TOP TEN TUESDAY – Our Bookish Resolutions/Goals

Top Ten Tuesday.13

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.
This week is – Our Bookish Resolutions/Goals. And they are….

Jen’s Resolutions/Goals:
  1.  Join reading challenges
    I joined three!  And they are the Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge, Beat The Backlist, Library Love Challenge.  I’m so excited to be participating in them! 🙂
  2. Read backlist books by my favorite authors.
    I own almost every single book that has been written by my favorite authors.  They’re just sitting on my shelves or my Kindle.  So this year I want to get caught up on books by Jennifer L. Armentrout, Lauren Layne, Lisa Brown Roberts, SM McEachern, Julie Kagawa, Veronica Rossi, Wendy Higgins and Veronica Roth!
  3. Read a book a week.
    I always set this goal for myself every year.  Even though I don’t do it on Goodreads.  I’ve read 3 books so far, although Goodreads won’t show that since one was a BETA read.  So so far, so good!
  4. Take my little boys to the library every other week.
    Another goal I set every single year and that I usually always hit.  Unless we’re all sick the majority of the month. 🙂  I love our local library!
  5. Attend RT Booklovers Convention 2018 in Reno.
    This is the goal I am the MOST excited about!!!!!  It’s only an hour away from me and while I can’t attend the whole week because of life, I want to attend ALL day Saturday.  600 authors?!?!  I can’t even fathom!!!!  So many of my favorites have attended in the previous years and I can’t wait to see the rest of the list of names that are supposed to be released in February.  YAY!!!
  6. Read books by new to me authors attending RT.
    While I’m waiting for them to update the author list next month, there are a few on the current list I need to get to ASAP!  They are Julie James, Monica Murphy, Mary Ting and Sylvia Day.  I’m sure this list will grow ridiculously huge next month!
  7. Read the majority of books by my favorite authors who are attending RT.
    I’m just sitting here stalking their Facebook account waiting to see who’s attending.  Last year some authors who attended that I love were Julie Kagawa, Katie McGarry, Lisa Brown Roberts, Brenda Drake, Alexandra Bracken and soooooo many others.  So until February, hopefully I can get a good jump start on my #6 resolution!

    Chelsea’s Resolutions/Goals:

  8. Get back to three reviews a week.
  9. Meet a 2018 reading goal on Goodreads.
  10. Create an Instagram
    You can find our new Instagram account here.
  11. Do more book discussion posts.

So those are Our Bookish Resolutions/Goals.  Do we share any of the same?  If not, then what are some of yours?

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  1. Barb (boxermommyreads)

    I love that you are planning on taking your little ones to the library. It was one of my favorite places growing up and I’m always telling people I come into contact with through work that it’s a great thing to do with their kids. I’m sure you’ll be able to read a book a week and your challenges look fun. I’m hosting my first – a mini-one – during the month of February so feel free to check it out. The more the merrier and there is a prize for the winner!
    Barb (boxermommyreads) recently posted…Challenge Announcement! – They Call It Puppy LoveMy Profile

    • Jen

      I ♥ going there so much, and they love it so much too! They get so excited and I let them each pick out 6 books every time we go there. The funny thing is that the moment their dad walks through the door they always go run and grab one and yell THIS is the one we HAVE to read tonight. HA! They’re so serious about it lol.
      OH yay! That’s so exciting you’re hosting a challenge, I’ll definitely check it out!

  2. Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    I kept going back and forth on RT for this year—I really want to go again because I loved it, but I’m sad that there’s no YA focus this year, and I think it makes more sense for me to wait until that’s back. I hope you love it, though, and I’ll be watching with jealousy! 🙂
    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…My Writing & Reading Goals for 2018My Profile

    • Jen

      I was so sad to hear that there wasn’t a YA focus this year. I’m not sure why they cut it….I looked but I couldn’t find the whys behind it. Huh. When it gets closer I’ll probably be messaging you with tons of questions. It seems like there is SO much going on and I could use all the advice I can get on how not to be overwhelmed lol0. I also need to go back and read your post about RT, that was super helpful when I read it in the past!

  3. Sam@WLABB

    I discovered a ton of new authors this year and I am really want to get to their backlist. Those are some great challenges (I may be adding one of them to my list). I hope to attend RT one day. It’s all about money and timing. Good luck with all your goals.
    Sam@WLABB recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Book GoalsMy Profile

    • Jen

      Wishing you lots of luck getting to the backlists of all the new authors you discovered. That’s the best when we find new ones we click with and love! And I hope you can attend RT one day too! For me, it always seemed so expensive with the fees, airfare, hotel, etc. But since it’s just an hours drive away, and I don’t have to buy a plane ticket or a hotel, it’s definitely doable thank goodness. Thank you!!

  4. AngelErin

    These are some great resolutions! And I love that you have take your boys to the library every other week on here. What kind of books do they enjoy? :o)
    AngelErin recently posted…Book Haul & Updated TBR List!My Profile

    • Jen

      My 4.5 year old is OBSESSED with Pete the Cat or anything that deals with cats. He found a book called the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee and we read every single page and it was over 150 pages long HA!! My now 7 year old loves to pick out the books that he can read….we’re at level 1/2 for how our library has it categorized. So he just goes through that section and picks out 6 books that look like fun. 🙂

  5. T.H. Hernandez

    Jen – if you’ve never read Monica Murphy, start with her. I think you will love her books, particularly her YA.

    • Jen

      YAY! Thank you for the advice! I added Daring the Bad Boy and Never Tear Us Apart as the two books to start with. 🙂

  6. Raven

    These are great goals! I also have lots of backlist books by my favorite author’s especially Jennifer Armentrout’s books.
    Anyways, I hope you guys achieve all of your goals! Good luck! 🙂
    Raven recently posted…Gunslinger Girl By Lyndsay Ely [Review]My Profile

    • Jen

      I have 13 of JLA’s backlist books to read *slow blinks*, if I counted correctly….although there could be a few more. Here’s hoping we love them when we pick them up!! 🙂

  7. Leslie

    Hi! These are some great goals! I love your IG posts! 🙂
    My TTT

    • Jen

      Thank you so much for love for our IG posts! We finally started our account and we’re having soooooo much fun taking pictures of books we love and ones that we’re reading. ♥

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