BOOK REVIEW – The Impostor Queen (The Impostor Queen #1) by Sarah Fine

BOOK REVIEW – The Impostor Queen (The Impostor Queen #1) by Sarah FineThe Impostor Queen (The Impostor Queen #1)
by Sarah Fine
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Sixteen-year-old Elli was only a child when the Elders of Kupari chose her to succeed the Valtia, the queen who wields infinitely powerful ice and fire magic in service of her people. The only life Elli has known has been in the temple, surrounded by luxury, tutored by magic-wielding priests, preparing for the day when the queen perishes—and the ice and fire find a new home in Elli, who is prophesied to be the most powerful Valtia to ever rule.

But when the queen dies defending the kingdom from invading warriors, the magic doesn’t enter Elli. It’s nowhere to be found.

Disgraced, Elli flees to the outlands, home of banished criminals—some who would love to see the temple burn with all its priests inside. As she finds her footing in this new world, Elli uncovers devastating new information about the Kupari magic, those who wield it, and the prophecy that foretold her destiny. Torn between her love for her people and her growing loyalty to the banished, Elli struggles to understand the true role she was meant to play. But as war looms, she must choose the right side before the kingdom and its magic are completely destroyed.

The only one that matters is : Would I’ve liked this novel more if Ellie had stopped ONE FUCKING SECOND with her endless inner questions? Because it drove me nuts? But I guess we’ll never know? Yet again, I seem to be the only one who was bothered by this? Perhaps because once I first noticed it I couldn’t unsee it? Finally, why do her questions always come by pair?

Let’s write this review that way because apparently that’s a thing?

What’s better than discovering who you are when everything you knew was a lie?
Does the wonderful fact that she’s flawed can make up for the annoyance?

What IS it with all the growling lately?
I’m sorry because you’re nice and all but – After promising first impressions you were such a bore and I’m already starting to forget you? (such a long question which isn’t really a question, sorry?)

Can we have more of this –

“The fire wielder has a wide grin on his face. “Can you see it? Can you feel it?” He lets out a shaky chuckle. “Chaos,” he mouths.”

PLEASE? View Spoiler »

Can we savor the fact that there’s neither love triangle nor instalove?
Can I shed a tear because I didn’t really care for it?
(Why is lust always referred as “this low pull in her belly? ← Can I unsee that word once and for all?)

Why is Ellie so easily and conveniently saved every freaking time she needs it?
Can we stop using that annoying I Know Things But I Won’t Tell device to bring more angst in the story? View Spoiler »

Why was it so hard to get through the beginning?
Is it me or the pacing is a little off, jumping from rushed scenes to dragged out ones?

How something that seems so detailed at first glance can be so very vague at the same time?
Are we going to learn more about the villains and the rest of the world at some point?

What’s up with the generic (and roll eyes worthy) romantic lines as “and though he is made of ice, he sets me on fire” (wow, didn’t see that one coming) or “when you look at me, I’m suddenly warm”?

Don’t get me wrong, I still think that the premise was interesting but in the end, The Impostor Queen – while entertaining – is pretty generic and I felt meh about it?

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  1. Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    So funny – I didn’t notice the question thing when I read this book. Now you have me curious about that. I actually loved this book, but I can see how something like that would bug you once you noticed it.
    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Bite-Sized Reviews – Top Ten Clues You’re Clueless, The Funnyman, Now and Again, The GuardianMy Profile

    • Anna

      Lmao I know! I don’t know why I focused on them but I couldn’t NOT see them everywhere – yet none of my friends were annoyed with them, so XD I’m glad you loved it!

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