BOOK REVIEW – The 5th Wave (The 5th Wave #1) by Rick Yancey

BOOK REVIEW – The 5th Wave (The 5th Wave #1) by Rick YanceyThe 5th Wave (The 5th Wave #1)
by Rick Yancey
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After the 1st wave, only darkness remains. After the 2nd, only the lucky escape. And after the 3rd, only the unlucky survive. After the 4th wave, only one rule applies: trust no one.

Now, it's the dawn of the 5th wave, and on a lonely stretch of highway, Cassie runs from Them. The beings who only look human, who roam the countryside killing anyone they see. Who have scattered Earth's last survivors. To stay alone is to stay alive, Cassie believes, until she meets Evan Walker. Beguiling and mysterious, Evan Walker may be Cassie's only hope for rescuing her brother-or even saving herself. But Cassie must choose: between trust and despair, between defiance and surrender, between life and death. To give up or to get up.

Pss! Pss! I have a theory.

Want to hear it? I’m starting to think that Rick Yancey is a genius. What does a genius do, you’re asking? He makes people think they are the genius, by creating a story so predictable that every reader will feel so fucking clever. No, no, this is not sarcasm (not entirely, anyway). See, I was here bitching about how I guessed everything – every fucking thing apart from the ear teddy bear rumpled (come on, I’m not that great) – when I realized that there was no way I wasn’t meant to. NO WAY. The clues are EVERYWHERE. All along. So what does it leave us? If the shock factor is close to none, what does it freaking leave us?

► That leaves us with characters that confused the hell out of me – not because of what they do (yet don’t think I forgot you, Evan. You became more interesting but you’re still a creeeeeeep) – but more because of my reactions to them. I can’t decide if I didn’t care about them or liked them or was annoyed by them. All of the above, probably. Except Nugget. I’ll always love you, Nugget. I’ll even forgive you for not really sounding like a 5 years old. I’m Team Nugget. Woot! Anyway – what was I saying – oh, yes, my complete inability to know what I thought of the characters when I was reading. Here’s my little opinion, in the end :

Cassie – Likeable and relatable. I don’t care about her flaws, her mistakes – I get her.
Zombie – This is true what they say about first impression. Don’t trust them (or is it the opposite? I can never remember) – The fact is, I lost my interest in its parts pretty fast. One word : bland. And riffles. Way too much riffles. Okay, okay, I’m not fair. I just don’t like him. He bores me. Booh. Also, View Spoiler »
Ringer – Who?
Evan – Awww, here’s our little creeper! Everybody waves to Evan! Helloooooo Evan!! No, but really guy. This is not okay to lurk. This is not okay to kiss someone who tells no (even if *because it’s a book* she changes her mind in a heartbeat. I HATE THAT SHIT. PLEASE DON’T). You sure don’t blow the candle and kiss her anyway. Who does that?! Oh, yes. A fucking psycho. Yes, even if you’re in looooooove. By the way, don’t act all righteous about it. It’s called instalove and that’s pretty common over there. *waves to Edward* I’ll give you this, though, your last parts were pretty great. You still stay an obsessive psycho to me. Here’s me slapping you behind the head *ow! That shit hurts!*

► What was my biggest problem? Well, that would be the boredom. Looking back, I think that Rick Yancey‘s writing didn’t do it for me. Oh, yeah, some parts were amazing and I have tons of quotes because the guy is pretty quotable. There’s that. Yet I can’t count how many times I felt bored to death only to end thinking after, hey, that was pretty cool. That’s why I think I liked more the idea of the book than the book itself. I love how the story makes us think about what it really means to be human. Is that what we do? Is that how we look? Would we be able to decipher whether we’re right or wrong? I don’t think so. That woke up my interest. Too bad it was drowned into my boredom. I should point, though, that some parts engrossed me – mostly Nugget’s POV, but also Cassie-pre Evan POV.

What a rambling girl I am. Sigh. I’ll organize my review better. I PROMISE. (well except if aliens come and all, in that case I don’t promise. Sometimes we just can’t, remember?)

Oh, now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure that I’m safe in France. I mean, who the hell cares about France? Aliens always go to the US anyway. Sorry guys. I loved talking with you all. *blows kiss*

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  1. AngelErin

    YES, boredom! I hated this book to be honest. I couldn’t even finish it. :/
    AngelErin recently posted…5 Reasons To Read The Sword of Summer (Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard #1) By: Rick Riordan (Mini Review)My Profile

    • Anna

      OMG! I thought I was the only one to be bored!!! Sorry you didn’t like it, Angel. I’m still not sure if I’ll read the rest of the series :/

      • AngelErin

        Definitely not just you! Maybe try the second one and see how that goes? You could always DNF! 😀😀
        AngelErin recently posted…Music Monday- Female ArtistsMy Profile

        • Anna

          Yes, I think I’ll do that! I have it already so I might as well try >.<

  2. T.H. Hernandez

    It really did drag in a LOT of spots. I’m still going to read the second book, but I finished The Fifth Wave more than a year ago, bought the sequel, and still haven’t started it.
    T.H. Hernandez recently posted…Blog Tour – Excerpt + Giveaway – Broken Girl by Gretchen de la OMy Profile

    • Anna

      Haha I am the SAME! I have the sequel and just…. don’t feel like reading it right now. I will, but I don’t know when I’ll get the motivation >.<

  3. Danica @ A Redheaded Bookworm

    I just watched this movie and I found the concept pretty interesting. So being a bad reader I went right to the second book. I didn’t get too far. The POV is confusing. And I feel like not much is happening.
    Great review!
    New follower 😉
    Danica @ A Redheaded Bookworm recently posted…Book Review | The Darkest Minds by Alexandra BrackenMy Profile

    • Anna

      Thank you Danica, I’m so happy that you decided to follow us 😀 I haven’t watched the movie yet, but intend to 🙂 I have the sequel so I’ll probably read it someday…. Just not really motivated so far XD

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