TOP TEN TUESDAY: Books We Meant to Read In 2018 but Didn’t Get To

Top Ten Tuesday.13

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
Today we’re sharing Books We Meant to Read In 2018 but Didn’t Get To.  Technically this was last weeks topic.  But with both of my kiddos sick I’m just now getting to it.  So here are the books we meant to read last year….

(Arielle’s Choice)

(Arielle’s Choice)

1. The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air #1) by Holly Black
Amazon * Book Depository * Goodreads


2. Two Dark Reigns (Three Dark Crowns #3) by Kendare Blake
Amazon * Book Depository * Goodreads


(Arielle’s Choice)

(Cassie’s Choice)

3. The Spy with the Red Balloon (The Balloonmakers #2) by Katherine Locke
Amazon * Book Depository * Goodreads


4. Girls of Paper and Fire (Girls of Paper and Fire #1) by Natasha Ngan
Amazon * Book Depository * Goodreads


(Cassie’s Choice)

(Cassie’s Choice)

5. The Perfect Mother by Aimee Molloy
Amazon * Book Depository * Goodreads


6. Broken Things by Lauren Oliver
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(Chelsea’s Choice)

(Chelsea’s Choice)

7. Sky in the Deep (Sky in the Deep) by Adrienne Young
Amazon * Book Depository * Goodreads


8. Legendary (Caraval #2) by Stephanie Garber
Amazon * Book Depository * Goodreads


(Chelsea’s Choice)

(Jen’s Choice)

9. Ash Princess (Ash Princess Trilogy #1) by Laura Sebastian
Amazon * Book Depository * Goodreads


10. The Hating Game by Sally Thorne
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(Jen’s Choice)
(Jen’s Choice)

11. #Hater (Hashtag #2) by Cambria Hebert
Amazon * Book Depository * Goodreads


12. Talon (Talon #1) by Julie Kagawa
Amazon * Book Depository * Goodreads


So these are our Books We Meant to Read In 2018 but Didn’t Get To.  Have you read any of these books yet?  Or are they still on your tbr too?  If not, then which books did you mean to read last year but didn’t get to?


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  1. Greg

    So much good stuff here. 🙂 Two Dark Reigns was good (love that series) and Broken Things was pretty good too. Plus Sky in the Deep- that was fun too. 🙂

    I still need to read thr Holly Black series.
    Greg recently posted…Top Ten Most Recent Additions To My TBRMy Profile

    • Arielle

      I was on such a roll with the first two in the Three Dark Crowns series but then it took forever for the third to come in at my library so by then I had been caught up with a million other things to read. I’ll get to it soon, glad to hear it was good!! And I just read Cruel Prince finally, too! It was pretty dang good!

  2. Carmen

    I haven`t read any of these, but a few are on my TBR. I have heard amazing things about the Cruel Prince. I`m waiting to see how people will react to the sequel, and if it`s good, I might binge-read them. Hopefully you`ll get to these books soon.
    Carmen recently posted…Most Anticipated Book Releases For The First Half Of 2019My Profile

    • Arielle

      I actually just finished Cruel Prince and I have heard nothing but GREAT things about Wicked King….ask Chelsea, she’ll tell you lolol. She’s obsessed!

  3. Sam@wlabb

    I am a fan of the TDC series, and TDR was so good!!! I also love Kagawa and the Talon series (which I need to finish). The Hating Game was fun, and and I really need to get to Legendary and and the Spy with the Red Balloon too.
    Sam@wlabb recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Last Ten AddedMy Profile

    • Arielle

      I’m definitely going to pick up TDR in the next month! And YES to Legendary….especially before Finale comes out in May. I am so excited for it.

  4. Aj @ Read All The Things!

    I was scrolling down your list, going yep, yep, yep. I neglected to read these, too. I’m especially excited for The Cruel Prince. I’m crossing my fingers that I get it soon.
    Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Most-Anticipated 2019 Adult Book ReleasesMy Profile

    • Arielle

      It was good! I just actually finished it recently and am so excited to get to Wicked King. The hype surrounding them as been so real!!

  5. La La in the Library

    The Cruel Prince was on so many lists! Holly Black has a lot of fans. The cover for Two Dark Reigns is wonderful. 👍✨
    La La in the Library recently posted…TELL ME TUESDAY #233 – Last. Now. Next. – TOP TENMy Profile

    • Arielle

      She sure does have a lot of fans! Which is great because she is pretty dark and twisty and good at scheming lol!

  6. JennRenee

    some of these are on my forgot to read too.
    i did read cruel prince. it was really good.

    • Arielle

      I agree! Have you gotten to Wicked King yet??

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