by Dennis Lehane
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The tough neighborhood of Dorchester is no place for the innocent or the weak. A territory defined by hard heads and even harder luck, its streets are littered with the detritus of broken families, hearts, dreams. Now, one of its youngest is missing. Private investigators Patrick Kenzie and Angela Gennaro don't want the case. But after pleas from the child's aunt, they open an investigation that will ultimately risk everything—their relationship, their sanity, and even their lives—to find a little girl-lost.
Love like that? Hell. It seems so pure, it’s damn near criminal.
Soooo….I’ve missed my Angie and Patrick, I’m not guna lie. So when I got the empty feelings one usually gets after finishing a fantastic book and not knowing what to read, I started to get an ache that couldn’t be filled by anything other than a beautifully flawed and tortured detective and his snarky partner in crime. See, there are only 6 books and I decided to break them up so I didn’t lose them all at once….I’m so happy I did this now.
The silence of the dead says, Goodbye.
The silence of the missing says, Find me.
I don’t know what I could say that hasn’t already been said on my part, but I feel like this story deserves a review, ya know? It feels wrong that I wouldn’t give voice to one of my new favorite series that I occupy a lot of time daydreaming about. But, in many ways, it’s hard to review multiple stories pertaining to one series, and even harder when you hit one in the series that just….isn’t as good. Now, the funny thing here?? This book was still excellent. We still had my wonderful Patrick, asshole Angie (sorry, but she is a total snark-monster (which I love)), Bubba, and a deep mystery that keeps you enthralled until the final page…but I just didn’t feel during the mystery.
We were slippery creatures, our impulses ruled by a variety of forces, many of them incomprehensible even to ourselves.
Maybe that makes me a monster, maybe I am, indeed, in the minority on this one, and maybe I should have loved this way more than I did. But after the excellence of Darkness, Take My Hand and Sacred, this story fell flat for me. Less action, less investment on my part, and just a lack of depth I’m so very used to with these mysteries. Now, when I say I didn’t feel as much, I mean I didn’t have any leads as to who it was, I didn’t really freak out when something would happen (aside from that horrid house scene which was just…..nightmare inducing…) and I just…wanted a serial killer story or a deceptive siren woman to come back so I could be engrossed in a different way. All in all? I didn’t like the story line. Awesome ending…but the mystery fell flat for me, which is the total opposite of everyone on GR, it seems.
I moved over and she sat beside me. She took my face in her hands, but I couldn’t meet her eyes, was sure that seeing the warmth and the love in them would make me feel more soiled, for some reason, more unhinged.
She kissed my forehead and then my eyelids, the tears drying on my face, brought my head down to her shoulder, and kissed the back of my neck.
Patrick, despite the gravity of this case, is in a good place. He’s happy…he’s with the girl he’s been in love with since he was a kid and they are happily living with one another. But, and this is a big but (hehe), they have been through hell and back..and it shows. They only take little cases and they avoid matters like this. It’s not good for them-it weighs heavily on their minds and souls, and they’ve seen enough darkness to last them a lifetime. They just want to be happy. But what happens when a desperate Aunt won’t take no for an answer. What happens when the issue at hand hits you right in the gut..what happens when taking this case might lead to the ultimate sacrifice of your happiness?
“I don’t know what to say,” she whispered.
“Nothing to say.” I cleared my throat, wrapped my arms around her abdomen and lower back. I could hear her heart beating. She felt so good, so beautiful, so everything that was right in the world. And I still felt like dying.”
I feel for them…I really do. Because I could never turn down that case. Ever. So, anyway. I don’t think there’s a whole lot more to say. It’s simple: This series is epic, the stories draw you in no matter the content, even if it’s not your favorite, and the characters leave you aching for them and desperate for more. I’m sad, really, I have to wait so long in between so I can find that ultimate enjoyment…but it’s for my own good and….sigh…fine…I will be strong.
At the end of an April day, after the sun has descended but before night has fallen, the city turns a hushed, unsettled gray. Another day has died, always more quickly than expected. Muted yellow or orange lights appear in window squares and shaft from car grilles, and the coming dark promises a deepening chill.
I figured it would be fun to list my favorites in order until I find time to write a review:
It might come as a shock to y’all that this book is one of my least favorites…well, the story just didn’t compare.
Review to come.
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