TOP TEN TUESDAY – A Little About Us

TOP TEN TUESDAY - A Little About Us

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week we get to talk about A Little About Us.  So here’s a peak into who we are when we don’t have our nose stuck in a book! 🙂


1.  I accidentally cut off my younger brother’s pinky finger when I was 4.  We weren’t good at the doorbell game we created but luckily the Dr. was able to sew it back on.

2.  I sing Disney and Eminem songs in the shower, alternating between the two.  My favorite songs to sing are Drug Ballad by Eminem and Part Of Your World in The Little Mermaid.

3.  I never wanted to be a stay-at-home mom until I had a rough pregnancy and an I-almost-died-at-birth with Ryan, my first born.  It completely changed my mind and now I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.

4.  I’m afraid of the dark and subject poor Andy, my husband, to sleeping with a nightlight.  I’ve read one to many scary books and have watched one too many scary movies in the past and the monsters lurk in the dark!!!

5.  I can talk in a woodchuck voice just like Joey on Full House.

6.  I’m not a huge TV person (unless I’m on my eleptical).  I’d rather be outside playing with my kids, running, wakeboarding, or snowboarding.

7.  I LOVE anything finance!  Readjusting budgets, analyzing savings or deciding upon a mutual fund for retirement is fun for me.

8.  I have a filthy mouth.  I’ve even shocked a few Marines with what has spilled out of it.  I worked on quitting because I really didn’t want Ryan (he’s 5) or Jacob (he’s 3) kicked out of school someday ha!

9.  I learned how to dance by imitating the dancers on MTV’s The Grind in the early/mid 90’s.  I have been given nicknames for how I dance lol.  Hence why I am not allowed to teach our children how to dance.

10.  I never believed in fate until I ran into Andy, my husband, 3 times at College the first day we met.



1. I met my husband when I was sixteen (High School sweethearts for the win!) and we’ve been together ten years (26/27 years old)

2. I love animals so much it borders on crazy

3. To build on 2, my husband (somehow) convinced me we needed fresh eggs so we now have chickens (whom I love and cherish (oddly))

4. My two dogs, Ellie and Mya (Pomeranian and Doberman) are my children, though we are hoping for a real addition here soon *fingers crossed*

5. As much as I love books, movies were my first love and passion

6. I collect movie posters and frame them, then I hang them in the basement so it’s like a movie theater

7. I am obsessed with anything superhero! Books, movies, etc….Spider-Man (Garfield) and Batman (Bale) are my favorites.

8. I know every episode, season, line, character quirk, Rachel-Hairstyle, and quote from Friends.

9.  My sister is my best friend forever and always

10. I have a tattoo behind my right ear

Oh! And we now have two ducks 😛 


So that’s A Little About Us.  Do you have anything fun to share?  Or link up your TTT posts so we can learn more about you! ♥


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  1. Allyson

    Hahaha, I am right with you on the Friends knowledge! Every time I get together with my brother, we have insane Friends trivia nights 🙂

    My TTT.

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      OMG people just get annoyed with my constant quoting-I am so jealous of you! More people need to be obsessed with Friends! lol

  2. Jess

    I sing in the shower a lot, too! It has the best sound. Lol! Great list, Jen and thank you for stopping by. 🙂
    Jess recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday (19)My Profile

    • Jen

      Yes, the shower does have the best sound! Glad to know I’m not the only one singing to my hearts content in the shower lol!

  3. AngelErin

    Omg I can’t believe that about your brother Jen! 😱I would have totally freaked out. Also, please come do my finances. I hate that stuff. Lol!! 😂😂

    Awe that’s so sweet Chelsea! I don’t know many high school sweethearts that are still together. Congrats! 💗💕💗💕
    AngelErin recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday- Ten Facts About AngelErin! I’m Dull, But Cray-Cray.My Profile

    • Jen

      Right?! I still can’t believe it happened, but I remember it so clearly. I definitely won the worst sister award that year lol. You know what, I have even create budgets for many of my friends outside of when I had to do that monthly for my job, that’s how much I love finances! HA! I’d gladly do yours! ♥

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      Aw yeah I know!!!! We have grown up together so it definitely adds an interesting take on our relationship, but we love each other very much. Thank you! 🙂

  4. Lauren @ Always Me

    That combination of shower singing choices – very intriguing!

    Check out my TTT.

    • Jen

      Oh yeah lol. My taste in music is definitely eclectic. 🙂

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