BOOK REVIEW – Infinity (The Infinity Division #1) by Jus Accardo

I decided to re-read this book, in anticipation for the release of the 2nd book in this trilogy. And I’m SO glad I did! Infinity was a ton of fun and it made me so excited to start Omega! I ended up editing my review a little, since my feelings towards a few things changed the second time around. So have fun reading my review and come back this Friday, the 11th, to read my review of Omega and enter an amazing giveaway!

BOOK REVIEW –  Infinity (The Infinity Division #1) by Jus AccardoInfinity (The Infinity Division #1)
by Jus Accardo
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There are three things Kori knows for sure about her life:

One: Her army general dad is insanely overprotective.

Two: The guy he sent to watch her, Cade, is way too good-looking.

Three: Everything she knew was a lie.

Now there are three things Kori never knew about her life:

One: There’s a device that allows her to jump dimensions.

Two: Cade’s got a lethal secret.

Three: Someone wants her dead.


Infinity haunted my dreams and interrupted my thoughts throughout the day.  I couldn’t stop thinking about this book.  I loved getting swept away by the action, adventure and the unknown.  And when I reached that last page,  I wasn’t ready to stop being in their world.  Even though it ended absolutely perfect and left me so excited for where the next book is headed!  But till then, I went and added every series and standalone this author has written to my to-read list.  This is the first book I’ve read from her, and I can’t wait to read the rest.

Real love, she always said, knew no bounds. It wasn’t hindered by space or time. It couldn’t be weakened by death. Real love started in your heart and went straight through to infinity.

Starting out, I didn’t know much about this book other than the few words in the synopsis.  And after the first two chapters, I wasn’t sure if I was going to connect to Kori Anderson.  Oh, I was so wrong.  Yes she did graffiti, yes she came across as abrasive, but she was so much more than that.  Kori had a beautiful heart, she was selfless, she was a fighter, she could be so confident and strong and then so unsure.  She was completely relatable and I loved being in her head!  We learn early on that her mother passed away, and her father has to travel for work since he’s a General in the Army.  When he’s away, he has people in the military watch over Kori.  This time he sent Cade Granger and Noah Emeal.  And because of these two, her whole world was about to change.

The small bit of distance that existed between us was banished as Cade grabbed my arms and pulled me forward. A second later, his mouth covered mine. His arms wrapped tight, holding on as though I was the only real thing in the world. Like I was the last safe place amidst a raging storm. I’d never felt anything so intense. Purely cosmic and right with the world, while at the same time, wrong.
Very, very wrong.

Cade Granger slowly captured my heart.  I liked him from the moment he showed up on Kori’s doorstep.  But as I watched his patience, hope and determination play out, I found myself being pulled further into him.  Then when light was shone on his past, I was a goner.  Cade was perfectly imperfect, and so were his interactions with Corey.  It always felt as though there was so much emotion packed between them.  Like I was standing there waiting for them to explode from the sexual tension, the unanswered questions, and the two of them constantly being pulled together.  Cade and Kori were emotionally addicting!

I wasn’t some starry-eyed girl. We weren’t in love. This wasn’t going to be a fairy tale ending. But maybe it could have been. Under different circumstances, maybe we could have fallen in love.

There’s a ridiculous amount of things I want to talk about, but I can’t.   So many of my favorite things and even moments are shrouded around some mysteries, and I can’t spoil them for you.  BUT know that my heart was put through the wringer.  I had so much hope for some things, and it felt like I was kicked in the gut time and again.  But it couldn’t be any other way.  And the more I learned, the more I ached thinking about being put in those situations.  In those people’s places.  It was extremely thought provoking, annndddd I want to say more yet again but I can’t.

No. This is not happening…
I clawed at his hand, desperate for air. My nails dug deep, drawing blood —I felt it, warm and slick— but it didn’t make him loosen his hold.
He grinned, as if pleased I was fighting back and, as I kicked out blindly with both legs, he laughed out loud.

I can say a few things about the ‘someone who wants her dead’.  And I may be one of the few who do, because this person was a psychopath.  Yet I was intrigued by what he was going to do next.  My interest in this villain definitely disturbed me, yet he’s such a fascinating character whose death I constantly wished for.

There was only one small hangup I had while I was flipping through the pages, and that was I desperately wanted Case and Noah to have a gun.  It could have been helpful, but *shrugs*.  Besides that little little hiccup, I loved everything!  Especially that ending!  I wanted to laugh, scream and cry all at the same time.  So yes, I definitely recommend this book!  And I hope you fall for these characters and the story-line just as much as I did!

P.S. Can I please beg for a Novella in Cade’s voice?  I would love to hear some of his thoughts as the story progressed and what he thought of certain interactions with others.  That bonus POV got to me and I need more!  My heart aches to hear his thoughts!  Please, please please?

*ARC kindly provided by Entangled Publishing, LLC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)

Infinity #1


Omega #2

Alpha #3


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  1. Kim

    What a wonderful review Jen! I’m so glad you enjoyed this. I was turned down on NetGalley for it, but it’s on the top of my tbr list.💁🏻

    • Jen

      Thank you, Kim! I have a really good feeling that you are going to have a lot of fun reading this book!

      And that’s a bummer! I requested it through the Entangled Teen email and then they sent it to me via NetGalley. Here’s the signup form for the email if you don’t receive those already. 🙂 click here

      • Kim

        Thanks Jen! I just signed up.😊

        • Jen

          You’re welcome!

  2. Samantha

    I have another Jus Accardo book on my kindle but haven’t read anything from this author yet. I will have to check it out!
    Samantha recently posted…All the Ways you Saved Me by Jamie Howard: ReviewMy Profile

    • Jen

      I hope her other series are just as much fun and that you enjoy her other book! When I go back to her books, I’m looking to read either Rules of Survival, which is a standalone and has a hot jerk, or Ruined since the trilogy just finished this year. Can’t wait! 🙂

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