by Chelsea Fine
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”Life isn’t about the past and the future. It’s about today. It’s about five minutes from now and two seconds ago. It’s moments, you know? Not years. Years aren’t what define us.”
Wow. Wow. Wow. The vast amount of emotions I felt for this story astounds me. I’m not going to lie-when I was asked to read this, I wasn’t sure how it was going to go. I was happy to be reading with my friends, but I didn’t know if I was going to like it. I’ve had this on my TBR for the longest time but had always skipped over it for whatever reason. Whether it was the cover, the lack of friends having read it, or just the overall description…whatever the reason, I’ve pushed it off. And speaking of one of those issues above…..Why haven’t more people read this?? It’s SO. DAMN. GOOD. For real!! I know it doesn’t seem like much, but this story rocked. Like…really rocked. I am still shocked even a day after finishing.
Heather took a bite of yogurt. “Kristy Stevens told me she saw Gabriel last night, talking to some creepy guy at Freemont Park.”
“I thought you hated Kristy Stevens?”
“I do.” Heather blinked.
“Then why are you talking to her?”
“Would you focus here?” Heather pointed her spoon at Scarlet.
So…Scarlet. I love this chick. She wasn’t overly anything. She was…hmmm, how do I say this?? Normal. Yeah, she actually handled things how I would handle them. She wasn’t too proud, she wasn’t overly pushy, she didn’t always trust people just because they told her to, but she did just enough….she followed this fine line that I can totally respect, and it was so refreshing. She wasn’t an unrealistic heroine-she was scared, fierce, protective, funny, kind….and confused, as anyone in her situation would be.
From the corner of her eye, she saw a sad smile tug at his mouth. “Your life has had more meaning than a thousand lives put together.” A few more leaves fell. “You don’t remember how beautiful your life has been, but someday you will. And I,” he cleared his throat, “Gabriel and I won’t let you die this time.” He turned to look at her. “So you have nothing to be afraid of.”
Oooooh and here we go-The boys. Oh. The. Boys. Not one, but two. Two wonderful boys who just happen to protect her at every twist and turn…oh, and did I mention they were twins? Dark haired, dark eyed (okay, okay, one boy has beautiful green eyes…but still), mysterious twins. Sound intriguing? Yeah, I thought so. And I don’t know about you guys, but one of them made my heart swell to immeasurable proportions. He was dark, sullen, moody, broody…and completely and utterly heartbroken.
It would happen. Tristan couldn’t stop it. And, if he really cared about Scarlet, he shouldn’t stop it. But that didn’t make the thought of them together any less gut-wrenching.
Tristan stared blankly at the floor as a piece of his heart broke.
His very real, very existent heart.
And so it begins.
Yes, one of the boys has stolen my heart and I don’t think I will ever be able to get it back. Their story, Scarlet and Gabriel and Tristan, is a tragic one. It’s not my story to tell, but just know, not all is as it seems. A completely enthralling and heartfelt story, I fell in love from Tristan’s first POV and on. Their story has been on repeat for centuries, but the love shared between these friends and lovers continues to break their hearts continually. But, even after all these years, they would do anything and everything for one another. And now, even better, we have Heather, Scarlet’s best friend, in the picture. She’s funny, smart, sweet, and loyal-I couldn’t help but to smile every time she said something ludicrous…which was literally all the time. But it was never cheesy or over-the-top. I loved every minute and wouldn’t change a thing. The ending? Epic. Definitely Chelsea Peril approved-which was a totally amazing surprise ;).
His gaze darkened as his eyes left hers and slid down the side of her face to her neck. She could feel them linger there, like her throat-her very pulse-belonged to him and the thought made her heart kick.
His eyes floated upwards, slowly and methodically, until they reached her lips. She watched him study her mouth and desire sparked in her lower stomach.
Many lives have come and gone, but the story always remains the same. One boy’s soul is forever tortured. One girl will always be lost, but her heart tries to find a way. And one boy’s heart has been torn from his body time and again…..and it all makes for a completely forbidden, epic and angsty triangle.
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![]() Anew #1 Reviews: Jen Chelsea | ![]() Awry #2 Reviews: Jen Chelsea | ![]() Avow #3 Reviews: Jen Chelsea |
Buddy read with some awesome Chicas!!!
Harriet, Laura, Jen, Elena, Alienortothemoon (Anna, as I call her), Portia, and Maria ♥
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