Mal was her longtime friend from back when they were orphans-they grew up together and she was always in love with him…but until the day she was taken away by the Darkling, Mal had never ‘seen’ her. It took her being taken away for him to realize what she meant to him. Mal is so sweet and loyal and above all-madly in love Alina. Then there’s the Darkling (Is the T in ‘The Darkling’ capitalized or not, damn it?? GAWWWWD I suck at these fancy terms, lol) who whisked her away for her undiscovered talent-he took a liking to her and seduced her countless times…seducing me right along with her with his dark, whispered promises and sultry, dark persona-I loved him and his evil self. And then Nikolai-we met him in book two. I don’t think he’s a person people expect her to end up with, but every time he enters a scene, he does it with a style and flare that no one can match. His wit, banter, and altogether sexy persona were enough to make me laugh every time he entered, but he also had a kind, sweet side that I don’t want to pass over. All these guys were so great in their own ways…dark and tortured, sweet and tortured, hilarious and sweet and tortured….doesn’t matter-I don’t see how anyone could hate any of these awesome men.

Nikolai considered this, then said, “Very well.”
“That’s it? No sage words? No dire warnings?”
“Saints, Alina. I hope you weren’t looking to me to be the voice of reason. I keep to a strict diet of ill-advised enthusiasm and heartfelt regret.”

One thing I didn’t expect from myself, and I will be abundantly clear-I bawled. I bawled at the end of it all, for the good, the bad, the sad, the inevitable….I cried for it all. And I totally didn’t see it coming. I cried so hard when (view spoiler) Oh, but I SOBBED when (view spoiler) gave me the hardcore feels. Everything about this book was perfection, and I couldn’t have asked for a more emotional conclusion and beautiful ending.

He laughed then. “I know I’m supposed to say something noble-I want a united Ravka free from the Fold. I want the Darkling in the ground, where he can never hurt you or anyone else again.” He gave a rueful shake of his head. “But I guess I’m the same selfish ass I’ve always been. For all my talk of vows and honor, what I really want is to put you up against that wall and kiss you until you forget you ever knew another man’s name. So tell me to go, Alina. Because I can’t give you a title or an army or any of the things you need.”

I’ve waited and waited and waited for this conclusion and here it was… I got so nervous as I started reading because, DAMN THOSE INTRICATE DETAILS I FORGOT, I couldn’t think of a damn thing when it came to names that weren’t Alina or Genya or Darkling or Mal, lol. But as I REALLY immersed myself into the story, those little details didn’t matter as much because the story re-capped and spoke for itself-Thank God, because I would have been depressed if I hadn’t been able to enjoy the story because I was too lazy to re-read the first two. I think it would have helped, sure, right off the bat, but as it was, I truly loved the story and couldn’t get enough. I’m so glad the conclusion was as epic as I’d hoped it would be, because no matter how many tears I shed, I will always remember these characters and their story.

In the end, maybe love just meant longing for something impossibly bright and forever out of reach.

BOOK REVIEW – These Broken Stars (Starbound #1) by Amie Kaufman

BOOK REVIEW – These Broken Stars (Starbound #1) by Amie KaufmanThese Broken Stars (Starbound #1)
by Amie Kaufman
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I’m not even close to the type of girl he’d want, just as I’ve been signaling at every opportunity that he’s the last man in the galaxy I’d want to touch. The only difference is that I was wrong.

Awwww….that was SUCH a good book. And the kicker is that I haven’t been able to devote the time to this book that it deserves and I STILL teared up a few times and found myself wishing I had more time to finish it-inevitably, I didn’t get to immerse myself fully and that really blows. Imagine if I had had time to really dig into this-I’d have been a mess! This book was heartbreaking, beautiful, both sad and happy, and it was about self-discovery-taking what you want from the world even if it doesn’t want you to have it ….I was all over the place with emotions.

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