TOP TEN TUESDAY – Books On Our Spring To-Read List

TOP TEN TUESDAY - Books On Our Spring To-Read List

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week we get to talk about what Books On Our Spring To-Read List.  And they are…..

The Last Star Rick Yancey
(Chelsea’s Choice – Review)
the rose and the dagger renee ahdieh
(Chelsea’s Choice)

1. The Last Star (The 5th Wave #3) by Rick Yancey – The final book in the 5th Wave Series!  This is a dystopian series that is creepy, intense, and heartbreaking.

2. The Rose & the Dagger (The Wrath and the Dawn #2) by Renee Ahdieh – The final book in The Wrath and the Dawn dualogy!  This is a richly imaginative story-telling with a hint of an Aladdin feel to it, we get to relive a childhood favorite that was always larger than life. In this story we get to see the harsher side of when fairy tales go wrong. Not everyone gets their happily ever after…but some get second chances.

the winner's kiss marie rutkoski
(Chelsea’s Choice – Review)
soldier the talon saga julie kagawa
(Chelsea’s Choice – Review)

3. The Winner’s Kiss (The Winner’s Trilogy #3) by Marie Rutkoski – The final book in The Winner’s Trilogy!  This series is beautiful, breathtaking, heartfelt, and probably one of my top two favorite forbidden romance stories, at the moment.

4. Soldier (Talon #3) by Julie Kagawa – Jealousy (yaaas), lies, betrayal, true love, angst, and much more, this story became an instant favorite.   And just so you know Julie, Kagawa is ruthless. Mad. Intoxicating…Brilliant.

the raven king maggie stiefvater the raven cycle
(Chelsea’s Choice – Review)
warrior witch danielle l jensen
(Jen’s Choice – Review)

5. The Raven King (The Raven Cycle #4) by Maggie Stiefvater – The final book in The Raven Cycle Series!  I loved the writing. It was intricate and had deeper layers and meaning behind it, all the while keeping you interested and grasping for straws. I loved how all the characters came together and the mystery they worked together to solve. I loved the break down of each character and how, as the story progressed, we began to see who they really were instead of just scratching the surface.

6. Warrior Witch (The Malediction Trilogy #3) by Danielle L. Jensen – The final book in The Malediction Trilogy!  This series is beautifully intoxicating.  From the feeling of being in past generations from their dialect, to characters that enchanted my heart, to the intricate story-line that kept me glued to the pages, it was impossible not to become lost in their twisted world.

the problem with forever jennifer l armentrout
(Jen’s Choice – Review)
emerge tobie easton
(Jen’s Choice – Review)

7. The Problem with Forever by Jennifer L. Armentrout –  I’m addicted to JLA books, so I can’t wait for this stadalones release! As Mallory watches Ryder, her friend and protector she hasn’t seen since childhood, life spiral out of control, Mallory faces a choice between staying silent and speaking out—for the people she loves, the life she wants, and the truths that need to be heard.

8. Emerge (Mer Chronicles #1) by Tobie Easton – This is a retelling about the descendants of The Little Mermaid from the Hans Christian Andersen’s version.  I adore anything related to The Little Mermaid, and I can’t wait to pickup this book!

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(Jen’s Choice – Review)
under the never sky veronica rossi
(Jen’s Choice – Review)

9. Rise (The Order of the Krigers #1) by Jennifer Anne Davis – This book sounds like a lot of fun – The people of Nelebek live in fear of persecution from the evil Morlet, who reigns with a dark and destructive magic. The kingdom’s only hope lies with the Order of the Krigers.  Eleven Krigers have been hunted down, tortured, and imprisoned in his dungeon. Now, only one remains.  Sixteen-year-old Kaia.

10. Under the Never Sky (Under the Never Sky #1) by Veronica Rossi – I fell in love with Riders by Veronica Rossi, so now I can’t wait to discover this trilogy she wrote before Riders!  Aria has lived her whole life in the protected dome of Reverie.  Then Aria meets an outsider named Perry. He’s searching for someone too. He’s also wild – a savage – but might be her best hope at staying alive.  If they can survive, they are each other’s best hope for finding answers.

These were some of the Books On Our Spring To-Read List.  What are some of yours?


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  1. AngelErin

    The Rose and the Dagger! I can’t wait for that one. The Jennifer L Armentrout one looks great too. Awesome picks. I hope you ladies love these! 🙂
    AngelErin recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday-Top Ten Books On My Spring TBRMy Profile

    • Jen

      Thanks Erin! I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I fall for another JLA book. And I need to catch up with you ladies and first read The Wrath and the Dawn! 🙂

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      I can’t see how The Wrath and the Dawn could end badly…so beautiful! Thanks! 😀

  2. Jaymie

    Great choices! I need to read The Wrath and the Dawn soon so that I can read The Rose and the Dagger when it comes out. Hope you have a lovely spring and happy reading! 🙂
    My TTT List

    • Jen

      I just wrote this above that I need to do the same thing lol! Everyone seems to love The Wrath and the Dawn, so here’s hoping that both of us love it too. 🙂 Aw, thank you! You too, Jaymie!

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      It’s amazing, Jaymie! I hope you love it! And thank you! 🙂

  3. Lauren @ Always Me

    I’m so excited to see how The Raven Cycle and The 5th Wave series end. 🙂

    Check out my TTT.

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      Let me tell you, Lauren…..those are the two conclusions I am most worried about.

      ESPECIALLY Raven *covers eyes* My poor Gansey…SO NERVOUS!

      And I’m worried about Ben in 5th Wave :/

  4. Carrie

    I still need to read The Wrath & The Dawn and THEN I can read the next one lol! My TTT

    • Jen

      Me too, Carrie! Here’s hoping we both love!

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