RELEASE DAY + EXCERPT + GIVEAWAY – The Uprising by T.H. Hernandez

It’s release day for The Uprising by T. H. Hernandez! I am so excited for this third book in The Union Series.  I’ll be posting my review this Thursday, but until then T.H. Hernandez is sharing an excerpt and giveaway with us to celebrate her release, so check it all out!

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The Uprising Synopsis:

The Uprising FINAL cover
Recovering from a near-fatal gunshot wound, eighteen-year-old Evan Taylor must find a way to stop the Uprising, an underground movement committed to destroying the Union, before her homeland is attacked.

After spending the last four months in the Ruins trying to get back to the only girl he’s ever loved, nineteen-year-old Cyrus needs to get past his jealousy over Evan’s involvement with Bryce or risk losing her again.

Together, Evan and Cyrus join with their friends to devise a plan to save both the Ruins and the Union, but when the pressure’s on, bickering and infighting threaten to undermine their goals. New information revealing a weakness in the Uprising is uncovered, forcing them to act quickly or risk losing everything.

With the help of old friends and new allies they set out to make history, but it might just take a miracle for everyone to make it out alive.

THE UPRISING is the third book in THE UNION series, a young adult romantic adventure set in the near future.

Buy Links:  Amazon

Catch up on the series:

The Union #1: Goodreads | Amazon | Jen’s Review

The Ruins #2: Goodreads | Amazon | Jen’s Review

The Uprising Teaser 2

Exclusive Excerpt:

[scroll-box]Hot showers, beds that conform to my body, soft clothes, public transportation — there’s a shitload of stuff to love about the Union, but by far my favorite is the beach. I never tire of watching the ocean, struggling to understand it, the way it seems to go on forever. Standing here, feeling the coarse sand beneath my feet and the cool mist on exposed skin, helps me think.

Like an idiot, I figured nothing else mattered as long as Evan and I were together, but every damn thing matters. It’s not safe to stay here, and it’s not safe to return to the Ruins. Not that she’d even agree to that. Hell, I don’t know what she wants. We barely talk and I know that’s mostly on me. I can’t pretend her sleeping with that douche doesn’t piss me off. I want to punch something every time I see him, which is pretty much every fucking day.

“Figured I’d find you here,” Rainey’s raspy voice comes from behind me.

I grit my teeth and turn to face her. “Hey.”

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. Never thought I’d see the ocean, now I can’t seem to leave.”

She’s quiet for a few moments, staring out at the crashing waves. I’ve stared at them for plenty of hours myself, now I stare at her. She’s pretty, in a rough sort of way. The scar running from her ear to her jaw only enhances her looks. But she’s not someone you’d ever want to mess with.

“Quit staring at me.”

I turn back to the water. “Sorry.”

“Colin went with her. You know, in case you were wondering.”

“Not really.” I wasn’t, only because I chose not to think about it. But if it’d been Bryce, I’d have needed to pound something.

“Are you going to punish her forever?”

Dragging my gaze away from the surf, I glare at her. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Her eyebrows go up. “Really? You two were this sappy sweet, gag-inducing couple until her ex showed up. Now you’re always in a foul mood, and you barely talk to the girl you supposedly gave up everything to follow.”

“Fine, I don’t like the guy, never have. Why the hell is he here again?”

“We need everyone if we have any hope of doing what you’re planning. We can’t send him packing because he got naked and horizontal with your girl.”

If Rainey wasn’t a girl, I’d have no problem decking her, but she is, so I walk down to the water to get away from her.

Whatever went on between Evan and the douchebag was before she joined the Uprising, but it’s more than that. It’s everything. She had no idea what she was getting herself into and no plan to get out. She nearly got herself killed.

She’s impulsive and reckless, and I don’t know if I can deal with that.[/scroll-box]


T.H. Hernandez Bio:

THHernandezWhen not visiting the imaginary worlds inside my head, I live in San Diego, California, with one husband, three children, two cats, and one dog. In addition to my day job as a technical writer and editor, I write young adult fiction. I love the intensity of teen emotions and the way they’re still figuring out life. When I’m not writing, you can find me with my nose in a book, hanging out with family and friends, hiking, or knitting. I’m obsessed with Facebook, young adult novels, bad lip reading videos, pumpkin spice lattes, microbrewed beers, and the San Diego Chargers.


Goodreads | Website | Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram | Author Amazon Page

The Uprising Teaser 1


Enter T.H. Hernandez’s Giveaway:

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Follow along with the blog tour:

Blog Tour Schedule:

January 20th

Typical Distractions Review

LuLo Fangirl Review

January 21st

Romeo & Roo Books Guest Post

Star-Crossed Book Blog Review

January 22nd

I Read Indie Playlist

January 23rd

Jax’s Book Magic Excerpt

January 24th

Fictional Reality Playlist

January 25th

Renee Entress’s Blog Excerpt

January 26th

Love Affair with Fiction Guest Post

Nerdy Soul Review

January 27th

Reading Addict Guest Post

January 28th

Red Moon (Silence Is Read) Excerpt

SnoopyDoo’s Boook Reviews Excerpt

January 29th

Evermore Books Playlist

BookCrushin Review Only

January 30th

Extreme Bookaholic’s Excerpt

January 31st

Alpha Fangirl Book Blog Excerpt

February 1st

Ceres Books World Review Only

February 2nd

Cover2Cover Dreamcast

February 3rd

Collector of book boyfriends Dreamcast

G & T’s Indie Café Excerpt

Alpha Book Club Excerpt



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  1. Sue G.

    This cover is very unique. Every time I look at it, I see something new.

  2. Lisa Brown

    It is very creative, different. Has a retro feel to me.

  3. Janet W.

    This cover is so unique and different! I love it!

  4. Barbara Montag

    This cover is eye catching.
    Makes me think I want to read this book!
    thank you

  5. Thomas Murphy

    The cover looks awesome!

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