BOOK REVIEW – Moon Child (By Blood #2) by Tracy Banghart

BOOK REVIEW –  Moon Child (By Blood #2) by Tracy BanghartMoon Child (By Blood #2)
by Tracy Banghart
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Before Emma's adventures in Oxford, her best friend Diana came face-to-face with a killer...

Diana Calvert is so over high school. Who cares if Olivia hates her? And David needs to forget about his crush on her STAT. Even Emma’s crazy fashion choices can’t keep Diana entertained. All she can hope for is a dance scholarship to a college far away from too-small, too-boring, too-nothing-ever-happens New Freedom, PA.

Then Diana meets Nicholas Woodhaven. He’s pale, angry…yet weirdly charming. The more time they spend together, the more she wonders who – or what – he really is. Because he isn’t anything like the other guys she knows. Not with the whole only-going-out-at-night thing. And living with his creepy aunt. And not going to school.

Just when Diana thinks she’s got Nicholas all figured out, people in her small, nothing-ever-happens town start dying. She has to wonder – can she trust him? And even more alarming – could she be next?


I thought this would be a normal paranormal book that I’d just enjoy. *smacks forehead*  I read her Rebel Wing Series and thought that it was spellbinding, intricately crafted, and I became completely addicted.  I will admit that I forgot about that when I was a few chapters in, since I started out a little disjointed.  Dianna made some decisions I definitely questioned, there was a lot of characters introduced at first and it took me a while to become completely absorbed.  But then me and this book just clicked. And by 40% there was no way I was putting my Kindle down to sleep, it was too much fun!

Sadness sits in the lines of his face like an old friend. There’s regret there too and a sense of resignation in the set of his mouth. “Diana, there’s a lot about me you don’t understand. I told you when we met that I don’t have friends. I don’t—I can’t—Let’s just say my life isn’t normal. I am different. I have had to do things…differently.”

Before I jump into this story, I have to tell you about a common element across her books.  Her stories capture strong female friendships and she has quite the knack for writing twists that make you question how you never caught something, because the clues are there it’s just that I never see them ack!  And both of these elements, which I loved in her other series, shined brightly in this book too!

He steps even closer and my legs tangle with his. My wobbly, fear-weakened knees give and we tumble to the ground. I feel pain now – the gravel digs into my back, my butt, my thighs – but it doesn’t matter. I wrap my hands in his hair and pull his face even closer. His hips grind into mine and I think I cry out, softly, as a stone presses into the tender flesh at the base of my spine. This moment we share: it feels like anger, or passion…maybe even despair.

We started out the book with Diana attending her church youth group meeting at night.  And let it be known that I usually struggle when religion makes a way into a story, even a little bit.  YET I never once struggled, it flowed perfectly and was actually a great setting.  I don’t think you’ll ever get me to say that in any other book lol.  Anywho, they were going to play a game in the adjoining graveyard.  And while Diana was out there trying not to have the living daylights scared out of her, she tripped and was caught by a stranger.

“If you’re that clumsy,” he adds, “probably shouldn’t be walking around graveyards after dark.” The corner of his lip quirks, his skin crinkling like paper.

Ohhhhh enter Nicholas.  He was mysterious with not wanting to reveal anything about himself.  He was sweet with the gestures he did for Diana…..what he brought her and her friend, when he met her best friend for the first time, oh my gosh it was beyond adorable!  And yet I wasn’t entirely sure of him at first.  Not because I was questioning whether he was a good guy or bad guy, come on now it’s me we’re talking about and I love both haha, but it was the comments that made me pause.  Like in the quote above about skin wrinkling like paper.  Weird right?  But those thoughts disappeared from my mind when we got to spend more time time with Nicholas.

“Come on. I don’t bite,” he whispers. I want to laugh. If he only knew the irony.

So Diana, being from a small town where everything is always the same, got a little obsessed with Nicholas.  He was infuriating at times, sweet at other times and he was this huge mystery while always being hot. Diana slowly started to learn about Nicolas and his odd ways when, BAM, a murder happened in her tiny town.

Eventually my breathing slows. I crumple to my knees and then find myself sitting cross-legged on the grass next to the entrance of school. In the rain. The wind blows my wet hair against my face, but I don’t have the energy to brush it away. Instead, I turn my face to the sky and close my eyes and let the rain fall softly onto my skin. I can’t tell if I’m crying.

So I thought I had the murderer pinned down and a few other things too but *shakes head*, my guessing skills were not good.  Not good at all lol.  Usually I pride myself for figuring things out pretty quickly – like two things that happened in the final book of Divergent, I was so proud of myself.  But yeah.  That so didn’t happen this time.  That’s twice now that Tracy Banghart has gotten me!

Moon Child was a quick, fun read that was filled with an adorable first love, strong friendships and a few great twists.  The story-line and characters completed creeped up on me, and I’m so glad they did because this book was just what I was looking for!  And just so you know, I liked Diana.  And I loved the friendships she had in her life, since they felt so real and true.  My favorite female friend of hers was Emma.  She was so quirky with her ways and thoughts.  I adored their friendship, even during their up and downs.  But my favorite friendship was between Diana and Nicholas.  I loved watching it unfold into something more.  They were at times awkward, adorable and so sweet.  Here’s hoping you enjoy this book just as much as I did!

P.S. I still have a few questions though.  I’m one of those neurotic people that likes almost everything wrapped up in a tiny bow.  I know, I’m weird.  So I’m wondering….HUGE spoiler so don’t click unless you’ve read this book….. View Spoiler »

P.P.S Goodreads says that this is Book #2 YET it’s actually a prequel to book #1 since it happens beforehand AND on the authors website it shows this book first.  Just wanted to mention this in case you are wondering why I read “#2” first. 🙂

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  1. AngelErin

    Strong female friendships and twists? I’m so in! I would have never looked at this one before, but thanks to your review I might read it sometime! 😀😀
    AngelErin recently posted…The Fireman By: Joe Hill ReviewMy Profile

    • Jen

      I’m so happy to hear that you added it to your to-read list! This book definitely fit my need for a quick paranormal story that had great friendships and a few twists. 🙂

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