by Tahereh Mafi
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4.5 Unsure Stars
And I understand for the first time, that I have the power to destroy everything.
I think there are many things that define how I rate a book…and it’s not always obvious how I am going to feel after I finish a story. I like to tell myself that ‘teams’ don’t sway how I rate, and for the most part, they don’t effect me, because I try to stay in that ‘neutral’ zone. That zone where I like or will be okay with either guy she ends up with. It has gotten me through so many love triangles I can’t even count. And I have even convinced myself in a matter of one year that I ♥ the angst of the triangle, but I’ve decided I’m only lying to myself.
I absolutely LOVED this story. No, it wasn’t as awesome as the first, and no, it didn’t set the world on fire peril wise or romantically (FOR ME, others were VERY pleased). Juliette, Adam, James, and Kenji made it where they needed to be. All is well and Juliette is learning to harness her abilities. Now, I thoroughly enjoyed what was happening with the story-there was romantic angst among Adam and Juliette, because they just love each other so much and they want what’s best for each other. I found myself tearing up more than once as Adam would proclaim how much he loved Juliette. But then…then something started to happen. The story started to swivel on it’s axis, the world became a topsy turvy mess and I don’t know which way is up or where I stand.
I’m beginning to wonder if I should just bury myself in the ground before I remember that technically, I already am. I never even needed a shovel.
I adored the idea of a bad boy who lusted after Juliette-it was the perfect way to add some spice to the story. Truly, it was. And it was cute for a minute, the unrequited love between Warner and Julia. But, BUT, the author began to paint Warner in a less than realistic ideal light, where all the horrid things he has done in his lifetime start to make sense, and isn’t it okay to make the bad guy seem hot, appealing, like a basket case that Juliette needs to save?? Of course. Of COURSE it is. But don’t make us fall head over heels for one guy then start to make him look like the douche. I don’t get it. At least make it fair. Don’t change the ideals of this awesome person who was so strong-willed and sexy in book one.
Bad news offers no returns once received.
And this is my problem. I lost a lot of sleep last night-A LOT. That’s the best feeling in the world, though, right? When you finish a book and absolutely cherished it and you can’t sleep because it was just so, so good? Right. Well, this is where I was upset. I couldn’t fall asleep because I just felt icky. I am starting to sense where this author is taking the story and not feeling one bit good about it. It physically bothers me that such a strong character is being made to look whiny and making way for Mr. Evil Gone Good. *SMH*
So, in a nutshell, although this review is more negative than positive, I did love the story. Truly. I love the way this author writes. It’s just so different and it makes you feel happy and disconnected from reality….the ending just started to push in a way that scares me. Makes me want to look at spoilers for book three the minute it is released in February. I mean, come on-View Spoiler » I still would suggest this book to anyone who wants to read a great dystopian with crazy twists. It’s very well-written and it’s sure to make you feel good-a fun, crazy, easy read that will have you on the edge of your seat at all times.
(I’m sorry-this was more of a rant-I am sick and very hazy right now, so this is what came spewing from my mouth)
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